Showdown at the Gates of Warp! is the 90th episode of Team Robot In Pokemon Journeys: The Series.
Major Events[]
- Ash, Dawn, Goh, and Jessie's Pokémon temporarily devolve due to Dialga and Palkia's influence, but are later restored to normal.
- Ash, Goh, Sakura, Li, Madison, Meilin, Eli, Sam, Clover', Alex, Britney, Zack, Razz, Luca, Mako and Tom recover Lucario, Inteleon, Greninja, Salamence, Empoleon, Blaziken, Feraligatr, Sceptile, Flareon, Marshtomp, Florges, Samurott, Hydreigon, Floatzel, Rhydon and Tyrantrum respectively, from Alternate World Team Rocket.
- Dawn and Goh meet Cynthia again.
- Team Robot and their allies banished and locked the Alternate World Team Rocket into the Cyber Dimension.
- Ash, Goh, Chloe and Team Robot return to Vermilion City.
- In the post-end, The Alternate Philmac and Dark Xenon will reappear in the main universe and will return in Team Robot In Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles.
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