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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here is the scene where Tonio shows everyone the image of Palkia and then it awakes, so as the Pokemon and Alberto turns back to normal goes in Team Robot In Pokemon The Rise Of Darkrai.

(We cut to the Pokemon Center)

Tonio: Look at this.

(Tonio zooms the camera)

Ash Ketchum: (Gasp) Hey, that's the same thing from my dreams!

Tonio: Look closely, I'll digitally enhanced the image.

(Tonio enhanced the image to reveal Palkia)

Alice: Oh my.

Sora Takenouchi: What in the world?

Matt Ishida: What do you think that is?

Gibson: It can't be, Is that what I think it is?

Sora Takenouchi: What did you call that thing?

Brock: Palkia! Isn't it?

Tonio: Yes. It is said that Palkia lives between dimensions and rules space. A Pokemon that's been a deity.

Dawn: A deity?!

Tonio: When the garden was turned into a wasteland, it was a sign of Palkia's appearance.

(Flashback starts)

Darkrai (Flashback): Do not come here!

Tonio: Darkrai sense what was about to happened. It was at the moment when the sky lid up that Palkia burst into the city.

(Flashback ends)

Ash Ketchum: But Darkrai was the only one who saw.

Tonio: Right.

(Flashback starts again)

Darkrai (Flashback): Go away!

(Flashback ends)

Ash Ketchum: Darkrai said that to Palkia. And that's just what Darkrai was trying to tell me in my dream. About Palkia!

Davis Motomiya: That's wicked!

Dawn: So that means Palkia is here!

Brock: But where's that?

Otto: I believe we know where.

(We go to the top of the tower and Darkrai is here too)

Darkrai: Here!

(We see Palkia sleeping in the invisible sphere as the heroes arrived they see Darkrai flying towards it)

Dawn: Is that?

Ash Ketchum: Darkrai!

Rainbow Dash: Look at it.

(Darkrai tries to attack, but the sphere bounces it back as Darkrai crashes into the ground)

Ash Ketchum: Darkrai, no!

Veemon: Look up there!

(They see Palkia)

Ash Ketchum: That's Palkia!

Alice: Oh my!

Thomas the Tank Engine: Cinders and ashes!

Agumon: Wow!

Pinkie Pie: No way!

Darkrai: Go away!

(Darkrai fires dark pulse, the attack causes Palkia to open it's eyes waking up and lets out a roar clearing the clouds turning the sky into a space)

(We cut to the Pokemon Centre where the Spirit Pokemon fades away, As many Pokemon and heroes wakes up)

Nurse Joy: Buizel!

Spike: (Wakes up) That was an awful dream.

Houndour Trainer: Houndour! Are you okay?

(Sudowoodo wakes up and then Lickilicky wakes up too. Now we go to Baron still as his Lickilicky form and then the pink aura appears around his body and turns him back to normal, he looks at himself and then the reflection of the window)

Baron Alberto: All right! I'm me! Wonderful me! (Sees the sky) Enough for one day!

(We then see the whole island was floating in another dimension)