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This is the film script for Ryan's Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 2.




Dr. Robotnik: Doctor's log. It's day 243 in this… portobello purgatory. My only companion is a rock I named Stone. The question is… for whom am I narrating it?


Dr. Robotnik: [voice] It seems I have become a feature player in the theater of the absurd. Marooned in deep space by that wretched blue rodent. But it's all good, thanks to a breathable atmosphere and my supreme intellect, sharpened against the only competitor savvy enough to br-r-r-r-ring it.

[The scene changes to Robotnik playing chess with mushrooms as the pieces. He takes a mushroom and places it forward.]

Dr. Robotnik: Chanterelle to D4.

[The screen changes to reveal a rock mirror, revealing that Robotnik is playing against himself.]

Dr. Robotnik: Hmm?

[Robotnik lifts the cup in his hand.]

Dr. Robotnik (voice): I've been striving to make fungi into a functional drink of choice…

Dr. Robotnik: [sniffs] Mushroom coffee.

[He takes a sip of his drink then he shudders and spits it out. Robotnik tries another one and spits it out as well]

Dr. Robotnik (narrating): ..with limited…

[The camera sees a rock squeezing some juice from the mushrooms. Robotnik is seen drinking another batch of mushroom coffee]

Dr. Robotnik (narrating): …limited…

[He spits out the juice. He tries three of them then spits it out. He then grabs another mushroom filled with juice]

Dr. Robotnik (narrating): …limited…

[He spits the juices out as well]

Dr. Robotnik (narrating): …success.

[Robotnik slowly spits out his drink in disgust]


Dr. Robotnik: Klatuu Barata Nikto!


Dr. Robotnik: Agent Stone, now.


Dr. Robotnik: Thank you, Stone.

[Robotnik stands up]

Dr. Robotnik: It's time to say goodbye to this.. [Inhales] piece of med toadstool planet!!



Knuckles: Where did you get that?

[Robotnik shows Knuckles the quill in his hand]

Dr. Robotnik: From a little blue menace on the planet called Earth. I would be happy to show you the way.




TBA/Sonic meet Knuckles/Meeting Tails/[]

[Back at the Wachowski house. Sonic and Ozzie are watching TV, as Sonic is eating a bowl of popcorn.]

Sonic: All right, Ozzie. It's movie night at Casa del Sonic and you're picking.

[Outside, a Ring portal forms.]

Sonic: But I am not watching Snow Dogs again. That movie is the [Singsong] wo-o-o-oooorst!

[Suddenly, the lights shut off.]

Sonic: Ohoho! Blackout!

[Sonic zooms away and returns, turning on a flashlight to reveal him in a blanket.]

Sonic: [Spooky voice] Oooohhh... Oooozzzziiiee...

[Ozzie whimpers and runs off.]

Sonic: Oh, sorry, buddy. Everything's okay.

[Suddenly, the TV turns on and the screen shows a static screen, startling Sonic and causing him to walk out of the room.]

Sonic: Uh, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist...

[Sonic leaves, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. Sonic makes it to the door.]

Sonic: Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional.

[Sonic gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to surround it, making Sonic back away. Soon after, the doorknob falls off, and the door slowly opens up to reveal Robotnik across from Sonic with his point finger of his control glove glowing like a taser.]

Ryan and his team: [gasps]

Sonic the Hedgehog: Eggman?

Ryan Freestar: Robotnik!?

[Robotnik blows out the taser like a candle and looks to Sonic.]

Dr. Robotnik: Hello, hedgehog. Did you miss me?

Sonic: I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here.

Dr. Robotnik: Oh, contraire mon frère.



Ryan Freestar: You may have teamed up with Dark Willy and my nemesis in the past, Robotnik, we will find a way to defeat you again.

Willy Diaz: I agree with Ryan on what he said, Eggman. You'll make a mistake to face us.

Dr. Robotnik: Oh. FYI, Ryan and Diaz boy. The mistake was thinking you'd won. But that was just a prelude, an hors d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an amuse-bouche.

Sonic: I get it!


Dr. Robotnik: I don't think you do. But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife. Along with that Keyblade wielding boy, his love and his friends.

[Sonic makes a fist with chaos energy building up]

Dr. Robotnik: And your little dog too!



Knuckles: Pitiful.

Sonic: What? Who are you?

Dr. Robotnik: Where... are my manners? Sonic, Ryan, Meg and TE, meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE. Bestest friend forever and ever!

Sonic: Look, Robotnik. I don't care who you brought to help you. You're never going to get my power.

