This is the film script of Ryan's Adventures of Rayman 2: The Great Escape.
Axel (Rayman): Who is it that dares disturb the tranquility of this place?
Ryan Freestar: I know he is a hero so, my team and I need to help Rayman find the mask so we will get rid of the robot pirates.
Axel (Rayman): How will I know that your friend Rayman is not simply a thief?
The General shows Razorbeard the Grolgoth[]
The General: Rayman poisoning your life? I've got the antidote. Equipped with the latest power booster, nothing can stop it. You can control it yourself or put it in self-pilot. It can kill, crush, destroy, torture, pull ears… Its legs are programmed to squash fleeing victims. In short, it does everything, except the dishes. Don't forget the name of this marvel; the Grolgoth!
Admiral Razorbeard: Hmm, hmm.
The General: Decide quickly. I have other clients waiting.