Rocket's Firebird Rescue is the sixty-eighth and final episode of Winnie the Pooh meets The Little Einsteins.
Rocket's Firebird Rescue[]
Today, everyone was a bit nervous but not everyone was. Chelsea was looking at a memory book of all the musical times she and Annie had on their musical magical missions. Velma, The Old and New Mane 6, The Backyardigans, and Barney all looked at the different paintings and sculptures that they discovered when they did the previous missions with the Little Einsteins. Bob and Larry listened to some of the music that had been played in all the past missions. Donald Duck, Mickey, Goofy, Minnie, Daisy, Pluto, Barbie Roberts, Skipper Roberts, Stacie Roberts, and the puppies polished all the musical instruments that Quincy played. Soon, Rocket brought out a book about one of his favorite characters. It was about a big bird named The Firebird. Ernie wanted to read the story, so everyone listened to the story. The viewers even listened to the story too. In the story, there lived The Firebird, a big orange bird that always love playing music and giving everyone a happy time. Today, the Firebird was flying near Russia because it looked like it needed some cheering up. It made the flowers grow, and it even made a little flower sing. However, there was one person in the story that didn't like the Firebird. It was a mean old troll named Katschai. Now, this troll would do anything to stop all the music. He tried to make the little flower singing, but the Firebird cured it back up. Katschai then decided that if he can't make the music gone, he can try and trap the Firebird instead. First, he tried to trap it with a butterfly net, but that didn't stop the Firebird and she tried to make the net sing very happily. Second, Katschai tried to stop the Firebird with a mousetrap. But just like the net, that didn't stop the Firebird and she made the mousetrap dance like crazy in a good way. The heroes thought it sounded like a good hero story, but the story wasn't over. Katschai tried to do his trickiest trick yet. He made a big birdcage and a fake sad butterfly on a stick tied with string. The Firebird thought it was a real butterfly, but she doesn't know it was a trick. The heroes and viewers told the Firebird to watch out, but it was too late. The Firebird was captured in Katschai's birdcage. This made the troll a bit glad that he finally trapped the Firebird. Without the magic, all the music in Russia would stay quiet forever. Soon, the story was over and everyone felt terrible. However, the members from headquarters call an urgent call from a reporter on a TV for 2468 News. He told everyone that not only from Russia, but all the countries and places in the world are completely a loss without music. This meant that Katschai is also working for Demon Pooh and he wasn't tricking him. Demon Pooh on the TV told the reporter that once all the music is gone, he's going to take down the Little Einsteins bit by bit. However, the reporter's crew told him that if they find the feather of the Firebird, then the music from all the countries around the world will bring music back. The heroes were in shocked that their new friends are going to be in grave danger. Only thing was that the Little Einsteins will always have music in their hearts. Just as they thought that they needed the feather, they heard the music of the feather from the Firebird. Rocket was the only person that found the feather of the Firebird. Rocket wants the heroes, viewers, and even the members from headquarters to help set off on the quest to save the Firebird. Rocket even told Greg that the healing of the Firebird can make the parents of Leo, June, Annie, and Quincy to come to life. They all set off on their final mission with everyone inside Rocket and he took off with a full blast.
