Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Bopping sunset by masemj-d7y35kd

Sunset Shimmer (Opposite) (aka Evil Sunset Shimmer, but later rename Moonlight Shimmer) (Voice by: Rebecca Shoichet) is an evil clone version of the good Sunset Shimmer who will be created by Dr. Anton Sevarius in the bonus scene of Winnie the Pooh and The Legend of the Titanic and will make her first guest starring appearance in Tino's Adventures of Osmosis Jones. She is also in love with Tino Tonitini. As a matter in fact, in the "Pooh's Adventures", she's also the big bad villain ever, and have a partnership with Bowser. She became Pooh and Tino's enemy until she later becomes good and joins the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance.

Bio of Pooh's Adventures Series[]


Bio in Ryan's Adventures Series[]

After the real Sunset redeemed herself, Ryvine created Evil Sunset with Dr. Biron Sakitron and made her a villain that is unredeemable. Since then, she won't turn on the Sparkglow Empire since she is a loyal member.


