Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Shag is a sheepdog from Switzerland, but is the only dog in the group who is not fully transformed into his human-like being.


  • Shag along with the rest of The Road Rovers appeared on Benny, Leo and Johnny's Adventures with the Lion of Oz, who have been summoned by Benny, Leo, Johnny and Rae to help rescue their friends who are captured by the Witch of the East.
  • Shag, along with the rest of The Road Rovers, will appeared on Dave Felis Adventures Summer Belongs to you, who was recruited by the T.U.F.F.C.A.T.S. and the Loonatics Unleashed.
  • Shag, along with the rest of The Road Rovers, made appearance to defeat the villains and joined the team in Winnie the Pooh vs The Mummy (1999).
  • Shag, along with the rest of The Road Rovers, made their debuts in Pooh's Adventures of The Crucible.