Scared of You is the twenty-third episode of Winnie the Pooh meets The Backyardigans.
Scared of You[]
Today, Austin told Rabbit and Goofy that he was working with Tasha the mad scientist. That was the reason why they saw Tasha with a gray wig and saying "Bwa-ha-ha-ha" a lot. Rabbit knew that she was doing a lot of science. Goofy wondered what Tasha was making. Austin even told the two that it was his birthday as well. He also wanted to know if Tasha remembered his birthday, but she said that she was making a very brilliant creation of her own. Austin wanted to know, but Tasha and the two members told him that it was a secret and Austin was disappointed because he would never know the secret. They've even sung I've Got A Secret while Austin begged to know the secret. Not even when the song was finished. Soon, Tasha led Austin and the two members into the lab as the backyard transformed into a mad scientist's laboratory in a very spooky castle.
When they got to the laboratory, only Austin was shocked but Rabbit and Goofy just saw the lightning flash. Austin still wanted to know the mad scientist's secret. But she, Rabbit, and Goofy told him that they couldn't tell him because it was a secret. They sung the I've Got a Secret song again. After the song, Rabbit demands Austin to give Tasha a beaker from a table. Tasha only told Rabbit, Goofy, and the viewers that the secret was that they were all gonna plan a surprise birthday party for Austin, so he wouldn't spoil it and that was the reason why Tasha never told Austin because he would spoil it. Rabbit decided that they need a way to let him not be in the lab so they can get ready for the party. Tasha told Rabbit, Goofy, and the viewers to not spoil the secret. When Austin got back with a beaker, Tasha decided to give him a mission and to let Rabbit and Goofy join him. The mission was that they needed to bring some monsters over. Tasha told them that they need to get to the Mummy Kings in the Pyramids. Second, she told them to get the Werewolves in the Werewolf Forest. Lastly, she told them to get the Vampires in the Vampire Castle. And then, she would bring them all to her lab. Goofy even told Austin that they need to bring all these letters to the mummies, werewolves, and vampires along the way. Austin tried telling him about his birthday, but Tasha told him and the others to do it. When they got outside, Goofy and Rabbit were wondering what the monsters will be like when they get to the places. First, they were at the Pyramids with a Tyrone Sphinx next to it. When they got inside, they didn't see any mummies around. But, they did saw the egg on a tile which then glowed a moon yellow ring color. Austin read something in hieroglyphics. It told them that there were big monster mummy kings ahead and they shouldn't go forward, but they had to. It also told them to not stand on the X. Soon, they realize that all the tiles had Xs on them. They tried reaching the egg, but a boulder smashed the tile the egg was on and it fell somewhere else inside the pyramid. When they've escaped, they suddenly heard a lot of moaning sounds and it was coming from the tombs. Soon, one of the mummies which was Piglet, and was holding the egg, but he accidentally lets go of it hard as it escaped the pyramid. Soon, the other mummies which were Pooh, Pluto, Eeyore, Mickey Mouse, and Tyrone saw the three and they got scared of them. The mummies all sung Scared of You. After the song, Goofy told them that they were not monsters and they are not scary. The mummies wondered why Austin, Rabbit, and Goofy were here. Austin told them that they've brought letters from the mad scientist. Neither any of the mummies had a letter before. The letters for the mummies said "Dear Mummy Kings, if you're all not wrapped up, please come to a surprise birthday party for Austin. Just follow him back to my laboratory. But it's a secret, so don't tell Austin." Austin wanted to know what it said, but the mummies told him that it was a secret. So, the mummies followed Austin, Goofy, and Rabbit and they went off to the next place.
When they were in the forest, the mummies realized that it didn't look like a laboratory. Goofy told them that they all needed to get the werewolves. This made the mummies very scared. They suddenly heard a few werewolves howling right now. Some made the mummies faint and some just hid behind the trees. Rabbit told them that they should stop being scared. Goofy saw something written in wolf prints. Luckily, werewolves are kinda like dogs. Goofy read the sign and it said that they can't go forward, but they had to do it. It also said that they had to watch out. At first, they saw nothing coming. But when Rabbit manages to get the egg by a tree, it made the tree move and it caught Mummy Tyrone and Rabbit. Tyrone thought it sounded like fun, but Rabbit was about to lose balance by almost letting go of the egg, and the egg flew close to the werewolves. Luckily, Austin and Goofy tickled the tree because it was very ticklish. Suddenly, the mummies saw the werewolves howling together. It made the mummies shiver, but Goofy manage to talk to them, but when he tried getting the egg, it made one werewolf, which was Leo, a bit scared and he threw the egg away from the forest. The other werewolves which were Minnie, Benny, and Rae were also scared as well. They thought they saw monsters. But, Goofy and Austin told them that they were not monsters. When the mummies and werewolves saw each other, they got scared and they sung Scared of You. After the song, Austin and Rabbit told them that neither of them were not so scary. Goofy told the werewolves that he brought very special letters for them. Just like the mummies, neither any of the werewolves never got a letter. The note said "Dear werewolves, please come to my laboratory for a surprise birthday party for Austin, it'll be a howl. But it's a secret, so don't tell Austin." The werewolves told Austin that it was a secret and they wouldn't tell. So, the mummies and werewolves followed Austin, Rabbit, and Goofy as they went off to the last place. When they got to the place, Rabbit told them that they had to stop at the castle to get the vampires. This made both mummies and werewolves scared. When they got inside, Uniqua, Tyrone, and Leo Lionheart never realized how spooky the castle was. Rabbit saw a sign that was in vampire writing. The sign said that they shouldn't go up the stairs. When they saw the stairs, they couldn't find the egg from the bottom or the top. When they went up a few stairs, they saw the stairs falling one at a time. So, they went up faster. Luckily, no one fell. When they saw a light at the door, the mummies and werewolves saw the vampires dangling in the ceiling, and one vampire, which was Tigger lets go of the egg and it broke a window. Soon, all the monsters sung Scared of You.
