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Redblade is a villain and one of Linda Carolglow's sons and one of the OCs made by Ryantransformer017. He is leader of Redblade's Foot Legion of Evil Villains and now, one of the three leaders of The Masters of Evil.


Redblade is adopted by Linda Carolglow and trained him to become an evil ninja of Linda Ryan's legion of Foot villains. With Linda's wisdom, he thinks Linda's his mom. But, before he can discover his true heritage as Alex Ryan and betray Linda, he was captured by Shadow Raker and he is brought to Linda so he would tell her. Angry by Alex wanting to remember, Linda erased his memories with a machine so, Alex forgotten about his true heritage and resumed being her son Redblade. While he thinks his true heritage is a lie, he joined the Sparkglow Empire with Shadow Raker after Connor Lacey have died in the past. He eventually got the chance to betray the Shredderette with Shadow Raker and become the new leader of the Foot Empire as the new leader renaming it to his team called Redblade's Foot Legion of Evil Villains or RFLoEV for short.


He has the appearance of a teenage boy. He has yellow and orange hair, blue eyebrows and green eyes (opposed to Alex Ryan having blue eyes) and wears his ninja armour with the Foot Clan logo on his chest plat of his armour.


His personality is like his own with Linda's. While he never learned his true heritage, he is an expert in skills with a Keyblade. Since he overthrew the Shrederette, took over the Foot Empire as its new leader and remade and it reorganised into the RFLoEV, he plans to make Linda empress of Ireland and the 16 realms.




  • In Ryan's Adventures Series, Redblade is a separate being from Alex Ryan and a loyal villain to Linda Carolglow who would never betray her after he have forgotten all about his true heritage and believe Linda's story of how she found Alex Ryan. Since then, he never learns the truth of his true heritage.
  • He is similar to Lightyear's Zurg since he and Zurg are alternate versions of the two heroes.
  • Unlike his Irelanders' counterpart, he never learned about his true heritage.


