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This is the film script for Ryan's Adventures of Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.


Opening/The story of /Belle teaches Beast how to ice skate[]






Sci-Ryan: [puts on his Christmas hat] There. I feel festive for this holiday.

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister: Yeah. It's a good thing our enemies are not with us.

Queen Zoe Freestar:

Bikejack: Yeah. I would get to my Christmas spirit. [changes his electronic paint job to Christmas colours]

[Ryan puts on his Christmas hat]

Ryan Freestar: Perfect.


[The camera sees Lumière decorating the table with holly]

Lumière: [singing] Deck the halls with boughs of holly [speaking] Haha! There must be much, much more holly!

[Cogsworth follows Lumière with the food]

Cogsworth: [singing] Tis the season to be.. [stops singing as he notices something] Wh-what's this? That's too much holly. [] Whoa! Slow down, lad.



Cogsworth: Yes, well, I suppose.. I did manage to save Christmas.

Lumière: You?

Cogsworth: Yes, me. If not for my skilful and decisive leadership, all would’ve been lost.

Lumière: Leadership? Ha! You could not lead a horse to water.



Mrs. Potts: Heavens. How many times are we going to have to go over this story?

Chip: Story?

Lumière: Until someone gets his facts straight.

Chip: [to his mom] Why don't you tell it, mama?

Cogsworth: Capital idea.


Lumière: Come now, Mrs. Potts. Surly you recall how I save Christmas.

Cogsworth: Dut-dut-dut-dut. No leading the witness.

Chip: Please, mama, tell the story. [is picked up by his mom and is placed on her lap as she sits]

Mrs. Potts: Oh, all right.


Bertram T. Garrison: I think we can hear this story she will tell.


Mrs. Potts: Well, let’s see. Belle, terrified by the master's anger, ran away from the castle straight into a pack of wolves.

[As she say this, the flashback starts with the scene change to one year before the spell is broken]

Mrs. Potts: [continues] But the master saved her. They began to be friends.

Lumière: [voice] Ah-ah-ah. That's where I came in.




Belle: Oh, dear. Are you alright?


Beast: Uh.. Uh.. I fell and I landed on my.. [checks his behind and stands with his cloak covering his body] On, on the ice.

Belle: It's pretty slippery.

Beast: Yes… it's slippery.


The introduction of Forte/TBA[]

[The camera pans to a dark room in the castle with curtains torn and we hear organ music playing. The camera sees the candles and then the keyboard playing the music. The camera sees a little piccolo named Fife looking at someone and the camera sees the giant organ named Forte. Forte notices Fife applauding for him as he stops playing music]

Fife: Bravo! Bravo! Encore!

Forte: [chuckles] Fife… You approve?

Fife: Oh, maestro. It's magnificent!

Forte: Oh, come along. It’s merely an opera…

[He plays a few loud notes and the glass cracks]

Forte: …to bring the house down.

[Forte cackles as bits of celling fall down. One of them hits Fife on the head]

Fife: Is there a part for a piccolo?

Forte: Absolutely.

[Forte plays some high notes and the magic music sheet goes to a chest and it opens up to show papers, much to Fife's happiness]

Forte: Solo for Fife in "B" flat.

Fife: Ooh. I'd do anything for a solo.

Forte: Yes.

[The chest slams shut]

Forte: I know. Now, Fifey, in the midst of my crescendo, I thought I heard merriment outside the window. Have a look-see, will you?

[Fife hops over to a window and he sees something wonderful]

Fife: Wow. Would you look at that?

Forte: Well, I think I might. I'll just pick myself up and… [tries to but he can't] Oh! What's this?

[The camera sees the chain holding him bolted to the wall. He budges a few times but to no avail]

Forte: Heavens, look. [angerly] I'M BOLTED TO THE WALL!!!!

Fife: Oh. Right. [chuckles nervously] Um, th-the master is skating.

Forte: Skating? Why on Earth would he do a thing like that?

Fife: Probably because that pretty girl holding his hand.

Forte: What? Belle?

Fife: Hey. Maybe if she falls in love with him, the spell will be broken and we will be human again.



