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Pooh's Adventures Wiki

These are the quotes of Ryvine Sparktron.

Quotes in Ryan's Adventures Series[]

  • I am Ryvine Sparktron, leader of the Sparkglow Empire.
  • Empty character from Ryan Freestar riven. To you, the name of Floyd Ranitas, shall be given.
  • Ryvine Sparktron… You are going to need something about the name.
  • My honour. You need a nickname.
  • Pure Heart Crystal, eh? Now there is something for someone in the Sailor Moon universe.
  • I know. But you think too small, Redblade. Your mom and I got big plans along with our own. Much bigger plans.
  • Bigger.
  • Bigger.
  • You are a persistent hero, Ryan.
  • Oh. Like Eggman, I have my ways.
  • Sunset may have reformed, but our Evil Sunset clone will do well for the Sparkglow Empire. This time, she will be a villain who is unredeemable and loyal to the Sparkglow Empire.
  • Well, my nemesis, if you die, my life is meaningless.
  • Never mind Dark Specter or his Bowser. I am my own master.
  • Any more questions?
  • Of course, unlike Tighten, these two boys might have a little trouble getting a date on Saturday night.
  • Iron Masked Maurader of Team Rocket… He can be useful to me as a normal human, not a mutant.
  • Like what Megatron say, a true leader would inspire loyalty through fear. Rather than trying to erase that which displeases you.
  • Be glad I don't remove hearts from traitors.
  • In the Ryaniverse, no one, except the Sailor Moon characters have a Pure Heart Crystal.
  • You think you have won, Ryan? Other villains will come in Ryan's Adventures. I will return and you won’t be so lucky after you tangled with the Sparkglow Empire. [laughs] Oh, I love to laugh.
  • Oh, but we're not working for Pooh's Bowser, are we?
  • Darkona is looking forward to the rematch against you, Space Red Ranger.
  • Astrotrain, prepare to take off once all are aboard!
  • Good thing I got the Sparkglow Empire and us out of the Power Rangers universe before the Z-Wave hit us. Someday, Ryan. My team will get our revenge on your team.
  • Thank you.
  • Thanks for asking. I felt good. This evil agrees with me like Cortex.
  • Ash doesn’t have a cousin. She is dead.
  • Embeth had such promise. She could have get Ryan and his friends and be by Redblade's side as my successor, my equal. But now...
  • Once Ryan and his team are out of the way, the Sparkglow Empire will rule the universe with Linda as empress and me as Overlord. No. Monarch. No. Emperor! I like the way that rolls out. Emperor Ryvine of the Sparkglow Empire. Ultra evil.
  • You think you and the Pokémon girl can stop Dark Thomas?
  • I don't know why Serena side with Ryan, but she is soft and weak.
  • My favourite part of the game… Sudden Death.
  • Anyhow. All I ever wanted was to
  • You see, heroes, it started when I was a little boy…
  • Whatever. I picked up some girls and I experimented on them. They were many failed experiments like Ben's sister and Sannie. But, it's only a matter of time until I—
  • Until I finally made my warriors.
  • Sparkglow Empire. It is great sadness that I note on my log. The prisoners of the space dumpster has got their freedom cancelled since they now gone to a black hole. All. Hail. Ryvine.
  • The loss of Bowser of the Pooh's Adventures universe, leader of his United alliance uprising is certainly a blow to our cause. Yet, we mustn’t despair over his tragic fate, but instead embrace his ultimate sacrifice and build upon the foundation he laid with an even mightier hand.
  • The Grand Monarch of Evil... is dead.
  • I am sure we will ensure your victory over the universe, Astronema. Besides, the multiverse will be a better, non-fear-ridden place without Zordon or Dark Specter.
  • I am sure some villain will be comfy living inside the dumpster prison. But sadly, he won't know that Zordon is gone forever and won't return.
  • Trust me, Mallory. I will not kill traitors.
  • The multiverse requires a ruler who is unrelated to Dark Specter. Someone like… me.
  • Unlike Bowser, I allow villains do their own evil plans, even on Christmas.
  • Oh, trust me. As someone I know said there are always alternatives.
