Robbie Diaz is the main leader character and the main protagonist. He morphs into the Data Squad Red Ranger in Power Rangers Data Squad, the Radiant Knight Black Ranger in Power Rangers Radiant Knights, the Prime Trooper Red Ranger in Power Rangers Prime Troopers and the Virtual Charge Green Ranger of Power Rangers Virtual Charge by his appearance.
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Alice Diaz[]
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Austin Diaz[]
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Sunset Shimmer[]
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Amy Rose[]
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Donkey Kong[]
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Ash Ketchum[]
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Robbie's Pokémon[]
On hand (Main Team)[]
- Pichu Egg → Pichu (Storm) → Pikachu ↔ Gigantamax Pikachu/Electric Tera Type ♂
- Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard ↔ Mega Charizard X/Gigantamax Charizard/Fire Tera Type ♂ (given by Professor Oak)
- Sprigatito → Floragato → Meowscarada ↔ Grass Tera Type ♂ (given by Professor Oak)
- Popplio → Brionne → Primarina ↔ Water Tera Type ♀ (given by Ida)
- Ralts → Kirlia → Gardevoir ↔ Mega Gardevoir/Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Rockruff → Lycanroc (Dawn Form) ↔ Rock Tera Type ♂
For backup (Other Teams)[]
- Treecko → Grovyle → Sceptile ↔ Mega Sceptile/Grass Tera Type ♂ (given by Professor Birch)
- Egg → Fennekin → Braixen ↔ Fire Tera Type ♀ (given by Sophie)
- Feebas → Milotic ↔ Water Tera Type ♀
- Riolu → Lucario ↔ Mega Lucario/Fighting Tera Type ♂
- Gible → Gabite → Garchomp ↔ Mega Garchomp/Dragon Tera Type ♂
- Espurr → Meowstic (female) ↔ Psychic Tera Type ♀
- Kubfu → Urshifu (Single Strike Style) ↔ Gigantamax Urshifu/Dark Tera Type ♂
- Sandshrew (Alolan) → Sandslash (Alolan) ↔ Ice Tera Type ♂
- Egg → Mawile ↔ Mega Mawile/Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Budew → Roselia → Roserade ↔ Poison Tera Type ♀
- Buneary (Shiny) → Lopunny (Shiny) ↔ Mega Lopunny/Fighting Tera Type ♀
- Sandile → Krokorok → Krookodile ↔ Ground Tera Type ♂
- Froakie → Frogadier → Greninja ↔ Water Tera Type ♂ (given by Professor Sycamore)
- Egg → Litten → Torracat → Incineroar ↔ Fire Tera Type ♂
- Petilil → Lilligant (Hisuian) ↔ Grass Tera Type ♀
- Tinkatink → Tinkatuff → Tinkaton ↔ Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Egg → Noibat → Noivern ↔ Flying Tera Type ♂
- Scyther → Scizor ↔ Mega Scizor/Steel Tera Type ♂
- Tepig → Pignite → Emboar ↔ Fire Tera Type ♂ (given by Professor Juniper)
- Pichu → Pikachu → Raichu (Alolan) ↔ Electric Tera Type ♂
- Ralts (Shiny) → Kirlia (Shiny) → Gallade (Shiny) ↔ Mega Gallade/Fighting Tera Type ♂