Knuckles: Do I look like I need your power? [shows his chaos energy with his fist]


Dr. Robotnik: So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype.

Ryvine Sparktron: I know, right? We got the seats the great show on Earth.

Dark Willy: Allright, Knuckles. Let's get it on! [eats one of the popcorn from his popcorn container]


[Sonic groans as he gets up]

Knuckles: Where is it?

Sonic: Oh, you want it? Here it comes. [starts building up chaos energy.]

Knuckles: I was expecting more of you. You're unskilled...

[Sonic looks sternly at Knuckles.]

Knuckles: Untrained...

[Sonic gets on his hands and knees.]

Knuckles: And unworthy!

[Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn with his mouth open.]

Sonic: You forgot one. Unstoppable.

[Sonic zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form]


[Knuckles walks forward as blue energy crackles around Sonic. Knuckles then slams Sonic to the ground, making a shockwave, sending the popcorn flying. Knuckles then grabs Sonic and pins him to a tree]


Knuckles: It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not; to restore the ultimate power to the home of my people.

Sonic: Ultimate power? I don't know what you're talking about. You've got the wrong guy.

Dr. Robotnik: Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language.

Britt Victor: Ultimate power, eh?

Ryvine Sparktron: He knows something we would know, Linda.

Linda Carolglow: And me.

Corbyn Sakitron: Yeah. My dad and I respect what Knuckles said.


Knuckles: Don't play dumb with me, apprentice of Longclaw.

Sonic: You know Longclaw?

Knuckles: Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe, the Echidna. We fought and died at their hands, and now you will die at mine.


Sonic: Cool. Also, what is going on!? Robotnik's back?

Willy Diaz: He got friends working for him too?

Sonic: I agree with what Willy said. And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?

Tails: Oh, that's Knuckles. The last of the Echidnas and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy. He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald.

Sonic: Are you serious? The Master Enerald? That's just a bedtime story.

Tails: Well, he believes it's real. And he must think you're the key to finding it.


[Sonic and Tails fly off. Robotnik arrives in a rideable lawn mower.


[Robotnik raises his control glove]

Dr. Robotnik: You want something done right.. [starts tapping on it.] you'll have to hire someone you can push around. All-caps.

[The scene changes to the Mean Bean Coffee Café where Agent Stone prepares a latte. The song "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones plays in the background. He then takes out a pair of latte art "pencils" and sketches something. He looks down to see the face of Robotnik that he has drawn on it. He looks at the portrait sadly]

Stone: Doctor, where are you?

[A customer in the café stirs the cup with the Robotnik image in it, destroying it. He glares at Stone and he takes his latte]

Customer: Freak.

[Stone is revealed to be at work in the Mean Bean Coffee Café. He sighs sadly. Stone then hears a ding. He looks at his watch to see a message reading, "PREPARE MY LATTE". Stone is shocked by this.]

Stone: Oh, I, uh… I'm sorry, folks. Uh, I have to close early. Everybody out! Everybody out. Thank you for visiting the Mean Bean.

[The customers proceed to leave]

Stone: All right, good night. Good night.

[He closes the door. afterwards Stone flips the sign from open to closed, and removes the passing health inspector grade of A, revealing an F-. He runs up to one of the boilers, and the temperature gauge on it transforms into a retina scanner and scans Stone's eye. Afterwards, a red button appears on the spill guard of a drink machine which Stone presses. In space, a satellite activates. Back at the Mean Bean Coffee shop]

Stone: He's back. HE'S BAAAAAACK!!!

[The scene changes to Outer Space where a white satellite starts lighting up. A large egg-shaped pod detaches from the satellite and heads for Earth. Soon after, it lands at the location of Robotnik, who puts his goggles on as a door on the pod opens up for him. The machine then opens panels on it to reveal a storage for his Badniks that include the standard egg-shaped drones and Buzz Bombers. Robotnik gets cleaned up inside the pod, which gives him new clothes while tiny Badniks clean out his nose hairs, fix his mustache, and squirt mouthwash into his mouth for him to rinse with. Robotnik emerges from the pod with his army of Badniks behind him.]

Dr. Robotnik: That's more like it... I've been re-hatched!

[To Knuckles. He uses his two fists to hoist himself on the cliff then a laser blast stops him in his tracks. He sees Badniks surround him and Robotnik looks down on him]

Dr. Robotnik: So, my massively metacarpaled friend, you mentioned… [howls like a wolf] ultimate power. Back at the house?

