Episode Title Card, Art, and Music[]
Quincy: Ring Around The Planet.
June: Art by Gustav Klimt. {Tree of Life}
Annie: And.
{New World Symphony}
Leo: Music by...Antonin Dvorak.
Welcome to Paradise[]
{A team of 81 came out of a portal.}
Flain: Woah. Dudes, where are we?
Krader: Flain, me have know clue.
Teslo: This must what the real world looks like.
Kraw: What'll we do? WHAT'LL WE DO?
Flurr: Maybe, we should ask someone for directions.
Gobba: Yeah, but who?
{Another team went out of another portal}
Daphne Blake: Man, these portal places are really messing with my hair.
Ash Ketchum: Forget about your hair. Look at this place!
{They all see what the world looks like}
Velma Dinkley: What kind of place is this?
Fred Jones: It looks like we're in the real world.
Mickey Mouse: Yep. This is the real world alright.
Piglet: Pooh, where are we?
Pooh: I don't know.
Ash Ketchum: Let's investigate.
{They went by the backyard of someone's house}
Eeyore: Hey, look.
Ash Ketchum: Woah. Who are these Pokemon anyway?
{Pan to: the Mixels}
Flain: Hey! We're Mixels, for your info! Call me Flain. These are my friends.
The other 80: Hello!
Mysto: New ones, what are you?
Pooh: Well, these are Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, the Mystery Gang, The Sensational Six, Eeyore...
Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.
Pooh: ...And I'm Winnie the Pooh. But you can call me Pooh for short.
Mysto: Pooh. Never heard a name like that before.
Glomp: Mind if we investigate together?
Fred Jones: {sigh} Why not.
Meet June and Moolissa[]
{They see a Chinese-American dancer and a white-brown cow, using a telescope as astronomers to look the beautiful galaxy.}
Tigger: Say, that girl isn't real.
Rabbit: No, she doesn't.
Kuffs: Wait, is that a cow?
{Soon, the girl looked at the viewers and Pooh's team}
???: Hello.
Tigger: Hey there.
Scooby Doo: I like your tutu.
Rokit: Nice helmet, space cadet.
Shaggy Rogers: What's your name?
???: I'm June.
???: And I'm Moolissa.
{June and Moolissa wave hello to the viewers and Pooh's team}
June: What are your names?
Pooh: Well, these are-
Flain: We're Mixels, those are Pooh and his friends.
{Pooh looks at Flain}
Flain: What?
{Pooh shakes "no"}
Pooh: Bother.
Shaggy Rogers: Like, what were you doing?
June: Well, I love looking at the stars.
Fred Jones: Oh, you do?
June: Well, {To the viewers and Pooh's team} Do you love looking at the stars?
Scooby Doo: Why, yes. We do!
Niksput: Righteous, dudette! It reminds me of home.
(Naut changes his head to Nurp)
Nurp: Home! Home!
Ash Ketchum: I do love watching them when sleeping in a sleeping bag.
Flamzer: Agreeable, Ash.
June: Wonderful!
{June twirls around}
Piglet: Oh, I like how she dances.
Jamzy: Ooh! A dancer! My Mixies didn't have one of those!
June: {To the viewers and Pooh} Come look through my telescope!
Moolissa: Yeah! Come take a look!
Meltus: May I?
Pooh: Okay. Let's look together.
{Pooh and Meltus look through the telescope and see space}
June: Isn't it spectacular?
Meltus: Yep. Reminds me of Flamzer's Orbiton dream back then. {sigh} I still remember it like yesterday.
Pooh: I think so too. {To the viewer} How about you? Yeah, it's beautiful, ain't it?
June: The galaxy is so sparkly.
{Soon, they heard some classical music on a planet named Saturn}
Tigger: Say, what's that wonderful sound?
Footi: Sounds like... music.
Pooh: It's coming from this planet.
Fred Jones: It looks like the planet Saturn.
June: Yep, what a beautiful planet. It has rings.
Volectro: That gives it a nice ring.
["New World Symphony No. 9 - Largo" continues playing as it shows June dancing along as Moolissa watches]
Rabbit: And get this. In Walt Disney School, our teacher told us that the planet Saturn is made of gas because it's a gas giant.
Camillot: So it's made out of clouds?
Rabbit: Not exactly.
{Soon, Pikachu loved the music}
Pikachu: Pika pik, pika pik! {I love it. It makes me wanna dance!}
June: Same, I'm dancing with Saturn!
Moolissa: Good for you, June!
{The others just watched the music}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, I bet nothing is gonna go wrong.
A Stranger approaches[]
{Meanwhile, back in Nixel Land... King Nixel is watching the scene}
???: Oh, look at that.
{The demon heard the music}
???: It's all so sweet and charming. It makes me sick. I, King Nixel, do not like this music.
{King Nixel came to the planet Saturn}
King Nixel: So, it comes from this planet. And you are called Saturn. Well, I bet there's one way to fix that.
{King Nixel summons a great big space monster that was blue and black with one big eye, two red horns, and a lot of legs and arms}
Space Monster: {Snarls}
King Nixel: Space Monster, what do you say we ruin this music?
Space Monster: {Snarls "Yes, let's do it"}
King Nixel: Now, let's make this music faster.
{King Nixel and the space monster took out their batons and made the music go faster}
Trumpsy: Toot-toot! {I can dance to this all day!}
Tigger: Say, why is the music sounding fast?
June: Yeah, Tigger. The song's playing fast.
Rabbit: Correction, the song is very fast!
Zorch: Fast in a bad way!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, how did that happen?!
Pooh: I don't know.
{Soon, Scooby saw something bad}
Scooby Doo: {Gasps} Guys, look!
Fred Jones: What is it, Scooby?
Scooby Doo: Something's wrong with Saturn!
{They observed it and saw one ring coming loose}
King Nixel: Time to let this ring fly off! {Laughs evilly}
{King Nixel makes the ring come loose}
Rabbit: Uh-oh! That ring looks like it's coming loose!
Moolissa: Not good!
Space Monster: Bye, bye!
{The ring fell off}
June: It fell off!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, it just fell out of Saturn!
[the ring bounces several times on a meteor and on the moon eventually heading towards earth]
Ring: (screams)
King Nixel: And now, to send it down to Earth.