So, the heroes took off on their final mission to save the Firebird. They gotten close to the country of Russia, home to where Katschai got the Firebird all trapped up. When they got to Russia, they realize something different. There were no singing, dancing, instruments, or even conducting. The reason why was that Katschai already trapped the Firebird in a big birdcage. The team needed to figure out a way to get to the Firebird on time before Demon Pooh can become king of the world. Rocket did however try to make the feather figure out which way they needed to go. Tyrone looks out the window and notices that the feather is either pointing toward the forest or the Red Square. Luckily, the viewers figured out that the feather was pointing to the forest. So, the heroes went down the forest, which turn out to be an instrument forest. When they got in the forest, they saw four instruments. A little violin, a little flute, a little trumpet, and a little xylophone. The instruments sounded very quiet just because the Firebird isn't here. Lucky for them, Rocket still has the Firebird's feather. Chelsea thought of one song to help with the feather. As they all sang together, the magic from the feather made the instruments from quiet as mice to loud as horns. With it, the instruments can play loudly again. As they were walking by, some of the members got a bit worried and even June. She thought that they might bump into some wild animals. Livingstone thinks she could be right, especially spiders, mosquitos, bats, and bears. Although some of them were thinking about the whole music gone. Livingstone was mostly worried the most. However, the Little Einsteins were less worried and more brave. He did tell them that without music, it'll be just noise out there. Soon, they heard Katschai's music and that meant that he also heard that all the music wasn't completely gone. He only needed to stop the heroes from getting all the music. First, he made magic bats appear. Quincy, Tyrone, Iggy, and Gobo wanted to stop the animals themselves. So, they and the viewers helped Quincy play the flute to make the bats disappear. Second, Katschai made magic mosquitoes appear. So the four of them played the violin and so did the viewers as they made each and every mosquito vanish. Third, Katschai made magic spiders appear. The four of them played the xylophone to make one spider each to evaporate. Lastly, Katschai made a big bear to tackle them. The four of them stopped the bear by playing the trumpet to make the bear fade away. But, Katschai wasn't giving up as he got out some help. It was The Instrument Demon. He used special music power from himself to not just make bats, not just mosquitos, not just spiders, and not just bears, but all four of them. Quincy was worried that he might not be able to get all the animals away. But, Rocket used the feather on Quincy to give him power. Gobo, Iggy, Tyrone, and a fully powered Quincy all worked together and made all the animals disappear a couple of times. G'Bubu and Livingstone stopped the Instrument Demon with a mighty roar from the both of them and a big net to capture the Instrument Demon while Katschai got chased by the bats, mosquitos, spiders, and bears that he made. Soon, they heard the Firebird calling them and telling them that Demon Pooh did something bad in the forest. It wasn't more animals, but it was the instruments that the heroes didn't meet. Luckily, the trumpet, xylophone, violin, and flute all decided to stall the evil instruments while they ran away from the evil instruments.
Back in the news studio of 2468 News, the reporter noticed that 20% of the music had just came back to a few countries. Although, the reporter was not sure who it was. Meanwhile, back in the mission, the heroes were still continuing to get away and get out of the Instrument Forest. However, Cookie Monster didn't get enough energy to eat. He asked Pooh and Rabbit if they can stop for a snack, but they told him not to until they save all the music. Livingstone told Cookie that whenever he gets worried and impatient, he would think of happy thoughts. For sure enough, it worked as his stomach didn't grumble a lot. So, just as Cookie thought he wouldn't get hungry, he noticed that his shadow turned into a cookie, and thought his mind was playing tricks on him. Then somehow, everyone kept saying "cookie" as they were walking and getting out of the forest. Yet, Cookie walked and walked until he spotted everyone as cookies, even the Little Einsteins. Cookie tried his hardest, until he spotted a little musical triangle that is a cookie triangle as a bunch of unknown singers sang "Cookies" and soon, Cookie spotted the instrument trees turning into cookie trees as he spotted a big cookie wave about to splash and tumble on him. Then, Cookie found himself on an island made of cookies. He also swam in a cookie ocean with cookie ocean animals. After his whole daydream, everything was back to normal just as Pooh and the Little Einsteins told him to not eat nature as much as cookies. Soon, they all were back on Rocket and he took off. Just then, they spotted a bunch of familiar faces in a big cage. It was all the friends that Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins met from Ring to Little Elephant. They told Demon Pooh to let them free, but Demon Pooh told them that once his creations stop the Little Einsteins, they will all be deleted. Just then, Demon Pooh spotted one