This is the scene when the oracion is powered up and calms Dialga and Palkia down as Palkia restores everything goes in Team Robot In Pokemon The Rise Of Darkrai.
(We cut to inside the tower, As Pikachu rides on Starivia Then hops to the power generator, As Dawn sends out Pachirisu)
J.P. Shibayama: Execute! Spirit evolution!
(J.P. spirit evolves into Beetlemon)
Dawn: Pachirisu, discharge!
(Pachirisu launches the attack)
Ash Ketchum: And Pikachu you use thunderbolt, full blast!
Beetlemon: Lightning Blitz!
(They both launch the electricity powers starts to work and play music which calms Dialga and Palkia down ending their attacks)
Antauri: That music.
Izzy Izumi: Look.
(Everyone looks to see the tower glowing as the dissolving dimension stopped. Inside the tower everyone looks in awe. Outside the tower forms the shapes and then spread out flowers as it spread out golden wings. The magic heals Palkia's injured shoulder)
Tonio: That's it! That's Oracion!
(As Alice looks at the Picture of the Symbol of Oracion and flips back too see a Picture of her Grandfather and her, much to her delightfulness, As Ash and the others looks at the beautiful Oracion Wings on the tower, As the Wings shine beautifully restoring the town, As Dialga roars in regretfulness, It flies away peacefully as it leaves teleporting itself)
Takato Matsuki: We did it, sure feels good to end the feud.
Matt Ishida: Guys look.
(They see Palkia)
Emerl: Look it's Palkia!
Ash Ketchum: Palkia, can't you see what you've done?! You destroyed the whole town... all the Pokemon. You bring this down back to the way it was!
Dawn: You've got to do it! Palkia, please.
Davis Motomiya: Please, Palkia... restore everything you've destroyed, during your fight with Dialga.
(Palkia lets out a roar letting out the pink wave teleporting Alamos Town back where it belongs and restored everything)
Dawn: We're back!
Chiro: We did it!
Tai Kamiya: The town is saved!
Donkey Kong: Banana Slamma!
(At the town everyone are happy to see the whole town is safe and sound as the citizen happily walks to the town)