Forte: Trust me, Fife. Humanity is entirely overrated. Before the enchantment, there was no need for my particular brand of genius. But now, the master needs my melodies to feed his tormented soul. I am his confidant and his best friend. And I won't let some peasant girl ruin it for me! [] Fife, see to it that this blossoming love withers on the vine.

Fife: Yes, Maestro Forte. [leaves, giggling]

[Outside, Beast is getting the hang of ice skating]

Beast: One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. I think I've got it!




Mrs. Potts: What's that little toot up to?



Belle: It's a Christmas angel. See?


[Beast looks at his shape in the snow]

Beast: This is no angel. It's the shadow of a.. a monster.

[The Beast roars and claws at the snow. He walks off angrily. To Fife]

Fife: [giggles] Oh, Forte's going to be so proud of me.


Belle: I don't know why I bother. [lays on the snow] Now he's worse than ever.

[Mrs. Potts hops to Belle]

Mrs. Potts: Don't lose heart, dearest.



- Beast: I hate Christmas.

[The Beast then goes to the room where Forte is and Beast goes to sit by the fireplace]

Forte: The music helps?

Beast: Your music is the only thing that helps me forget. [low growl]

Forte: Don't worry, old friend. I'm here for you. Just as I have been. Just as I always will be.




Persuading Cogsworth/Meeting Angeline/"As Long as There's Christmas"[]

[Meanwhile, in the castle kitchen. Cogsworth sees the reflection of himself accompanied by wine glasses]

Cogsworth: Absolutely not.

Glasses: [whining] Why not?

Cogsworth: Out of the question. Not a chance. Dream on. An impossibility. Forget it.

Glasses: [sighing] Come on!

[He walks and he notices the cup with the lid have slumped with its belly out]

Cogsworth: Suck in that gut.

[The cup with a lid did what Cogsworth told him]

Lumière: Mon ami. Get with the sprit. Unwind. [nudges Cogsworth]

[Cogsworth groans and notices his hands on his face spins around]

Cogsworth: Oh, dear.

Mrs. Potts: Come on, love. Have a heart.

Glasses: Yeah. Come on.

[Cogsworth stops his clock hands on his face]

Cogsworth: No, no and… let me think…

Lumiere and Glasses: Uh-huh?

Cogsworth: No!

[All sighs]

Cogsworth: This is where I put my foot down.

[Cogsworth puts his foot into a pot of glue. He struggles to get it off]

Cogsworth: Wait. Gotta go… Go! The master has forbidden… [falls on his back] Christmas!

[The glasses laugh]

Belle: Forbid Christmas? No one can forbid Christmas.

Cogsworth: He doesn’t wish to be reminded of his past and Christmas is a most painful reminder to it. I, for one, do not wish to torture him.






Lumiere: The girl is right. It is up to us to do something.

[Cogsworth struggles and got his foot out of the glue pot]

Cogsworth: Gosh. It's not our place to get involved. No, no, no, no! [pokes Lumiere's nose] We just can't mind our own beeswax, can we? Just have to stick our wick where it doesn't belong.

[Lumiere puts his flame near Cogsworth's behind and then, Cogsworth notices something burning. He screams and goes up into the air and then, he falls down into a washbowl with water and bubbles. Cogsworth comes up wearing bubbles on his head for a hat. The glasses giggle by this. Cogsworth squirts out water]

Cogsworth: Oh, humiliating.

Mrs. Potts: Pish posh. I think it's a wonderful idea.

Cogsworth: But the master doesn't want it. [gets out of the bowl] His castle, his rules.

Chip: It's not fair.

Glasses: [whining] He's right. It's not fair!

Cogsworth: Don't whine, glasses.[crosses his arms]

Glasses: [whining] Sorry.

Mrs. Potts: Look at us, squabbling and bickering. Breaks my heart to see it, it does. And we used to be our very best at Christmas. Why, we used to prepare a feast for the entire castle.


Cogsworth: Uh, pudding? With… With custard?

Lumière: What do you think we are? Barbarians? Of course, with custard and raisins and brandy and all those things you like.




Cogsworth: Now, now, wait for me. I'm in charge here. I'm in charge.

