< Pooh's Adventures of Biker Mice from Mars
(The episode begins in space with a spaceship and shown inside, are three biker mice from Mars named Throttle, Vinnie, and Modo. Vinnie has the TV in the spaceship tuned to a race with a split-second finish)
Vinnie: Hey, Throttle, watch me past that snorkel from Saturn! Oh, yeah! I'm the baddest mammajammer in the whole wide universe!
Throttle: Modest, too!
(Modo drinks a can of root beer)
Modo: Ah, this is living! Nothing to do but rockin' and rollin' and racin' through the cosmos! Yep! We got absolutely no...
(The ship is being attacked by Plutarkians)
Modo: ...problem?
(Screen fades to black as the intro to Pooh's Adventures of Biker Mice from Mars plays)
(We then change back to the episode as the Biker Mice's ship was still under attack)
Throttle: Nngh! (breaks the steering controls) I knew I should've gone for the power steering.
Vinnie: Whoa! Imminent destruction! What a rush!
Throttle: Modo, get 'em ready to eject.
(Modo pushes a button to a garage that opens)
Throttle: Guys, let me tell you something. In this wild and woolly universe of ours, there's only three things you can count on: Your brains, Your bros,
(They get on their bikes)
Throttle: ...and your bike. Helmets on.
(They put on their helmets)
Throttle: It's time to rock and ride!
(Their ship falls in Chicago as we cut to a baseball stadium)
Male Announcer: And the Chicago takes the field.
(The ship flies through)
Male Announcer: Holy Toledo! What in blazes is that?
(The Biker Mice eject from the ship on their bikes as the ship crashes into the scoreboard. They land on the field as the crowd cheers and applauses)
Vinnie: Hey nice reception. Who told them we were coming?
Throttle: Rope it in, Vinnie. (to the crowd) We didn't mean to cause any trouble citizens. Okay, boys. Kick it!
(They ride along the field and then they split as they go inside the stadium. We see a mugger confronting a hot dog vendor)
Mugger: Give me your money, Jack. Now.
(Vinnie rides into view. The mugger was about to use his crowbar, but Vinnie knocks it out of his hand and grabs it)
Vinnie: Hey, sweetheart. You didn't really plan on hurting anyone with this thing, did you?
Mugger: No, sir.
Vinnie: Good. Then if you don't mind. (pushes a button on his bike and throws the crowbar as a blaster from his bike disintegrates it) Bingo!
Mugger: Uh, I gotta go now. I think I hear my mom calling me. (runs away)
Vinnie: (to the vendor) Nice trick. Eh, citizen?
Hot Dog Vendor: Thanks, mister. (gives him a hot dog) Here, have a dog.
Vinnie: (takes it) Dog, eh? I've heard of these. I'll check it out. Ride free, citizen.
(He rides off, but the vendor gasps as he comes back)
Vinnie: Pardon me. Have you any Grey Poupon?
(The vendor gives him some mustard and then Vinnie squirts in on his hot dog. He gives it back to him as he rides off, laughing. The Biker Mice were at the top of the stadium)
Modo: You see anyway off of here?
Throttle: The usual. Let's roll!
(They ride off the stadium throughout Chicago. We then see the heroes exploring around Chicago)
Tigger: Boy, this city sure is a mess.
Brock: I'll say.
Rabbit: Whoever did this is going to get it.
(Pooh sees the Biker Mice)
Winnie the Pooh: Hey, guys, look over here.
Pikachu: Pi?
Piglet: Who are they?
Ash Ketchum: I don't know these three guys look like biker mice.
Misty: Hmm, I've never seen biker mice before.
Brock: Me neither.
Winnie the Pooh: We should say hello to them.
Throttle: Hold them up!
(They stop and turn off their helmets)
Throttle: Hey, listen to this. (sees that his gyro is broken) (groans) Busted gyro.
Vinnie: No sweat, sweetheart. We find us a cycle part shop and I'll have it fixed pronto.
Modo: I don't know. We've been on these streets for miles and haven't seen a repair pit yet.
