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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here's the transcript for Robbie's Determination

Narrator: ???, ???.

The episode begins at night in Skyworld. Callie was looking at the sky, feeling sad and worried about Robbie.

Callie Jones: (sighs) How could this happen?

???: Hey, Callie.

She turned around and saw Navira.

Navira: You're up late.

Callie Jones: Oh, hey, Navira. Just looking the stars. (looks at the night sky) The balcony is one of my favorite places in Skyworld. Avocato and I like to come here every day and night. ???, ???.

Navira: The stars sure are pretty.

Callie Jones: Yep. ???, ???.

Navira: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Navira: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): ???, ???. She said "Why didn't you save him from that bomb?" ???, ???.

???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): Robbie felt horrible after Vesper called him worthless and pathetic. But Serena said don't let those words to get him.

Robbie felt a little better, while Serena was comforting him. The scene changes back to Callie.

Callie Jones: That's not the only thing that happened. Our good friend volunteered on a mission with some warriors, who were sent by the Grandmasters to investigate. Before they left, Avocato told me to look after his son, I even made a promise to keep him safe.

Navira: Really?

Callie Jones: Yeah. ???, ???. A few weeks later, when Pit recieved a letter, he said that Avocato and the others have disappeared. Which was a total shock for all of us, including Little Cato.

The next scene shows Little Cato running to a vent and closes it. ???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): He thinks it's Robbie's fault that they're gone. ???, ???.

Navira (V.O): Must be pretty rough. ???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): I know. ???, ???.

Ratchet and the others left the room. Little Cato stared a bit, then he gives a upset glare. The scene changes again with Callie and Navira.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. And now, things will never be the same. What do you think we should do?

Navira: Well, ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. What does it mean?

Navira: ???, ???. But I'm sure that you'll figure it out. See you later.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

???, ???.

(theme song playing)

???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): Robbie's Determination.

At Canterlot High School, ???, ???.

Mrs. Myers: The purpose of object pronouns...

???, ???.

Derek Zimmer: So, ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Derek Zimmer: Heh, ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: What did you say?

Derek Zimmer: It's a joke, dude.

Robbie punched Derek, ???, ???.

Everyone: (gasp)

Derek Zimmer: (groans in pain) Are you nuts?

Mrs. Myers: Robert Diaz. Go wait for me out in the hall.

Robbie Diaz: (sighs) Yes, ma'am.

Mrs. Myers: Silent reading until I get back.

???, ???.

Mrs. Myers: Robbie. When my husband died, people kept telling me not to cry. People kept trying to help me to forget. But I didn't wanna forget. Excuse me. (sniffs)

Mrs. Myers dried her tears a little bit.

Mrs. Myers: The things that boy came up with. I don't get students like him too often. So I realize... that if it's hard for me... how much harder it must be for you.

???, ???.

Miss Violette & Students: (singing) Someday, I'm finally gonna let go. I know there's a better way. I wanna know what's over that rainbow. I'm gonna get out of here someday.

???, ???. ???, ???.

???, ???.

It was dinner time at the Command Center, ???, ???.

Jake: (humming)

Twilight Sparkle: ???, ???.

Sunset Shimmer: ???, ???.

Gmerl: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Serena: Robbie, slow down!

???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Oh, great. First, I got late for school, then I punched Derek Zimmer in front of the whole class, and now...

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, you punched one of Mandi's friends? Why did you do that?

???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Here. I'll get a new plate.

???, ???.

Mordecai: Jeez. ???, ???.

Ava: ???, ???.

Scarlet: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???. (to Callie) Hey, Callie! Hurry up with the smoothies!

Callie Jones: I already told you, Rigby. ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???. I wanna be the first one to try it out.

Callie Jones: Well, you won't be the first if you're gonna keep complaining all day. Now shut up and let me focus. (walks back to the kitchen)

Rigby: (groans)

Mordecai: Seriously, dude. You need to chill out. ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Emerl: ???, ???.

Donkey Kong: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Amy Rose: Shut up, Rigby. ???, ???.

Rigby: Oh, yeah? ???, ???.

Amy Rose: Rigby, I'm warning you!

Callie Jones: Guys, will you stop? ???, ???. Well, at least it doesn't bother you, Whis. ???, ???.

Whis: ???, ???. ???, ???. (sips his tea)

???, ???.

Yoshi: (whispers to Rigby) ???, ???.

