Lt. Puffin (currently voiced by Gardner Jaas) is a courageous bird who is one of the characters in Winnie the Pooh Meets The Swan Princess. He flew all the way to Swan Lake with a wounded wing where Princess Odette saved his life and Puffin introduces himself to her, Pooh, Piglet, Jean-Bob, and Speed.
- Puffin was voiced by Steve Vinovich in the first three films and has been voiced by Gardner Jaas since the fourth film.
- Puffin made his first guest appearence in the Disneyland version of Winnie The Pooh In Fantasmic!.
- Puffin met Simba and the Jungle Adventure crew in Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa's Adventures of The Swan Princess.
- Puffin met Thomas and his friends in Thomas the Tank Engine meets the Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet Ash Ketchum and his friends in Ash Ketchum Meets The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet Littlefoot and his friends in Littlefoot Meets The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet Tino Tonitini and his friends in Tino Tonitini Meets The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will make his first guest appearance in a Land Before Time crossover film in Littlefoot's Adventures of Pinocchio.
- Puffin will meet Arkayna and her friends in Arkayna Meets The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet Bloom and her friends in Bloom's Adventures of The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will make his first guest appearance in a Winx Club crossover film in Bloom's Adventures of Disneyland Fun.
- Puffin will meet Yogi Bear and his friends in Yogi Bear Meets the Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet the FT Squad in The FT Squad Meets the Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet the Berenstain Bears in The Berenstain Bears Meet the Swan Princess.
- Puffin will make his first guest appearance in a Mysticons crossover film in Arkayna's Adventures of Hercules.
- Puffin met both the Fantasy Adventure Team and the Trimaxian Adventure Crew in Benny, Leo, Johnny and Rae Meet The Swan Princess.
- Puffin will meet Hubie and Marina and their friends in Hubie and Marina Meet The Swan Princess