Throttle: Keep looking, Modo. (sighs) You know, there's strangely familiar about this place and it's not exactly a happy memory. I mean, check it out. Nothing but miles, deep craters, and crumbling buildings.
Winnie the Pooh: Uh, pardon us, gentlemen. Are you looking for something?
(The biker mice exclaim in surprise upon seeing the heroes.)
Throttle: Man, you guys startled us.
Vinnie: We weren't expecting anyone here in Chicago.
Piglet: Oh, pardon us for surprising you, gentlemen.
Modo: What brings you guys here?
Tigger: We're investigating around Chicago.
Rabbit: Yes, we're trying to find out who made this mess.
Brock: We don't know what happened here.
Throttle: We see. By the way, I'm Throttle, and this is Modo and Vinnie.
Modo: Hey, citizens.
Vinnie: What's up, kids?
Throttle: What are your names, guys?
Winnie the Pooh: Well, this is Piglet, Tigger, and Rabbit, and Eeyore.
Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.
Winnie the Pooh: And I'm Winnie the Pooh. But you can call me Pooh for short.
Ash Ketchum: My name is Ash Ketchum, and this is Brock and Misty.
Brock: Hi, there.
Misty: Hello.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Modo: Hey, what's that little yellow guy's name?
Ash Ketchum: This is my partner, Pikachu.
Vinnie: Tigger, huh? Now, that's a funny name.
Throttle: Yeah, what's a Tigger, anyway?
Tigger: My name is spelled T-I Double-guh-er. That spells Tigger.
Modo: Ash, huh? That's a cool name.
Ash Ketchum: (laughs) Thanks, Modo. My mom named me when I was a baby.
Modo: (chuckles) Coincidentally, little buddy, my mama named me when I was a baby mouse.
Piglet: (gets onto Throttle's shoulder) Where are you from?
Throttle: We're from Mars, Piglet.
Heroes: Wow!
Winnie the Pooh: May we ask, gentlemen, what are you looking for?
Throttle: We're looking a repair shop to get my bike fixed.
Vinnie: Yeah, but look at the bright side.
Throttle: What bright side?
Vinnie: That bright side.
(They see a repair garage known as Last Chance Garage)
Winnie the Pooh: A repair garage, perfect.
Rabbit: You can get your bike fixed there, Throttle.
Throttle: Hey, you're right. Thanks, guys.
(Inside the garage, Greasepit is trying to persuade Charley to give in to Lawrence Limburger's demands.)
Charley Davidson: Tell your slimy boss that I don't care how much money he has. The Last Chance Garage is mine, and it's NOT for sale!
Greasepit: You's not being wise, lady! Mr. Limburger wants this land, and what Lawrence Limburger wants, Lawrence Limburger gets!
Charley Davidson: Listen, you overgrown grease monkey! You got 10 seconds to vacate this place or I'm going to vacate your face!
Greasepit: (sarcastically) Oh, I'm shakin', lady! You see me shakin'?
(Oil continues to ooze everywhere. Charley reaches for a lever.)
Charley Davidson: Unh! Why don't you just ooze off and tell your slimy boss that he can just SHOVE IT?! (She pulls the lever of her lift and it flattens Greasepit when it hits the ceiling.) What the heck? My lift needed a grease job anyway! (She kicks one of her oil collection cans toward where it's dropping oil.)
Greasepit: You's a-starting to annoy me big time!
(Greasepit gets himself down from the lift back to the floor. Charley tries to flee but falls down on the floor. Grease Pit walks up to her.)
Greasepit: Maybe now you'll see Mr. Limburger's generous offer in a new light!
(Vinnie suddenly appears in the door.)
Vinnie: Say, there, citizen. Why don't you leave the lady alone?
Greasepit: Huh? And who’s gonna make me, wrench-face?
