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This is the transcript to Pooh's Adventures of The Little Rascals.

Opening/The He-man Woman Haters Club[]

Alfalfa singing to Darla/Pooh Bear and friends meet Alfalfa[]

Butch and Woim chase Alfalfa/Meeting Waldo[]

Spanky and the rascals ruin Alfalfa's picnic with Darla[]

Fire at the clubhouse/Darla leaves Alfalfa[]

Ash Ketchum: Let's help put out the fire! I choose you, Squirtle!

Misty: Go, Staryu, Starmie!!

Brock: Geodude, throw as much dirt as you can on those Flames!

Ash and Misty: Use Water Gun!!!


(Hours later the hose is still running, and the clubhouse was burned. The rascals gather around him as Darla angrily approached Alfalfa who is still lying on the ground.)

Darla: I'm never going to speak to you as long as I live. (to rascals) Tell him when he comes too, guys. (throws the ring at Alfalfa) Goodbye! (sweetly, to Stymie and Froggy) Excuse me.

(Stymie and Froggy move aside then Darla smiles upon seeing Waldo approach her.)

Waldo: Hi, Darla. I thought that was you.

Spanky: (softly, waving) Bye.

Waldo: How about a ride in my father's Bentley? And, then over a Belgian croissant, we might talk about performing in the talent show together.

Darla: Sounds great! I had a hard day.

Spanky: The clubhouse is fried crispy.

Froggy: Our lives are over.

Spanky: (to Alfalfa) And it's all your fault!

Trial/Alfalfa's nightmare[]

Boys and Girls/Spanky and the rascals attempt to get a loan[]

Hate letter to Darla[]

We got a dollar/Alfalfa and Spanky disguise as girls[]

(Alfalfa and Spanky come out dressed like ballerinas wearing curly wigs.)

Spanky: (falsetto) Hiya, big boys.

Butch: Woof, woof!

Woim: Ditto!

Butch: Say, you two chicklets see a couple of mugs who ran in here?

Alfalfa: (falsetto) You mean besides you?

Butch and Woim: (laughing)

Spanky: I think they went in there.

Butch: Thanks, doll face.

Alfalfa: Bye.

(Butch and Woim walk to the other door.)

Woim: One, two, three!

(Butch and Woim burst the door open where Ms. Roberts changes into her ballet costume she gasped in shock.)

Ms. Roberts: What are you doing? (furiously) You two do not belong here! (grabbing Butch and Woim's ears) I shall escort you to the door!

(Butch and Woim cry out in pain as Ms. Roberts grab their ears escorting them outside.)

Woim: (whining) Stop this! Please you're hurting me!

Ms. Roberts: Shh!

Spanky: (normal voice) The tutu's killing me.

Alfalfa: (normal voice) You took the words right out of my mouth.

Messing up the ballet recital/Butch and Woim's second chase[]

Ms. Roberts: (furiously) You've ruined my recital! Where's- (a blonde wig was thrown to the floor) Come on out there, young lady!

Spanky: No, no, no. I wouldn't open that if was you.

(Alfalfa comes in his underwear.)

Ms. Roberts: (groans in disgust) Well! (grabs Spanky and Alfalfa by their ears) This is a professional school of ballet! Now, get out and do not come back!

(Spanky and Alfalfa run out to the door. Then a frog that was under the blonde wig hops which startles Ms. Roberts.)


Pikachu: Pika!

Butch: (annoyed) Hey, get out our way you little freak!

Woim: Yeah, scram you stupid rodent!

Spanky and the rascals go to the fair/Alfalfa, Pooh Bear and friends discover Spanky's sabotage[]

Alfalfa: Maybe Spanky's right.

???: What do you mean, Alfalfa?

Alfalfa: Maybe I should just forget about love.

Brock: Forget about love?

???: You can't be serious.

Alfalfa: I am serious.


Pooh Bear: What's this? A list?

Alfalfa: (gasps) Skunked by the sleazy sidewinder Spanky!

Tigger: What?! Spanky did this?!

Alfalfa: Yeah, it's his fault Darla hates me!

Rabbit: I say we give him a talking to!

Brock: Best friends aren't supposed to sabotage!

Misty: Yeah, some best friend Spanky is!

Talent show/The Blur gets stolen by Butch and Woim[]

Waldo sabotages Alfalfa's performance[]

Alfalfa and Spanky's argument/The heroes leave Spanky[]

Spanky: Hey!

Froggy: Well, hello, Mr. Bubbles.

Spanky: That was the most disgusting display she-man woman loving I've ever seen.

(The heroes roll their eyes in annoyance as the rascals agree with Spanky)

Alfalfa: Don't talk to me, you Benedict Arnold! You- you Judas Priest! This is all your fault!

Spanky: All my fault?!

Froggy: You torched the clubhouse.

Spanky: And it's all my fault!

Pooh Bear: That's not what Alfalfa's talking about,

Piglet: Yes, it's about the reason why Darla broke up with him.

Spanky: Well, too bad, I hate girls! (to Alfalfa) Say, you're supposed to be guarding the go-cart, you muzak warbling wimp!

