The Pridelands.
The Pridelands is the home of Simba, The Lion King, his wife Nala, and his friends Timon and Pumbaa. Winnie the Pooh and his friends visited this place and help Simba win it back from Scar in Pooh's Adventures of The Lion King.
To honor the birth of his son, Simba, King Mufasa called the Pride Landers to Pride Rock to witness his presentation. Once the Pride Landers had gathered at the base of Pride Rock, Rafiki anointed Simba and held him atop the promontory for all the animals to see. In answer, the Pride Landers cheered and bowed before their future king.
Several seasons passed, and Simba grew into a young cub. One day, Mufasa took Simba on a walk around the Pride Lands, during which he taught the cub about the Circle of Life. Simba wondered how all animals could be connected if lions ate antelope, to which Mufasa explained that when lions died, their bodies became the grass, and the antelope ate the grass. Thus, he reasoned, they were all connected in the Circle of Life.
Later, Simba and his friend, Nala, escaped their babysitter, Zazu, by employing the help of some Pride Landers. Together, the animals sang praises to Simba, while other animals distracted Zazu. The plan eventually worked, with Simba and Nala escaping Zazu's care.
In an attempt to assassinate Mufasa and Simba, Scar lured Simba to a gorge and instructed his hyena minions to set off a wildebeest stampede. Once the stampede had started, Scar alerted Mufasa to the situation, and Mufasa attempted to save Simba's life. While Mufasa managed to carry Simba to safety, he himself struggled to climb up the side of the gorge, away from the stampede. As Mufasa climbed, Scar intercepted him and hurled him back into the gorge, to his death. With Mufasa dead and Simba purportedly dead, Scar became the new king of Pride Rock and allowed the hyenas entry into the Pride Lands.
Under Scar's reign, the Pride Lands deteriorated, suffering a terrible drought and famine. This caused many Pride Landers to abandon their former home and seek better fortunes elsewhere. This, in turn, starved the pride as well as Scar's hyena minions.
Eventually, Simba returned to the Pride Lands and challenged Scar's rule. After a bloody battle, Simba emerged victorious and became the new king of Pride Rock. Aminifu was the first Pride Lander to return to the Pride Lands following Simba's ascent to the throne. After Aminifu's return, the remaining Pride Lander herds followed, and the Pride Lands began to flourish once more.
Simba took Nala as his mate, and together, they had a daughter, Kiara. One day, the Pride Landers gathered at Pride Rock for Kiara's presentation. Rafiki held Kiara atop the promontory of Pride Rock for all the Pride Landers to see, and they, in turn, cheered and bowed before her. After the ceremony, Rafiki formally anointed Kiara as the future queen.
Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, the penguins, and the chimpanzees—prepare to return to New York aboard a battered airplane piloted by the penguins, accompanied by King Julien, Maurice, and Mort. The plane runs out of fuel and crash lands in continental Africa. The animals find themselves at a watering hole on a nature reserve, and are excited to meet others of their species. Alex is reunited with his parents and impresses them with tales of his status as "the king of New York". Marty fits in with a herd of other zebras who look and sound just like him. Melman, a hypochondriac, is distressed that the reserve has no doctors, so the other giraffes appoint him their witch doctor. Seeking romance, Gloria attracts the attention of the smooth-talking male hippo Moto Moto. Meanwhile, the penguins set about repairing the plane, assisted by numerous chimpanzees recruited by Mason and Phil. They steal vehicles from humans on a safari and strip them for parts. Nana, a tough old woman who attacked Alex in Grand Central Station, takes charge of the stranded tourists and helps them survive in the wilderness.
The zoo animals' excitement soon turns to disappointment. In a scheme to oust Zuba as alpha lion, Makunga insists that Alex complete a rite of passage which Alex mistakes for a talent contest. It is actually a fighting contest, and Makunga tricks him into choosing the strongest lion as his opponent, resulting in Alex's humiliating defeat. Faced with the duty of banishing his son, Zuba relinquishes his title as alpha and Makunga takes over. Meanwhile, Marty is dejected by the realization that the other zebras can do everything he can, believing himself no longer unique. Melman comes to believe that he is deathly ill and, having secretly loved Gloria for a long time, is saddened by Gloria's interest in Moto Moto. The four friends argue heatedly with one another. Gloria has a date with Moto Moto, but loses interest when she realizes he is only attracted to her because of her size. After a pep talk from Julien, Melman finally reveals his feelings for Gloria.
