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Sonatina Nightfall is a ghost siren who feeds on ghost energy, a former singer at Circus Gothica, and a member of the Gothlings.


She and the Gothlings first appear during the events of the previous episode "Public Enemies" were feeding on the ghost energy from the ghosts that Freakshow is controlling while robbing a bank, and briefly argues with Arianna Flame. She and the other Gothlings perform their song to feed on the ghost energy of Freakshow's minions and Danny while Freakshow's crystal ball puts Danny in a trance.

Allegra and the other Gothlings use their siren's songs to control the ghosts and Danny. On the top of the Circus Gothica train, Sonatina and the Gothlings uses their powers to control Danny. However, in the final battle, Sonatina and the Gothlings have been defeated and their pendants that control Danny and the other ghosts have been destroyed, thus knocking them out. Later, after Freakshow's crystal ball has been destroyed, they finally get up and saw their destroyed pendants. As a result, their inability to sing leads to them being chased off in disgrace.

She and the other Gothlings made their return in "Reality Trip" with the Guys in White. She and the other Gothlings blamed Freakshow for losing their singing, turned against him and they escaped from him and the Guys in White. When Danny put the first Reality Gem in the Fenton Thermos, he began to hear Sonatina and the Gothlings singing at the park, attracting many people. Meliah began to suspect that she and the Gothlings are still working for Freakshow. They heard the same song at Gothapalooza until Danny and Meliah finally encounter Sonatina and the Gothlings singing at the comic book convention, they were singing "Find the Magic". After Meliah reads Allegra's mind, she and Danny found out that they don't work for Freakshow and they were learning to reform themselves and seek the errors of their ways. She and the Gothlings want to help defeat Freakshow, and Danny and Meliah agreed. After Freakshow's defeat, she and the Gothlings became members of the Harmonic Crusaders.



Throughout "Control Freaks", Sonatina Nightfall is shown to be somewhat air-headed and carefree. For example, before the Gothlings sing Battle of the Bands to a crowd of goths, Sonatina is more focused on getting lunch since it's Pizza Thursday. Sonatina doesn't pick up on Allegra's sarcasm when she says she "loves" Amity Park, and she speaks candidly with Meliah about her and her friends nature, nearly blowing their cover. In addition, she frequently argues with Arianna Flame over trivial matters. Despite this, she can be just as cruel and devious as her bandmates, if at times unintentionally so, as evidenced in her interactions with Meliah.

After the events of Reality Trip, she becomes less air-headed and more level-headed, but still carefree. She does show her intelligence often in some situations. Sonatina still focuses on her main goal to become a famous DJ after she took a liking into techno-pop and pop music.


  • She is voiced by Tara Strong.