[Cogsworth noticed that everyone's gone]

Cogsworth: Wait for me! [runs to go after them]

[The camera fades to a tower and we hear Chip's voice]

Chip: [voice] 1001, 1002, 1003… Are we there yet?

Belle: [voice] Not yet.


[The camera sees Belle holding Lumière as she goes up the stairs]

Chip: Oh, boy. There sure a lot of stairs here. 1007, 1008, 1009…

[The camera pans down as Chip counts. At the bottom of the stairs, we see Fife arrive. He pants as he goes hoping up the stairs. In the attic, Belle looks around for something]

Belle: [sighs] Hello? Hello?

[Some ornaments watch in the shadows]

Lumière: Do not be afraid, mes ami. It is I, Lumière. We have come to pay you a little visit.

[Chip notices something when he hears a sound. A Christmas Angel looks in a trunk. Chip quickly hides behind Belle then peeks. The Angel ornament named Angelique realises who said the line]

Angelique: Lumière?

Lumière: Angelique.



Ryan Freestar: Hello there, Angelique. It is nice to meet you.







Belle: I believe it will.


Belle (singing): There is more to do

This time of year

Than sleigh bells and holly

Mistletoe and snow

Those things come and go

Much deeper than snow

Stronger than the strongest love we'll know

We'll ever know


Belle (singing): As long as there's Christmas

I truly believe

That hope is the greatest

Of the gifts we'll receive


As long as there's Christmas

We'll all be just fine

A star shines above us

Lighting your way and mine

[As soon as Beast walks past in the far hall, Belle tip toes across the hall with the ornaments following]

Cogsworth (singing): Just as long as there's Christmas, there'll be Christmas pud

Tons of turkey

Mrs. Potts (singing): And cranberry sauce and mince pies if we're good

Lumière: Lots of logs on the fire

Ornaments: Lots of gifts on the tree


The Blindings and Ornaments: All wrapped in red ribbons

Chip: Wonder if there's one for me

Sci-Ryan: We're due for a party [] Where on Earth do we start?

Fifi: I may wear my tiara

You bought me in Monmarte

Bertram T. Garrison: All the silver will sparkle

Queen Zoe Freestar: And the china will gleam

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister and Lumière: And we'll all be as shiny as a brand new centime

Chip: After dinner, we'll play games

Mrs. Potts: Till the morning right through

Marcus Reynolds and Lumière: Then we'll meet in the garden

This is what we shall do

Matau T. Garrison and Chip: We will build us a snowman that will reach the sky

Belle: It will stay up until July





Angelique: What are you doing? Stop, stop, stop. Put me down. Put me down. Uh, this is ridiculous. Everyone knows that the lights go on first.


Angelique: I don't want to go all the way up there on the top.


Belle and chorus: As long as there's Christmas

Beast finds out Belle is planning Christmas/The flashback of Beast's Christmas[]

[Meanwhile, the Beast shows up after hearing what Belle is planning]

Beast: Christmas? She's planning Christmas?

Forte: Yes. Awful, isn't it.

[The Beast looks at Forte and then he walks on fours to his chair, looks at him and then he sits on his chair]

Beast: Perhaps, she doesn’t know how I feel about Christmas.

Forte: But, she does know.

Beast: Hmm?

Forte: She just doesn’t care like I do. She's actually trying to bring Christmas back to the castle. And you know how much we despise Christmas.

Beast: The day my life ended.

[The fire rises and then, we fade to a flashback of Beast's past]

Prince Adam: Bring me my presents!

Lumière: [shows the prince a present] Here, your highness. Please accept this gift as a token of our appreciation. I know I speak for everyone when..

Prince Adam: Ah, just give it to me!

[Prince Adam snatches the present from Lumière. He then unwraps the present and sees that he is given a storybook]

Prince Adam: A storybook? You call this a present? I hope you have something better for me, Forte.

[We see Forte when he was a human. He is sitting by a organ]

Forte: Yes, sir. Uh, of course, master.

[Forte plays a slow solo the organ]

Prince Adam: What is that?

[Forte stops playing]

Forte: Um. A small piece in your honour, master.

Prince Adam: Eww. I hate it! Forte, that stuff is gloomy.

