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Scorpios rex (E750) was a hybrid dinosaur frozen and held captive in InGen's secret tunnels until it escaped. It is the main antagonist of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, serving as an unseen antagonist in the first season, the unseen final antagonist of the second season, the main antagonist of the third season and a posthumous antagonist in the fourth and fifth seasons.

Appearance and traits[]

Depicted as a medium-sized theropod, being smaller than the Indominus Rex and slightly larger than the Indoraptor and bigger than the Velociraptor. Both individuals were adorned with charcoal black scales. Its features are heavily deformed and grotesque, which Simon Masrani determined made it unfit for display. These traits included a brachycephalic muzzle, red eyes with slit pupils set high on its skull, a prominent overbite and jagged, uneven teeth. It has venomous spines on its elbows, tail and neck due to its scorpionfish DNA, which can detach and embed in an opponent's flesh in a manner similar to that of a porcupine.

Much like Henry Wu's other hybrids, it has opposable thumbs and grasping talons, which enable it to climb and ambush prey from above. Its semi-prehensile tail also aids it in climbing. Unlike the other two, it has infrared vision which allows it to see the heat signature of its prey. The Scorpios Rex also had a pair of short spurs growing out of the back of its heels.


The Scorpios rex appears to suffer from neurological and respiratory ailments; its behavior is calm and placid one minute, before switching to hyper-aggressive and unpredictable the next, and Kenji likened its labored breathing to that of a pug. In spite of these ailments, it is an extremely deadly hybrid, shown to outrun a Gallimimus, effortlessly dispatch a Ceratosaurus and replicate itself via parthenogenesis. The Scorpios Rex was shown to be mindlessly violent and apparently ruthless like the Indominus Rex, since it mainly killed its victims rather than eat them, even leaving some of its victims' corpses around the island in a grotesque view, one in particular being a Gallimimus attached to a tree with the Scorpios' poisonous quill still intact.


  • Many of the Scorpios Rex's sounds are slightly modified versions of that of the Indominus Rex.