The Rebel Alliance (officially the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Alliance to Restore Freedom to the Galaxy, or simply Alliance) was the organization formed to oppose the tyrannical Galactic Empire from Star Wars. Made up of many smaller rebellions, including the Corellion resistance, Alderaanian Resistance and even the Separatist holdouts, they represent the main heroes of the Original Trilogy, and all of the Original Trilogy's main heroes were members or allies to the Rebellion at some point or another.
- Mon Mothma (Founder and Leader; deceased)
- Bail Organa
- Leia Organa
- Luke Skywalker (Deceased)
- Han Solo (General)
- Lando Calrissian (General)
- Hera Syndulla (General)
- Kanan Jarrus
- Captain Rex (Captain)
- Cassian Andor (Captain; deceased)
- Commander Wolffe (Commander)
- Jun Sato (Commander)
- Saw Gerrera (Commander; deceased)
- Ezra Bridger (Lieutenant Commander)
- Garazeb Orrelios
- Sabine Wren
- Agent Kallus
- Gregor
- Jyn Erso (Officer)
- K-2SO
- Chirrut Îmwe
- Baze Malbus
- Rebel Troopers (Foot soldiers)