Vinnie: "Who's gonna make me?" Heh, Hey, "Who's gonna make me" is my middle name. I'M GONNA MAKE YA! (He grabs one of the flares from his crossbelt, lights it, and burns a rope hanging from the ceiling, using it in Tarzan style to attack Greasepit, but he misses.) Oh, man! (He hits the wall legs first, with the legs at a 90 degree angle upward to his chest.)
Greasepit: Aw, what's the matter? The wittle bitty baby biker hurt himself? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Get up and fight, you loser! What are ya, a man or a mouse?
(Throttle, Modo, and the heroes kick their way through the glass on this cue and land in front of Greasepit.)
Modo: Mouse.
Throttle: You got a problem with that?
???: You step away from her and Vinnie!
Greasepit: (to Charley) This is one crummy place you got there. It's crawling with rats!
Modo: Rat?!
Winnie the Pooh: Oh, my goodness.
Piglet: Oh, dear. Modo is furious.
Tigger: Uh-oh, bad choice of words.
Modo: My mama didn't raise no stinking rat! Understand?!
Throttle: It's tail whipping time!
Modo: Let's take that wrench head down!
(They battle. Throttle uses his tail to do a wrap-around routine so that Grease Pit is inside, then let's go while Modo aims for a bunch of tires. The tires surround Greasepit's waist and he ends up on the floor at the feet of Vinnie.)
Vinnie: Time to roll, sweetheart!
(He kicks the tires and then Greasepit rolls out the door.)
Grease Pit: Mr. Limburger ain't going to like this!
Tigger: Hoo-hoo! That'd oughta show him!
Vinnie: Talk about your slippery customers.
Modo: Ha. yeah! They can call him the duke of oil.
Heroes: (laugh in amusement)
Modo and Vinnie: (singing) Duke, duke, duke. Duke of oil! Duke of oil!
(Throttle and the heroes cover their ears.)
Ash Ketchum: No offense, guys. You're not good singers.
Throttle: Yeah, you're off-key.
Modo and Vinnie: (singing) What would you do if we sing a bad tune.
(Throttle and the heroes shake their heads.)
Throttle: I give up. (to Charley) You okay, ma'am?
Rabbit: You're not hurt or anything, are you?
Charley Davidson: (scared) (holding a wrench) Don't come any closer you- you!
Throttle: (calming her) Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, don't break a nail. We just came in to get my bike fixed.
Tigger: And we were just exploring around Chicago until we ran into these three and helped them find this garage.
Winnie the Pooh: These three gentlemen mean you no harm, madam.
Piglet: Neither do we.
Modo: Yeah, we're the good guys.
Vinnie: Talk about no appreciation.
Misty: She's just surprised that she's never seen you guys before.
Charley Davidson: (shocked in disbelief) I don't believe this. I've just been saved by a bunch of stuffed animals, kids, and giant...gerbils?
Throttle: Mice, ma'am. We're mice.
Charley Davidson: Mice?
Tigger: Yep. That's what they are.
Modo: You were expecting turtles maybe?
Winnie the Pooh: (giggles)
Charley Davidson: Mice, with antennas, and biker clothes, and motorcycles, and...
Vinnie: (flexing his muscles) Don't forget your basic studly bods.
(The heroes chuckle and roll their eyes in amusement at Vinnie's showing off)
Misty: Oh, brother.
Brock: What a showoff.
Charley Davidson: I've seen better.
Vinnie: Maybe, but not with this much charm.
Charley Davidson: Where on Earth did you guys come from?
Winnie the Pooh: Me, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, and Eeyore are from the 100 Acre Wood.
Ash Ketchum: I'm from Pallet Town.
Misty: I'm from Cerulean City.
Brock: I'm from Pewter City.
Modo: And we're from Mars.
Charley Davidson: Mars?
Throttle: Mars.
Charley Davidson: Mars?!
Vinnie: Is there an echo in here?
Modo: I don't think she likes our answers.
Charley Davidson: Mars! Right! I don't believe this. I think you guys better explain yourselves.
Throttle: (sighs) Okay, look. It's a long story. You see, our planet was invaded by a race of smelly stink-faces called Plutarkians. Here. I'll show you.