{King Nixel used his baton to make the ring go down to Earth very fast}
June: Oh-no! Where is it going to land?
Slumbo: Over here, little ring!
{Everyone was ready to catch the ring}
Daphne Blake: Ring, over here!
Cobrax: We got you!
Moolissa: Here, little ring!
Ash Ketchum: I'll catch you!
{The ring landed in June's garden}
June: It landed in my garden!
Piglet: Well, let's find it!
Flain: As a team.
{They searched for the ring somewhere in the garden}
Tuth: Saturn Ring?
Vampos: Come out little guy.
Ring: [groaning] Where am I?
Pooh: Hmm, I don't see the ring.
Shaggy Rogers: {To the viewers} Like, do you know where the ring is?
June: Where?
(Cursor clicks the Ring, by the flowers)
Fred Jones: Oh, there it is. {To the viewers} Thanks.
Moolissa: Look! The ring landed in the flowers!
By Saturn's Rings![]
{When they got close to the ring, the ring was shaking}
Ring: (scared) Ohhh!
Ash Ketchum: Oh dear.
June: I think the ring might be scared.
Moolissa: [shrugs]
Pooh: {To the ring} Hey, Ring. I'm Pooh bear.
June: And I'm June. {To the viewer} And this is my friend.
Pooh: {To Pooh's team} And Ring, these are my friends and the mixels. {To his team and the viewer} Say "Hello, Ring".
Pooh's team: Hello, Ring.
Pikachu: Pikachu. {Nice to see you}
[Ring bounces out]
Ring: Hello everybody!
[Orchestra playing; Ring begins to dance]
Fred Jones: Hold the phone, it can dance too?
Chomly: Yeah!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, it sounds fun!
June: Whee! {Giggles}
Tapsy: Conga! Conga! Everybody conga!
{Soon, everyone started to join in with the dancing}
Ash Ketchum: Never realized that she can do great at dancing.
Pikachu: Pika-pik. {Me neither}
June: Super spin! {Giggles}
Velma Dinkley: Jinkies, that was cool!
Lunk: Yay!
Pooh: You go, June!
The other members[]
[It cuts to Leo and Annie's backyard, showing the conductor playing basketball and his sister, the singer, doing some drawings on the floor, until they hear music and they follow it. At another backyard, there lives the Multi-Instrumentalist doing an activity to build a dinosaur skeleton until he hears music and he follows it with the rest of the team. When they arrive at June's garden as June, Moolissa, and Ring are dancing, they are followed by an Explorer with her best monkey friend, along with a turtle, a star fish, an octopus, and a lionfish]
???: Yay, June!
???: Go, June.
{Soon, the ring hid behind June while Pooh's team were curious to see three more kids}
???: Hey, June. Who's that you're dancing with?
???: And who are they?
June: This is Pooh Bear and his team.
Pooh: Hi there.
Tigger: Hey. Uh, who are you?
June: These are my friends Leo, Annie, and Quincy.
Dora: Hola. Soy Dora.
Boots: And I'm Boots.
Dora: Those are Myrtle, Sandy, Oscar, and Leo.
Scooby Doo: And we made another friend, a ring from the planet Saturn.
Boots: A ring? From Saturn!? Wow!
Dora: Que bonita!
Myrtle: Amazing!
Sandy: Very cool!
Oscar: I love it!
Leo the Lionfish: Me too!
Ring: Nice to meet you all.
{The ring bounces on the three kids's heads}
Leo: {Giggles}
Annie: {Giggles}
Quincy: {Giggles}
Saturn: {Oboe music}
Quincy: What's that?
Annie: Listen.
Torts: We know what that sound is.
Tigger: That's the sound of Saturn.
Leo: But I don't see it.
Fred Jones: {to the viewers} Do you see Saturn?
(Cursor clicks Saturn, which is behind the clouds)
Shaggy Rogers: Oh, there's Saturn!
Kraw: It's all the way up there!
Oscar: Correct, Kraw. Saturn is way up in the sky!
{They see Saturn up high}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, I think Saturn misses you, Ring.
[Ring sighs sadly]
June: Aw. Ring misses Saturn, too.
Boots: Aw! That's not good.
Vaka: Definently not good.
Ash Ketchum: Guys, we need a way to get Ring back home.
Leo: Well, it looks like we've got a mission.
Pooh: A mission?
Tigger: Say, what's a mission?
June: It's when you have an important job to help someone.
Zorch: Like missions we do back at Mixel Land?
Leo: Yep.
Pooh's team and the Mixels: Ooh, a mission!
Eeyore: Hmm, I do like the sound of that.
[Now, they have the first mission to begin!]
Leo: Come on, team. We've got a mission!
[Baton jingling]
Leo: We've got to get Ring home.
Scooby Doo: Hey, nice baton.
Leo: Thank you, Scoob.
Rabbit: So, how exactly are we gonna bring Ring home?
Tigger: Well, technically, we have to use a spaceship or rocket.
Leo: Well, it just so happens that we have a rocket of our own.
Rabbit: No way!
Annie: Yes way!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, this I want to see.
Scooby Doo: Me too!
Donald Duck: We too!
Vulk: Well, let the mission begin!
Moolissa: You guys go ahead. We'll take the long way to the Rocket Room using the Big Pink Car.
Dora: See you at the inside!
Myrtle: Underwater Friends, to the Big Pink Car!
(Dora, Boots, Moolissa, Myrtle, Sandy, Oscar, and Leo the Lionfish all head off)
Leo: To Rocket!
"We're on Our Way!"[]
{The four kids, Ring, the Mixels, and Pooh's team went down a grassy path and went by a tree}
Leo, June, Quincy, and Annie: We got a mission!
Pooh: This will be fun!
Daphne Blake: Now, let's find the rocket.
{They stopped by a tree}
Sweepz: Wait a second! I thought we're going on a rocket, not a tree.
Leo: Well, not yet. Watch. {To June, Quincy, and Annie} Ready?
{Pooh and Tigger shrugged as the four kids pressed each little stump circle}
[Harmonica playing]
Leo: Do-re.
Tigger: "Do-re?"
[Harmonica playing]
Quincy: Mi-fa.
[Harmonica playing]
June: Sol-la.
[Harmonica playing]
Annie: Ti-do.
Shaggy Rogers: Huh?