[Then, there was a knocking at the castle door]

Prince Adam: Who disturbs my Christmas?!

[He answers the door and he sees an old beggar woman. She has a rose in her hand]

Beggar Woman: Please, take this rose in exchange for shelter from the bitter cold.

Prince Adam: [scoffs] I don't need a rose. Go away, you wrecked old hag!

[He closes the door. The rose in the beggar woman's hand starts to glow and then, she teleported inside the castle, transformed into a beautiful Enchantress]

The Enchantress: You have been deceived by your own cold heart. A curse upon your house and all within it.

[The magic swirls around him. To his servants. As she speaks, they got transformed into objects]

The Enchantress (voice): Until you found one to love you as you are, you shall remain forever… a beast.

[The camera sees Prince Adam screaming as he is transformed into a beast. As he snarls and roars, we pan out to see the rose inside the belljar and with a flash of light, the flashback ends]

Forte: But we've come so far since then. We've risen above the tragedy.

[The Beast knocks his chair aside and looks at Forte]

Beast: Where is she?

Forte: I believe she has gone to the boiler room. Or so a little birdie told me.

[Fife comes out of hiding]

Fife: [chuckling] Tweet, tweet, tweet!

In the Boiler room/TBA[]






Axe: All right. Logs we got. What do you want? [] Hard wood, soft wood, we got it all. We got birch, maple, pine, oak…

[The axe hit on something hard with a clang]

Axe: DOI! [he appears in view with logs flying around his head] Concrete. My head. Don't worry, it'll pass.




Belle: It's, uh, a yule log.

Beast: Huh?

Belle: A-a Yule log. It's a wonderful tradition. One log is chosen, and everyone in the house touches it and makes a Christmas wish.

Beast: Mmm. Wishes are stupid. [growls] You made a Christmas wish last year. Is this WHAT YOU WISHED FOR?!?!

[The beast roars and a flock of bats fly though a hole above the room. Belle remains firm]

Belle: No.

[The Beast grunts and as Belle say this, she picks up another Yule log]

Belle: But I will keep wishing. And when the log is burned on Christmas morning…

Beast: There will be no Christmas.

Belle: But…

Beast: NO!!! I am the master here.

Belle: [feeling upset] How can you be so selfish?

Beast: You cannot possibly understand.

[Belle listens as Beast as he rants]

Beast: You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, to be trapped in your own castle, to be, uh… [loses focus as he growls]

Belle: Prisoner?


Belle: The only one keeping us prisoner here is you. Well, I'm not giving up.


Beast: [sadly] Prisoner.





[Meanwhile, in Forte's parlour, he is playing a gloomy piece and then, Beast arrives]

Beast: Forte, stop the noise!

Forte: Noise? Noise?! This is my masterpiece.

[The Beast growls by this]

Forte: Master.

Beast: I.. I want you to compose a song. It's a present for Belle.

Forte: What? Belle?

Beast: And make it… happy!

Forte: Oh.. But happiness is so… depressing.


TBA/Beast finds out that Belle is gone/"Don't Fall in Love"[]


Beast: Why am I still waiting? [shouts] MRS. POTTS!!!

[Mrs. Potts arrives on her cart]

Mrs. Potts: Coming, sir! Coming! What a brisk day! Why, you look positively chilled to the bone.

Beast: Where's Belle?

Mrs. Potts: Have about a nice cup of tea, sir. Just a spot.

[Beast picks up a cup and looks at a door]

Beast: Forte, play Belle's song!

[Forte plays Deck the Halls on the organ. Beast takes a sip and then, he notices Forte is not singing]

Beast: Hot. [to Forte] You're not singing!

[Forte starts over and sings]

Forte: (singing) Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Beast: A bit louder!

Forte: 'Tis the season to be…

[As Forte sings, Mrs. Potts talks to the Beast]

Mrs. Potts: A bit more tea, sir? Good for the heart, you know.

Beast: No, thank you.

Mrs. Potts: Just a spot?

Beast: No more.

Mrs. Potts: Well, there's always room for tea, love.

Beast: I said, "No more".

Mrs. Potts: Oh, dearie me!

Beast: Mrs. Potts, are you trying to distract me?

