Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Scott is a contestant on Total Drama.

Scott is a country boy who lives to scheme. In his biography, he names his favorite memory from childhood as the first time he caused an argument between his parents. "Scheming Scott," as Chris calls him, is the main antagonist of his debut season. He loves telling others what to do, yet states that he enjoys taking orders as well (if only from certain people). His kinder and more bumbling side is exposed and he begins to form a crush onCourtney. Similar to her ex-boyfriend, Scott is intrigued by Courtney's headstrong personality and grows to appreciate her bossing him around. Scott still keeps his scheming side, but to a lesser extent. He displays a strange habit of taking enjoyment in eating disgusting foods. He considers moldy bread and dirt to be delicacies, even adding the latter as an ice cream topping. Scott has shown that he can be slightly lacking in intelligence at times, especially in terms of social skills due to his sheltered life.

He will team up with the villains and become Pooh's enemy in Pooh's Adventures of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island.