Jamzy: Music, my fair Shaggy.
Scooby Doo: Say, that song sounds kinda familiar.
Leo, June, Quincy, and Annie: Little Einsteins!
{It made a bigger hole of the tree open}
Pooh: Oh, it's like a hideout!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, awesome!
[Door opens]
Annie: ♪We're on our way, the mission of the day.♪
{Ash, Pikachu, Donald, Goofy and the Series 1 members following Quincy in a climbing pole}
Quincy: ♪Starts when we say Rocket.♪ (Ash Ketchum: Hey, nice climbing technique!)
Pikachu: Pika-pik!
{Scooby, Shaggy, Minnie and the series 2 and 3 members slid down a slide with June and Ring}
All: Rocket!
June: ♪Leo will guide us.♪ (Scooby Doo, Slumbo, and Kraw: Whee!) (Shaggy Rogers: Like, I love it!) (Lunk: Yay!)
{Velma, Daphne, Fred, Daisy and the series 4-6 members went down an elevator with Annie}
Annie: ♪With you right beside us.♪ (Daphne Blake: Wow! This side I like.) (Fred Jones: No kidding.) (Kramm: Going down.)
{Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Pluto, Mickey and the series 7-9 members slid down the pole with Leo}
Leo: ♪Blast off into the sky!♪ (Busto: Wahoo!)
Tigger: Say, that was fun!
Rabbit: Yeah, and not dangerous.
{They all went running down the hideout}
Leo: ♪We're going on a mission, start the countdown!♪ (Fred Jones: This place is amazing!) (Spinza: You said it!)
Pooh's team, the Mixels, and the Little Einsteins: Five, four, three, two, one!
Leo: ♪Everyone to Rocket.♪ {Leo presses a button}
All: ♪Rev it up now! Vroom!♪
{Soon, they see a red rocket ship}
Rocket: [Jingling]
Pooh: Whoa, whoa.
Ash Ketchum: Look, at, that, rocket!
Rokit: Mother? Is that you?
Shaggy Rogers: Like, amazing!
Scooby Doo: This is so exciting!
Leo: Rocket, this is Pooh Bear, his team, and the Mixels.
Pooh: Why, it's a pleasure to meet you, Rocket.
Hoogi: Hello?
Rocket: {Xylophone music}
Hoogi: Aaah! {hids behind Torts}
Tigger: What did he say?
Trumpsy: Toot-toot. {He only speaks in marimba.}
Leo: He said "Nice to meet you".
Eeyore: Oh, I didn't know he understood him.
Daphne Blake: Well, Rocket. We and June made a friend, Ring.
Gobbol: He was a bit scared, but we helped comforted it.
Ring: Hello, Rocket!
[Rocket jingling of saying hello]
Shaggy Rogers: Like, I think they made friends.
Fred Jones: Now, Rocket, guess where we are going?
Rocket: {Xylophone music "Where?"}
Niksput: Up into our hometown of outer space!
Rocket: {Happy xylophone music}
Piglet: Well, let's get inside the rocket.
Leo: That's right, Piglet. Let's go!
{Rocket made some stairs for the kids and Pooh's team to go up on}
Leo: {To the viewer} Come on!
[The Big Pink Car arrives inside the Rocket Room and Dora, Boots, Moolissa, Myrtle, Sandy, Oscar, and Leo the Lionfish get off the car.]
Dora: Hey! Wait for us!
{Soon, everyone was in Rocket}
Fred Jones: Wow!
Tigger: Say, the inside of him is even more amazing!
Flain: This looks like it has more room for all of us!
Leo: Exactly!
Rabbit: Leo, Rocket is so super cool!
{Rocket made some pop up seats for Pooh's team}
Daphne Blake: Jeepers! Rocket made seats for us!
Minnie Mouse: Thanks, Rocket.
{Leo presses a button and it made seatbelts appear}
Leo: Buckle your seatbelts!
[He buckles up and so did the others]
Pooh's team, the Mixels, Annie, Quincy, and June: Seatbelts buckled!
Dora, Boots, Moolissa, Myrtle, Sandy, Leo, and Oscar: Seatbelts. So we can be safe!
Screeno: Breaking news - These seats fit perfectly!
Pooh: Here, Ring. Get on June's ringer.
Tigger: And soon, you'll be safe in no time.
{Ring shrinks himself down to June's finger}
June: Hey, that tickles.
Leo the Lionfish: Let's do it!
Leo: Prepare for blastoff. We need to give Rocket a lot of power.
Flamzer: And how do we do that?
Leo: Watch us.
(Everyone starts to pat on their laps)
Leo: Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Eeyore: Hey, I like that beat.
Vampos: Cool. So you guys pat to the beat of the music.
Leo: That's right.
{Shaggy Rogers sees June, Quincy, and Annie patting}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, I think the other kids know how to do it too.
Leo: But we need more power!
Pooh: Well, we have no choice.
Zaptor: {To the viewer} You can help us. Just copy the way how the Little Einsteins pat their hands on their laps and keep the beat.
Pooh: Here we go.
Eeyore: Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.
{Soon, Tigger felt the music getting faster}
Tigger: Hey, the music is getting faster!
Donald Duck: Let's pat faster! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat!
{It made Rocket start his engines}
Pikachu: Pika-pik! {He's about to fly!}
Dribbal: I can't wait!
Velma Dinkley: Jinkies!
Pooh: So, what should now, Leo?
Leo: {To the viewers and Pooh's team} Now raise your arms as high as you can and say, "Blast off!"
Pooh: Okay, ready? 1, 2, 3!
Pooh's team, the Mixels, and the Little Einsteins: BLAST OFF!
{It made Rocket started speeding off}
Annie: Hold on tight!
Piglet: And here we go!
{Rocket flew out of the hideout and went rocketing through the sky}
All: Whoa!
Gurggle: Arrivadeci, home! For now.
Shaggy Rogers: Like, wow!
Ash Ketchum: We're actually on a real rocketship flying in the sky!
Pooh: Whee!
Tigger: Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
June: We're going to Saturn!
Map Segment[]
Flain: Uh, are we actually going the right way? And if we are, how do we get to saturn?
Dora: Calma, Flain. There's someone else I carry in my Backpack. A very good friend who's very helpful.
Compax: A friend?
Flurr: We all wanna see him!