Knuckles: The Master Emerald? It does not concern you! I got you off that planet and you brought me to the hedgehog. We have no more use for each other.

Dr. Robotnik: Well, I hate to be a contrarian but…(presses the buttons on his control glove) I think we might.

[Then, the Badniks close in on Knuckles.]

Knuckles: You think these machines are a match for me? I will shatter them like the bones from a fallen--

[Knuckles looks down and sees they were making a staircase for him.]

Knuckles: Oh. They are stairs.

[Knuckles steps down from the cliff and walks up the Badnik staircase to Robotnik.]

Ryvine Sparktron: Okay, Knuckles. If you want to move around this planet, Robotnik will be your guide.

Dr. Robotnik: Ryvine's right. You see. Earth, is my turf, G. [does the floss] If ya don't know how to floss, you'll be lost without me.

Knuckles: I understand nothing of what you just said.

Dr. Robotnik: I help you retrieve the emerald and you use it to… [inhales and swings his hands rapidly] destroy the HEDGEHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!!!!!!!!!!!

Knuckles: You're suggesting an alliance?

Dr. Neo Cortex: Think of it, with my mighty intelligent, Ryvine and Linda's team and your strength with Robotnik's intellect, we will get the Master Emerald and rid this world of Sonic once and for all.

Uka Uka: And wiping Ryan Freestar, Crash Bandicoot and their team off the face of the planet forever!

Bethany Sparktron: What he said.

Knuckles: How will I agree to this request of yours?

Dr. Robotnik: Around here we simply grip each other’s hands tightly.

[Robotnik extends his hand. Knuckles grabs Robotnik's hand and bones cracking]

Dr. Robotnik: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

[Knuckles lets go of Robotnik's hand]

Dr. Robotnik: [gasps] You truculent space bumpkin! You've crushed my favourite hand!

Knuckles: Really? My hand is uninjured.

Linda Carolglow: He does have a point.

Corbyn Sakitron: So, I suppose you and Dark boy here will get along with Robotnik.

Knuckles: Is that so? How will demon boy trust you?

Ryvine Sparktron: Well, he did shake my hand as a sign of our friendship in his home.

Floyd Ranitas: It's true.

Dark Willy: Yeah. Since we met, we got a common enemy.

Knuckles: Intresting. You do have my trust, Darkling.

[Robotnik looks at Knuckles]

Knuckles: But I'm now convinced of your commitment.

Dark Thomas: Huh. Neat. We have a new friend to help us on the mission to get the Master Emerald.

Corbyn Sakitron: This team gets better and better.

Dark Thomas: Same here.

Dr. Robotnik: "Oh, goody.", he exclaimed, while he reset two of his knuckles. [bones crack] I'm… delighted to be on the same team.

[With a few button presses on his control glove, Robotnik makes the Egg Mobile come out of the pod and lower itself down to the two of them.]

Dr. Robotnik: Road trip! I'll let you stick your nose out the window.

Ryvine Sparktron: Well, there ain't room for us, so, Dark Willster can fly.

Linda Carolglow: Maybe so. That Master Emerald is the ultimate power I would need to get revenge on my CPA nemesis Ryan.

Dark Willy: What are you talking about, Linda? I am after Willy and his friend Ryan.

Esme Jadespark: She is on about Sci-Ryan so, it's about both. Unfortunately.




[The camera sees a man who uses a butchers knife to cut the fish's head off. The fish head rolls up to Sonic and Tails]

Fish: Run.

[Tails faints]

Cody Starshooter: As Rattrap would say… We're all gonna die.

Willy Diaz: Oh mama… [faints as well]


[A beeping sound is heard.]

Sonic: Oh, what? Hang on one sec.

[Sonic pulls out his phone to see a text from Tom asking "How's it goin'?"]

Sonic: Donut Lord is checking in.

[Scene change: Mean Bean Café, night.]

[Sonic and Tom's texts are being displayed on a screen. Robotnik, Stone and Knuckles are shown watching said screen. Sonic's reply says "Just chillin. Watchin TV"]

Knuckles: [reading] "Just chilling. Watching TV."

[Tom begins writing a reply, causing the typing bubble to appear.]

Knuckles: Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. [Robotnik and Stone look at him] Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. [they turn away] Dot, dot, dot.

Stone: Doctor, [whispering] why are we working with this imbecile?

Dr. Robotnik: Because that simpleminded space trashed is the key to something extraordinary.

Stone: Something to help you get revenge on the hedgehog.