Rigby: (whispers to Yoshi) If we're lucky, we can get someone else to pay Mandi for her stupid car, and all our troubles will be over.

Amy Rose: THAT'S IT!!!

She furiously pounces on Rigby, ???, ???.

Rigby: Ow, ow, ow! Knock it off! ???, ???.

Amy Rose: ???, ???.

Mordecai: Yeah, Rigby. ???, ???.

???, ???.

Both: (screams)

Twilight Sparkle: Hmph.

Rigby: Hey, no magic in the dining hall!

Twilight Sparkle: You're the one who started it.

Callie Jones: Guys, knock it off! We're gonna wake Lord Beerus!

???, ???. In the kitchen, Robbie got another plate, ???, ???. Serena came in and sees Robbie looking sad.

Robbie Diaz: (sighs)

Serena: Robbie?

Robbie Diaz: Huh? (turns around)

Serena: Is everything okay?

Robbie Diaz: Not really.

Serena: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Serena: ???, ???. ???, ???. (winks at him)

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. Thanks, Serena.

Serena: You're welcome. ???, ???.

Callie Jones (V.O): GUYS! IT'S TIME TO ENGAGE!

???, ???.

Callie Jones: DK, do something! Don’t just stand there! I need you to intervene!

Donkey Kong: You want me to intervene? Okay!

Donkey Kong picks up the table, so does Twilight, with the others still fighting.

Donkey Kong: I’m intervening, I’m intervening!

???, ???.

Lord Beerus: Hey!

???, ???.

Lord Beerus: I'm trying to enjoy my much needed catnap. What are you stupid mortals think you're doing?

Fluttershy: Um... nothing?

???, ???.

Everyone: (points at Rigby) He started it!

Rigby: ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Scarlet: ???, ???. You've been complaining all week about not paying Mandi the money for her wrecked car.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Yoshi: But, Rigby. ???, ???.

Rigby: So what? She could've had someone else to do it. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Knock it off, guys!

Everyone: Huh?

They turn around and see Robbie and Serena, ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Serena: He's right. ???, ???.

Whis: ???, ???.

Amy Rose: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: Rigby, seriously. You need to shut up.

Rigby: Why don't you make me?

???, ???. They continued brawling each other.

Yoshi: Whoa!

Fluttershy: (squeals)

Robbie Diaz: Everyone, stop! ???, ???.

As they kept fighting, a cover from the vent dropped, causing everyone to stop. They see Little Cato inside the vent. ???, ???.

Whis: Oh my. ???, ???.

Lord Beerus: What's he doing up there?

Pit: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. ???, ???.

Whis: ???, ???. That might be worth a try.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???. I'll come with you.

Callie Jones: Thanks, Mordecai. ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Mordecai: Nice try, Rigby. We're not doin' this alone!

???, ???.

Rigby: Hey! You two go, not me. C'mon... Guys! No. Stop! You guys! Not what I had in miiind!

???, ???.

[Imagination Movers]
Whoo-hoo-hoo, ah-ee
You and me, we're gonna get it together
You got a problem and we'll make it better
There is nothing that we can't weather
My friends and me
You and me, we're gonna get it together
You got a problem and we'll make it better
There is nothing that we can't weather
My friends and me
You know, you're looking sad
Well, it really can't be that bad
Well, you just need a pat on the back today
Sometimes you just jump the track
It happens often, as a matter of fact
Well, we'll be there to get you back on your way
You and me, we're gonna get it together
You got a problem and we'll make it better
There is nothing that we can't weather
My friends and me
Get back up and brush off the dust
Here's one thing that you can trust
You can count on your buddies for a helping hand
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
Here comes the train
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
Runnin' up that hill
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
Here comes the train, yeah
(Choo-ga-cha-ga, choo-ga-cha-ga)
Here we go
You and me, we're gonna get it together
You got a problem and we'll make it better
There is nothing that we can't weather
My friends and me, hey
My friends and me (My friends and me)
My friends and me (My friends and me)
My friends and me (My friends and me)
My friends and me

After the song, ???, ???.

Callie Jones: (out of breath) ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. What are you doing down here?

Mordecai: And where did you get Stacy's lemon cookies?

Little Cato: You want them? They stink.

Rigby: I know, right? Stacy has the worst cooking skills. ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Mordecai: Rigby, shut up!

Rigby: You shut up!

Mordecai: No, you shut up!

Rigby: No, you shut up!

Callie Jones: You both need to shut up!