Dora: Here's a hint. Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
(A little piece of paper pops out of her backpack)
Zaptor: Could that be it?
Boots: Yeah! That's Map.
Dora: The Map, right!
Magnifo: We could check Map, and find out where Saturn is. Then we can bring Ring back home to his planet!
Kramm: But how do we get his instructions?
Dora: Oh, that's easy, Kramm. {to the viewers} You have to say "Map"!
Boots: {to the viewers} Say "Map"! Say "Map"!
(Map zooms into the air)
(Song: I'm the Map (the only time it's sung on the show)
Map: ♪If there's a place you gotta go, I'm the one you need to know.♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map.♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map, I'm the Map,♪
Map: ♪If there's a place you gotta get, I can get you there I bet.♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map! ♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map, I'm the Map♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map, I'm the Map,♪
Map: ♪I'm the Map, I'm the Map,♪
Map: ♪I'm the MAP!♪
{Song Ends}
Map: Dora, Boots, and their friends need to travel to Outer Space to bring Ring back home to Saturn! Well I know how to get to Saturn! To get to Saturn, we have to go through the Meteor Field. (WHOOSH!) Then, we take a Slippery Star Filled Shortcut to the Space Goo. (splut!) And that's how we'll get to Saturn! (shing!)
Balk: Sounds easy enough.
(Stars appear)
Chilbo: What the?!
Globert: What are those things?
Map: Globert, those are stars. But not just ordinary stars. Catching stars.
Fiesta Trio: Estrellas!
Map: Try and catch them along the way. So here's what you tell Dora: Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn. Say it with me! Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn. Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn. Meteors, Space Goo, SATURN! (Map fills the screen with his open mouth. Dissolve to the Mixels)
Glomp: Hmph. That'll be easy to remeber.
{Pan to Dora. Picture Pop-Up sequence begins.}
Dora: How do we get Ring back to Saturn?
{Three squares with each place appear.}
Dora: Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn. We have to go through the Meteor Field. (WHOOSH!) Then take a Slippery Star Filled Shortcut to the Space Goo. (splut!) And that's how we'll get to Saturn, to take Ring back home! (shing!) Thanks for helping.
Outer Space[]
Hoogi: Alright! It's time to fly!
Eeyore: Maybe we can even see other things along the way.
Leo: Pooh, press this button.
Pooh: Why?
Leo: This button makes Rocket go faster.
Pooh: Okay.
{Pooh presses a button and it made the rocket go faster}
Scooby Doo: Whee!
Tigger: This is so cool!
Piglet: Oh my! This doesn't even look scary!
Tigger: So, how do we lose gravity?
Leo: Rocket, use your backup booster.
Rocket: [Jingles]
[Backup booster deploys as Rocket speeds through the clouds
The Little Einsteins and Pooh's team: {Cheering}
{Soon, they were in space}
Glurt: (howls)
Donald Duck: What a beautiful universe.
Velma Dinkley: We're in space!
Leo: We made it through gravity!
Meltus: Can you please retract them, Rocket? ACHOO!
{Rocket retracted his boosters}
Annie: We're in space.
Chomly: The final frontier.
Fred Jones: Yeah, I know.
Leo the Lionfish: Whoa!
Oscar: Awesome!
{They see a satellite by the earth}
Shaggy Rogers: Hey, that's a nice satellite.
Velma Dinkley: Well, it could be part of Apollo 13.
Zero Gravity[]
Ring: Hey, check me out! [gets off June' finger]
Scooby Doo: Hey, look at Ring.
Rokit: He's flying like a true Orbiton.
Ash Ketchum: He's floating!
Pikachu: Pika! {Wow!}
June: We got away from Earth's gravity. We can all float!
Pooh: Hey, let's {June takes off her seatbelt and Pooh's} float!
{Pooh, June, and Ring floated off of their seats}
Tigger: Say, they looks like fun!
{Tigger joins in}
[Everyone starts floating in Rocket]
Dora: We're all floating!
Boots: This is great!
Quincy: I've got to try this!
{Soon, everyone did it}
Annie: I'm a balloon!
Daphne Blake: {Chuckles} Same here!
Quincy: I can do flips!
{Quincy flipped up and down}
Scorpi: Whee!
Footi: Seems like Scorpi can do flips too!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, we're swimming in space!
The Little Einsteins and Pooh's team: {Laughing}
Annie: {Sings sweetly} ♪La, la, la. La, la, la. La, la, la, la, la.♪
Pooh: Oh, that's lovely, Annie.
Tigger: Say, can we join in?
Annie: Sure.
Oscar: {to the viewer} Sing along with us.
Pooh's team, the Mixels, and the Little Einsteins: ♪La, la, la. La, la, la. Ring is going home.♪
Ash Ketchum: La la la, la la la.
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu. {Ring is going home}
Ring: ♪♪ Oh come home, Oh come home, I am going home ♪♪
{Soon, Gobba noticed the Earth far away from them}
Gobba: Guys, look at Earth.
Fred Jones: Yeah, look how faraway we are.
{Everyone came and saw the Earth from their distance}
Goofy: Gawrsh. It's the size of a pea!
Quincy: Yeah, it looks like a marble.
Leo the Lionfish: We're all weightless..
{Soon, they see the moon}
June: Now we're going over the moon!
{Rocket went over the moon}
Piglet: That was fun.
King Nixel returns[]
King Nixel: Wait, what's that sound?
{The space monster and King Nixel soon heard the singing}
King Nixel: Ugh! That music is terrible!
Space Monster: {Snarls}
{They even saw Rocket}
King Nixel: Even the rocket looks weird. Let's stop them.
{Back inside Rocket, Ring saw King Nixel and the space monster}
Ring: Whoa danger, danger, we got danger!
June: What is it, Ring?
Boots: I think Ring sees someone.
Donald Duck: Uh oh.
Shaggy Rogers: And, like, I don't think they sound friendly. {Gulps}
Leo: Are those spacemen?
Flain: No, Leo. It's King Nixel and a space monster!
Ring: {Angry oboe music}
Daphne Blake: Wait, they were the ones that let you loose?
Rabbit: Who is that guy?
Pooh: Guys, you noticed anything weird about him?
{The Little Einsteins were confused}
Quincy: No.
Pooh: Uh, hello? It's the nixel god!
