Here's the transcript for Robbie the Battleverse Fighter
Narrator: ???, ???.
The opening begins at the Battleverse Arena in Clockwork Town. ???, ???.
(crowd cheering)
Sam: ???, ???.
Tia: ???, ???.
Sam: You betcha, Tia. ???, ???.
???, ???.
Ragnar: (grunting)
Battle Drone: ???, ???.
Ragnar: ???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
Ragnar: (thinking to himself) ???, ???. ???, ???.
???, ???.
(opening theme playing)
???, ???.
Rainbow Dash (V.O): Robbie the Battleverse Fighter!
???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: (squealing) I am so excited! ???, ???.
Applejack: Settle down, Pinkie. ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: ???, ???. Uh, ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Heh, ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: Oh! ???, ???.
Both Callie and Applejack rolled their eyes and smiled at each other. ???, ???.
Ernie: Hey, girls. ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Hi, Ernie. ???, ???.
Ernie: ???, ???.
Applejack: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???.
???, ???.
Callie Jones: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Applejack: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???.
Callie tried to keep her balance, but ???, ???. and crashed onto the comic book stand.
Oscar: Heh, heh, heh. Nice work, Jonesy.
???, ???.
Callie Jones: (groaning in pain) Ow.
Blue Haired Girl: Hey, that was a really nasty fall.
Silver Haired Guy: Are you okay?
???, ???.
Callie Jones: Yeah, I'm alright.
Silver Haired Guy: That's good. Here, let me help you up.
???, ???.
Callie Jones: Thanks. ???, ???.
Silver Haired Guy: ???, ???.
Blue Haired Girl: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???. Sorry about your comic book stand.
Blue Haired Girl: Oh, that's okay. ???, ???. Right, bro?
Silver Haired Guy: Yeah. ???, ???. It's good to know that you're not hurt, Miss.. Uh... I'm sorry, but, what's your name?
Callie Jones: Oh, ???, ???. My name's Callie, Callie Jones. And what about you two?
Wise: My name is Wise, and this is my sister, Belle.
Belle: Hi, nice to meet you, Callie.
Callie Jones: You, too, Belle, Wise. ???, ???.
Wise: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???. It was nice meeting you, guys.
???, ???.
Belle: She's one cool girl. ???, ???. Hey, Wise, you think that we'll run into her again soon?
Wise: I think we might. ???, ???. Come on, Belle. Let's back home.
Belle: Okay.
They grabbed all of their stuff and went into the alley, then Wise used a device to open a Multiversal portal. ???, ???.
At the Command Center, Callie, Pinkie and Applejack went inside and saw the others falling asleep.
Robbie Diaz: C'mon, guys! Pay attention! ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Uh, Robbie, is everything okay?
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: And why is everybody sleeping? Is it naptime already?
Applejack: No, Pinkie. ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: (groans) Let me guess, you've been telling everyone about your new Ranger training exercises again, haven't you?
Robbie Diaz: Uh, no. That's crazy. ???, ???. (sighs) Yes. ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Robbie, ???, ???. You really need to take a break from your ranger duties and relax. ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: But I can't just sit around and do nothing. ???, ???. ???, ???. As long as Eggman or any villain threatens the people of Earth, it's our job to keep them safe and ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???. Even Power Rangers deserve a break from battling evil.
Applejack: She's right, Sugarcube. ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: (sighs) ???, ???.
Lady Palutena: My thoughts exactly.
All: Palutena!
Lady Palutena: ???, ???. ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. ???, ???. I want to be ready to stop Eggman.
Lady Palutena: And you'll be totally ready when the time comes. But first, let's give the others a little wake up call.
She magically summons an airhorn and uses it to wake the others.
(airhorn blowing)
Everyone: (screaming)
Yoshi: Good morning!
Sonic the Hedgehog: Whoa, what was that for? (yawns) I was dreaming about chili dogs.
Callie Jones: Sonic, you always dream about chili dogs.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Oh, yeah. Heh, sorry.
Lady Palutena: ???, ???. ???, ???.
Rainbow Dash: ???, ???.
Lady Palutena: ???, ???.
Master Shoto: ???, ???. Dasheng will be competing in a tournament called Battleverse Fighters.
Robbie Diaz: Battleverse Fighters? What's that?
Len: ???, ???. ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Wow. ???, ???.
Master Shoto: ???, ???.
Dasheng: ???, ???.
???, ???.
Master Shoto: Welcome to Battleverse City.
Everyone: Wow!
Rainbow Dash: This place is so cool.
