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This is the film script for Ryan's Adventures of Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui.


Opening narration[]

[The LEGO logo, Transformersprimefan Productions and other Productions presents, in association with Ryantransfomer studios. The camera pans to an area with a light stone and a black stone and in the circle, six different stones are there, representing heroes called the Toa]

Turaga Vakama: [narrating] Gathered friends. Listen again to our legend of the Bionicle. In the time before time, in the glorious city of Metru Nui, we believe that our noble Toa would protect us. But they fell one by one, as an unrelenting shadow sought to enforce endless sleep, so that he can create a time of dark order then awaken the world as their conquerer..

[The two black rock halves closes in on the glowing rock and then, we see the title; "Ryan's Adventures of Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui"

TBA//Toa Lhikan[]


Krekka: The last Toa!




Turaga Vakama: [narrating] And so, Toa Lhikan delivered the sacred stones to a chosen Matoran from each Metru.

Nokama: Fire. Stone.

[She and the two Ga-Matoran turn to see Toa Lhikan]

Nokama: Toa!

Ga-Matoran: Toa Lhikan?

Toa Lhikan: [gives a Toa stone to her] Guide the others with your wisdom.

[Toa Lhikan gives Nokama the Toa Stone and flies off. Letters appear out of nowhere forming her name: Nokama. At Po-Metru]

Turaga Vakama: [narrating] In every city's life, there's a period of great building with artisan builders such as Onewa create wonders that confirm our faith in the Great Spirit of civilisation.

Toa Lhikan:[puts the Toa stone on the ground] Builder. I'm counting on your courage.


Turaga Vakama: [narrating] This city is not just built from the construction of things, but from a collection of history.


Turaga Vakama: [narrating] My friend, Whenua, the archivist, knew this more than most.

Toa Lhikan: [gives the Toa Stone to Whenua] Don't archive it.


Whenua: Whoa.

[He looks at his toa stone and his name shows up saying "Whenua". Meanwhile, in Le-Metru]

Turaga Vakama: [narrating] It was an age when brave Matoran like Matau would selflessly test their latest innovations with fool and hardy courage.


Toa Lhikan: [chuckles and gives Matau something] Don't break it.


Turaga Vakama: [narrating] But it also was the time of reason, study, observance and looking into the future. And few looked further forward without seeing what was in plain sight than dear Nuju.


Nuju: What? [] Toa Lhikan?

Toa Lhikan: Follow the map, Thinker.


Turaga Vakama: [narrating] Ahh. It was a time of sharing, remembering…


Turaga Vakama: [narrating] ..building, adventuring, dreaming, but above all, it was the time of my kind. The time of mask makers, those for whole the art of creating great Kanohi Masks from Kanoka Disks was all that lived before.





Toa Lhikan: [voice] Save the heart of Metru Nui.

[An item Vakama is given comes to view and floats around him]

Toa Lhikan: [voice] The Great Spirit depends on you.


Toa Lhikan: Time is short.


Toa Lhikan: Hurry, Vakama.



Makuta's voice: I must have the Mask of Time.




Vakama: Without you, we have no Toa. Who would protect us now? I should’ve done something. [sighs]




Turaga Dume: I have come for the Mask of Time.

Vakama: Yes. Uh, well. I am very sorry, Turaga. It's not yet ready. [shows Dume a broken mask] Great masks take time to craft.

At the Great Temple in Ga-Metru//The mission to find the Great Disks[]

The camera sees the temple as birds fly by. Inside, Vakama is walking. Ryan, Meg and their few friends are with him]

Vakama: Oh. The Toa Suva.

Matau T. Garrison: [sees the Suva] I say, it is nice.

Ryan Freestar: Yeah.

Meg Griffin: Me too.

[Then, Vakama gets startled by Matau when they bump each other. They look at each other]

Matau: Fire-spitter. Take your wrong turn?

Vakama: You tell me.

Matau T. Garrison: I guess you must be the green Matoran named... [gets knocked down by Alphablock V] Ooof!