Annie: Uh oh.
King Nixel: That's right. I am the defender of all this.
Quincy: Yeah? So, you and that monster were the bad guys and the cause of all this?
King Nixel: That's right, and I'll make your music go bad.
Tapsy: No, we will not let that happen.
Asteroid Shower![]
King Nixel: Well, feast your own eyes to this.
{King Nixel took out a baton that looked almost like Leo's baton, but more darker and started to conduct the music to make it look like a meteor is coming}
Shaggy Rogers: Uh oh.
Ash Ketchum: What's that?
Pikachu: Pika! {A meteor!}
Ring: Space rock! Incoming!
June: (gasps) It's a space rock!
Pooh: No, it's a meteor!
Velma Dinkley: Well, not all meteors are round, you know. Some can even look like ovals or dumbbells.
Space Monster: {Evilly laughs}
King Nixel: Enjoy your bumping, little kids!
Annie: It's coming at us!
Tentro: What do we do now?
Quincy: Don't worry. I have a plan.
{Quincy came to Rocket}
Quincy: Rocket, I need gravity. Thanks.
{Quincy goes back down and presses a button}
Quincy: We can use Rocket's Drum Thumper!
Krader: So, what that do?
{The button made a timpani appear}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, big drum!
Pooh: Maybe we can keep the beat with the timpani.
{Rocket takes out gigantic drumsticks while Quincy plays the timpani}
Leo: Great idea, Quincy.
Daisy Duck: {To the viewers} Well, we may need your help on this.
Ash Ketchum: {To the viewers} Let's help Quincy drum! Put your arms on your lap like if we're drumming the timpani.
Leo: {To the viewers} And when the meteor gets close, drum on your lap like this.
Daphne Blake: Ready? Now!
{Everyone all started drumming on their laps}
King Nixel: Hey, where are you doing?
{Rocket makes the meteor go away with his drum thumpers}
King Nixel: Lucky move. Space Monster, make a bigger one.
Space Monster: {Annoying snarls}
Forx: Beep! It worked!
June: Excellent drumming.
Scooby Doo: Guys, look!
Boots: The space monster made a bigger meteor!
Leo: Get ready to drum on your lap! Ready
Vulk: Now drum!
{They all started drumming on their laps again}
June: Keep drumming!
Ash Ketchum: We're doing it!
Pikachu: Pika! {Oh yeah!}
{The meteor falls down and gets hit by the thumpers}
King Nixel: Oh you- {He notices the thumpers all tangled up} Well, let's see if you like the biggie.
{King Nixel and the space monster made a very big meteor}
Daphne Blake: Jeepers!
Flain: Holy schmixel!
Rabbit: Here comes the biggest meteor of all!
{Quincy thumps, but something was wrong}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, huh?
Mesmo: Why isn't it working?
King Nixel: {Impressed} Well, look at your thumpers.
{They see the thumper sticks all tangled up}
Eeyore: To make a long story short, uh oh.
Pooh: The thumper sticks are tangled up.
June: Not good!
Leo the Lionfish: Uh oh,,
Quincy: It's getting closer! What are we going to do?
Myrtle: What do we do now? How do we untangle it?
Piglet: Guys, I know just what to do. Ring, Spinza, come with me.
Moolissa: I'm with you too!
{Ring and Piglet in a space suit were about to go out}
Leo: Piglet, what are you doing?
Mysto: Spinza, you have to stay with us!
Piglet: Well, Me and Spinza will do something with those thumper sticks.
Ring: {Oboe music}
Piglet: We must hurry, Ring.
Spinza: Hold tight.
{Ring keeps Piglet tight}
Pooh: Seems to me like Ring is going to keep Piglet tight.
Ash Ketchum: That's one brave ring.
Pikachu: Pika. {It is}
Cobrax: What a brave Nindja.
Annie: Good idea, Ring.
[Piglet, Spinza and Moolissa exit Rocket]
{Soon, Piglet went to the thumper sticks}
Piglet: This is for you, June.
Piglet and Spinza: Super spin!
{Piglet and Spinza do a very perfect and long super spin to make the sticks untangled}
King Nixel: Hey, what are those runts doing?
Space Monster: {Snarls cheering}
King Nixel: You don't get to cheer, dunderhead!
Leo: They're dancing.
Gobbol: In space?
June: Just like how I showed them.
{Soon, the thumper sticks were untangled}
Annie: Yay, Piglet!
Piglet: Let's get back inside!
Moolissa: [lands back inside Rocket] Phew!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, hurry! The meteor's coming closer!
{The meteor was close by}
Pooh: Let's make a meteor hit King Nixel and the space monster.
Leo: Good idea, Pooh.
Ash Ketchum: {To King Nixel} Freak, come and get us!
King Nixel: if you say so, boy!
Tapsy: {to the viewers} We need you to drum on your lap extra fast.
Leo: Ready? Drum!
{They drummed and drummed and made the meteor miss Rocket and hit the space monster and King Nixel}
King Nixel and Space Monster: Aaaaaaah!
Quincy: We did it!
Pooh: We stopped them!
Leo: Great job, Piglet.
Piglet: Thank you.
Spinza: Arigato.
Ring: Thank you.
Leo: You too, Ring.
June: Yay!
Quincy: Whoo-hoo! We did it. That was awesome!
(Fiesta Trio Playing Fanfare)
Boots: Where do we go next?
Flain: My turn.
(Picture pop up sequence. Flain, Vulk, and Zorch do it.)
Flain: Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn.
Vuk: We went through the Meteor Field.
Zorch: So, next is...
(Cursor clicks the Space Goo)
Flain: The Space Goo, right.
Almost to Saturn[]
{Soon, they heard familiar music}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, guys. You hear something?
Annie: I hear Saturn. I think we're getting closer.
Daphne Blake: Hmm, I can't see Saturn.
Pooh: {To the viewers} Do you see Saturn?
(Cursor Clicks Saturn)
Annie: Yeah! Yeah! You found it!
Ash Ketchum: Oh, there it is!
{Ring started to miss Saturn}
Ring: [Jingling sadly]
Pikachu: Pika pik. {Don't worry, Ring}
Ash Ketchum: We'll get to your ring friend.
Leo: It's our mission.
June: Let's get going.
Blastoff!... Again![]
Pooh: And we will do it.