Dr. Robotnik: Think bigger, Stone. The emerald he seeks could power my wildest designs. My genius wouldn't just be recognized on Earth. It would spread virally to every corner of the galaxy, allowing me to harness all the negative forces of the universe and commune with darkness itself.

Stone: That's sounds big.

Dr. Robotnik: It's been on my vision board for years. It's the law of attraction. Didn't you see The Secret? Poof. Kaplooy!

Stone: Kaplooy.

Ryvine Sparktron: Kaplooy indeed.

Dark Willy: So, Ryvine. You suppose Robotnik has interest in the emerald he and Knuckles is looking for.

Ryvine Sparktron: I am sure they are. My mom, Queen Olivine Sparktron, would be sure that Knuckles would be the key to the downfall of the hedgehog.

Queen Olivine Sparktron: Yeah. Including that Technorganic and his team.

Baron Greenback: Yeah. Und with Danger Mouse out of the way, we shall rule the world.

Linda Carolglow: I agree, Greenback. The emerald could be the key for our and Astronema’s conquest of multiversal domination.


[Then, Tom's reply appears saying "Another boring night at home"]

Knuckles: "Another boring night at home." The hedgehog has returned home!

Dr. Robotnik: Falsa. Which is Latin for "wrong-o".

[Robotnik hits a few keys on the counter, bringing up a hologram of Earth.]

Dr. Robotnik: According to my worldwide network cell tower triangulation, he's lying, all the way... from the majestic hinterlands of Eastern Siberia.

[A topographic hologram of the Siberian mountains appears, with a hologram of Sonic tapping his foot flying off of it and landing in front of Robotnik and Knuckles.]

Dr. Robotnik: He's a long-distance liar! [tries to swat the Sonic hologram] Kuh! Kuh! Kuh! Nga-nga-nga-nga-nga! Yeah, there's more where that came from.

[Then, Knuckles pounds the Sonic hologram with his fist, making it disappear]

Knuckles: Tiny magic hedgehog destroyed.

Dark Willy: Whoa. And it seems to me that Willy is with the blue hedgehog and the robot boy's heroic band of freaks.

Ryvine Sparktron: Yeah. I think so.



Knuckles: Now let's begin our quest.


Knuckles: Wait. What about your minion? The goat Milker?

[Stone cleans the glass up on the table]

Dr. Robotnik: There's no room on the ship for Stone. I say we ditch him, ghost him, blow him off.

Knuckles: Dishonour.

[Robotnik looks at Knuckles]

Dr. Robotnik: Dis… is how I roll.




Sonic: Uhhh. Meow?


[Sonic notices the device playing the music. He smiles. Sonic has an ingenious plan.]

Sonic: Ah! New Deejay (DJ) coming in!

[He dashes up to it, and plugs in his phone, causing it to play "Uptown Funk". The Serbians look confused.]



Ryan Freestar: Hey, Willy. You wanna dance with us?

Willy Diaz:




[Robotnik's egg pod got missiles deployed]

Dr. Robotnik: Later, haters!


Robotnik and Knuckles find the Emerald/[]



[Meanwhile, Robotnik makes it to the Master Emerald.]

Dr. Robotnik: Hi there, beautiful. You're the real deal, aren't you? Donde has estado toda mi vida? (Translation: "Where have you been all my life?")

Ryvine Sparktron: The Master Emerald. The source of ultimate power made by the Echidnas. Yours is the first chapter in the history of the Ryaniverse, the universe and the Multiverse. A chapter that is about to be… rewritten!



Ryvine Sparktron: I know. This powerful gem will be useful to Robotnik and Astronema.




[Sonic regains conciseness as he sees Knuckles holding a massive chunk of stone in his hands]

Knuckles: Say goodbye, hedgehog.

[Sonic sees that Robotnik is about to take the master emerald]

Sonic: Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the emerald!

Ryan Freestar: Sonic's right, Knuckles! You're letting Robotnik steal the Master Emerald!

Knuckles: What kind of fool do you take me for?

Sonic: Just look!

[Knuckles turns around and he sees that Robotnik is going to take the Master Emerald]

Dr. Robotnik: Mine.

[Robotnik is about to grab the Master Emerald and then…]

Knuckles: WAIT!! That wasn’t the deal!

[Knuckles puts down the rock he is holding and Sonic gets up, albeit worn out and holding his right arm.]

Dr. Robotnik: Oh. You poor naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or one point six kilometres.


Dark Willy:


Knuckles: But I trusted you! You were my friend!