One day, Simba's son, Kion, came of age and inherited the power of the Roar of the Elders. Though reluctant to bestow such a responsibility on his son, Simba revealed to Kion that he was the leader of the Lion Guard and that it was his duty to protect the Pride Lands and defend the Circle of Life. In accordance with his father's will, Kion assembled the Pride Lands' bravest, fastest, strongest, and keenest of sight.
Upon realizing that Kion had chosen his friends to be members of the Lion Guard, Simba berated Kion and told him that he needed to select lions for his new Guard. Despite Simba's lecture, Kion resolved to keep his team as it was. He officially bestowed Beshte, Bunga, Fuli, and Ono with marks of the Guard and led them into battle against Janja's clan, who were attacking a herd of gazelles. Together, the Lion Guard triumphed over the hyenas, and Simba at last accepted them as the official protectors of the Pride Lands.
As the dry season approached, Simba summoned some key Pride Lander leaders to Pride Rock for the Savannah Summit. Kion mistook Makuu, the crocodile leader, as a troublemaker and attacked him on his way to Pride Rock, only for Simba to reveal that he had invited Makuu. Together, Simba, Zazu, the Lion Guard, and the Pride Lander leaders walked to Mizimu Grove for the Savannah Summit.
During the proceedings, some of the Pride Lander leaders refused to accept Makuu's reformation and treated him harshly as a result. The Lion Guard also judged Makuu, believing him to be just as untrustworthy as before. Eventually, tensions escalated to the point that Kion attacked Makuu while he was negotiating with Bupu, and Makuu stormed off in a fury. Simba lectured Kion for his treatment of Makuu, then left to salvage what he could of the Savannah Summit.
Later, the Lion Guard caught wind of a plot against Makuu and prevented the crocodile from falling into a pit full of rotten fruit. In order to identify the perpetrator, Kion lied to the other Pride Lander leaders that Makuu had lost his life in the pit, and Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga revealed that they had not meant for the pit to hurt Makuu. At the two's confession, Makuu revealed himself to the Pride Lander leaders and announced that he had joined the Savannah Summit in an effort to help his float and the Pride Lands. Though the Pride Lander leaders feared his wrath, he encouraged the Savannah Summit to continue, and the Pride Lander leaders treated him more graciously from then on, even negotiating on his behalf.
Due to Janja and Ushari's actions, the spirit of Scar was resurrected.[6] Upon being revived, Scar resolved to get revenge on Simba and use an army of Outlanders to overtake the Pride Lands.
For several seasons, Scar waged war on the Pride Landers, who formed a united front to repel his army's attacks. Eventually, Simba declared war on the Outlanders, and the Pride Landers gathered at Pride Rock to prepare for an invasion of the Outlands. That night, Scar appeared in a fire at Pride Rock and warned Kion to lead the Pride Landers out of the kingdom while he still could. In the face of Kion and Simba's defiance, Scar merely laughed and disappeared.
Though Scar had gone, the Pride Landers worried that they would not be able to defeat him. Just then, a reformed Janja arrived and revealed that Scar could be destroyed if Kion used his most powerful Roar in the Outlands volcano. Kion and Simba agreed to Janja's plan, and Kion urged the Pride Landers to get some rest before the invasion.
The next morning, the Pride Landers assembled at the border of the Outlands and the Pride Lands. Together, they stormed into the Outlands and fought the Army of Scar. After an extended battle, the Pride Landers emerged victorious, and Kion defeated Scar. Jasiri became the new queen of the Outlands, and peace was established between the Outlanders and the Pride Landers.
However, due to Kion and Ono sustaining injuries from the battle, the Lion Guard temporarily left the Pride Lands to seek healing at the Tree of Life.
Upon reaching adulthood, Kiara embarked on her first hunt. However, after discovering that Simba had sent Timon and Pumbaa to watch over her against her wishes, she fled the Pride Lands to hunt elsewhere. Meanwhile, Nuka and Vitani set the grasslands ablaze per Zira's orders and trapped Kiara in a widespread fire. While trying to reach safety, Kiara collapsed, and Kovu arrived to bear her safely back to the Pride Lands.
Once in the Pride Lands, Kovu asked for permission to join Simba's pride, and Simba reluctantly agreed out of gratitude for Kiara's life. Unbeknown to the Pride Landers, Kovu was secretly plotting to assassinate Simba and become the new king of the Pride Lands.
In the following days, Kovu formed a friendship and romance with Kiara. As a result, Simba took Kovu on a walk through a fire-ravaged section of the Pride Lands and told him the story of Scar. Just then, the Outsiders surrounded Kovu and Simba, and Zira congratulated Kovu for his part in their plan. Though Kovu denied any involvement in the ambush, Simba believed him to be a traitor.
