Pooh's Adventures of The Torchlighters: The Amy Carmichael Story is an upcoming film to be made by CarltonHereoes. It will appear in a near future.
Pooh and friends meet Amy Carmichael in India.
- Mr. Peabody, Sherman, Doraemon, Noby Nobi, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike (MLP), Buttons and Rusty, Buster Bunny, Babs Bunny, Plucky Duck, Hamton J. Pig, Shirley the Loon, Fifi La Fume, Dizzy Devil, Calamity Coyote, Little Beeper, Furrball and Colonel Hathi will guest star in this film.
- Baloo, Bagheera, Rebecca Cunningham, Kit Cloudkicker and Molly Cunningham will join the team in the end of the film.
- The film takes place after Thomas's Adventures of The Jungle Book (which explains that Twilight Sparkle met Baloo, Bagheera, and Colonel Hathi) and Thomas's Adventures of Tale Spin (which explains that Twilight Sparkle met Rebecca Cunningham, Kit Cloudkicker and Molly Cunningham).