Eeyore: So, can we try to do this part?
Leo: Sure.
Tigger: So, if we learned it once, maybe we can do it again.
Ash Ketchum: Here we go.
Gox: First, seatbelts.
[He buckles up and so did the others]
Little Einsteins, the Mixels, and Pooh's team: Seat belts buckled!
Donald: {To the viewers} Now let's show the Little Einsteins what we've got. Put your hands on your lap and pat with us to the beat. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.
{Rocket was about to take off again}
Dora: {To the viewers} And now, let's raise both arms and say "Blast-off"!
Little Einsteins, the Mixels, and Pooh's team: Blast off!
[Rocket starts to fly through space]
"Star Catching Song"[]
Stars: (Giggling)
Wuzzo: I hear something.
Boots: It sounds like stars!
Footi: Like the ones Map showed us!
Dora: Estrellas! Do you see stars?
Stars: (All Giggling) Yippee! Here we are! Try to catch us, try to catch us! Catch us, catch us!
Flain: Stars!
Boots: Estrellas!
Mickey Mouse: We gotta catch them!
Dora: They're so fast!
Camillot: I want a green one!
Pooh: It's just too fast!
Stars: Try to catch us, try to catch us!
Flamzer: I want a red one!
Daphne Blake: There it is, see?
Leo: I'm gonna catch it, it's for me!
Stars: Catch us, catch us! Catch us, catch us!
Dora: Look! It's Astronaut Star! The Explorer Star that can travel through Outer Space!
Leo: Astronaut Star? I've never seen an Explorer Star like that before!
Niksput: Neither did we!
Quincy: Me neither! But I hope we can catch her!
Gobbol: if we can grab-catch them. Right?
Mysto: We need your help to catch the stars!
Donald Duck: Put your arms in the air like me!
Flurr: I wonder how many I can catch?
Scooby Doo: Reach up to catch them and see!
Tigger: Reach up! Reach up!
Pooh's team, the Little Einsteins, and the Mixels: Reach up, reach up!
Wuzzo: Catch them, catch them!
Pooh's team, the Little Einsteins, and the Mixels: Catch them, Catch them!
Dora & Boots: We caught them!
Slumbo: Hey, look at that!
Gobba: We caught Astronaut Star!
Flain: Let's put them in that Star Pocket!
Dora: It isn't that far!
Stars: The star pocket! (one after the other, laughing and clamoring) Yippee!
Dora: Thank you, Mixels for collecting your very first stars! {To the viewers} Good star catching.
The Space Goo[]
{Rocket zoomed off}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, there's Mars!
{Rocket goes over Mars}
Ash Ketchum: Nice leap!
June: Mars is the red planet.
{Then, Rocket goes over Jupiter}
Vulk: And look, there's Jupiter!
June: That's the largest planet.
{Rocket found a starry shortcut}
Velma Dinkley: Jinkies! Look at that!
Leo: Guys! Rocket found a slippery star field shortcut.
{Rocket went into the stars}
June: Here we go!
Little Einsteins and Pooh's team: Whoa! {Cheering}
{Soon, a space woman came by}
Space Woman: {In a female british voice} Guys!
{The kids spotted a spacewoman}
Leo: Look!
Annie: It's an astronaut!
Space Woman: Guys, be careful!
Leo: Why?!
Space Woman: If you fly too fast, you'll land in something sticky.
Shaggy Rogers: Huh?
{They see where they were heading for}
Leo: Nice flying, Rocket. We're almost through. Hold on!
Scooby Doo: Leo, watch out!
Leo the Lionfish: Careful, Rocket! Watch out for that Space--
{Rocket lands on some sticky goo that almost looked like the swirls from Gustav Klimt's Tree of Life art}
Leo the Lionfish: --Goo.
Piglet: Hey, we stopped.
Quincy: Whoa! We're stuck in space goo.
{King Nixel and the space monster saw Rocket stuck}
King Nixel: {Evilly laughs} What's the problem? Stuck in the muck?
Space Monster: {Snarls sadly and feels sorry}
King Nixel: Hey, watch your tone, green-headed casserole!
June: What are we going to do?
Dora: We can't stay in here forever.
Zaptor: Forever? But what about my Hamalonga?
Flain: Save the snacks for later, Zaptor.
Pikachu: Pika pik. {We hate it.}
Ash Ketchum: Even Pikachu doesn't want to stay.
Meet the Meeps[]
{Shaggy Rogers spotted something on a tree}
Shaggy Rogers: Hey, guys! Check out those weird circles.
Glomp: Huh? Is that an alien or a circle?
Meep: (repeat meeps 3 times)
[The Meep flies closer to Rocket]
Annie: Look, look, look!
Daphne Blake: Jeepers, what the heck is that thing?
Footi: Perhaps this could be a friendly alien.
Meep: {Meeps}
Leo: It's a Meep.
Sandy: It's kinda cute.
Mickey Mouse: Ring, where are you going?
[Ring goes over to have a conversation with the Meep]
Ring: (having a Meep accent) Meep, Meep, Meep.
Meep: Oh, a Ring. (repeats again)
{Ring bounces off each member as they giggled}
Snax: Huh? What's Ring doing?
Velma Dinkley: And where's it going?
{Ring came out of Rocket and it and Meep hugged}
Ring: So you know my Meep accent.
Meep: Oh yes I do, I like your accent.
Ash Ketchum: Oh, they're friends.
Tigger: Aw, look at that.
{Ring talks to the Meep as Ring makes a hoop to make him go over with some string}
Pooh: Hey, look.
Dora: The meep is going to help us get Rocket out of the hole.
{The Meep tries to pull Rocket out}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, I don't think it's enough.
Volectro: Yeah, it's too small.
Leo the Lionfish: I guess we're all stuck.
Boots: Now what?
Meep: help from the ring (repeats again)
{The Meep calls in another meep}
King Nixel: Hey, what are those fools doing to that machine?
Flain: Looks like the Meep is calling another meep.
{The two meeps pulled together, but Rocket still wasn't free}
Ring and Meeps: Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!
Daphne Blake: Well, two aren't strong enough.
Fred Jones: Now what?
Quincy: We need more Meeps!
Velma Dinkley: Well, why don't we just call more meeps by singing to them like meeps?