  • If you want someone killed, kill them yourself. That is what Nana Sparktron always used to say to me and she was amazing evil.
  • (Pokémon name/nickname), it's battle time!
  • I know why I like villains doing their evil goals.
  • Unicron?
  • I agree with the nighttime villains. This deity of characters is fake and a load of Beryllium baloney.
  • No! Beryllium baloney!
  • It is Lord Ryvine to you.
  • I got nothing to lose.
  • I didn't know the Butterfly Miraculous' power is like Ritan's.
  • I think it is my decision for the Butterfly Miraculous, butterfly. Allow me to show you what I can do.
  • Janine, dark wings rise.
  • (Kwami name). Your power is now mine!
  • Transfer!
  • Voyage!
  • Venom!
  • Multitude!
  • Unite!
  • Mirage!
  • Shell-ter!
  • Sublimation!
  • Clout!
  • Uproar!
  • Burrow!
  • Wind Dragon!
  • Water Dragon!
  • Electric Dragon!
  • Second Chance!
  • Genesis!
  • With the Master Ball, I will be able to catch any Pokémon without fail.
  • Finally. I got myself a Mewtwo.
  • And with Mewtwo captured, there would be a base in Mount Quena. And no Mewtwo equals no 100 Acre rebellion equals no Zordon.
  • I will nickname you Rougue, my Mewtwo. (When he nicknames Mewtwo Rougue)
  • Nemesis Ryan, I am Ryvine Sparktron. A friend to you. My fellow leader, Megatron is a Decepticon, one who shares your distaste for humanity.
  • Yeah. But, along with Meliah, there is one thing who will stand in our way. Heroic robots called the Autobots.
  • The Autobots are traitors who live to protect and serve the humans.
  • Welcome back, Astronema.
  • You have nothing to worry about. Your brother, Andros, has already destroyed Zordon's energy tube.
  • Just like Negaduck predicted, Pooh's Bowser remains imprisoned in a space dumpster that was sent to the black hole and Zordon is gone and the Legacy of Power has died with them.
  • Careful, heroes. Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Am I right?
  • Dark Specter is not here. He is dead.
  • I am sure Darkonda will return in one way or another. Treachery has no consequences in this series.
  • The Rebel alliance is dead. The Legacy of Power is dead.
  • It is LORD RYVINE!! And you have paid when I say you have paid.
  • But, don't worry. Your punishment shall be merely… cosmetic.
  • For once, you are right. We are all citizens. Bad citizens, but we're citizens however.
  • The Masters of Evil need a better leader, not a crazy Koopa from the Mario games. And I will convince the villains that Astronema is the rightful heir to Dark Specter's legacy with a plan so epic…
  • Say hello to my recruits for Astronema and the Masters of Evil. Tom Oliver and Dark Robo Knight.
  • I thought Brock would not go to Angel Grove and stayed in that island in the Pokémon world with Professor Ivy.
  • No. I don't want to waste time filling one cell in the dungeon with those 100 Acre bozos. I want them dead! I want their Avatar team dead! I want Thomas cast out of Sodor!
  • I know that Aisling would not know the truth of her heritage since she stays in her world living her life as a fairy.
  • At least Astronema is a better leader of the Masters of Evil than Bowser.
  • If I have the Gammas listening to me, I would tell them to poison her, knock her out with chloroform and even paralyse her with lightning.
  • Go, Mallory! Gigantamax!
  • Now, now, watch your language, wolf girl. That's hardly suitable for the little ones.
  • Now that I think about it. I think Skelekron got the thing to shut you up once and for all!
  • Which is why Uka Uka trust Astronema with continuing what she started and helping us in multiversal domination.
  • All hail the Queen of Evil and the leader of the Masters of Evil; Astronema!
  • You're not the only one with Pokémon, Ash Ketchum!
  • No, not furry. Fury!
  • I am sure you want to break free of the control of Pooh's Bowser and Zordon's control.
  • Forget Dark Specter! This is personal!
  • Zordon is yesterday's message. A clapped-out distracted regime. Whose failings undoubtedly presage. The need for a different dream.
  • But not to worry, Robo Knight. You will meet Pooh and his friends someday… as their foe.