(His antennas glow and he places them on Charley's head. She sees a clearer picture of what the Biker Mice are talking about, and the camera switches to what she's seeing)
Throttle: (continuing thought) Now, the Plutarkians wanted our land, right? Seems they wasted all their own natural resources, so they go around strip-mining the cosmos.
Charley Davidson: (voiceover) So, they blew up your planet?
Modo: (voiceover) Nah. They bought up our planet. Tore the place apart and dug up the land to ship back to Plutark.
Throttle: (voiceover) Right. Well, the mice population fought back, but most of us were wiped out.
(His antennas stop glowing as the camera switches back to the Last Chance Garage, and he takes them off Charley's head)
Throttle: Modo here gave his arm to the cause. And Vinnie got half his face taken off. That's why he wears the mask.
Rabbit: Oh, dear. Mercy me.
Piglet: Oh, dear. Mercy me too.
Winnie the Pooh: How terrible.
Eeyore: Terrible, indeed.
Tigger: Gee, that's too bad.
Ash Ketchum: We're sorry about your arm, Modo.
Pikachu: Pika.
Modo: Thanks, little buddy. But you see I have a bionic arm.
Brock: That's really rough.
Misty: We're sorry about your face, Vinnie.
Vinnie: Yeah, but that's okay, because what's left is definitely Grade A mouse material!
Charley Davidson: In your dreams, pal! You know, the way you guys describe what these, uh, Plutarkians did to your planet, I think you ought to check something out.
(She opens her front door to reveal a bunch of trucks hauling off supplies)
Charley Davidson: From the looks of things, I'd say, they're here!
Lawrence Limburger: Oh! Just try and get good help these days! (to Greasepit) Now, as I recall, I sent you to purchase the Last Chance Garage. Is this correct?
Greasepit: Uh, yes, boss.
Lawrence Limburger: And I believe you were then to demolish it?
Greasepit: That's right, boss.
Lawrence Limburger: THEN WHY IS IT STILL THERE?!
Greasepit: I- It wasn't my fault, boss. Honest. You see, there were these big mice along with stuffed animals and three kids with strange pets!
Lawrence Limburger: Mice?! On motorcycles? Stuffed animals, and three kids with strange pets, you say?
Greasepit: Yeah.
Lawrence Limburger: (whacks him on the head with his cane) Not again! I had a belly full of those revolting rodents from Mars!
(Limburger tunes his communication TV to Karbunkle's lab, where Karbunkle is doing something to Fred the Mutant.)
Lawrence Limburger: Karbunkle?
Karbunkle: Yes, your big cheesiness?
Lawrence Limburger: Do you recall those mice who escaped your laboratory on Mars? The three leaders of that pathetic rebellion?
Karbunkle: Yes, most frustrating. (inserts brain into Fred's head and staples his head) I had barely started experimenting on them when they got away!
(Fred opens his eyes and looks around, then speaks to Karbunkle.)
Fred: Hey, doc? How about 4 arms? Then I could clap in stereo!
(Fred begins to clap but Karbunkle slams a cork into his mouth.)
Karbunkle: Oh, shut up!
Lawrence Limburger: Karbunkle! Pay attention! Those Biker rebels have now come to Earth and are with talking stuffed animals and three kids with strange pets, and I want to know what you are going to do about it!
Karbunkle: Well, your cheddar cheesiness, if you wish to catch a mouse...
(He presses a button that starts a platform up to the main office floor where Limburger and Grease Pit are standing and reveals a steel trap.)
Karbunkle: ...you must build a better mouse trap!
Lawrence Limburger: Excellent! Now all we need is the bait.
(We hear Lawerence and Karbunkle laugh evilly as we cut back to the Last Chance Garage. Greasepit arrives to cause trouble again.)
Charley Davidson: There! That oughta do it.
Throttle: Ah, not bad. You're a pretty good bike jockey.
Charley Davidson: Best in shy town. By the way your weapons look like they could use a little improvement. So, I put in a few extras.