Little Cato: Get to the point. I'm a busy guy.

???, ???.

Mordecai: Yeah, Rigby. ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???. (pushes her)

???, ???.

Callie Jones: (groans) I swear, Rigby. One of these days...

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Oh, uh. Hey there.

Little Cato: What do you want?

Callie Jones: (sighs) Okay, look. I know that you'll never forgive Robbie after your dad disappeared and I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive him, either. ???, ???. ???, ???.

Little Cato: Let me guess. ???, ???. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Little Cato: ???, ???. ???, ???.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. ???, ???. Just name it, anything. (holds Little Cato's hand) And I'll be the one to make it up to you.

Little Cato: Can you get me to Queen Narissa?

Callie Jones: Uh, ???, ???. What are you gonna do?

Little Cato: I want to slit her throat and rip off Eggman's mustache.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Oh, uh... (chuckles nervously) ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: Rigby, ???, ???. We can't just do this mission. That's a horrible idea.

Rigby: You kiddin'? ???, ???. It sounds like a fantastic idea. Count us in! (laughs)

Then, he grabs Mordecai, Callie and Little Cato.

Rigby: I never thought we'd be creating a murder squad with a small kid, but here we are.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: (groans) ???, ???. Little Cato, how about you stop hiding in the vents and come with me? I want to show you something.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Here we are.

Little Cato: Is this... Is this my father's room?

Rigby: You bet, it is.

Little Cato: (inhales)

???, ???.

Little Cato: Holy smokes, look at all the crud.

Rigby: All right, guys, Avocato's gotta have big boom sticks in here somewhere.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Rigby: (sighs) ???, ???.

???, ???.

Little Cato: Hey, uh, Callie, right?

Callie Jones: Yeah?

Little Cato: What did you think of him?

Callie Jones: Your dad? Well, ???, ???. And according to Rigby, he is a short-tempered, angry grouch.

Little Cato: (chuckles) I loved that about him.

Mordecai: Us, too. Plus, he cared about you. Man, I mean, more than anything.

Little Cato: You think so?

Callie Jones: We know so. ???, ???. ???, ???.

Rigby: I'll say. He would never shut up about you. I mean, every day, "Little Cato... we gotta save Little Cato. He's injured. He's my boy. Let's find him." You know, we don't jest, the man loved you.

Little Cato: He never said that to me.

Callie Jones: He said it when he came to save you from the Shadow Empire. ???, ???. (gives him the locket) ???, ???. ???, ???.

???, ???. ???, ???.


Mordecai: Whoa!

Rigby: Oh, snap, guys! We got it! (to Callie) Here you go!

Callie Jones: Thanks, Rigby. ???, ???. You boys ready?

Rigby: ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Both: Yeah!

Little Cato: Let's tear Dr. Eggman a new mustache.

Rigby: Yeah! Maybe even three!

Little Cato: Or four. Four of them?

Mordecai: 10. 10 painfully wide-open nostrils!

Little Cato: We're gonna cover him in nosehairs.

Rigby: That's a... that's, like, 50 to 55 nosehairs right there!

Red Bomber Ranger: We want to cover him in nosehairs, too! And blast him out of the sky!

Jake: We're coming, deal with it!

Pinkie Pie: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Rigby: All right, fine. We shall be called the Legion of Murdering the Crazy Scientist and Irritatingly Power-thirsty Shadow Empire witch into a Plethora of Nosehaaaiiiirrrrs!


???, ???.

???, ???.

???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Amy Rose: (over commlink) ???, ???.

Rigby: Oh, right. Tunes! (chuckles) Thanks, Amy.

Amy Rose: (over commlink) Rigby, that's not what I...

Mordecai: Hey, Rigby? I'm starting to think that this might be ???, ???.

Rigby: Relax, man. ???, ???. Dru, play the good stuff. I'm talking about war trumpets, rain sticks, soul-crushing crumhorns to stir the hearts of these merry men and women.

XK-7: And piccolos and clarinets.

Rigby: No piccolos or clarinets!

XK-7: Right. Angelic violins.

Both: No!

(soft music plays)

Mordecai: Oh, Dru, what is this?

Dru: The good stuff, boys.

Rigby: That's not the good stuff! Where are the war trumpets, the rain sticks?

XK-7: This is so sad, guys. It makes me think about all the people I've cared about who have left or died, like Celina, my creator, ???, ???. Aren and finally...

Rigby: Don't... Don't say it.

