Sir Daniel Fortesque is a hero in the Medievil game series.
Daniel is a skeleton without a left eye and lower jaw, with his upper jaw having misshapen and crooked teeth. His eye colour varies from game, ranging from gray, to black, to gold/green, to (as seen in the MediEvil PS4 trailer) blue. He is rarely shown alive, with a helmet always obscuring his face (aside from his eyes), but the history books describe him having a square jaw, steely gaze and a thick shock of hair, as black as ravens' wings. In MediEvil: Resurrection's stained glass opening, he is shown with blond/brown hair instead, and with pale skin and crooked teeth not unlike the ones his skull has. He is usually wearing silver/grey armour with gold hints, a red and gold doublet and brown leather gloves (only in the second game). In the Medievil PS4 Story Trailer, due to the higher quality, Daniel's face is still obscured but his teeth and nose can be seen slightly. Throughout the games, Daniel sports multiple outfits and armours.
Daniel is a very cowardly knight, but despite this, he is a very loyal fighter. He seems to have a sarcastic sense of humour and holds very little patience to some, but he is rather respectful as per the knight's code. Though he is often reluctant to be a hero, he usually finds a bit of courage and ends up saving the day, and will willingly help those in need. He is annoyed by Al-Zalam and Zarok, though in the former they end up becoming close friends. Daniel is also shown to be chivalrous, as he is a knight, and caring towards those he loves, especially towards Kiya and is especially saddened by her death, to the point he can't go on to defeat Palethorn and has to travel back in time to rescue her from Jack the Ripper. He also can be rather cocky sometimes and dislikes being told he is a coward and a faker, as shown when the gargoyles, the Heroes (particularly Woden the Mighty) or Al-Zalam berate him. He is quick to spot sarcasm and dislikes being reminded of his failure. According to the comic book, in life, Dan was a lazy, spoiled brat, as well as a cheat and a braggart, and only became a knight to impress the maidens, only rising through ranks through his father's money.
- He is voiced by Jason Wilson, Marc Silk in Medievil 2 and Stéphane Cornicard.
- He will meet Ryan, Meg and friends in Ryan's Adventures of MediEvil.