Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Publimon is a Champion Digimon.

In Ghost Game, Publimon appeared in the human word to create incidents so he can create news to earn supporters. He was successful of creating incidents that harmed Mika and Kotaro. When it comes to Kiyoshiro, he tried to kill him by throwing a planted vase towards him, Espimon arrives and saves Kiyoshiro. Later, when the main protagonists met Asuka, Mayuri and Anna, a trio of idols, he tried to create incidents to kill Anna by throwing a knife during the cooking contest, although it was unsuccessful. Ultimately, after the contest, Asuka become the winner, while Anna, who was lost, was given sky diving as punishment. Publimon later pushes the coach and Anna off the plane, Hiro and KausGammamon jumps off the plane too to save them. Publimon tries to inhibit them because he thinks that Hiro was interrupting the process of making the news. Ultimately, Anna was saved, while Publimon fell to its death after its parachute was ripped.
