This is the transcript for Sub-Zero for Gil.
- (It was a hot and sunny day)
- Peter: Phew, only the chance to work with Dr. Smarter will bring us out in this weather.
- Donkey: It must be at least 70 degrees.
- Peter: Or probably 95. (slips) Oops! (lands on his back)
- Molly: Peter, are you okay?
- Peter: I'm fine. But, the sidewalk's ice cold.
- Goby: Hey, it is ice.
- Puss: I hate to interrupt, but look! (everything being covered in ice)
- Gil: Everything's freezing.
- Deema: But how can that be?
- Nonny: I don't know.
- Peter: Guys, let's just get some pictures for old J. Jonah Jameson.
- Gil, Molly, Nonny, Goby, Deema, Oona, Donkey and Puss: Right.
- (all of a sudden)
- Voice: Help! Help, someone!
- Oona: What was that?
- Peter: That came from Dr. Smarter's room.
- Dr. Smarter: Help! Help, someone!
- Little Fish: Sub-Zero for Gil. (giggling)
- Dr. Smarter: Help! Someone!
- Peter: Guys, go ahead. I'll catch up.
- Gil: You got it, Peter! Let's go guys! (and they ran to Dr. Smarter's room while Peter changes into Spider-Man and enter Dr. Smarter's room)
- Dr. Smarter: Spider-Man, save me! (Spidey shoots his webs but the big ice thing freezed them)
- Spider-Man: Icy it, but I don't believe it. (audience laughs, then the things shoots icicles) Whalipping Web Snappers!
- Deema: That's a lot of icicles!
- Puss: Your right, how are gonna get out of this?
- Spider-Man: I don't know. Come on, you Over-Grown-Ice-Cube just give us one opening. (and the thing leaves)
- Dr. Smarter: Oh.
- Gil: Dr. Smarter, are you alright?
- Dr. Smarter: Yes. I feel like I've been in cold storage. It looks like you've frightened him away.
- Goby: Hey, Doc. Who or what was the intruder?
- Dr. Smarter: I haven't a slightest idea. I wonder what was he after?
- Donkey: Do you think he was after you?
- Gil and Molly: DONKEY!
- Spider-Man: No, he might be right. Molly, take the others and lead Dr. Smarter back to his house.
- Molly: You got it Spider-Man.
- Spider-Man: Gil, Deema, Donkey, Puss, you're with me. We've got to find our fugitive from a deep freeze, before he turns New York into a surfboard of the South Pole.
- Gil: Way behind you Spidey! (and they ran around New York so they can find the strange figure)
- Spider-Man: Brrrrrr!
- Deema: What's the matter, Spidey?
- Spider-Man: I just felt a chill.
- Donkey: Alright, we're on the right track.
- Spider-Man: Maybe, it was just my imagi...
- Gil: Guys, look!
- Spider-Man: And there in the Frozen-Wastelands, your friendly heroes spot their... uh, whatever it is. (then all of a sudden)
- Gil, Deema, Donkey, Puss and Spider-Man: The Tower!
- Spider-Man: It's turned to solid ice! (then tower's starting to crack) Wow, this is no place for us.
- Donkey: I'll say.
- Deema: Let's get out of here.
- Spider-Man: Good idea. (shots a web and swings Gil, Deema, Donkey and Puss to safety)
- Frenchy: 15 Minutes Later.
- Donkey: That iceberg looks real.
- Oona: Do you think there's a connection between the iceberg and what happen this morning?
- Nonny: Maybe, we need to talk to Dr. Smarter.
- Spider-Man: Good idea. I'm sure he's the key.
- Dr. Smarter: The key to what?
- Spider-Man: We don't know Dr. Smarter... not yet.
- Deema: Do you think the doc's the key to that thing's evil plan?
- Gil, Molly, Goby, Oona, Nonny, Donkey and Puss: DEEMA, NOT HELPING!
- Spider-Man: No, wait. That could be answer.
- Dr. Smarter: You know everyone. It's a wild thought, but I say my visitor would be perfectly at home... on the coldest planet of our universe.
- Nonny: Do you think he's from Nebula?
- Dr. Smarter: I was thinking a little less cold.
- Puss: Neptune?
- Dr. Smarter: Almost.
- Spider-Man Pluto! You think he's from Pluto?
- Dr. Smarter: I'm afraid I do. And there maybe others. (all of a sudden the Plutonian has came back a friend look like him) Help! Help! Help, someone! (then the Plutonians freezed our heroes then Dr. Smarter and took him away)
- Gil, Molly, Nonny, Goby, Deema, Oona, Donkey, Puss and Spider-Man: They've got him! They've got Dr. Smarter! (and the Plutonians took Dr. Smarter to the Iceburg)
- Goby: Guys, look!
- Puss: The ice.
- Molly: It's melting.
- Spider-Man: We're thawing out. (picks up some ice) The iceburg would be a natural hideout. They must've taken Dr. Smarter there.
- Oona: But why would they go there?
- Spider-Man: I don't know. But let's find out! (and they ran to Peter's house)