Meg Griffin: Matau?

Matau T. Garrison: I'm okay. Good thing V is here. I guess V was with this Le Matoran friend of his.

Ryan Freestar: Yeah. [to Matau] What are you and V doing here, rider Matau?

Alphablock V: I was following him. He was summoned by some Toa and I was running.

Vakama: That explains a lot.

[Vakama's stone glows, which he gasps. Matau's stone glows too]

Vakama: It appears we're not alone.

Crash Bandicoot: I think you are right, mate.

[Nuju shows up. With him is Alphablock J. Whenua shows up. Alphablock D is with him. They see Nokama]

Nokama: Well, Toa Lhikan summoned me.

Onewa: Me too.

[The 6 Matoran are gathered]

Nokama: It appears we have all received these curious stones. All similar yet each unique.

Matau: Like us. All Matoran. Some that more handsome-looking than the rest.

Whenua: Who's ever heard of a Matoran getting summoned to the great temple like this?

Nuju: What will we ask of us. We are all just strangers.

Queen Zoe Freestar: I thought we were friends, not strangers.

Sci-Ryan: Oh.

Bertram T. Garrison: Well, I get that you six were got here because, it is fate.

Jessie Primefan: I agree.

Nuju: You might be right, traveler. Your friends are different from strangers.

Onewa: [chuckles] Some stranger than others.

Nokama: Your negativity pollutes this sanctuary, builder.

Onewa: Save the lessons for your class, teacher.

Vakama: Look, we're here for a reason.



Toa Lhikan: Faithful Matoran. Metru Nui needs you. A shadow threatens its heart. Proof yourselves worthy Toa. And fear not. The Great Spirit shall guide you in ways you could not imagine.




Vakama: No!

Toa Lhikan: [voice] Save the heart of Metru Nui. Find the Great Disks.

[Then, the Great disks comes flying at him. Vakama dodges them and then, he snaps back to reality.



Onewa: All that smelting must’ve cooked his head.


Vakama: I saw it. Metru Nui was destroyed! The great Kanoka disks were headed right for me.



Onewa: So, we go on a scavenger hunt because a fire spitter stood too long in front of his forge?




Turaga Vakama: [voice] And so, whether it was madness or messages from the Great Spirit that guided us.


Turaga Vakama: [voice] We undertook the greatest scavenger hunt in the history of Metru Nui. We were just be proud of our new Toa statue.


Turaga Vakama (narrating): And one by one in our homelands, we sought out, found and recovered these great disks. We never even fear the consequences. We have bold hearts and courage enough for the whole city. If you measure a hero by effort alone, we most certainly were great Toa.


Turaga Vakama: [voice] But effort alone is seldom enough for legends.

[The camera sees Vakama holding the Ta-Metru great disk while he is hanging upside down by lava vines and the scene fades to black]



Turaga Dume: [voice] It is with deep sorrow that I must inform you of the disappearance of our beloved Toa Lhikan.


Turaga Dume: [voice] But, with the help of the Vahki, order shall be maintained.

[The camera sees Turaga Dume as he talks to the Matoran]

Turaga Dume: Trust in me. And soon, all your concerns will be laid to rest.




Turaga Dume: Matoran of Metru Nui. The Great Spirit has provided us with six new Toa who have undoubtedly demonstrated their worthiness on this field of honor.



Turaga Dume: Cross the sea of protodermis and be honoured as Toa.


Krekka: Do you think they went this way?

Nidhiki: [sighs] Why do I bother?

[They fly off somewhere. Meanwhile, back at the tower, the camera sees a sundial chamber as Turaga Dume shows up. Then, red eyes appears; the eyes of Makuta]

Makuta: The Mask of Time is not yet completed.

Turaga Dume: No… But when the great shadow falls, the Vahki will ensure every Matoran's fate.



Green Matoran:[voice] But, the entire system could explode if I reverse the flow.




