Sci-Meliah is the human counterpart of Meliah Messina.
Sci-Meliah is one of Crystal Prep's top students. Despite that she likes winning, she does care about being a good sport when losing. After Cinch got replaced by Cadence, Sci-Meliah got enrolled into Crystal Prep and became one of Crystal Prep's top students due to her superior intelligence. When she arrived in Sherman, Illinois, she decided to do research on the Autobots and other creatures. When she bumped into Meliah Messina, Sci-Meliah and Meliah became shocked that they look like twin sisters. After that, they became instant friends.
- Along with Rowen Shadowheart, Sci-Meliah will appear in the epilogue of Meliah's and Ryan's Adventures of Transformers: Animated - Endgame.