Mrs. Potts: Goodness, no, sir. [notices something at the window. Gasps] Heavens. Is that a yellow bellied double breasted sapsucker? Rare this time of year.

Beast: Enough! Where's Cogsworth? Where's Belle?

Mrs. Potts: Belle? We can't find her, sir.

[The Beast is mad by this]

Beast: WHAT!? Leave me!

[Beast goes to the room where Forte is and he picks up his magic mirror]

Beast: [growls] Show me the girl.

[The Beast sees that Belle is on a sleigh to find the best tree. The beast is angry by this]

Beast: I will bring her back!

Forte: No! Um, she's abandoned you.

[The beast growls]

Forte: Listen to your old friend, won't you? Have I ever steered you wrong? Led you astray? No. But the girl…

[Then, he sings as the song "Don't Fall in Love" plays]

Forte: (singing) The quickest way to break your heart

Make you depressed and ill

Is to get tangled up inside

The side effects could kill

All passion is a waste of time

A deadly game pour vous

I am your friend, your Cher ami

I wouldn’t lie to you

If you must love someone, may I suggest you love yourself!

Just think it through

You'll never leave, and you will find

You'll get more rest

You'll always feel as good as new

Your freedom is the most important thing, my friend

You must be strong

You must not bend

Don't talk for hours

Don't send flowers

Don't write poems

Don't sing songs and dance beneath the stars that shine above


Forte: [singing] Don't fall in love

TBA/The perfect tree/[]



Lumière: Allez! Allez! (Come on! Come on!) [laughs] Faster! Faster! I think we finally found a use for you! Clock boarding! No, snow clocking!

[To Belle, Chip and Axe as the two see the pine tree]

Chip: It's the best tree ever!

Belle: Chip, you're right.

Axe: Merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah!

Belle: Oh, we better hurry. It’s getting very stormy.

[Belle starts to use Axe to chop the tree]

Axe: Doi! Doi! Again with the chopping?


Fife: Oh, I gotta do something. Forte's counting on me.


Chip: Timber!






Fife: Oh no. What have I done? It's all my fault.

Lumière: We all share some blame, mon ami, for daring to hope for a Christmas.


TBA/As Long as There's Christmas reprise[]

[The camera sees the clouds and then they move to show the moon. The moonlight shines through a window and the camera sees Belle sitting in a dungeon. We fade to black and then, two lights shine and the camera sees the Beast]

Beast: You said you'd never leave.

[The view fades to black. The camera sees Belle as light shines over her]

Belle: I wasn't trying to leave. I just wanted to make you happy.

[The camera sees the Beast]

Beast: You broke your word. [turns his back on her. The view fades to black] And for that, (the camera sees him at the door] you will rot in this dungeon forever.

[The Beast opens the door, leaves Belle and closes the door and locks it. The camera sees Belle]

Belle: I should have known you'd never be anything but a beast.





Lumière: [sighs sadly] Midnight. [to Cogsworth] Merry Christmas, Cogsworth.

Cogsworth: If only it were.


Forte: Oh, my dear old friend. I told you not to feel for her. Things were so much simpler before she came along. Before we dared to… hope.

Beast: Oh… I thought she was the one.


TBA/"A Cut above the Rest"[]

[In the organ room]

Forte: Ah, it tears me up to see you this way, master. Why do you torment yourself?

[He motions to the rose. As he talks, Beast walks up to it and removed the bell jar and he eyes it]

Forte: There's the symbol of your curse. Destroy it and end these adolescent notions of love and redemption. End your pain forever.

[Beast growls as he looks at the rose]

Forte: Yes! Do it! Smash it!

[Beast raises his hand and roars in anger but then, the rose petal falls and it lands on the gift. Beast remembers who give him this]

Beast: Belle? [puts the belljar back on the rose]

[Forte notices some noises]

Forte: What are you doing? What is it?

[A ribbon falls on the floor. Beast comes with a book]

Forte: Oh, a storybook. Does this one have pretty pictures you can colour? [chuckles] Utterly dreadful, master.

Beast: No! This one's different. It's from Belle.

Forte: Well, that would account for the creative wrapping.