Onewa: Ugh, I gotta get outta here!

Whenua: Oh, this is just great. When I woke up, all I worry about was cataloging. Now I go down in history as Metru Nui's most wanted.


Onewa: You? I'm the one suffering here. Stuck with a Ko-Matoran big Brian and an Onu-Matoran stock boy.

Whenua: Hey! Whoa!





Vakama: Toa Lhikan's spirit star. Each Toa has one. As long as it burns in the night sky, Toa Lhikan remains alive.





Nokama: What did you see?

[The camera sees that Vakama sees there is nothing in the pod)

Vakama: Nothing, sister. Nothing at all.


Matau: Are you cross-wired?



Onewa: Turaga? I know you not?

Masked Turaga: Your concern should be with your own identity, not mine. Freedom and escape are different objectives. But both are easily realised.


Onewa: You are stuck in here with us, so…

Masked Turaga: I have freedom, even in here. But for escape, Toa masks powers are needed.

Nuju: [sighs] I doubt we will ever be in touch of our mask powers.

Masked Turaga: Oh, never doubt what you are capable of. The great spirit lives through us all.

Nokama: Vakama, your destiny no longer lies in sculpting masks. You are a Toa.

Vakama: [sighs] I'll never be a real Toa. I can't even make a decent mask. I'm just a cross-wired freak who has weird dreams. Toa Lhikan, you got it wrong.

At Po-Metru//Nokama unlocks her mask power[]

[At Po-Metru, the transport roams along]

Matau: Ride's over.

[The three Toa and Ryan's team get off the vehicle]

Matau: Stick close. Bad things happen in the desert.

[Nokama grabs a lamp and lights it]

Nokama: Oh, Matau. You don't know what you're talking about.

Matau: Fine. Don't listen to me, Teacher.

Matau T. Garrison: I do agree. We would stick together so we won't let bad things happen.

Jessie Primefan: Oh, Matau. You do agree with your Bionicle namesake.

Matau T. Garrison: Yes. Yes, I do.




[They walk as they look for someone]

Matau: [shouts] Hellooo!!!

[The word echos. They keep walking and then, Vakama notices a pile of sphere containers and then, he goes to follow them]





Matau: Hello, hello!

[The words echo]

Matau: Guess they’ve all quick-sped.

Nokama: Builders do not abandon their projects without good reason.


Krekka: What's going on? Are you doing it?

Nidjiki: Now what?

[The camera sees rocks fall down the walls.

Vakama: Bioquack?

Nokama: Uh, worse.


Ryan Freestar: What's that sound?

Matau T. Garrison: I think it is my tummy after the transport tube ride.

Ryan Freestar: Are you sure? It's awful loud even for you.














Krekka: Nidhiki! Uh, where'd the Toa go?

Nidhiki (Matau in disguise): You must’ve let him slip past. Circle the other way back.

[Krekka goes to do what he is told. Matau, disguised as Nidhiki looks at the camera and does a little chuckle. He notices someone is coming and changes to another disguise as Nidhiki shows up]

Nidhiki: Grrr. Where did the Toa go? [sees Matau disguised as Krekka] You let him get by you?

Krekka (Matau in disguise): Maybe he sneaked past!




Makuta Teridax: Excellent. Dume's mask has been useful. Now, for its final task.

[He puts on Dume's mask. And as he say this line, he walks away from the bird]

Makuta: [voice] The future will be mine. Even without the Mask of Time.

Reunion of the Toa/[]


Onewa: You? I'm the one suffering here.




Vakama: Toa Lhikan?

Turaga Lhikan: No, Vakama. You are Toa. I am Turaga Lhikan.

Whenua: Huh… Why didn’t you tell us who you were?

Turaga Lhikan: Your task was to discover who you are. Only with such knowledge would your powers reveal themselves.

Matau: Quick-stop. Where did your power go?

Turaga Lhikan: It lives on in all of you.



Turaga Lhikan: Tell me, the heart of Metru Nui. You have it safe?