After the song, Rabbit told the vampires, mummies, and werewolves that neither of them are scary and neither were Austin, himself, and Goofy. He also told the vampires that they have gotten secret letters from the mad scientist. Just like the mummies and werewolves, the vampires have never gotten a secret letter before. The letters said "Dear vampires, this might sound batty. But I'd like to invite you to a surprise birthday party for Austin at my laboratory. But remember: It's a secret. So don't tell Austin". So, the vampires told Austin that they couldn't tell what the secret was either. Rabbit and Goofy told them that they should all go back to the lab of the mad scientist. So while they got out of the castle, they tried getting the egg, but it fell off the path and it was taken away by a flying unknown monster. Soon, they all sung Hurry Home about what happened on the journey when they were getting home. First, they left the castle. Second, they went back past the forest. Third, they went back to the desert. And lastly, they were all the way back at the laboratory. After the song, while Austin was looking for the mad scientist, Tasha let the monsters, Goofy, and Rabbit follow her to hiding places. When Austin didn't see anyone or the monsters, he was even more disappointed. When he opened the door, the lights went out. Suddenly, everyone yelled "Happy Birthday, Austin!". This made Austin very happy because he was worried no one would remember. Goofy wished there was something to help start the monster dance party. Soon, a disco ball appeared out of nowhere. They all sung Monster Dance Party. They did a lot of dance moves and stuff. After their song, they told each other that they will get the egg later. Soon, Tasha's stomach rumbled. This meant she was hungry. Uniqua invited everyone to have pumpkin pie at her house. Soon, the laboratory transformed back into the backyard. Pooh's team and the Backyardigans all said goodbye to the viewers as they went inside the house. Austin, Rabbit, and Goofy did one more "Oh brother" just as they close at the end.
- Ring of 23 of 80 Dreammaker's egg's Location: Inside a pyramid floor tile
- Ring 23's color: Moon Yellow
- Rabbit and Goofy join Austin on his side of the story.
- Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Mickey Mouse and Pluto join Tyrone on his side of the story.
- Minnie Mouse, Benny, Leo and Rae join Uniqua on her side of the story.
- Tigger, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Johnny join Pablo on his side of the story.
- This is a birthday episode for a member of The Backyardigans.
- Second Egypt-like episode. First was from the Egyptian adventure.
- Second episode there was howling. First was from the caveman adventure.
- It's revealed that Goofy reads werewolf language.
- It's also revealed that Rabbit reads vampire writing.
- Last time Tyrone's speaking voice was voiced by Reginald Davis Jr.
- Twenty-third time that something appeared for Pooh's team. First was from the pirate-y adventure, second was from the Tarzan-y adventure, third was from the frozen adventure, fourth was from the rugged Yukon adventure, fifth was from the sneaky adventure, sixth was from the spooky adventure, seventh was from the cowboy adventure, eighth was from the Egyptian adventure, ninth was from the knightly adventure, tenth was from the viking adventure, eleventh was from the castaway adventure, twelfth was from the superhero adventure, thirteenth was from the super flying adventure, fourteenth was from the cowboy polka adventure, fifteenth was from the surfing adventure, sixteenth was from the gold-digging dinosaur hunting adventure, seventeenth was from the racing adventure, eighteenth was from the monster-y adventure, nineteenth was from the caveman adventure, twentieth was from the tea party adventure, twenty-first was from the martian-y adventure, and twenty-second was from the pie making adventure.
- The egg's journey: Inside a pyramid, held by a mummy, grabbed by a tree, thrown away by a werewolf, stuck on a hand of a vampire, and stolen by a flying monster.
- Songs in the episode: I've Got a Secret, Scared of You, Hurry Home, and Monster Dance Party
- Music genre in this episode: Jump blues
- Snack: Pumpkin pie