Beast: Quiet! [growls and sits on the chair] I want to read.

[Forte sighs. Beast then looks at the pages and as we see the pictures of the book, Belle's voice narrates the story]

Belle (voice): Once upon a time, there was an enchanted castle. Its master seemed as cold as winter. Deep inside his heart, his cries of anger echoed through the stone wall of the castle. Though surrounded by servants, he was all alone. And in that simple act of kindness, he knew someone cared. Christmas that year was spent exchanging gifts. But the greatest gift that anyone received… was the gift of hope.

[We fade to the Beast]

Beast: Hmm. Hope.

[Beast then looks at the pages of the book and then, he knows what he would do. He closes the book and leaves the room to go to the dungeon]

Forte: No, master! Come back!

[The camera sees the door as Beast closes the door behind him]










[Meanwhile, at the dungeon]

Chip: You know what, Belle? I don't need a tree to celebrate Christmas.

Lumière: And I can do without mistletoe. [kisses Cogsworth on the cheek]



[The camera sees Forte in room after Beast left him]

Forte: So, Beast gets girl and it's a happy ending for everyone. Enchantment lifted, and Forte fades into the background. No longer important. No longer needed. I THINK NOT!!!!

[Forte plays his music and the music appears on the sheet with a green glow. The camera sees the window and the glass cracks and then, it breaks from the force of Forte's music. A chandelier falls down. Inside the dungeon,

Chip: What is it, Mama? What's happening?


Fife: Forte.

[Fife goes out of the dungeon through the doggy door to try and confront Forte



Forte: Can you believe I never took a lesson?!


[The camera sees the outside of the castle as a few stones fall off. Inside, Fife is hoping and whimpering, trying to avoid the falling debris and he made it to the West Wing]

Fife: Oh no.

[Fife then hops over to Forte's chamber]

Fife: Maestro! Stop!

[Forte stops playing]

Fife: What do you think you're doing?

Forte: Don't you see, Fife? They can't fall in love if they're DEAD!!

Fife: I'll tell you what I see! A big old windbag! [laughs nervously]

Forte: You could have joined me, Fife.

[He plays loud organ music and Fife shakes to the chest. As he speaks, the chest opens and papers come out]

Forte: But I see my triumph is a solo act.

[Fife grabs the paper to his solo. He realises it is blank]

Fife: My solo! It's blank!

[Fife looks at Forte angrily, knowing he betrayed him for breaking his promise for a solo]

Forte: [laughs] So naive.

[He plays loud organ music, shaking Fife]

Fife: No, no, no!

Forte: You're second fiddle, Fife. And that's all you'll ever be!



Beast: FORTE!!


[In the west wing

Forte: We can remain as we are.. Forever and ever!

[Forte then laughs madly as his laughter echos and then…]

Beast: [voice] FORTE!!!!

[He notices the door. Footsteps are heard and when they open, it is his master, the Beast, and he is angry at him]

Beast: Enough!

Forte: Heavens. Master.

[The Beast walks towards to confront him]

Forte: "You're not singing!"

[Forte plays his loud music and his magic music flies across the room, breaks a bit of a pillar as it ricocheted off it and then it hits the Beast, causing him to land on his back


Forte: Is this happy enough for you, master?! I know, I'm downright giddy!







[To the Beast. He roars and throws Forte's keyboard and it is destroyed when it lands on the floor. Forte struggles to move]

Forte: Wha?

[The chain then breaks and one of his organ pipes fall]

Forte: What?!

[Forte himself starts to fall down]



[Forte crashes to the floor and when the dust clears, Beast sees that his friend is gone. Belle comforts him]

Beast: Forte…



Mrs. Potts:

Lumière: And you said it was impossible.

Angelique: Uh-uh-uh-uh, I said it was impossible without me.




Mrs. Potts: And what a wonderful Christmas it was. I suppose, if anyone saved Christmas, it was Belle.


Matau T. Garrison: That is a cool story.



Prince Adam: Merry Christmas, one and all!



Prince Adam: Maestro?

[The people move and there is Fife, now a human]

Fife: Yes, master?

Prince Adam: Would you do us the honour, old friend?

Fife: I'd be delighted! [chuckle]