Vinnie: Extras.
Modo: Like oil.
Brock: Yeah, something like that.
(Modo pushed the button which caused the rockets to come out flying at Greasepit.)
Charley Davidson: Like that.
Vinnie: Ooh, I like it, sweetheart. I like it.
Charley Davidson: Thanks. I live for your approval. I'd better go out and get those back before they fall into the wrong hands.
(Suddenly she is snatched by Greasepit.)
Sweet Georgie Brown: Hey, buddies, we're holding some chrome and rattling the roadways on WBKR. Sweet Georgie Brown banging heads with metal rock and roll from guns and noses.
Modo: Ah, what I'd tell you guys? Is this guy, Sweet Georgie Brown is the baddest DJ in the universe or what?
Vinnie: Sweet. Hey, what's taking Charley girl so long?
(Pooh Bear gasps upon seeing Charley held prisoner.)
Winnie the Pooh: Oh, my goodness! Charley is in trouble!
Piglet: We got to help her!
Tigger: And fast!
(The heroes are about to go on the motorcycles.)
Throttle: Now, hold on, guys.
Heroes: Huh?
Pikachu: Pi?
Throttle: You can't go on our bikes without wearing helmets.
Modo: You guys can get head injuries if you don't wear helmets. I'm sure your mommas told you not to ride on bikes without your helmets on.
Vinnie: Yeah, you might wanna put those on.
Heroes: Oh, yeah. Good idea.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
(The biker mice gave the heroes helmets then they put them on.)
Throttle: All right, Pooh Bear, Piglet, Brock, you guys ride with me.
Pooh Bear: (with Piglet and Brock) All right.
Throttle: Ash, Pikachu, Tigger, you guys ride with Modo.
Tigger and Ash: Okay!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Throttle: Rabbit, Eeyore, Misty, you ride with Vinnie.
Misty: (with Rabbit and Eeyore) Okay, Throttle.
Lawrence Limburger: Your mouse trap was less than a success. If you can't take care of those repulsive rodents, stuffed animals, and kids, we're through on this planet!
Karbunkle: Well, if one has rats in the attic, there's but one thing to do!
(He summons the Exterminator through his portal device.)
Lawrence Limburger: Exterminate them!
Winnie the Pooh: If you please, Mr. Greasepit, sir. Throttle has something to say to you. So, I'd listen to him if I were you.
Throttle: Thank you, Pooh Bear. (to Greasepit) Now, you listen up, oil breath, you just take a message back to your boss for us.
Greasepit: What message?
Throttle: You tell him the biker mice from Mars are in town with new friends. And the party's over, you got that?
Greasepit: Uh, yeah, I think so.
Vinnie: Good, now it's time to go.
Greasepit: Oh, no. Not again.
Modo: Hey, like they said in twiggly field "Batter up!" (grabs him)
Vinnie: And a wind up!
Modo: Pitch!
(Throttle punched Greasepit into the sky.)
Greasepit: Mr. Limburger isn't gonna like this!
Heroes: Yeah!
Vinnie: Yes!
Modo: Toodles.
(The heroes and the mice kick through the glass to face Lawerence.)
Vinnie: It's just so hard to find good help these days.
Lawerence Limburger: I know. I know. (sees the heroes) What's this I see? Stuffed animals, three kids and strange looking pets.
Winnie the Pooh: We're new friends of the mice, sir.
Lawerence Limburger: Oh, is that so?
Piglet: Why, y-yes.
Rabbit: Our new friends told us that you've been causing trouble around the city!
Tigger: Yeah, cheese face, we're all gonna teach you a lesson!
Ash Ketchum: You don't know who you're talking too, Mr. Limburger!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Lawerence Limbuger: (chuckles) Oh, really?
Misty: Yeah, we're Pokemon trainers!
Brock: That's right!
Lawerence Limburger: Pokemon trainers, huh? Never heard of you kids.
(Throttle sniffs the air.)
Tigger: Say, Throttle, do you smell something?
Throttle: Yep, I smell a plutarkian.