Vakama: Well. We're rescuing you now.

Turaga Lhikan: [sighs] You are so misguided. I am not Metru Nui's heart. The Matoran are.

[Vakama realised this and he sighs sadly]

Vakama: Then, I failed you. [to the other Toa and friends] I told you. I'm a cross-wired freak chasing my dreams, wasting everyone's time. I'll never be a real Toa. [walks off]

Nokama: Vakama… [tries to follow him]

Turaga Lhikan: [holds Nokama's arm] Wait. [lets go of her] We cannot help Vakama. He must learn to believe in himself. Only then will he find his destiny.


Ryan Freestar: Poor Vakama.



Vakama: Turaga Dume?

Turaga Lhikan: The true Turaga Dume. As I feared, an imposter is posing as a mask we all trust.

[Vakama imagines Makuta and red eyes appear transparently]

Makuta: [in Turaga Dume's voice, whispering menacingly] Bring me… the Mask… of… [in his own voice] Time!

[The red eyes disappear]

Onewa: If this is Turaga Dume…

Vakama: You don't want to know who's really in control of Metru Nui.

TBA/The real identity of the false Turaga Dume/[]


Matau: Grab tight!

[The vehicle goes out of the ground and moves on it]

Matau: Hey, Nokama. I see us taking a romantic ride-drive.




Turaga Dume: [voice] It is important that you cooperate with the Vahki enforcers.


Turaga Dume: Too late, Toa.

[The Toa and Ryan's team look at the disguised Makuta as he laughs. He then grabs his mask and his head change to Makuta's mask]

Makuta Teridax: The shadow has arrived.

Turaga Lhikan: Makuta! You were sworn to protect the Matoran!

Makuta Teridax: I shall. And when they awake… I will be their great leader.

Vakama: Deceit and self-interest will never be virtues the Matoran honour!

[Makuta chuckles by what Vakama said]

Makuta Teridax: How very bold.

[Makuta raises his arms up and as he say the line after the word "Now", the podium rises higher and high as the sky goes dark ]

Makuta Teridax: Now, even the Great Spirit will soon sleep!

[Lightning flashes and the camera pans up to the sky as two suns close up like eyes. The coliseum is under a darkness as lighting flashes]


Vakama: We must find the Matoran. [to Whenua] Whenua! What can you see?

[Whenua uses his mask power and then, he sees Matoran capsules under the floor]

Whenua: Matoran capsules, thousands of 'em. [turns to his friends as his light of his mask fades] They're down below!



Krekka: Toa! [jumps onto the vehicle]

Matau: Hey!

Krekka: Remember me?

Matau: Trying to drive here! Get off!


Nidhiki: Toa or Turaga, your fate shall be the same, Lhikan!


[Then, Onewa uses his mask power on Krekka]

Onewa: [voice] Get Nidhiki.

[Krekka's eye glow amber as he is instantly under Onewa's mind control]

Krekka: Get Nidhiki. [retracts his disk launcher] Get Nidhiki.

[Krekka jumps off and grabs Nidhiki in a hug]

Krekka: Nidhiki.

Nidhiki: Ugh! Get off!



[The scene opens on Vakama making the Vahi. Matau is concerned about him]

Matau: You no longer need to mask make, Vakama. It's time you accepted that you are a Toa.

Vakama: Time. Of course! That's what the false Turaga wanted.



Turaga Lhikan: Follow the light.


Vakama: Follow the light. Our destiny lies in the light beyond the great barrier.


Makuta Teridax: Your journey must end.

Vakama: By the will of the great spirit, it has just begun!

Makuta Teridax: Then perish. In the real Sea of Protodermis.



Vakama: Matau, stay true to the light.


Matau: Nokama, quick turn!



Vakama: Nuju! Get me up there!

