Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Attention all members of the Pooh's Adventures Wiki, the wiki is going to be shut down on February 13th, 2025 due to FANDOM no longer hosting our community. You can read about this here.


Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Everyone knows the tortoise beat the hare, but had that tortoise been Snapper, he'd have beat the hare into a bloody pulp and hid the remains at the bottom of a swamp. A jet-propelled snapping turtle with a vicious attitude, Snapper is proof that not all turtles are slowpokes. But unlike another jet-powered warrior turtle, Snapper is anything but a friend to children everywhere.  And no, his name's not slash, he doesn't wear cool armor he doesn't come from dimension X, he isn't first stupid-then smart-now stupid, and he doesn't like palm trees, or 'binkies'