XK-7: Avocato.

Jake: Oh! (sobbing) Our pal is gone!

Little Cato: Can you take all of that over there?

Jake: Maybe I should. Sorry, little dude. I didn't foresee my emotional shielding getting shut down so quickly!

Pinkie Pie: (sobbing) ???, ???.

Rigby: Stop crying already, Pinkie!

XK-7: (sobbing) Oh, I'm so sad!

Callie Jones: (groans) Why did I agree to do this?

???, ???.

Deca: Little Cato, I am not detecting Queen Narissa or Dr. Eggman on board the airship.

Little Cato: I don't care. This is for my dad!

???, ???.

Callie Jones: It missed?!

Jake: In hindsight, this wasn't the greatest idea.

???, ???.

(cannons firing)

Pinkie Pie: (screams) We're under attack!

???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: (over communicator) What was that?! Guys, are you okay? Guys? Guys?! Guys!

Everyone: (screams)

???, ???.


???, ???. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: This is bad. ???, ???.

XK-7: Oh, my audio processing unit. I can't hear you. What, what? What, what?

???, ???. ???, ???.

Pinkie Pie: (feeling dizzy) That was crazy. ???, ???.

Jake: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: Is everyone OK?

Mordecai: Yeah, ???, ???.

Rigby: ???, ???.

Red Bomber Ranger: Wait, where's the kid?

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Oh no.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Little Cato, are you okay? Come on, wake up.

???, ???.

Hooded Stranger: I am glad that you are all safe.

???, ???.

Keeper: (unhoods himself) It's been too long, my friends.

Everyone: (gasp)

Callie Jones: Keeper.


XK-7: Did you say something?

???, ???.

Scarlet: ???, ???. What were you guys thinking?!

Jake: Come on, Scarlet. It wasn't our fault. ???, ???. We just came along for the ride.

Red Bomber Ranger: ???, ???.

White Bomber Ranger: ???, ???.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, that's simple. Do you guys want the long or short version?

Pink Bomber Ranger: Um, short?

Pinkie Pie: ???, ???. ???, ???.

Serena: Is that true?

Mordecai: ???, ???. (points at Rigby) ???, ???.

Rigby: Hey! ???, ???.

Mordecai: ???, ???.

Gmerl: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Ratchet: Avocato picked the worst group of heroes to watch over his son. ???, ???.

Clank: We cannot dwell on what we should have done. Some things are simply out of our control. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: I'm sorry, Robbie. ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: That's okay, Callie. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. After Avocato and the others left on that mission, I made him a promise that I'd protect his son. But instead, I let him get hurt by Eggman's battleships. ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. ???, ???.

???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Deca, is he breathing?

Deca: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: (sighs) ???, ???.

(heart rate beeping)

Digit: Great news, guys. Little Cato is breathing.

Inez: (sighs in relief) That's good, Digit. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. (to Keeper) ???, ???. What brings you back to the Command Center?

Keeper: ???, ???.

Slider: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Nova: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Little Cato: His ship's a freakin' time machine. I can save my dad.

XK-7: Did you just call me dad?

Little Cato: Did I just call you what?

???, ???.

(school bell rings)

Students: (chattering)

Dominique Jaxon: ???, ???.

Caitlin Washington: ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: ???, ???. Now where's my money?!

Rigby: ???, ???. We don't have time to deal with you.

Mandi Bucksworth: Shut up, Rigby! ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Look, Mandi. I know that you're still upset, ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: I've waited long enough, let me see it.

???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: You're short!

Rigby: (takes the money) Back off, Mandi! ???, ???.

Furious, she bites Rigby's hand and grabs the money.

Mandi Bucksworth: Where's the rest of it?

Sunset Shimmer: Relax, Mandi. We're doing our best to ???, ???.

Pinkie Pie: ???, ???. (bawling) ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: Then what were you idiots doing? Have you been playing all day?!

Donkey Kong: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: ???, ???. I gave you two weeks to pay me back and you blew it. ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: No, no, no, no. Mandi, don't!

Rainbow Dash: RUN!!!

So, ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: Don't you dare run away from me, Robbie Diaz!

???, ???.

Dr. Eggman: ???, ???.

Dark Wizard: ???, ???.

Dr. Eggman: Excellent. ???, ???. Now, cause a lot of chaos in the city. Show them that there's no mercy.

Dark Wizard: As you wish, Doctor.

???, ???.