of the four creations captured. The heroes told them that once the music will be saved, the families of the Little Einsteins will be cured. Soon, the feather pointed to the direction, somewhere in Siberia. That meant the Firebird has already been pass that place. Soon, they heard something very close by singing quietly. It came from a little Lake Baikal seal. It was a nerpa seal. The seal was white with black eyes and a nose. The only problem was that Little Nerpa sounded very quiet and sad just because the Firebird wasn't here. Luckily, Rocket used some of the feather's magic to help make Little Nerpa sing loudly. However, they heard Katschai's music for the second time. This meant that Katschai was very mad. Katschai used his magic again, and this time, he started to make a big snowstorm to stop Rocket from getting to the Firebird and the cage she is locked in. Everyone got out of Rocket in their snow clothes. The heroes needed a way to get Rocket free from the snow. Annie thought of a good song to help free Rocket from the snow. She, along with Little Nerpa joined in. The good news was that the snow had melted away. However, Barney told a few minutes ago that the song might work for now, but not for long. For sure enough, he was right. Katschai got some backup. It was the second creation of Demon Pooh's four creations. It was The Snowy Demon, who had a lot of snowy body parts. Luckily, Barney heard that the creation's weakness is the "Mr Sun" song. First, he along with Chelsea and Annie sang the song and it made half of the snow melted. Soon, they got backup from Uniqua, Tasha, Elmo, and Big Bird as they made all the snow melt away. Elmo even captured the Snowy Demon with rope while Katschai just got covered in a pile of snow. Just as they left, they heard a Russian woman from the distance in distress. She got chased by a bunch of Siberian animals that are in Demon Pooh's control. Little Nerpa decides that he will stop them because he has music power. So, as the team flew off, Little Nerpa went to save the woman.
Meanwhile, in the 2468 News studio, the reporter is now saying that 40% of the music has come back. A crew member whispered to the reporter that the heroes who are getting the music back were the Little Einsteins, who they mentioned from the studio when all the music disappeared. Some of the crew wanted to find them, but the reporter told them to wait for the right moment. Meanwhile, back in the mission, some of the old friends in the cage are telling everyone to hurry because the Firebird is getting quieter by the moment. This meant that the heroes really need to pick up the pace. Luckily, the feather was pointing which way Rocket has to go now. The feather was pointing to the Village of Dancing Shapes. This place would be great for June, because she's a good dancer. Same to Barbie, Austin, Roo, Lumpy, and the Wiggles. Only problem was that the shapes were not dancing. The Wiggles even spotted a triangle, circle, and square all trying to dance perfectly, but they just wouldn't do it. All was not a loss when Rocket used the feather to sprinkle it all over the shapes. When that happened, it made the triangle, circle, and square dance perfectly. They did spins, turns, flips, and even a little pirouette. Just then, they heard Katschai for the third time. And this time, he brought out a magic soldier with help from the third creation, The Dancing Demon. What the heroes didn't know was that there was one movement that the soldier cannot do. The heroes tried to do movements. They tried creeping over it, but it blocked them. They tried running past it, but the soldier still blocked them. Pablo tried to jump over the soldier, but the soldier just stopped him with a blocking jump. SpongeBob tried rolling past it, but the soldier blocked the roll. Everyone was convinced that the soldier could not fly, but they were wrong. The soldier did stopped Rocket just because he has special gravitational force inside him. Barbie and June think they found a way to make the soldier not block them. The movement that the soldier can't do is sleep. So, the two of them along with the dancing shapes did a special dance with the viewers. First, they rock from side to side and the soldier did that too. Second, they did a sauté and the soldier did that too. Lastly, they did an arabesque and the soldier fell asleep flat on his back. But, this made Katschai madder. He and the Dancing Demon did a magic soldier spell again. He made 5 soldiers, which were now 10 soldiers, which were now 50 soldiers, which were now 100 soldiers. What's even worse was that these soldiers don't sleep to ballet music. June and Barbie were worried, but Rocket only used the magic on June just because like the team, Barbie's friendship with June made her stronger. The Wiggles thought of a good song about sleeping, so they helped June and Barbie dance to "Rock-A-Bye Bear" to help the soldiers fall asleep. First, 5 soldiers slept, then 10 slept, next 50 slept, and lastly, the rest of the soldiers felt asleep. What was even more interesting was that Jeff's yawn actually made Katschai fell asleep while Anthony crept behind the sleepy Soldier Demon and trapped her. June and Barbie thanked The Dancing Shapes for saving their lives. The shapes even wanted to protect the kids from some shapes that got put under Demon Pooh's spell to turn evil. So, the heroes rode on Rocket quietly so they wouldn't wake up Katschai or the soldiers.
