Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here is how the heroes rescue Tim goes in Tino Tonitini Goes to Jurassic Park.


Tino Tonitini: Is everyone okay?

Max Taylor: I'm fine.

Sakura Avalon: So am I.

(When Rarity look down at her shoes, they were covered in mud)

Human Rarity: What did I step on? If it's mud, EW!!

Rex Ancient: I don't think it's mud. It's actually... Dinosaur doo-doo.

Human Rarity: Dinosaur doo-doo?!

(Rarity lift her foot and see dino poo on her shoe and she screams)

Human Rarity: EEEK!! Disgusting! Foul! Get it off! Get it off!!

Sunset Shimmer: Drama queen.

Max Taylor: Rarity hates getting dirty. Almost like we hate monsters.

Zoe Drake: You said it.

Human Rarity: And I have to go barefoot for this and not step on any poo again!

(Applejack decided to help Rarity take off her shoes, and now Rarity is barefoot)

Human Rarity: Well, first time being barefoot, eh I guess I can get used to this. Now, anyone want to try it.

(Sci-Twi magically put mud boots on her feet)

Sci-Twi: Now I won't get dirty.

Human Rarity: I'll be fine, thank you every much.

Zoe Drake: Hey, where's Tim?

Alan Grant: Tim! Timmy!

Shido Itsuka: He's up in that tree.

Lor McQuarrie: Then, let's go get him for crying out loud!
