Shadow the Hedgehog is a black and red hedgehog and arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, as the “Ultimate Life Form”. He is the spitting image of Sonic, and he'll do anything without regretting it.
Despite the fact that Shadow is considerably dark and edgy, he is shown to have friends throughout the Sonic series. Rouge and Omega in particular are his closest friends. He is also an ally of Sonic and Tails, though on occasions he will still battle them.
Though he once commonly commited acts of evil, he is no longer seen as a complete villain-- nor is he seen to be a hero. He is more or less completely neutral.
Shadow died at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 by falling to Earth after assisting Sonic in defeating the Bio Lizard. However, he re-appeared in later games such as Sonic Heroes, Sonic Battle, and Shadow the Hedgehog. In these games, he made efforts to try and figure out whether or not he was the real Shadow, who had survived the fall, or a robotic clone made by Eggman. During the final boss battle of the true ending of Shadow the Hedgehog, it's finally revealed by Eggman that the Shadow we know is the original who had been in Sonic Adventure 2, and that Eggman had helped revive Shadow after finding him in the spot he'd fallen into.
- Shadow will join Sonic, Tails, Amy Rose, Chris, Cream, Cheese, and Pooh and friends as one of the Emerald Searchers in Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds
- In multiple Sonic the Hedgehog games, Shadow is shown to be faster than Sonic himself. An example of this is in Sonic Battle, where his speed stats were higher than Sonic's.
- Shadow is considered by SEGA to be the second most popular Sonic the Hedgehog character, after Sonic himself.
- In 2005, Shadow starred in his own video game named Shadow the Hedgehog. It is playable on Gamecube, Playstation 2, and Xbox.
- Guinness World Records declared Shadow to be the 25th best video game character of all time.
- Officially, Shadow has no known age.
- Shadow is a major protagonist in Sonic: Adventures in Equestria, here, he's still considered Sonic's rival, but the two seem to be on friendlier terms. Even so, Shadow remains one of the more powerful characters on the show, being the Ultimate Life Form and all. His main pony partner is Rainbow Dash, and despite the two characters having their differences, they eventually lightened up to each other. Shadow also seems to be more intelligent than a majority of the cast, being the only one to see through Chrysalis' Cadance disguise even before Team Sonic and the Mane Six found the real Cadance, he also sometimes wields a laser pistol in combat (this is a reference to Shadow's videogame, where he used guns during the fight against the black arms).
- Shadow has a secret crush on Marie.
- In Sunlight's Adventure Series, Shadow has a cousin named Scarlet The Hedgehog and when he met Sunlight, he sees her as a reflection of Maria.
- The IDW Version of Shadow was previously turned into a zombot due to being infected by the Metal Virus, but was soon returned to normal by the end of the Metal Virus arc.
- He is one of the main protagonists In Sonic, Red, Kion, and Steven Universe's Adventures series He made his own lion guard with Some characters are just like him also he is the power of teleportation