At the 2468 News studio, the reporter now said that 60% of the music had came back. It came back to the countries in Africa, Peru, Poland, and Australia. The crew were getting a bit impatient just because the suspense for them was maddening. Meanwhile, back in the mission. the heroes and Rocket heard the friends of the Little Einsteins telling them that they all needed to hurry up and fast because the Firebird's powers were almost gone. So, Leo decided to give out one more "Super Fast" mode for the last time. Everyone decided to do that too. First, they went to adagio by patting their laps slowly. Second, they went to moderato by patting their tummies a little faster. Third, they went to allegro by patting their shoulders even faster. Lastly, they went to presto as they reach up to the sky and shook their whole bodies. Soon, the team saw the Firebird, and she was still locked in the cage. But, she wasn't the only one here. They spotted all the past friends from the past missions they did. They told them that Katschai threw the rainbow key somewhere around between the palace and his enchanted garden. So, everyone landed at the start of the enchanted garden. When they got off of Rocket, they noticed that the garden didn't seem quite enchanted as they thought it would. It was like a big spooky forest for them. Pooh was a bit nervous just because even if the music wasn't gone, he was glad that all his friends were here. However, the Little Einsteins told him that music doesn't come from instruments, but it comes from inside your heart. It made Pooh a bit better. The good news was that Austin found the rainbow key, but the bad news was that it was a by a nest of Katschai's pet. Soon, an egg opened and out came a little dragon. At first, the heroes thought the dragon could not stop them, but they soon were about to find out. The dragon got out a little baton that was gold and red, similar to Leo's baton. As it tapped its baton, something bad happen to it. Whenever the music plays loudly and loudly, in other words, crescendo-loud, the dragon got bigger and bigger and bigger until it was big enough to see the heroes. Velma belted out that it was no ordinary dragon. It was a crescendo dragon. The crescendo dragon chased after the heroes and Little Einsteins. What the heroes didn't know was that last creation, the Dragon Demon, was also controlling the crescendo dragon. He even chased the Little Einsteins too. Luckily, Pooh and Leo had an idea. They can try conducting the dragon to become quiet, diminuendo. Pablo was sort of freaking out because the dragon might hear them, but Rocket and Uniqua told him to not worry because Rocket can use the feather to help. However, Ash was worried because he thinks the feather might run out of power soon. But, they weren't worried just as Rocket poured magic on Leo because Pooh got music in his heart like the others. So, the conducting battle started to commence. First, Pooh and Leo started off with making the dragon quieter and quieter. At first, they thought they were winning. But, The Dragon Demon didn't stop as he controlled the dragon to become crescendo again. Ash, Mickey, Alvin, and Bugs Bunny decided to help Leo and Pooh out for backup. However, the other heroes told them to hurry because the instruments, shapes, and animals that The Good Instruments, Little Nerpa, and The Dancing Shapes tried to stop were going to get Rocket. Soon, the good conductors made the dragon quieter and quieter and quieter until Rocket closed him shut inside the egg. Soon, Livingstone's mighty roar stopped the evil instruments, animals, and shapes and it made their evil powers go away. As the instruments, animals, and shapes went back to their homes, Pooh already captured The Dragon Demon. G'Bubu and Iggy thought that they were all lost, but soon, they heard a little angelic choir singing. So, they followed the path of the music that led them to the palace.