(He pulls off the mask revealing that Lawrence is a plutarkian.)
Winnie the Pooh: (shocked) He's not human!
Tigger: Yuck! Smelly, isn't he?
Ash Ketchum: (gags) I think I'm going to be sick.
Modo: Hold it in, Ash.
Lawrence Limburger: Oh, you can tell? I must have the air conditioner repaired at once.
Heroes: (with Throttle) Huh?
(Karbunkle arrives, Pooh Bear and Piglet hide behind Throttle, Rabbit and Eeyore hide behind Vinnie and Tigger hides behind Modo while Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu bravely stood their ground.)
Modo: (furiously) Karbunkle!
Heroes: (gasp in horror)
Pikachu: (angry sparks) Pika!
Karbunkle: Yes, my boy. How very nice of you to remember.
Modo: Oh, I remember, all right. I remember how you took my arm. But I got me another one. See?!
Karbunkle: Very interesting invention and speaking of inventions. I have one you might like to meet. Exterminator.
Heroes: (gasps) Exterminator!
Exterminator: Hasta la vista, rodents!
Pooh Bear: Oh, no!
Piglet: Oh, d-dear!
Lawrence Limburger: Well, it seems that it's time to say goodbye to our guests.
Eeyore: We're not going to enjoy this, are we?
(Throttle whistles for the motorcycles.)
Throttle: I gotta tell you, it's been a treat, fellas. But it's time for us to rock and roll!
(Throttle jumps down to his bike while holding Pooh Bear and Piglet with Brock jumping in the back. Vinnie among with Misty, Rabbit and Eeyore.)
Modo: Ash, Tigger, Pikachu, hop on, guys!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Ash and Tigger: Okay!
Throttle: You guys take Limburger's goon squad! I'll handle the big fella!
(They drive off and split up as planned. Modo fires a pair of missiles at a thug, knocking him off his buggy and into a trash can.)
Modo: What a flat head!
Ash Ketchum: Tell me about it.
(Another goon follows them into an alley.)
Tigger: Aww, shucks, we're trapped.
Goon: Looks like I caught me a big fat rat, a stuffed tiger, a kid and a freaky little yellow rat!
Tigger: Big mistake, buster!
Modo: Rats to you, pal!
Pikachu: (angrily) Pikachu!
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use thunderbolt!
(Several other goons chase Vinnie down the main streets of Chicago.)
Vinnie: It's been real, sweethearts, but now, it's time for lights out!
(He grabs a flare and throws it at two of the goons. The resulting explosion knocks them out.)
Vinnie: Yes! Double play!
(The Exterminator continues to chase Throttle until they come to a factory building.)
Throttle: Come and get me, tin man!
Exterminator: End of the road, rodent!
(They go into the building. Throttle catches the Exterminator off guard as he goes up a wooden ramp and into a pit of boiling chocolate. He starts to sink.)
Exterminator: I'll be back!
Throttle: Yeah? Well, don't forget to write!
(Throttle watches the Exterminator sink.)
(The Mice have just witnessed their spaceship, still hanging from the Chicago Nubs scoreboard, fall completely inside.)
Throttle: (bangs his hand to his head) Oh! Typical! Just great!
Charley: Well, if you're stuck here on Earth, this place will make as good a hideout as any.
Throttle: What? Here? In the scoreboard?!
Charley: Why not? Limburger and his grease goons would never think to look for you here!
(The Mice confer with one another and approve it.)
Vinnie: Well, now that we've got the bachelor pad thing together, what do you say we grab a little chow?
Charley: I know a great cheese shop downtown!
(The Mice groan in disgust)
???: Really, Charley?
Modo: Yeah, what do you think we are anyway?
Charley: Uh, mice!
Vinnie: I was thinking maybe a few root beers. A couple of dogs...
Throttle: Okay, group, then let's...
Vinnie: I got this one, sweetheart! (tail-whips Charley onto his bike) Okay, you mammajammers! Let's ROCK...
All: ...and RIDE!