Here's the transcript for Rhythm in the Kitchen
Narrator: ???, ???.
The opening begins at the Jones family home. Callie was in the kitchen, baking cupcakes with a synchronizing dance. ???, ???.
(timer dings)
???, ???.
Callie Jones: (sniffs) Mmh, ???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???.
???, ???.
(opening theme playing)
???, ???.
Amy Rose (V.O): Rhythm in the Kitchen!
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
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???, ???.
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???, ???.
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???, ???.
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???, ???.
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???, ???.
???, ???.
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???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
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???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
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???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
The End
Then, the sixth episode preview begins.
Sunset Shimmer: ???, ???. ???, ???. Next time on Power Rangers Ultra Data Squad: ???, ???. See you there.