Zira ordered her pride to attack, and the Outsiders chased Simba into the nearby gorge. Simba managed to escape up a pile of logs, and though Nuka attempted to detain him, the young Outsider instead slipped and got crushed to death by falling logs. In the wake of Nuka's death, Kovu fled the Outsiders, and Zira resolved to invade the Pride Lands while Simba was weak and injured.
Following Zira's ambush, Kovu returned to Pride Rock and appealed to Simba for forgiveness. However, believing Kovu to have been involved in Zira's ambush, Simba exiled him from the Pride Lands, and the Pride Landers subsequently drove him out of the kingdom.
The next day, the animals panic when the watering hole dries up. Determined to redeem himself, Alex mends his friendship with Marty and they leave the reserve to investigate upriver. Julien suggests that offering a sacrifice to the nearby volcano will restore the water. Melman, forlorn and believing he is dying, volunteers to be sacrificed. Gloria stops him from jumping into the volcano, and realizes that he loves her for more than her appearance. Alex and Marty discover that the stranded humans have built a camp and dammed up the river, and Alex is captured by them.
With Zira in the lead, the Outsiders invaded the Pride Lands, and Zazu reported what was transpiring to Simba. Gathering his pride, Simba met Zira's forces near the gorge, and the two prides formed battle lines. Though Simba gave Zira a final chance to return home, she declared that she was already home and ordered her pride to attack. The two sides then converged on one another and began to fight.
In the midst of the battle, Kiara and Kovu intervened and called for peace. Though Simba and the Outsiders listened to the two's pleas, Zira instead attacked Simba. At the last second, Kiara jumped in front of her father, sending both her and Zira tumbling into the nearby gorge. While Kiara managed to find purchase on a ledge, Zira dangled over the raging river below and, refusing help from Kiara, eventually fell to her death.
Zuba rushes to his aid, but Alex saves them both by dancing for the humans, who remember him fondly from the zoo. Marty, Melman, Gloria, the penguins, and the chimpanzees arrive in the repaired airplane and help Alex destroy the dam, restoring the water because of the death of Zira.
With Zira dead, Simba welcomed the reformed Outsiders, including Kovu, back into his pride.
At Pride Rock, the combined prides honored the marriage of Kovu and Kiara. The royal couples then strode to the promontory of Pride Rock and roared over their kingdom. In answer, the Pride Landers who had gathered below Pride Rock cheered.
Makunga angrily makes a stand for control, but Alex tricks him into being subdued by Nana. Zuba offers Alex the title of alpha lion, but he declines, believing the title belongs to his father. Zuba claims the title belongs to them both, and father and son become co-leaders.
Skipper marries a bobblehead doll from the plane, and he, the other penguins, and the chimpanzees head off to honeymoon in Monte Carlo. The foursome and the lemurs happily decide to stay on the reserve for a while.
In Kion's absence, Vitani formed her own Lion Guard out of former Outsiders. When Kion and his Lion Guard returned to the Pride Lands, the two groups agreed to compete in a formal competition for who had the right to defend the Pride Lands. With Ono serving as the judge, the two Lion Guards participated in several challenges, which culminated in a tie.
Eventually, Kion and Vitani faced off, and Vitani called for a mashindano. Upon Vitani's assertion that she did not need the Roar of the Elders to protect the Pride Lands, Kion relinquished his role as the leader of the Lion Guard to her, and she and her teammates became the new protectors of the Pride Lands.
- Littlefoot and his friends will come to the Pridelands in Littlefoot's Adventures of The Lion King.
- Benny, Leo, and their friends came to the Pridelands in Benny, Leo and Johnny's Adventures of The Lion King.
- The FT Squad and Star Fox came to the Pridelands in The FT Squad's Adventures in The Lion King.
- SpongeBob and his friends came to the Pridelands in SpongeBob's Adventures of The Lion King.
- Bloom and her friends will come to the Pridelands in Bloom's Adventures of The Lion King.
- Yogi and his friends came to the Pridelands in Yogi Bear's Adventures of The Lion King.
- Thomas and his friends came to the Pridelands in Thomas' Adventures of The Lion King.
- Ash Ketchum and his friends will come to the Pridelands in Ash's Adventures of The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.
- The Berenstain Bears came to the Pridelands in The Berenstain Bears' Adventures of the Lion King.
- Sonic and his friends came to the Pridelands in Sonic Storm Adventures of Kingdom Hearts II