- Eevee → Sylveon ↔ Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Bounsweet → Steenee ↔ Grass Tera Type ♀
- Hatenna → Hattrem → Hatterene ↔ Gigantamax Hatterene/Psychic Tera Type ♀
- Scorbunny → Raboot → Cinderace ↔ Gigantamax Cinderace/Fire Tera Type ♂
- Starly → Staravia → Staraptor ↔ Flying Tera Type ♀
- Egg → Glameow (Shiny) ↔ Dark Tera Type ♀
- Emolga ↔ Electric Tera Type ♂
- Flabébé (Blue Flower) → Floette → Florges ↔ Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Goomy → Sliggoo → Goodra ↔ Dragon Tera Type ♂
- Egg → Rowlet → Dartrix → Decidueye ↔ Grass Tera Type ♂
- Egg → Vulpix (Alolan) ↔ Ice Tera Type ♀
- Ponyta (Galarian) ↔ Psychic Tera Type ♀
- Shinx → Luxio → Luxray ↔ Electric Tera Type ♂
- Fletchling → Fletchinder → Talonflame ↔ Fire Tera Type ♂
- Cutiefly → Ribombee ↔ Fairy Tera Type ♀
- Koraidon ↔ Dragon Tera Type
Pokémon Starters[]
- Bulbasaur → Ivysaur → Venusaur ↔ Mega Venusaur ♂
- Squirtle → Wartortle → Blastoise ↔ Mega Blastoise ♂
- Pichu → Pikachu → Raichu ♀
- Egg → Chikorita → Bayleef ♀
- Cyndaquil → Quilava ♂ (given by Professor Elm)
- Totodile → Croconaw → Feraligatr ♂
- Egg → Torchic → Combusken → Blaziken ↔ Mega Blaziken ♂
- Mudkip → Marshtomp ♂
- Egg → Turtwig ♂
- Chimchar → Monferno → Infernape ♂ (given by Professor Rowan)
- Egg → Piplup → Prinplup → Empoleon ♂
- Oshawott → Dewott ♂
- Egg → Chespin ♂
- Grookey → Thwackey ♂ (given by Sonia)
- Egg → Sobble → Drizzile → Inteleon ↔ Gigantamax Inteleon ♂
- Egg → Fuecoco → Crocalor → Skeledirge ♂
- Quaxly → Quaxwell → Quaquaval ♂
Mythical Pokémon[]
Traveling with[]
In rotation[]
- Weedle → Kakuna → Beedrill ↔ Mega Beedrill ♂
- Nidoran (male) → Nidorino → Nidoking ♂
- Nidoran (female) → Nidorina → Nidoqueen ♀
- Dratini → Dragonair → Dragonite ♂
- Heracross ↔ Mega Heracross ♂
- Wurmple (Shiny) → Silcoon (Shiny) → Beautifly (Shiny) ♀
- Sneasel → Weavile ♂
- Sneasel ♀
- Absol ↔ Mega Absol ♂
- Phantump → Trevenant ♂
- Petilil → Lilligant ♀
- Zorua → Zoroark ♂
- Espurr → Meowstic (male) ♂
- Honedge → Doublade → Aegislash ♂
- Rockruff → Lycanroc (Midday Form) ♂
- Rockruff → Lycanroc (Midnight Form) ♂
- Mimikyu ♀
- Toxel → Toxtricity (Amped Form) ↔ Gigantamax Toxtricity ♂
- Clobbopus → Grapploct ♂
- Indeedee ♂
- Indeedee ♀
Pokémon Evolutions[]
- Eevee (Fire Stone) → Flareon ♂
- Eevee (Water Stone) → Vaporeon ♀
- Eevee (Thunder Stone) → Jolteon ♂
- Eevee (Evolved during the Day) → Espeon ♀
- Eevee (Evolved during the Night) → Umbreon ♂
- Eevee (Leaf Stone) → Leafeon ♀
- Eevee (Ice Stone) → Glaceon ♀
- Flabébé (Red Flower) → Floette ♀
- Flabébé (Yellow Flower) → Floette ♀
- Flabébé (Orange Flower) → Floette ♀
- Flabébé (White Flower) → Floette ♀
- Toxel → Toxtricity (Low Key Form)
Pokémon Caught with Regional Forms[]
- Geodude (Alolan) → Graveler (Alolan) → Golem (Alolan) ♂
- Rapidash (Galarian) ♀
