The Starship Phoenix is a location in Up Your Arsenal, with a short appearance in Deadlocked. While commandeered by Sasha Phyronix, it served as the pride of the main base of the Galactic Rangers and the Q-Force during the war against Dr. Nefarious. Ratchet and Clank made the ship their home, and retained command over the starship after Phyronix became the Mayor of Metropolis, until they were kidnapped by DreadZone.
Ratchet and Clank first visited the Starship Phoenix after finding Captain Qwark on Florana. As Qwark had lost his memory, Sasha invited Ratchet to bring Qwark onboard the ship to figure out what to do next. Ratchet would also use the VG-9000 game system on the ship to play Qwark vid-comics in order to learn how to defeat Nefarious. The first of these allowed Qwark to regain his memory, at which point he formed the Q-Force, the Starship Phoenixbecame his base of operations during the war against Dr. Nefarious. The Phoenix later came under attack while Al decoded a datadisk of information about the Biobliterator.
The Starship Phoenix is a hub location throughout Up Your Arsenal, with a number of features. It contains both a Gadgetron vendor for weapons and armor, and players can use the VR deckto play a few arena challenges, and also to test any weapons at the Gadgetron vendor before purchasing them. The Phoenix also contains a trophy room, and obtaining all trophies throughout the game opens a door where the Insomniac Museum can be visited.
Its successor, the Starship Phoenix II, is used as the base of the reformed Q-Force in Full Frontal Assault.