At the 2468 News studio, the reporter now said that the music has now have 80% of music coming back from almost every place except Russia. The moment for them was the time for them to pack up their things and find the Little Einsteins and Pooh's team to thank them for saving the whole world of music. Meanwhile, back at the mission, the heroes and Rocket finally manage to make it to the palace where the past friends were still in a cage and so was the Firebird. Just then, they all heard Demon Pooh and Katschai's music put together. The good news was that they were almost done saving the whole musical world. The bad news was that something bad happened to the feather. When Rocket tried shaking it on him, no music power came out. When Ash tried it, no music power came out as well. Sunny tried to shake it harder, but not a single sprinkle was coming out. This made Demon Pooh a bit impressed and asked the four kids how much of the power did they got. The worse was that the Little Einsteins used up all the music power. Rocket shared music with them, but there was no music power left for the heroes or Rocket himself. Demon Pooh and Katschai felt very glad and impressed that thanks to Katschai, Demon Pooh was going to be as powerful as ever. He even explained to them that he wasn't going after the Little Einsteins, but actually, he was going after Pooh's team all this time. Iggy tried to stop Demon Pooh with a bunch of karate chops, but Demon Pooh pushed him with a lot of strength. With Katschai's power, Demon Pooh formed himself into a gigantic ogre just because one of the members from headquarters called him "An ugly, ferocious, fowl ogre". When he was an ogre, he was the same gigantic size as 10 Katschais. He was about to take down Honey, DJ, and Rookie. Taffy didn't want her friends to be defeated, so she ran fast and in slow-motion, she saved their lives just as she got blasted by an ogre-sized punch by Demon Pooh. This made Barbie very worried because she wasn't sure if Taffy was gonna be okay. Demon Pooh tried to stop Annie and Chelsea, but Leo slapped him hard with one fatal slap. Genie cheered for them, even though Demon Pooh told him to stay out of it. Ash was about to free Rocket from Katschai's spell, but Demon Pooh caught him with one fatal grasp. He told Ash that without the Little Einsteins, he was nothing. However, Pooh and Aladdin told Ash to tell Demon Pooh that the Little Einsteins have more power than he'll ever have. Ash even told Demon Pooh that music doesn't come from instruments, ballet slippers, or anything else that makes music, but what inside them does. Demon Pooh thought that if that was the case for him, he thought of one way to make the Little Einsteins help him become stronger. The past friends got worried when Demon Pooh told the four kids to make him transform into a very powerful jet. For sure enough, Leo used his baton to make the music very loudly. For sure enough, Demon Pooh transformed from an ogre to a very big, powerful, loud, ferocious, thunderous, booming, evil red jet. Luckily, Ash manage to escape. But now, he needed a way to get Rocket out of the spell. Leo and Annie tried to stop Ash, but Ash told them that they, June, Quincy, and the heroes should use their powers to save Rocket and the Firebird. Leo and Annie were not sure, but Ash told them that it was the only to save their world. For sure enough, they knew that Ash was right. So, Ash then told the past friends to chant for them. The past friends tried their hardest. First, Quincy and the Wiggles played instruments to help give Rocket more power. So did the instruments from the Instrument Forest. Second, Annie and Chelsea sang with so much heart and so did Little Nerpa as he came to help them give Rocket more power. While Demon Pooh tried attacking the members, he didn't noticed that June and the Backyardigans worked together to help give Rocket dancing power along with the Dancing Shapes. Soon, they heard the members and past friends chanting "Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!". This meant that the spell was almost broken. The more music power Rocket was getting, the less powerful that Demon Pooh got. Lastly, Leo and Pooh conducted to help save the music. Just as Demon Pooh transformed from a jet back to his self that was all beaten up, bruised and grazed, the spell was broken. For sure enough, Rocket unlocked both cages and the Firebird and all the past friends were saved. But while the Firebird was spreading music all over Russia and even to Katschai from an ogre who hates music to an ogre who loves music, the heroes spotted Taffy. The good news was that she wasn't dead. The bad news was that she was hurt hard. This meant that Taffy was injured. Everyone felt terrible because Taffy saved her friends's lives. However, The