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Kinso Feraligatr

Miki's Feraligatr

This Feraligatr is one of Miki's Pokemon she owns.


As Totodile[]

Miki first met Totodile in Totodile Up The Wrong Number!, she saw that Totodile was one of the Pokemon starting trainers use in Johto.

After that, Elm suggested to Miki to take Totodile with her since it began to take a liking to her, and she names him Snapper, due to its habit of biting, he is shown to nibble her as a sign of affection which Miki didn't mind, since it didn't hurt, instead it was tickling her, similar to Ash's Gible.

In CHERRYGROVE CITY - The City of Cute, Fragrant Flowers!!!, en route to Cherrygrove City, Miki encountered a wild male Ledyba and Snapper battled the Five-Star Pokémon with his Scratch and Bite attack, weakening it enough to allow Miki to capture in a Pokéball.

In Welcome to Pokémon Academy!!,

In VIOLET CITY - A High Flying Sky Battle!,

In Team Rocket and the Slowpoke Well!,

In AZALEA TOWN - The Buzzing Bug Gym Brawl!,

In GOLDENROD CITY - Whitney the Really Pretty Girl and Her Miltank!,

In Jujitsu Pokemon Academy!!! Weakness into Strength!!,

In All Alone on Christmas,

In ECRUTEAK TOWN - A Spooktacular Showdown!!!,

As Croconaw[]

In Trouble's Brewing!

In Dueling Heroes

In The Perfect Match

In The Mystery is History, Snapper evolves into Feraligatr while battling Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket and learned Blizzard.

As Feraligatr[]

In The Parent Trapped!

In A Promise is a Promise!

In Just Add Water!

In Mother of All Battles!, While he was sparring with Liam's Typhlosion for training, Snapper aided Mason's Croconaw battle against the Poacher Bros. and help reunite Larvitar with its mother. The battle became intense; eventually, Snapper learned Dragon Claw.

In Pop Goes the Sneasel!

In A Claim to Flame

In Love, Pokémon Style!

In Tie One On

In The Ties that Bind!

In Can't Beat the Heat

In Playing With Fire

In Johto Photo Finish

Personality and characteristics[]

When Snapper was a Totodile, he would nibble Miki as a sign of affection. He enjoyed playing with the other Pokémon by the pool, the lake and the beach. He also liked to play diving games with the other water Pokémon.

After he evolved into Croconaw, his teeth became larger


Liam's Cyndaquil → Quilava → Typhlosion[]

Ash's Totodile[]


As a Totodile, Snapper would nibble his young trainer's head and ear as a sign of affection.

Kane-Hekili, Miki's Pikachu[]

Ash's Squirtle[]

Misty's Psyduck[]

Misty's Corsola[]

Misty's Poliwag[]

Misty's Togepi[]

Snapper has a soft side for Togepi

Misty's Staryu[]


  • He has an Adamant nature and his characteristic is "Likes to thrash about"
  • His ability is Sheer Force.
  • The following attacks Snapper knows so far are Aqua Jet, Rage, Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Bite, Scary Face, Hydro Pump, Thrash, Ice Punch, Blizzard, Crunch, Submission, Ice Fang, Dragon Claw, Superpower and Chip Away.
  • Up to this point, Snapper is the first Pokemon to have its Hidden Ability.

