This is the film script for Ryan Freestar Meets Chicken Little.
Opening/The sky is falling![]
[The film starts with the Walt Disney logo. We fade to black as a man offscreen clears his throat. We see rays of light]
Male voice: Now, where to begin? [clicks tongue] How 'bout, "Once upon a time"?
[Then, a door slams and everything went black]
Male voice: How many times have you heard that to begin a story? Let's do somethin' else. [gasps] I got it, I got it, here we go. Here's how to open a movie!
[The scene opens to a sunrise in Africa as the man sing in African from the Lion King, but fades to black and the music slows and stops]
Male voice: No, I don't think so. It sounds familiar. Doesn't it, to you?
[Then, the scene opens with a book laying on the grass. As the voice says this line, the wind blows and the book opens]
Male voice: Oh no, no, not the book. How many have seen "opening the book" before?
[The scene stops with brake noises]
Male voice: Close the book. We're not doing that.
[The scene reverses]
Male voice: Here's what we're gonna do.
[Walt Disney Pictures presents. A Ryantransformer Studios production]
Male voice: Why don't I just go back to the day things took a turn for the worse?
[The camera sees a school bell and as we turn around it, the scene brightens and we see Chicken Little ringing the bell to alert the people of the town]
Chicken Little: Run for your lives! Everybody, run for cover!
Coach: Okay, everyone. Listen up! I don't wanna hear any quacks, tweets, oinks, whinnies or cockly-doodle-doos when I say…[quickly pulls out a red dodgeball] dodgeball.
Coach: Split into two teams. Popular vs. Unpopular.
Runt: Coach?
Coach: Yeah, Unpopular?
Runt: Uh.. Shouldn’t we review safety guidelines?
Coach: Sure. [to team Popular] Hit the pig, kids!
Acorn mascot: Lean to the left, lean to the right. Go, Acorns, fight, fight, fight! Go Acorns!
Chicken Little (flashback): The sky is falling! [people run in panic] The sky is falling!
Buck Cluck (flashback):
Buck Cluck (): I can't tell you how embarrassing I am, folks.
News reported on TV: Reports of panic and mayhem are still pouring in after yet another Chicken Little incident last night. In one instance, an entire family of lemmings was set running in fear. [the lemmings started to jump off the bench one by one] But unable to find a cliff, they instead began throwing themselves from the nearest park bench.
[The camera sees Buck Cluck answering some calls]
Buck Cluck: Hello, I'm sorry. Hello, I apologise. Hello? Give me a break. Hello? [answers another phone] What? You were trampled? That's terrible. I… I thought rabbit's feet were supposed to be lucky.
[Buck Clucks' laptop chimes in to know there is mail for him]
Buck's laptop: You have hate mail!
Buck Cluck: I'm truly sorry. That wasn’t very funny.
[His laptop pins again]
Buck's laptop: You have more hate mail.
Buck Cluck: Hi. What are you saying, sir?
[Buck's laptop pings once more]
Buck's laptop: Your hate mail box is full.
Buck Cluck: Oh yes. I do see the sky writing there. [looks out the window] Thank goodness, the cloud blocked the last letter… [answers a call] Hello. Hey, hey, hey! Watch your mouth. Yeah? Oh yeah? Well, I'd like to see you try. Okay. I love you too, Mom. Bye. Hello? Really, well…
[The camera pans to a sad Chicken Little
Ryan Freestar: I do feel sad for Ace here.
[Mayor Turkey stops his car as he sees the alien]
Mayor Turkey Lurkey: We surrender! Here! [shows the alien a key] Take the key to the city!
[The alien zaps the key away. As he speaks, he pulls out another key]
Mayor Turkey Lurkey: Key to my car?
[The alien zaps the car and the key away. He holds out a little container]
Mayor Turkey Lurkey: Tic Tac?
[The alien abducts Mayor Turkey Lurkey]
Meeting the aliens/[]
[Inside the alien ship, Chicken Little, Buck and Kirby appear and float in the air. They see stuff and people float with Foxy Loxy sucking her thumb. The camera sees Turkey Lurkey as he offers the three heroes something]
Mayor Turkey Lurkey: Tic Tac?
Buck Cluck:
Marvin: SILENCE!!!!
[The word "Silence" echos.
Marvin: Release the child.
Melvin: You have violated intergalactic law 9-0-2-1-0! A charge punishable by immediate partial DISINTEGRATION!!
Buck Cluck: Oh, snap.
[Then, an orange light with three eyes appear. It's Kirby]
Kirby: [] (They're telling the truth.)
Melvin: Hmm? What's that?
Kirby: ???. (They're telling the truth.)
Melvin: Hmm. I.. I don't quite…
[Then, by the sound of a light switch, a yellow glow with three eyes appear, meaning it is Kirby's mom, Tina]
Tina: Melvin, honey? He's saying they're telling the truth.
Buck Cluck: So, I'd like to see the movie they make about you now.
Chicken Little: I just hope they stay true to what really happened.
Buck Cluck: Oh, son. These people are from Hollywood!
[as he say this line, a time card that reads "One year later…" and the cinema shows a movie title "Chicken Little: The True Story"]
Buck Cluck: [voice] The one thing they'll never do is mess with a good story.
Commander Little: Red alert! Man your battle stations! Status report, Mr. Fish.
Mr. Fish: Commander Little, the evil Foxloxion army has broken through the planet's atmosphere.
Movie Abby: [gasps] But that means…
Commander Little: Yes. I know. The sky… is falling.
Movie Abby: [gasps] Commander Little, no!
Movie Chicken Little: Please. Call me… Ace.
Movie Abby: Oh, Ace! No!
[He facepalms his forehead with his fist]
Movie Chicken Little: I never intended to put you into this… [] Abby. Runt? Do you copy?
Movie Runt: Yes, Commander.
Movie Chicken Little: Runt, my friend. An alien fleet is about to invade Earth. Civilization as we know it depends on me and to a lesser extent… you. So, I've just got one question for ya. [] Are you ready to rock?
[The camera sees Movie Runt piloting his ship]
Movie Runt: Ain't no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low..
Movie Runt: [voice] No, no. Ya gotta go on without me, Commander. [breathing. Runt mouthing the words] Just leave me some ammo, a little water. Some chips if you have 'em.
Runt: [whispering to Fish] This is amazingly accurate.
[Fish gurgles in agreement.
Movie Chicken Little: [voice] He was my good friend. Oh, Abby. At least I still have you… Abby…
Movie Abby: [voice] Ace!
Movie Chicken Little (voice): Abby…
Movie Abby: [voice] Ace!
Movie Chicken Little (voice): Abby…
Movie Abby: [voice] Ace!
Movie Chicken Little: Good people of Oakey Oaks. Though at times it feels like the sky is falling around you, never give up. For everyday… is a new day!
People of Oakes Oaks: A new day!
Movie Abby: Oh, Ace.