  • Once Zordon and Pooh's Bowser were evenly matched, neither able to gain purchase and overtake the other. Perfectly poised conflicts such as those are rare indeed and they breed boundless opportunities for villains like me.
  • But not to worry.
  • I won't kill traitors, I got other uses for them.
  • Take us back to unfriendly space! Now! Now! Now!
  • I would have killed Zordon after we destroyed the command center if Aisling is not on his team.
  • If we plan to revive Junko Enoshima, I think we will revive her using science, not sorcery.
  • We should take the DNA of Wallflower Blush and create an evil clone of her! (When he tells his and Astronema's team his idea of creating an evil clone of Wallflower)
  • Pooh's Mewtwo is the key.
  • He make it all possible by dying.
  • The 100 Acre Rebellion won't save the multiverse. They already tried and they failed.
  • And as it were a great mountain raging with fire arose from the sea.
  • I think it's just that Death Star 3 is not what I would approve.
  • How about Starkiller Base.
  • The Overlord is never to be talked about again.
  • So you have been told.
  • The reign of Zordon is over!
  • I am sure Team Rocket want to be free of Bowser and Zordon's control.
  • Morgana will remember that he broke his promise to Doki years ago. I always know that he is jealous of Doki and his friends. They think he is weak and useless. He is stubborn, selfish and a coward. Someday, Morgana will make a promise to me.
  • That is the way the cookie crumbles.
  • So this Kamiya is a hero. So much for having the female Irish shape-shifter.
  • Much like my creative skills, Dreadwing. Megatron is making a new sword out of Dark Energon.
  • Since Ryan's friend prevented Pooh's Bowser's freedom, I think Astronema will do well as leader of the Masters of Evil.
  • There! Now the other Tod and his team are trapped in a infinite time loop with no way out.
  • Say goodbye to the universe, heroes. The future is changed. Mewtwo is captured and recruited to my team and the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance: Taskforce & Squadron Unit no longer exists!
  • Silly old bear. You don't get it, do you. You see, in the time of the Masters of Evil, Zordon was never revived. Bowser is never freed from his dumpster prison, Astronema reclaimed Bowser's birthright from him, Mewtwo is mine, the 100 Acre Rebellion don't exist!
  • Whose wrath you want to face? Astronema's or mine?
  • I know what this plan is. I'll turn Goofy into a coffee table and throw a party. Hehe. Linda will serve lemonade but she won't have coasters. The glasses will leave rings on Goofy and ruin his varnish. He'll drop out of college in shame, allowing the Gammas to win the bet and we rule the universe! Hehe! It's brilliant.
  • Just you wait, you Lava Gormiti wannabe, you will receive your just desserts. By my hand. (When he promised to Dark Specter)
  • Well, Bowser got that rule wrong for a start.
  • I am leaving you here, Steele. My team and I will plan revenge on Ryan's team. I will give you a choice. Either I put you down here and now, or you free yourself and get out on your own. And if you do, there will be nowhere to hide.
  • You call yourself the best, Dark Willy? You are a disgrace to Astronema and villains everywhere.
  • I've been a fool. Made mistakes. Some few ones. I now gained a clear understanding of my place in this series. Of who I am. Ryvine Sparktron. Leader of his villain team. Servant to no one.
  • We can't keep doing this! You have told me countless times.
  • Ryalight said friends, eh? I thought he said we were the enemy and a group of villainous freaks.
  • Cacti.

Quotes as Ryvura/[]

  • Ritan Repulsa. I am Ryvura. You are at the wall with despair and on the razor's edge of sad emotions. Let me give you a helping hand.
  • Go and fly, my beloved Amok.
  • Ryflekta, I am Ryvura. Just like Reflekta with Reflektdoll, you will be aided by the Sentimonster Ryflektdoll. He will be under your control.
  • [after creating the Sentimonster Ladyan] Ladyan, I am Ryvura. You have the same powers like Ladybug. And you always be friends with Kitty Noir and your friends and you got one destiny; to get hold of the Matrix and the Miraculous.