Yoshi: (shouting)

Mandi Bucksworth: Get back here!

???, ???.

Rainbow Dash: ???, ???.

Donkey Kong: ???, ???.

Rainbow Dash: Look, a big hairy spider!

Mandi Bucksworth: (screams)

???, ???.

(objects dropping)

Mandi Bucksworth: (growls, raging scream)

???, ???.

(door slams)

Mandi Bucksworth: (banging the door) Robbie! You better open this door!

Robbie Diaz: Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'll explain later.

???, ???.

???, ???.

(everyone screaming)

Dark Wizard: (laughs) ???, ???. (readies his staff) ???, ???.

(magic whooshing)

???, ???.

???, ???.

???, ???.

Deca: Robbie, we have an emergency. Little Cato is trapped inside Keeper's ship.

Robbie Diaz: What?!

Twilight Sparkle: ???, ???.

Nova: He triggered the self-destruct! It can't be turned off!

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

???, ???.

???, ???.

After the Zord battle, Jake, XK-7 and Little Cato were trying to bust out of Keeper's ship.

Little Cato: (grunting) Help!

XK-7: (singing) The winds of change keep blowing. We're all gonna die.

???, ???. Dasheng and the others raced to the loading dock and ???, ???.


XK-7: (singing) Winds of change keep...

Jake: Hang on, little buddy. (grunts) I'm gonna bust us out of here... If it's the last I... do. (falls to the ground)

???, ???.

Dasheng: (grunts) The door's shut. ???, ???.

Talis M. Swiftail: ???, ???.

???, ???. Nova got her spear and ???, ???.

Nova: We've gotta get them out. Time is leaking. In another moment, they'll be blinked out of existence.

XK-7: (singing) No, never let me go.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Little Cato!

???, ???.

Callie Jones: Grab my hand!

???, ???.

Little Cato: (voice breaking) It was all my fault. He's gone because of me.

Callie Jones: I said grab it!

???, ???.

Callie Jones: I got him!

Sarge: Pull!

???, ???. ???, ???.

Lenny: Phew, that was way too close.

Jake: ???, ???.

???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: Guys! ???, ???.

Jackie: We're good. ???, ???.

Matt: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: I've been better. Thanks, Rob.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Donkey Kong: Hey, Little Cato. You alright?

???, ???.

Little Cato: (sobbing) I feel so alone.

Callie Jones: (comforts Little Cato) Shh, it's okay. We all know how hard it is to lose someone we care about. Don't we?

Robbie Diaz: Yeah. ???, ???. ???, ???.

Sonic the Hedgehog: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Ava: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: Speaking of which. (to Jayden) What about you, Jayden? Shouldn't you be leaving, too?

Jayden Greatspeed: Yeah. But, uh, to be honest, I was never going anywhere. I mean, I... I got nowhere to go. So, I decided to stay here with you guys.

Dru: Heck yeah, dawg.

Fowler: ???, ???.

Claire Elletson: Give the Rangers one more chance. They can fix this. Jayden, I'm... glad you're sticking around.

Jayden Greatspeed: Why?

Claire Elletson: Because I need you.

Jayden Greatspeed: To do what?

Claire Elletson: I just need you, okay? So, shut up!

Jayden Greatspeed: Works for me.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. ???, ???.

Serena: Oh, Robbie. We feel the same thing about you.

???, ???.

Little Cato: (sniffles) What about me?

Robbie Diaz: Of course, you too. You're one of us now. And I promise, we'll look after you as one of our own.

Little Cato smiled at Robbie, ???, ???.

Red Bomber Ranger: Hey, Rob! What about us?

Pink Bomber Ranger: ???, ???.

Robbie Diaz: You guys, too.

Dru: What the heck, Robbie? You failed to mention me.

Robbie Diaz: (chuckles) ???, ???. Claire, ???, ???. ???, ???.

Claire Elletson: ???, ???. I'd be honored to help you and your team, Robbie.

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.

Jayden Greatspeed: Then you just joined the Legion of Murdering... something or another. I don't know. It's really long.

Little Cato: Yeah, you did.

Nova: I hope that's enough.

Robbie smiled at his friends, and they smiled back at him.

Rigby: ???, ???. And, since we don't have to pay Mandi back for her car, you guys can thank me on a job well done.

Everyone, except Yoshi, Fluttershy and Little Cato, stared at Rigby with angry looks on their faces. Rigby smiles sheepishly.