- Slowpoke (Galarian) → Slowbro (Galarian) ♂
- Farfetch'd (Galarian) → Sirfetch'd ♂
- Marowak (Alolan) ♂
Pokémon that Hatched[]
- Egg → Dratini → Dragonair ♀
- Egg → Gligar → Gliscor ♂
- Egg → Teddiursa ♂
- Egg → Elekid → Electabuzz ♂
- Egg → Magby → Magmar ♂
- Egg → Swinub → Piloswine → Mamoswine ♂
- Egg → Gothita → Gothorita ♀
- Egg → Ducklett → Swanna ♀
Pokémon that can Mega Evolve[]
- Abra → Kadabra → Alakazam ↔ Mega Alakazam ♂
- Gastly → Haunter → Gengar ↔ Mega Gengar ♂
- Kangaskhan ↔ Mega Kangaskhan ♀
- Steelix ↔ Mega Steelix ♂
- Houndour → Houndoom ↔ Mega Houndoom ♂
- Larvitar → Pupitar → Tyranitar ↔ Mega Tyranitar ♂
- Sableye ↔ Mega Sableye ♂
- Aron → Lairon → Aggron ↔ Mega Aggron ♂
- Meditite → Medicham ↔ Mega Medicham ♀
- Swablu → Altaria ↔ Mega Altaria ♀
- Bagon → Shelgon → Salamence ↔ Mega Salamence ♂
- Beldum → Metang → Metagross ↔ Mega Metagross ♂
- Snover → Abomasnow ↔ Mega Abomasnow ♂
Pokémon that can Dynamax[]
- Machop → Machoke → Machamp ↔ Gigantamax Machamp ♂
- Sizzlipede → Centiskorch ↔ Gigantamax Centiskorch ♂
- Impidimp → Morgrem → Grimmsnarl ↔ Gigantamax Grimmsnarl ♂
- Milcery → Alcremie ↔ Gigantamax Alcremie ♀
Traded away[]
Pokémon Caught[]
From the Kanto Region[]
- Rattata → Raticate ♂
- Ekans → Arbok ♂
- Sandshrew → Sandslash ♂
- Vulpix ♀
- Diglett → Dugtrio ♂
- Psyduck → Golduck ♂
- Poliwag → Poliwhirl → Poliwrath ♂
- Onix ♂
- Cubone → Marowak ♂
- Hitmonchan ♂
- Rhyhorn → Rhydon ♂
- Horsea ♀
- Seadra ♂
- Pinsir ♂
- Magikarp → Gyarados ♂
- Lapras ♀
From the Johto Region[]
- Crobat ♂
- Chinchou → Lanturn ♀
- Bellossom ♀
- Marill → Azumarill ♂
- Politoed ♂
- Hoppip → Skiploom → Jumpluff ♀
- Wooper ♂
- Murkrow ♀
- Misdreavus ♀
- Slugma → Magcargo ♂
- Corsola ♀
- Tyrogue ♂
- Hitmontop ♂
- Smoochum ♀
From the Hoenn Region[]
- Seedot → Nuzleaf ♂
- Taillow → Swellow ♂
- Surskit → Masquerain ♀
- Plusle ♂
- Minun ♂
- Spoink → Grumpig ♂
- Trapinch → Vibrava → Flygon ♂
- Zangoose ♂
- Corphish → Crawdaunt ♂
From the Sinnoh Region[]
- Cranidos → Rampardos ♂
- Combee → Vespiquen ♀
- Pachirisu ♂
- Buizel → Floatzel ♂
- Shellos → Gastrodon ♂
- Drifloon → Drifblim ♂
- Skorupi → Drapion ♂
- Croagunk → Toxicroak ♂
- Finneon → Lumineon ♀
- Magnezone ♂
- Froslass ♀
From the Unova Region[]
- Pansage → Simisage ♂
- Pansear → Simisear ♂
- Panpour → Simipour ♀
- Purrloin → Liepard ♀
- Pidove → Tranquill → Unfezant ♂
- Blitzle → Zebstrika ♂
- Roggenrola → Boldore → Gigalith ♂
- Throh ♂
- Sawk ♂
- Sewaddle → Swadloon → Leavanny ♀
- Darumaka → Darmanitan ♂
- Maractus ♀
- Vanillite → Vanillish → Vanilluxe ♂
- Deerling ♀
- Axew → Fraxure → Haxorus ♂
- Mienfoo → Mienshao ♂
- Pawniard → Bisharp ♂
- Rufflet → Braviary ♂
From the Kalos Region[]
- Bunnelby ♂
- Scatterbug → Spewpa → Vivillon ♀
- Litleo → Pyroar ♂
- Skiddo → Gogoat ♂
- Pancham → Pangoro ♂