Mystery Gang didn't noticed as they caught Demon Pooh. Ash stopped weeping because he wanted to know who it was. The Mystery Gang thought Misty was the one because they think Misty wanted to get revenge on her bike damage. Only, Misty wasn't Demon Pooh because just like from the past missions, she was the Russian woman that got attacked by the animals. Meanwhile, the reporters came in and some of them took noticed on Taffy, but something special happened. The Firebird not only made music back on Russia, but she also made Taffy all healed up and her bruises and cuts were gone. This meant that Taffy was okay. Shaggy wondered that if Misty wasn't Demon Pooh, he wanted to know who it was. Ash pulled the mask and it was revealed to be Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom. She told everyone that it was her all along. She told everyone that she saw her son helping out with the Backyardigans in their world. She heard her son saying to wish to go on an adventure and he said that he wouldn't let her go with him. All of the members got mad at Ash's mom, except for Pooh and Ash Ketchum. Just as Rabbit was about to tell her to leave them alone, Ash and Pooh told everyone to stop because she wanted to know her son's whole wish. So, he did tell her that she did want her to stay put and told her that he did that so she wouldn't get injured or lost or even too worried. This meant that she became bad for nothing. However, some of the members started to feel sorry for her and Delia felt bad too. Luckily, Little Red Monster cheered her up with his smile song. Soon, Rocket and the Firebird thanked the viewers with all of their missions. The reporter from 2468 News told everyone from their TVs that the heroes have done it again. They have saved another world from evil. The parents of the heroes came by. Kanga, Owl, Lumpy's Mom, and Christopher Robin came by along with the Mane 6's parents, Dave Seville, and the rest of the others. And even little Simea, Moana's little sister came by. Finally, the moment was coming as who came out of the forest but Leo and Ash's mom, Quincy's cousin, and June's big sister who were all alive and healthy. The families of the Little Einsteins felt very proud that their son, daughter, nephew, and niece were all right. Soon, it was time for the very final curtain call of the night. The parents of the four kids and the families of the heroes sat in the audience's seats as they song came up. They all clapped for the heroes, the members from headquarters, The Firebird, Katschai, the arts of the day, the music of the day, and a very big round of applause for Delia Ketchum because she helped her son had the best time of his life. At the end, each silly surprise will be a favorite from the viewers along with the Firebird sprinkling music on the viewers.
- This is the debut of The Firebird and Katschai.
- Last appearance of the Little Einsteins, Rocket, Big Jet, and all their friends from the past missions.
- There's a Wizard of Oz reference to "Bats, mosquitoes, spiders, and bears, oh my!" instead of "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
- There was a reference to "Everything is Honey" from Winnie the Pooh, except it has cookies instead of honey and Cookie Monster was singing instead of Pooh.
- "Mr Sun" will be played in the Siberia scene.
- "Rock-A-Bye Bear" will be played in the Village of Dancing Shapes scene.
- The chase scene from The Enchanted Garden did a reference to all the Scooby-Doo cartoons.
- The angelic choir were singing "Magic Be With You" from Fraggle Rock, which helps the heroes feel stronger inside.
- Monster(s) of the day: The Instrument Demon, The Snowy Demon, The Soldier Demon, The Dragon Demon and Demon Pooh
- The people who were in the last four creations were Dorothy, the Scarecrow, The Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. Phineas and Ferb were controlling the Snowy Demon and Genie was controlling the Soldier Demon.
- Suspects (Demon Pooh): Dawn, Iris, and Misty
- This will be the only episode when none of the suspects are right.
- Revealed: Delia Ketchum
- The smile song that Little Red Monster sang will make an appearance in the episode.
- Silly Surprise with Leo and Scooby Doo: A banana-in-the-box
- Silly Surprise with June and Piglet: A chicken, and they caught it
- Silly Surprise with Quincy and Tigger: A cow in Quincy's tuba
- Silly Surprise with Annie and Chelsea: Rocket's toothbrush behind the curtain
- Silly Surprise with Rocket, Ash, and Pikachu: Raining bubbles
- The credit music for the last episode will be the Baby Einstein Original Finale Theme by Kip Kuepper and Scott Roche.
- Arts of the day: Improvisation by Wassily Kandinsky, Matryoshka Nesting Dolls, and Fabergé Egg by Carl Fabergé
- Music of the day: The Firebird by Igor Stravinsky