This the clip of the scene of Ryan's Adventures of Transformers One.
[The clip starts with Orion and his friends surrounded by jet bots. The one who asks them is Starscream and flanking him is a purple one eyed robot named Shockwave and the one with a faceplate and cassette drawer like chest is Soundwave. Starscream is seen sitting on his throne]
Starscream: Now… Are you spies.. or just incompetent lackeys?
Orion Pax: We're not spies.
Elita: But he is imcompetent.
Soundwave: [scans Orion] Scanning electrical impulses. He speaks the truth.
Starscream: That just mean he believes himself. Like any spy would.
Ryan Freestar: And we are not lackeys either.
Meg Griffin:
Queen Zoe Freestar: Same here.
Starscream: Much like the red and blue bot, you and your party believe yourselves, like any spy would do.
B-127: [muffled speech]
Elita: Uh… Why is he gagged?
Shockwave: He wouldn't stop talking.
Meg Griffin: Even when he was unconscious?
Shockwave: ESPECIALLY when he was unconscious!
Starscream: Enough! [to Orion and his friends] Two options for you. One; we slowly dismantle each of you one bolt and screw at a time and really make sure you feel it, or two; in exchange for a quick death, you give us intel on the Energon trains, access to the mines..
Ryan Freestar: I would agree, but giving us death is not the way to go.
Elita-1: Who exactly are you guys?
[B then manages to get the gag off his mouth]
B-127: The Cybertronian High Guard!
Shockwave: Rah! I told you it wasn’t tight enough!
[Clip end]