[Nuju uses his mask powers and he lifts Vakama up into the sky. Makuta raises his hand over his shoulder. Vakama is still getting lifted higher and higher. Teridax then swings his hand down and the pillar starts to fall down like a tree. Makuta laughs evilly and Matau sees it coming and the pillar falls into the water. The force knocked Nuju to a wall and then, Vakama stopped glowing and lands on the ground where Makuta is. Matau looks to see where he is going]

Matau: Whoa!

[Lhikan I crashed into a pillar and some Matoran pods land on the water]

Nokama: [gasps] The Matoran!



[To Vakama. He stands up and holds the Vahi in his hands]

Makuta Teridax: Hmmmm… [gasps when he realised what Vakama's got] The Mask of Time. You are a great mask maker. You could have many destinies. [as his words echo] Come. Join my brothers and me!

Vakama: I desire just one noble destiny [puts on the Vahi] more than any power you can offer me!

Makuta Teridax: Then accept your doom.


Vakama: Lhikan!

[He runs to the harmed Turaga]

Vakama: That was meant for me!

Turaga Lhikan: [weakly] No. This is my lifetime's journey. Yours lies beyond.



Turaga Lhikan: [weakly] Trust your visions. I am proud to have called you.. Brother. [takes off his Noble Hau] Toa.. Vakama.

[Vakama is given Lhikan's Hau. Lhikan and Vakama fist bump and the weakened Turaga puts his hand over Vakama's hand on his body. Lhikan's heartlight glows bright and dims and when it tries to glow bright, it dims and it turns orange and Lhikan is dead. Vakama sees this, close his eyes and opens then, feeling sad for he lost the Toa he met as a Matoran.

Vakama: Not this time.

[Vakama fires the disk and then, it swats the Vahi from Makuta's hands and it goes up in the air from him]

Makuta Teridax: NOOOO!!!

[The Mask of Time then falls and then, it goes into the water with a splash and it sinks down. Makuta sees this happen and then, he roars in anger]

Makuta Teridax: Without the Mask of Time, it will take a lifetime's journey to find both our destinies! [] Only yours… will be brief!








Makuta Teridax: If Toa Lhikan.. could not defeat me alone, how… could you?




Toa Metru: UNITY!!

TBA/Waking the Matoran on Mata Nui/Happy ending[]




[The camera sees the Toa carrying the pods. Vakama looks back on the exit to Metru Nui. Vakama knows he and the Toa will return to rescue the rest and then, he follows the other Toa to the light and then, the camera fades to an island paradise. The pods are on the beach. Vakama looks at one of them as he showed up]

Vakama: Toa Lhikan sacrificed his power for us. Now, we shall do the same for them.

[Vakama places his hand on the Matoran pod and then, power surges and the pod opens. A Matoran wakes up. As Vakama use his power to wake the Matoran, he glows and changes into a new form. Nokama sees rhis]

Nokama: Vakama?

[The camera sees that Vakama has changed into a Turaga. The other Toa Metru walk to other pods and use their powers to wake them up. They, in turn change the Toa into Turaga. The camera sees Nokama change into a Turaga. She feels her mask as she is new to the change. One of the Matoran pokes its head out of the pod and exit it. The camera see Vakama talking to the Matoran]

Turaga Vakama: May the heart of Metru Nui live forever. For this is the Island of Mata Nui. Named in honour of the Great Spirit.

[Vakama notices Takua as he escort him to see his friend Jala got his mask broken. Vakama sees this and he pulls out Lhikan's Noble Hau. As Vakama narrates this, Vakama approach Jala and places the Hau on Jala's head]

Turaga Vakama: [voice] And so it was, as it is. Matoran into Toa. Toa into Turaga. Turaga into legend. Remembering deeds past. [The Hau changed to his version of the Hau] And bringing hope to the future.

[Jala stands and then, the Matoran cheer. They and the Turaga gather around Vakama as the camera looks at them]

Turaga Vakama: [narrating] United in duty. Bound in destiny. This is the way... [the camera looks at the sky] of the Bionicle.

[The camera sees the logo of the Three Virtues in cloud formation.