Pooh: You know? That's so weird, it just might work.
Annie: Good thinking. {To the viewers} Sing with me! ♪Meep, meep-meep. Meep, meep-meep. ♪Meep, meep, meep, meep, meep.♪
Jamzy: Everyone!
Pooh's team, the Mixels, and the Little Einsteins: ♪Meep, meep-meep. Meep, meep-meep. Meep, meep, meep, meep, meep.♪
{The Meeps all heard the singing and helped out}
June: It's working, Annie!
King Nixel: Hey, what are those freaks doing?
Space Monster: {Snarls and cheers for the team}
King Nixel: You fool! Well, take this!
{King Nixel pushes the space monster in the goo}
Space Monster: {Yells like Goofy}
{Rocket was almost free}
Eeyore: Now we just need more power.
Daisy Duck: {to the viewers} Rocket is going to need all the power we can give him.
Ash Ketchum: {To the viewers} Put your hands on your lap and pat with us. Pat pat pat pat.
{Soon, Rocket was free and the space monster was trapped in the goo}
Leo: Rocket's free!
Shaggy Rogers: We did it!
Pooh's team and Little Einsteins: Yay!
[Rocket jingles]
[Meeps playing "New World Symphony"]
Annie: Good bye, meeps!
Ring: Bye bye, meeps.
Meeps: {Singing "New World Symphony"}
(Fiesta Trio Playing Fanfare)
Boots: Where do we go next?
(Final picture pop-up sequence. Mickey, Scooby, and Volectro do it.)
Volectro: Meteors, Space Goo, Saturn.
Scooby Doo: We went through the Meteor Field.
Mickey: We went past the Space Goo. So, next comes...
(Cursor clicks Saturn)
Volectro: Saturn, right!
(The three go back with the group)
The Unmasking[]
Space Monster: Someone! Help!
Pooh: Uh oh.
Shuff: Hey, why is the space monster stuck in the goo?
Daphne Blake: It's probably because he was cheering for us and King Nixel pushed it into the goo.
Ash Ketchum: We better save either him or her.
Pikachu: Pika! {Right!}
Leo: Rocket, activate your net!
{Rocket takes out a net and catches the space monster in it}
Dora: Good job, team.
Quincy: The space monster is goo-free!
Pooh: And Meeps, thank you so much.
Mickey Mouse: Goodbye, Meeps!
Pikachu: Pika! {See ya!}
{The Meeps leave while King Nixel went to another part of space}
King Nixel: No worries. I will still get rid of you lot!
{Inside Rocket}
Leo: Great teamwork!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, very good, Ring.
Camsta: Even June is proud of you.
June: Yep.
{Ring lands on June's nose}
June: {Giggles} Hey, that tickles.
Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Laughs}
Slusho: Guys, I wonder.
Quincy: What?
Slusho: Who is wearing that costume?
Annie: I don't know, Slusho.
Fred Jones: It just so happens that I have three suspects down.
Flain: You mean, some of our friends are up to this?
Fred Jones: I'm afraid so. First one is Max Goof.
Pooh: Huh?
Fred Jones: Second is Roxanne.
Shaggy Rogers: Like, that's harsh.
Fred Jones: Lastly, it's Pete.
Ash Ketchum: Well, for once, it could be Max.
Velma Dinkley: Yeah, Pete's usually Goofy's enemy.
Daphne Blake: Or maybe Roxanne, I mean, she really wanted to be in an adventure, but King Nixel pretended to hate it.
Screeno: And maybe, it could be Pete.
Tigger: There's no way.
Fred Jones: Well, let's see exactly who this space monster really is.
{Fred took off the space monster mask and it showed...}
Little Einsteins: {Gasps}
Goofy: Pete?
Quincy: It was just a costume.
Pete: Uh... Hiya, Goof?
Shaggy Rogers: Like, how's that possible?
Velma Dinkley: Actually, it all made perfect sense.
Quincy: How?
Velma Dinkley: During our meteor scene, I noticed that the monster wore a bit of blue and black, which are the same colors of him.
Annie: What else?
Velma Dinkley: That yell he did was Goofy's real yell.
June: But Goofy's right here!
Goofy: Ahyuck. I didn't, but he told Pete that he wanted to make his son P.J.'s dreams come true.
Pooh: Really?
Goofy: Well, I thought, but he tricked him.
Minnie Mouse: Well, that's not very nice.
Goofy: Well, He would've still gotten stuck if it wasn't for the meddling kids and the Little Einsteins.
Saturn, straight ahead![]
{Soon, Pikachu saw Saturn}
Pikachu: Pika! Pika pika! {Guys! There's Saturn!}
Pooh: Guys, I think Pikachu spotted Saturn.
Leo: I hear Saturn! Where is it?
(Cursor clicks Saturn)
{Soon, everyone spotted Saturn}
Goofy: Hey, that looks like Saturn!
Mickey Mouse: Alright! Ring, we did it!
Leo: We found your home!
Globert: We made it to Saturn!
{Ring bounces off heads again and landed June's hand and she hugged him}
Ring: Thank you for bringing me home. I'm gonna miss you all, especially you, June.
Pooh: Well, Ring. We're really gonna miss you.
Goofy: Same to all of us.
June: I promise I'll look for you in my telescope every night.
Ring: [sighs] Here I go. [flies over to Saturn]
Scooby Doo: Ring sure has a lot of friends.
King Nixel: I'll stop y-
{Ring went over King Nixel fast and got to Saturn}
King Nixel: {Groans}
{Ring tries to fit, but couldn't squeeze inside}
Rocket: [Jingling worriedly]
Pooh: Uh oh.
Ash Ketchum: Ring can't fit inside Saturn.
Moolissa: Now Ring has to enlarge himself. And here he goes!
[Ring singing crescendo]
Tiketz: Ring, try to sing a bit louder!
{Ring sings louder as he starts to grow}
Piglet: Hey, seems to me that Ring grows when he sings louder.
Fred Jones: Ring has to sing much more than that kind of loud.
Ash Ketchum: Well, what if we can?
Leo: Yeah, you and I can conduct the music together. Crescendo!
Ash Ketchum: Okay.
Oscar: You can do it, Leo!