Sonic the Hedgehog: You said it, Rainbow. ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Alice Diaz: ???, ???.
Amy Rose: Hey, look! It even has a shopping mall!
Rarity: A mall? ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Serena: ???, ???.
Rigby: Yeah, just relax, Rob. ???, ???.
Rainbow Dash: You said it, Rigby. ???, ???. A whole day in the big city to do whatever we want!
Rarity: Ooh, just think of the fashion!
Applejack: The food!
Pinkie Pie: The frolicking! That's short for "frosting licking"! I'm gonna get my hot little hands on the new dessert trend – the puff cake! Half cream puff, half cupcake! (shuddering)
Rarity: The city is our oyster!
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Yoshi: ???, ???. (sees a snack shack) Oooh, I think I see a snack shack right over there.
???, ???.
Yoshi: Wow, look at all the food. And there's also drinks here.
Joe: Hey there, buddy. Welcome to Joe's Rockin' Snack Shack. ???, ???.
Yoshi: ???, ???.
Donkey Kong: ???, ???.
Joe: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: ???, ???.
Joe: ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: Wow, ???, ???.
Joe: ???, ???. And for dessert... (takes out a vanilla ice cream cone) I've got ice cream.
Everyone: Ice cream! (cheering)
???, ???.
Rhino Citizen: ???, ???.
Hyena Citizen: ???, ???.
Joe: ???, ???. (gives two cones to them) ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
???, ???.
Joe: So, Pinkie Pie, what flavors would you like? I've got lots to choose from.
Pinkie Pie: Well, I want... Uh, I-I want... (groans) I don't know what I want, I can't choose!
Joe: Well, maybe you won't have to. I could just, uh, give you one of everything.
Pinkie Pie: Oooh, okay.
So, ???, ???. Then, he hands out an ice cream cone with eight scoops.
Everyone: (oohing and aahing)
Joe: Here ya go, ???, ???.
Pinkie Pie: ???, ???. Thank you, Joe.
???, ???.
Rainbow Dash: ???, ???.
Donkey Kong: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: That looks like the greatest ice cream cone ever.
Pinkie Pie: It is, Callie.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Serena: ???, ???. Isn't it great, Robbie?
Robbie Diaz: Yep. ???, ???.
While everyone is enjoying some ice cream, Callie sees a guy and a girl at Joe's snack shack. There was something familiar about them.
Joe: Heya, Wise, Belle. How's business at the video game store?
Wise: Pretty good. ???, ???. After seeing everyone having ice cream, we could probably go for some, too.
Belle: You said it, Wise. ???, ???.
Joe: Glad to hear it. ???, ???. Now, what can I get ya?
Belle: We'll have two double banana splits with caramel and almonds.
Joe: Comin' right up.
???, ???.
Joe: Here you go, guys. Two double banana splits on the house. ???, ???.
Belle: Thanks, Joe. ???, ???.
Wise: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Wise? Belle?
Belle: Huh?
???, ???.
Belle: Wise, look! It's Callie, ???, ???.
Wise: Oh, what a nice surprise. ???, ???.
Callie Jones: I can't believe it. ???, ???.
Belle: ???, ???.
Wise: ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: Callie, do you know them?
Callie Jones: Yep. They're the new friends I met at Canterlot City yesterday. That's Belle and her brother, Wise. Guys, this is Robbie Diaz, and the rest of the gang. They're the Power Rangers Ultra Data Squad.
Pinkie Pie: Hi!
Yoshi: Hi.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Yo!
Robbie Diaz: Nice to meet you guys.
Wise: You too. ???, ???.
Belle: ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Twilight Sparkle: ???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
???, ???.
Wise: ???, ???.
Belle: ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Thanks, Belle. ???, ???.
???, ???. ???, ???.
Digit: Hey, guys. Welcome back.
Lady Palutena: Thank you, Digit. ???, ???.
Whis: ???, ???.
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???.
Donkey Kong: ???, ???.
Rigby: ???, ???.
Amy Rose: That's it, Rigby! You're asking for it!
Rigby: Ow! ???, ???.
Then, the others grabbed Rigby and started beating him.
Callie Jones: (sighs) Rigby never learns, does he?
Robbie Diaz: ???, ???. But, ???, ???.
Callie Jones: Yeah, you're right. ???, ???.
???, ???.
The End
Then, the twenty-first episode preview begins.
Donkey Kong: ???, ???. ???, ???. Next time on Power Rangers Ultra Data Squad: ???, ???. Banana slamma!