The Puzzler is one of the five main antagonists in Numberjacks.
The Puzzler is a 3D-CGI-animated floating human head with glasses and orange bubbles that look like head hair and facial hair. He appears to be a neckbeard.
The Puzzler mostly speaks in rhyme. Out of the other Meanies, The Puzzler is the hardest and meanest one to defeat.
The Puzzler blows little bubbles out of His mouth to cause problems. He also traps Numberjacks in big Puzzle Bubbles. So far, he trapped Three, Five, Seven, Eight and Nine.
The Puzzler gives missioning Numberjacks puzzling challenges, and when they've completed, they return everything to normal, and the Numberjack who was trapped, gets set free, but the Puzzler promises “{He'll} be back.”
- The Puzzler is the hardest and meanest Meanie to beat in the series.
- The Puzzler resembles of Al McWhiggin from Toy Story 2.
- He has captured Three and Five (both twice), Seven, Eight and Nine.
- He is the character who can speak in rhymes.
- The Puzzler doesn't have eyelids, instead his glasses act like eyelids while the glass bends around like rubber.
- He will face Ryan and friends in Ryan Freestar Meets the Numberjacks.
- He is voiced by Bob Golding.