{Leo presses a button and he and Ash were on a little glass chamber with a little music conductor stand}
Leo and Ash Ketchum: {Sing loudly}
Ash Ketchum: {To the viewers} Now, we need you to help us sing loudly. When Leo points at you with his baton and says "Crescendo". Sing loudly. Ready?
Leo and Ash Ketchum: Crescendo! {Sing loudly}
{Ring started to get bigger}
Ash Ketchum: It's working. Again!
Leo and Ash Ketchum: {Sing loudly}
{Ring was too big, and he still couldn't fit inside Saturn}
Ring: Leo, is this the perfect size for me?
King Nixel: Aww, that's too bad. He's too big! {Evilly laughs}
Ash Ketchum: He's right, that was too big.
Goofy: Guys, try singing a bit quieter.
Leo: Good idea, Goofy.
Ash Ketchum: Hmm, is there a word for singing quietly?
Leo: I know. {To the viewers} When I say "diminuendo", sing softer.
Ash Ketchum: Ready?
Leo and Ash Ketchum: Diminuendo. {Sing softly}
{Ring starts to shrink a bit}
Ash Ketchum: One more time.
Leo and Ash Ketchum: Diminuendo. {Sing softly}
Goofy: Oh, I hope this works.
Ash Ketchum: Did it work?
It fits![]
{Soon, Ring fitted inside Saturn}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, yay!
Chomly: We did it!
June: It fits!
Pooh: We helped Ring be back with his ring friends!
{They see King Nixel leaving}
King Nixel: I'll get you next time, you Astro Einsteins!
Tigger: {Giggles} That's Little Einsteins.
Leo: {To the viewers} Thanks for your help.
{Leo and Ash went back inside Rocket}
Tapsy: Nicely done, you two.
June: Thank you, Leo and Ash.
Quincy: That was awesome.
Dora: ¡Gran trabajo!
Moolissa: Amazing job, Leo!
{June hugs them}
June: You too, Goofy.
{June hugs Goofy}
Goofy: Aww, shucks. {Laugh}
Piglet: And this is why I think Saturn and Ring are the best of friends.
Leo: Ring was lucky to find a friend like you, June. And Ring was lucky to have you, too.
Flain: Can we sing that song, Leo?
Leo: Sure!
Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: ♪La, la, la. La, la, la. Now the ring is home. La, la, la. La, la, la. Now the ring is home.♪
"We Did It!"[]
(Fiesta Trio Playing Fanfare)
Dora and Boots: We Did It!
Jamzy: We know this song!
(We Did It! Plays while Astronaut Star comes out of the Star Pocket and puts a flag on top of Saturn)
Dora and Boots: We did it!
Jamzy: We did it!
Goofy: We did it!
All: Yay!
Dora: Lo hicimos!
Pete: We did it. {groans}
June: We went to Outer Space and it was really great!
Krader: We did it!
Daphne Blake: We did it!
Quincy: We did it!
Dora and Boots: Hooray!
Flain: We learned the basics that we couldn't wait!
Dora and Boots: We did it!
Pikachu: Pika pi! (We did it!)
Spinza: We did it!
Daisy Duck: We did it!
Leo: We visited some aliens along the way!
Shaggy Rogers: Like, we got Ring home to Saturn, hooray!
Mickey: Hot dog!
Boots: Whoo!
Flurr: Hey-hey!
All: We did it!
Pooh: Whoo!
(Song Ends)
Leo: Mission completion!
[Baton jingling]
{The curtains close}
Curtain Call[]
Pooh: What's going on?
Leo: Pooh, since you, the mixels, and your friends were the helpers of our mission, we want you to be in this.
Tigger: This will be good.
Leo: It's time for... the curtain call!
{Applause and crowd cheering as the curtain went up}
Leo: Let's clap for our team. {To the viewers} Clap with us. Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June.
June, Quincy, and Annie: Leo!
The Little Einsteins: Rocket!
Rocket: {Happy xylophone music}
Leo: Clap for the newest members for our team, Pooh bear, the mixels, and his friends!
{Pooh and his team smiled and bowed down}
Shaggy Rogers: Like, thank you!
Scooby Doo: You're too kind!
Goofy: Gawrsh, this is the best day ever!
June: Ring!
Daphne Blake: Let's all clap for Ring.
{Ring bowed down}
Mickey Mouse: And the Underwater Friends!
{Moolissa, Myrtie, Sandy, Oscar, and Shelly bowed down}
June: Let's clap for the art.
Tentro: Today's painting is...
June: The Tree of Life by Gustav Klimt.
Leo: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.
Jamzy: Let's clap really really hard for the special music we heard together!
{New World Symphony by Antonin Dvorak}
Tigger: Symphony No. 9 - The New World Symphony.
Leo: By Antonin Dvorak.
Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Yay, Dvorak!
Piglet: {To the viewers} And clap for you!
Tigger: {To the viewers} None of this would never happen if it wasn't for you.
Quincy: Give yourself a hand. Go on, clap for yourself.
Daphne Blake: Hip hip hooray for you!
Pooh: Bravo for our friends!
Leo: {To the viewers} See you on the next mission.
{The curtains close as the Meeps did a little singing}
Meeps: Meep, meep, meep.
{Everyone laughed at the meeps at the end}
Favorite Parts/The amount of stars collected[]
Teslo: We had such an exciting mission today! Anyone agree?
The mixels: {chatter about it}
Teslo: That's a yes.
Dora: What was your favorite part of the trip? (wait for a response) I liked that too.
Boots: My favorite part was when Piglet, Spinza, and Moolissa super spinned the thumpers back apart.
Dora: My favorite part was riding the Slippery Star Filled Shortcut.
Kraw: And about the stars we collected today? How many did we get?
Dora: Good question, Kraw! Let's see how many Stars we caught! To call the stars, say "Estrellas!"
Slumbo: Estre- Astro- Eh- what?
Dora and Boots: Estrellas!
(The stars fly out of the star pocket)
Zorch: Okay. Let's count up all of the stars we collected on this mission.
Dora: Count with us in Spanish!
Dora and Boots: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
Forx: Beep! Four stars!
Dora: Cuatro Estrellas!
Gobba: Even Astronaut Star!
Dora: We couldn't have done it without you.
Torts: See you tomorrow!
Flain: Thanks for helping!
(The Stars Fly Away)
(The Cursor Clicks on the Screen and Disappears)