[Dr. Robotnik laughs because of what Knuckles said]

Dr. Robotnik: I'm sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag. Friends, are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means X Squared times the hypotenuse of Y Squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals.. DOOKIE!! [turns around the face the Master Emerald]

Sonic: Oh no!



Ryvine Sparktron: The power! The absolute power! [laughs]

Astronema: Who's got whose birthright now, Bowser!








Ryan Freestar: I know how you feel, Knuckles. I lost a few people I know. A friend named Easton Carolglow and the female hero, Laura…

Knuckles: So, you have know the pain of losing someone close to you.

Ryan Freestar: Yeah. Easton Carolglow will always be remembered.



Willy Diaz:

Dark Willy: I know, Willy. But I guess that Evil Willy replaced me for Willy's series. And I would like to say that I'm… really… really… really, really… s… [clears throat] Sooooooooorrrrr.…

Meg Griffin: Sorry?

Dark Willy: Yeah! I did it. Willy, will you forgive me?

Willy Diaz: I do.

Knuckles: So, this Dark William had a change of heart after all. Much like me.

TBA/Final battle/[]

[Meanwhile, at the Mean Bean coffee cafe, Stone is handcuffed to a chair and is being interrogated by Wade, who is holding a butter knife.]

Wade: I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you for the last time…

[Wade holds up a plate with a display bagel on it.]

Wade: What would you like on your bagel?

Stone: I'm not telling you anything. And that is a display bagel.

Wade: I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like…

[Wade tries to bite down on the fake bagel.]

Wade: That is a display bagel. Wow.

[Suddenly, all the lights in the café glow green as Robotnik appears, levitating next to them with green electricity coming out of him.]

Stone: Doctor, you're here.

Dr. Robotnik: Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm… Not all there.



Dr. Neo Cortex: You feeling okay, Dr. Robotnik?

Stone: Sir, are you feeling okay?

Dr. Robotnik: I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded! [in singsong as he presses buttons that he makes] Sinister 3.0. My game is next level.


[Robotnik puts his hands on Stone's head]

Dr. Robotnik: I can smell the electricity in your brain. [sniffs] You smell like a snack plate.


Dr. Robotnik: Sit down.




Dr. Robotnik: Well, if it isn't the Pastry King.

Tom Wachoski: The Donut Lord. You know, a really genius would remember the name of the guy who helped kick your butt off this planet. And I'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills.

Dr. Robotnik: Congratulations on your oh-so temporary sense of superiority.

Ryvine Sparktron: A for effort there, friend of the blue hedgehog.


Commander Walters: You're finished, Robotnik! We've taken everything. Your lab, your drones, your funding! Let's how big of a man you are without your silly little robots.

Dr. Robotnik: Would you like to see how… big a man I can be?



Dr. Robotnik: Welcome… to the new norm.



Dr. Robotnik: Like a blister, he keeps coming back! He's on the okay to kill list. Shoot the missiles. Make a decision.

Stone: Uh. I just need a moment, sir. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.

Dr. Robotnik: Did you even glance at the manual?


Knuckles: ROBOTNIK!!

[The robot sees Sonic]

Knuckles: Deceiver!

Dr. Robotnik: Die, mosquito!!!


Dr. Robotnik: Ooh! I felt that.


- Dr. Robotnik: Time to fight.

[A swarm of aerial Badniks charge at Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The trio starts destroying them as they surround them.]

Sonic: Bad time to say this, but I don't actually have a plan. Tails, any ideas?

Tails: We have to find his weak spot.

Knuckles: I suggest the groin.

Sonic: What? No, no!

Knuckles: Traditionally, yes. The groin is the weakest spot.

Sonic: Stop, saying, "groin".

Ryan Freestar: Listen, Sonic. Maybe Knuckles is saying you are his weakness being the groin.

Sonic: You may be right, Ryan, but please don't say the word groin!


Dr. Robotnik: HEDGEHOG!!!

[The robot fires it's blasts]

Sonic: Look out!

[They run as the robot keeps firing]

Sonic: I know what his weak spot is. It's me! I'm the groin.


Sonic: Think about it. I live rent free in this dude's head. So if I go out there and rile him up—

Knuckles: He'll focus on only you, leaving himself open to a flanking maneuver from me and the fox! Hedgehog, you are a brave and noble warrior! Go to your certain death with honour!

Sonic: We're gonna have to work on your pep talks, pal.

Tails: [chuckle] Yeah.

Sonic: Let's go!