Alfalfa: Relax, you double-crossing mud muncher! I parked it right over there!



Alfalfa: Well, you sewage-swinging slimeball.

(Spanky gaped in shock)

Alfalfa: If there still was a club, I'd quit!

Spanky: (crosses his arms) Hmph! (to the heroes) And you guys were supposed to keep an eye on him.

???: You can't tell us what to do, Spanky. We're not members of your club.

???: Alfalfa's right. All this is your fault.

Spanky: You guys, too? (referring to Alfalfa) He's the one who burned down the clubhouse, because he was being a girl-lover.

???: That was an accident. And Alfalfa was just doing what he thinks is best for him.

Spanky: It doesn't matter. I should've prohibited you guys from helping him win Darla back. You're not friends, you're traitors!

???: Oh, so what are saying there? That how we look after Alfalfa our way isn't as good as we look after Alfalfa your way?

Spanky: Your way? You mean his way. Can't you see Alfalfa's just using you.

???: (gasps) Spanky! (sternly) Shame on you! Alfalfa wouldn't do that.

Spanky: You have got to trust me on this. Don't you understand there's something wrong with this guy? I get disgusted and paranoid every time I see him with a girl.

???: Oh, so we're supposed to follow your orders, because you're the club president of a girl-hating club? I'm starting think that you hating girls is just you being jealous.

Spanky: Jealous?! Of Alfalfa?

???: Yeah! He's embracing his future there and you're just holding us back!

Spanky: Oh, I'll hold you back, alright. From being traitors. (to Alfalfa) You see what you've done here? If they'd listened to half the stuff you're telling them, none of this would've happened. You are only interested in taking advantage of them, because they are too stupid and naïve to know any better!

(The heroes, Alfalfa, and the rascals gasped in shock. Spanky, gasped as he realized what he said and looks at ???)

???: I'm not stupid.

???: You know what, Spanky? We don't think Alfalfa's your problem, it's your heart!

Spanky: Okay, I didn't mean-- I meant ignorant.

(The heroes just glare at him in disapproval)

Spanky: To the ways over-- over-- over there.

(They continued to glare at him in and then they started walking away)

Spanky: I didn't mean it like that. Please, don't do this. Pooh Bear? Ash? (to ???) ???, you know I didn't...

(He holds out his hand, but ??? pushes it away)

Spanky: ???

???: I'm not stupid.

(??? walks away to join the heroes and Alfalfa)

Tigger: Spanky, you've done enough. TTFE. Ta-ta forever.

Making up/Working on the new soap box cart[]

Stymie: Why don't you go make up with him, Alfalfa? You guys have been friends since you were one.

Alfalfa: He started it.

Stymie: And you should finish it. You're a team like Bert and Ernie. Superman and Clark Kent. Milli and Vanilli.

The Go-cart derby race/Alfalfa wins the race[]

Butch: (angrily) It ain't right! We go through all the trouble stealing your racer and you still win. You'd better brace yourself because now I'm really gonna kick your butt.

Pooh Bear: You boys never learned anything, have you?

Butch and Woim: No!

Piglet: Will you boys kindly stop making threats to all of us?

Butch: No way, pig boy!

Woim: You all can't make us!

Butch: You guys will be next after the losers!

Alafalfa: I'm usually a lover, not a fighter. But in your case, I'm willing to make an exception.

(Alfalfa moves his fist back while Butch looks wide-eyed. Alfalfa then punches Butch right into the pigpen as the kids and heroes laugh.)

Butch: (disgusted) Oh! Pig pucky.

(Alfalfa prepares to punch Woim.)

Woim: (whimpers) Allow me!

(He jumps into the pigpen himself while the kids and heroes continued laughing at them.)

Stymie: Lookin' good, man.

Kids: Yeah!

???: Whoa, nice one, Alfalfa.

Alfalfa: Thanks.

Spanky: Hey, there's they guy who risked his neck for us.

Alfalfa: I got to admit. He turned out to be pretty okay.

Spanky: Put her there, pal! You're quite a guy! Us machismo types have a club the He-Man Woman Haters Club.

Pooh Bear: Uh, Spanky, I seem to be having small problems.

Spanky: Pooh Bear, I'm extending a membership offer here. Now, what is it?

Alfalfa: Pooh Bear is right. That's not Waldo!

Waldo: (bitterly) You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

???: Ooh, we're so scared!

???: Looks like nobody learned anything.

Waldo: I don't need to listen you, annoying peasants.

Misty: (angry) Peasants?! All right, that does it! Strayu, water gun! (Strayu squirts water at Waldo getting him wet) Annoying snob to you, Waldo!

(An angry and defeated Waldo closes the window.)

Darla makes up with Alfalfa/Ending[]

Alfalfa: Thanks, but I thought you hated me.

Darla: I don't hate you. It's just that you do mean things. Like playing tricks on me at our picnic.

???: It wasn't Alfalfa, Darla.

???: Spanky, do you have something you want to say?

Spanky: I can explain that. It was me who wrecked your picnic with Alfalfa. I thought you was trying to steal my best friend. (to Alfalfa) I thought you were trying to sabotage our club. But I was wrong. I'm sorry, you guys.
