He left with a space fortress to conquer the air
Storm Owl, known as Storm Fukuroul (ストーム・フクロウル Sutōmu Fukurouru) in Japan, is a horned owl-based Reploid from Mega Man X4 who is a member of the Repliforce, an organization branded as Mavericks because of their desire for independence.
Storm Owl is a Reploid with an appearance derived from an owl, featuring round eyes with metal plumicorns and a hooked beak. His body is round, and he wears a military beret on his head. He has large epaulet-like shoulderpads that function as wings.
One of the Repliforce's most resourceful generals, Storm Owl is a well-regarded member by the entire staff. He is especially skilled at night-time operations, and is so proud that he will absolutely refuse to follow orders that do not come directly from his superiors. He does not get along with Chill Penguin at all, due to somebody once confusing him with a penguin as a result of his appearance and short stature.
Owl does share some respect toward the Maverick Hunters, as he did salute them with his buster arm when they arrived to stop his role in the coup d'etat.