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This is the episode transcript of Save the Caterpillar/Save the Crane.

Before the episode[]

{Linny recaps what happened in the previous episode}

Linny: {V.O} Last time on The Heroes become Wonder Pets, the two teams and us were going to help some baby animals learn how to share. We went to Alaska and spotted some sea lion pups tugging on a yummy fish treat. Bugs thought that they could wait to see how the other team can make the sea lion pups come to them while Sunny Starscout accidentally took the fish treat from them. It even made Jimmy and Jerry told her that if they were her parents, she be so upset right now. The Muppet Entertainers had scored for a victory after Bugs, Roger, and Simba showed the sea lion pups how to share. After that, we went to the Land Down Under, AKA, Australia. We had to find the baby kangaroo's mommy somewhere in the outback. Pooh asked a koala and Big Bird discovered a big Australian emu. Tasha thought she was going to give the teams a tie, but she made the Mouske-Team and her get attacked by a Tasmanian devil. Tweety and Ming-Ming tried to go up a bird's eye view, but they got too tired. Although we didn't use the bird's eye view, the Muppet Entertainers still win and had an Australian barbie for a reward with The Wiggles. The Mouske-Team were up for elimination. Sunny was worried that she might get the boot, but Pooh manage to save her and told the others to eliminate Jimmy Gourd, Jerry's gourd brother. Now the teams are going to find out what the two missions are now. Find out who will be squashed with defeat and who will cook up a win on...The Heroes become Wonder Pets.

Save the Caterpillar[]

{The title has the Wonder Pets and the heroes except for Miss Piggy, Fred Jones, and Jimmy Gourd, and has a caterpillar in the easel}

Kid: The Wonder Pets Save the Caterpillar.

{While a few members were hiding, Mickey crosses out Jimmy's name on the team board, Larry tries to learn to play a bouzouki, Gonzo learns to do a sirtaki dance, and Minnie starts to make a special Greek parthenon with little figures that looked like her and Tuck}

Teacher: Goodbye, everybody. See you tomorrow.

Kid 1: Bye bye, Linny.

Kid 2: Bye, Ming-Ming.

Kid 3: Come on, mommy. Let's go.

Mom: I'm coming. Be patient.

Kid 4: Adios, Tuck.

{Door closes}

Pooh: All clear.

Kermit: They are gone.

{Closet Confessional: Sunny Starscout}

Sunny Starscout: I am relieved on how Pooh gave me another chance.

{Closet Confessional: Pooh}

Pooh: Well, if Kermit did that to save Gonzo, I would do the same for Sunny.

{The confessional ends}

{Jerry Gourd just looked at Jimmy Gourd's name crossed out sadly}

Jerry Gourd: {Sadly sighs}

Linny: Jerry, what's wrong?

Jerry Gourd: Oh, Linny. I really miss my brother.

Linny: Don't feel blue. {Sings} Just be patient and once in the final, you'll see your brother again.

{Shaggy and Scooby felt pumped up after eating a little gyro snack}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, that gyro snack made us feel pumped up!

Scooby Doo: Oh, I packed extras.

{Closet Confessional: Shaggy Rogers}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, a great day from our first reward.

{Closet Confessional: Scooby Doo}

Scooby Doo: We only got a few words to say.

{Closet Confessional: Scooby/Shaggy}

Shaggy Rogers and Scooby Doo: Best day ever!

{The confessional ends}

{Gonzo did a little sirtaki dance of joy}

Gonzo: Now this is what I call, the dance of joy.

Bob the Tomato: Gonzo, you mean, you're doing a sirtaki dance of joy.

Gonzo: Yeah, what you said.

{Closet Confessional: Gonzo}

Gonzo: Now, I am just trying to learn new things I heard from the class, but I had to hide first.

{Closet Confessional: Kermit}

Kermit: I'm glad Mickey has to do the crossing part.

{The confessional ends}

{Mickey crosses out Jimmy Gourd on the team board}

Mickey Mouse: Look, I'm sorry, Jerry Gourd.

Uniqua: I know it was harsh, but we had to do it.

Jerry Gourd: No, it's just that, I'm nothing without my brother.

{Soon, Tuck spots Minnie making something}

Tuck: Hey, Minnie. What's that you're making?

Minnie Mouse: Oh, uh, it's a, uh, surprise.

Tuck: Really? What is it?

Minnie Mouse: Okay, well, let me just show it to you quickly.

{Minnie shows Tuck her model Parthenon to Tuck with the little figures of themselves}

Tuck: Wow, Nice model!

Minnie Mouse: Aww, I'm glad you liked it.

{Larry finished his bouzouki solo}

Larry the Cucumber: Anyone liked it?

Tyrone: Uh, yeah, sort of.

{Closet Confessional: Larry the Cucumber}

Larry the Cucumber: This is one reason why I always do silly songs - music.

{The confessional ends}

{Soon, the phone rings just as Linny finished drinking her water, Ming-Ming and Pablo pretended they wore laurel wreaths, Mickey waited when it was time, and Minnie finished her model with a little flag on top}

Linny: {Sings} The phone, the phone is ringing.

{Linny gets down from the cage and bounces on a hoppity hop hopper}

Ming-Ming: {Sings} The phone, we'll be right there.

{Ming-Ming already puts her helmet on}

Save the Crane[]

Elimination Ceremony[]

Best of ???[]

Exclusive Transcript[]

???'s Confessionals[]