The next morning at Canterlot Park, Rigby is hanging from the tree by Rarity's big ribbon. Rigby comes sailing up and hits the tree branch. He then bounces back down to the sound of cheers.

Kevin: Sweet! Nice one, Nazz.

Nazz: (holding a hammer) That was fun.

Sunset Shimmer: Okay, everyone. Who's up next?

Everyone: (cheering and shouting)

Jonny: It's our turn, huh, Plank? Yip, yip, yahoo! (jumps on the board)

Rigby: NO! (gets hit by the branch)

???, ???.

Mordecai: Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for my pal, but ???, ???.

Amy Rose: Me, too. ???, ???. And now he finally got what he deserved. (looks at Robbie) As for Robbie, ???, ???.

Mordecai: You bet. ???, ???.

Sunset Shimmer: ???, ???.

People continued putting money into the jar, while Yoshi hands out snacks for them.

Robbie Diaz: Step right up, people. ???, ???.

Dominique Jaxon: Whoa, that sounds cool.

Caitlin Washington: How much does it cost, Robbie?

Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. It only costs whatever money you have.

Rolf: You must be pulling Rolf's finger. Rolf shall return! (he rushes off)

Kevin: I'll just take your turn till you get back then.

Twilight Sparkle: At a dollar a turn, it may take a while to pay Mandi back, Robbie.

Robbie Diaz: I know. Twilight. I just hope that it'll be enough for the trouble I caused her.

Serena: Don't worry, Robbie. ???, ???. She'll understand.

Robbie Diaz: Yeah, you're right. ???, ???. (to Mandi) Hey, Mandi. I'm sorry that we locked you in the janitor's closet yesterday. ???, ???.

Mandi Bucksworth: (relaxed) That's okay, Robbie. You don't have to give me the money right away.

Rigby: (offscreen) Don't do it, Kev!

Mandi Bucksworth: (watches Rigby hit the tree and smiles) I've got all the time in the world.

Ed: And I've got a jar on my buttocks.

Robbie and Serena were happy to hear what Mandi said. Then, Rolf reappears with a gigantic bag of money.

Rolf: Rolf would like these many goes at the Rigby-boy. (he drops the bag onto Yoshi)

Yoshi: Ow. I think I felt that.

Robbie Diaz: Uh, thanks, Rolf.

Rigby: You gotta be kidding me! Hey, wait! That's enough to cover Mandi's damaged car! Right, Mandi?

Rolf: Stand back, as Rolf has eaten Mama's pickled cabbage! (he raises the hammer) SHLAHORM!

Rigby: Oh no. (Rolf hits the target with the hammer) ROOBBIEEE!!!

The next scene shows the Command Center. Little Cato was looking at his locket with the photo of him and Avocato. ???, ???. Callie came out of the kitchen, and placed a dragon fruit smoothie next to Little Cato.

Little Cato: Wow, that looks great. Thanks, Callie.

Callie Jones: You're welcome. You're the first Ventrexian to try my dragon fruit smoothie. Now that Rigby's not here while making me lose my focus, I can finish it.

Little Cato: (sips) Mmh, ???, ???.

Callie Jones: Thanks, Little Cato. I'm glad you like it. (sees the locket) You still miss your dad, don't you?

Little Cato: Yeah. After he left, I've been thinking about him a lot, wondering if he's okay.

Callie Jones: I'm pretty sure that he's fine. Avocato has been a great friend to us. ???, ???. He also told me that you're the one who gave him that locket. Is it true?

Little Cato: Yep. ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. He saved Robbie and Sonic when Eggman tried to crush them, ???, ???.

Little Cato: He did?

Callie Jones: Yeah. And that's not all. I like the compassion he showed for me at the Fantasy Royale Showcase. The honesty he had with the council at Fontaine. ???, ???. And in Junkertown's colosseum, I fought him in a bonus match at the Reckoning.

Little Cato: You fought my dad in a battle?

Callie Jones: Heh, yeah. He said that he would go easy on me, but it turns out, he was going a little too rough.

Little Cato: (chuckles) ???, ???.

Little Cato: ???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???. ???, ???.

???, ???.

Callie Jones: ???, ???.

Little Cato: No prob. ???, ???.

Both: (laughing)

???, ???.

                                                                         The End

Then, the eighteenth episode preview begins.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, everyone. Rainbow Dash here. ???, ???. ???, ???. Next time on Power Rangers Ultra Data Squad: ???, ???. See ya!