[Sonic stops and confronts the giant robot]

Sonic the Hedgehog: All right, Moustache. You want me? Come and get me!

Dr. Robotnik: You don't tell me about coming and getting. I am on the cutting edge of coming and getting! [starts to run, making his robot move. Sonic runs off] Coming, getting. Coming, getting. Coming, getting. Coming, getting.


Dr. Robotnik: Coming… Getting.. Whew!


Sonic the Hedgehog: You're gonna build a big robot house? Get yourself a big robot wife?

Dr. Robotnik: I'm going to enslave humanity and force them to service my machines.


Dr. Robotnik: First, Green Hills, then the universe, then the multiverse. Then who knows? Maybe that’ll be enough. Full disclosure?

[The camera sees Robotnik inside his mech. He is happy]

Dr. Robotnik: You won't be there.

Dr. Robotnik: Snot rocket!


Dr. Robotnik: [laughs] Giving up already? Not so tough when you're fighting someone 700 times your size, are ya?

[Outside, Sonic lays on the ground]

Dr. Robotnik: You can't beat me! [inside] I'm all powerful! All-knowing!


Dr. Robotnik: All-seeing.


Knuckles: I am also a hologram!

Dr. Robotnik: Disloyal.

Knuckles: Dis is how I roll.

[Knuckles charges at Knuckles and punches Robotnik, causing the Master Emerald to come out. The giant Eggman Robot starts to fall down. Knuckles, Tails and the emerald got out and the robot falls onto the ground face down.


Dr. Robotnik: Look at the happy little family.

Ryvine Sparktron: It will be the end for them. Let us finish this and let the heroes' fates fall where they may.

[The Giant Eggman Robot unleashes a flamethrower, surrounding Sonic, Tom and Maddie with a circle of fire.]

Sonic: You have to get away from me. I'm the one he wants.

Maddie: Hey. We're not going anywhere. We're family.

Tom: And families stick together… No matter what.

Sonic: I love you guys.

Tom: We love you too, Sonic.


Sean Carolglow: It's been an honour knowing you and your son, Zoe.

Queen Zoe Freestar: [shakes Sean's hand] The feeling's mutual, my friend.

Jessie Primefan: Ryan, I love your team and it is an honour to serve with you.

Ryan Freestar: The honour was mine, Jessie. If we make it, tell Marina I love her, my team and Sonic.

Matau T. Garrison: I'll see you guys and Willy with Ruskin tomorrow before lunch.

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister: That’s right, Matau.

Oisin Carolglow: There would be a nice party for our team.

Sci-Ryan: And there will be candy, cake and bananas.

Matau T. Garrison: Cake and bananas at a party? This is gonna be the best day ever! I love you, guys!

[Ryan, Meg and friends hug with Sonic's family. The 7 gems float and spin and they go into Sonic just as the Giant Eggman Robot stomps on the group]

Tails: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Willy Diaz: Ryan! Meg! Guys! No! [starts crying] They are gone!

Dr. Robotnik: I GOT HIM!!!! I finally got him! [laughs]

Ryvine Sparktron: Now, with the Hedgehog out of the way, thus begins the age of Robotnik and the era of Astronema.



[Sonic flies though the giant robot lots of times, flies in front of the mech and then, gives the mech a tap by his shoe]

Dr. Robotnik: Oh, it's like that?

[Sonic glares at Robotnik]

Dr. Robotnik: Okay. We're not friends.

[Then, the robot start to fall backwards

Dr. Robotnik: Later, hater!

Ryvine Sparktron: I hate that hedgehog!


An shadowy epilogue[]

[At the crash site, G.U.N. looks around for Robotnik]

Commander Walters: Agent, I want an update.

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Still searching, sir. We haven't found any sign of Robotnik or Ryvine, Linda, or Britt

Commander Walters: No one could've survived that crash. They're toast. Good riddance. What a mess that lunatic made.

[A masked GUN solider walks behind the pair, pulling his mask down to reveal himself to be Agent Stone.]

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Sir, there's something else. When we were wiping Robotnik off our database, we found something. A file buried deep in our system and dating back over fifty years.

Commander Walters: What was it?

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Coordinates, sir.

Commander Walters: Coordinates? To what?

[The conversion continues in voice over as a pod rises up revealing a black and red hedgehog inside]

G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: (voice) A secret research facility. It was a black site, sir. Someone worked very hard to keep this hidden.

Commander Walters: (voice) My gosh… Project Shadow.

[Shadow opens his eyes and the irises in his eyes flare with orange energy]