- Binacle → Barbaracle ♂
- Clauncher → Clawitzer ♂
- Helioptile → Heliolisk ♂
- Tyrunt → Tyrantrum ♂
- Amaura → Aurorus ♂
- Hawlucha ♂
From the Alola Region[]
- Pikipek → Trumbeak ♂
- Charjabug → Vikavolt ♂
- Crabrawler ♂
- Fomantis → Lurantis ♀
- Wimpod → Golisopod ♂
- Jangmo-o → Hakamo-o → Kommo-o ♂
- Marshadow ♂
From the Galar Region[]
- Rookidee → Corvisquire → Corviknight ♂
- Chewtle → Drednaw ♂
- Yamper → Boltund ♂
- Silicobra → Sandaconda ♂
- Falinks ♂
- Fossilized Bird and Drake → Dracozolt ♂
- Fossilized Dino and Fish → Arctovish ♂
- Duraludon ♂
- Dreepy → Drakloak → Dragapult ♂
From the Paldea Region[]
- Lechonk → Oinkologne ♂
- Nymble → Lokix ♂
- Pawmi → Pawmo → Pawmot ♂
- Smoliv → Dolliv → Arboliva ♀
- Squawkabilly ♂
- Nacli → Naclstack → Garganacl ♂
- Charcadet → Armarouge ♂
- Wattrel → Kilowattrel ♂
- Frigibax → Arctibax → Baxcalibur ♂
- Gimmighoul → Gholdengo
- Poké Balls
- Great Balls
- Ultra Balls
- Master Ball
- Safari Balls
- Fast Balls
- Level Balls
- Lure Balls
- Heavy Balls
- Love Balls
- Friend Balls
- Moon Balls
- Sport Balls
- Net Balls
- Nest Balls
- Repeat Balls
- Timer Balls
- Luxury Balls
- Premier Balls
- Dive Balls
- Dusk Balls
From Hiro and Fu[]
- PokéGauntlet
From the Kalos Region[]
- Mega Evolution
- Key Stone
- Mega Stones
- Venusaurite
- Charizardite X
- Blastoisinite
- Beedrillite
- Alakazite
- Gengarite
- Kangaskhanite
- Ampharosite
- Scizorite
- Steelixite
- Heracronite
- Houndoominite
- Tyranitarite
- Sceptilite
- Gardevoirite
- Sablenite
- Mawilite
- Aggronite
- Medichamite
- Altarianite
- Salamencite
- Metagrossite
- Absolite
- Lopunnite
- Garchompite
- Lucarionite
- Abomasite
- Galladite
From the Alola Region[]
- Z-Ring
- Custom Z-Crystals
- Rangerium Z (Celestial Prism Wave)
- Gardevoirium Z (Telepathic Manifestation)
- Pokemon Z-Crystals
- Pikashunium Z (10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt)
- Aloraichium Z (Stoked Sparksurfer)
- Lycanium Z (Splintered Stormshards)
- Mimikium Z (Let's Snuggle Forever)
- Pikanium Z (Catastropika)
- Primarium Z (Oceanic Operetta)
- Z-Crystals
- Electrium Z (Gigavolt Havoc)
- Firium Z (Inferno Overdrive)
- Waterium Z (Hydro Vortex)
- Grassium Z (Bloom Doom)
- Normalium Z (Breakneck Blitz)
- Rockium Z (Continental Crush)
- Steelium Z (Corkscrew Crash)
- Psychium Z (Shattered Psyche)
- Icium Z (Subzero Slammer)
- Dragonium Z (Devastating Drake)
- Fairium Z (Twinkle Tackle)
From the Galar Region[]
- Dynamax Band
From the Paldea Region[]
- Tera Orb
- In Kids Next Door: Operation R.A.N.G.E.R, he is an old childhood friend to Numbuh 362 and to her surprise, Robbie's K.N.D Legacy as he was known as Numbuh 626.
- In Power Rangers and Pokémon: The Region Chronicles, he will be a Pokémon Trainer and travel with Ash and Goh to Kanto through Paldea.