Supergirl is a supporting character in Superman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited. She was the last Argoan and Superman's adoptive cousin.
She was voiced by Nicholle Tom.
Unlike most incarnations, this version of Supergirl isn't Kryptonian, instead she's born from the sister race of the Kryptonians, the Argoans.
Supergirl in her original suit
Kara In-Ze in her cryo-chamber
A slumbering Kara being found by Superman
Kara enjoying her new life on Earth after being unfrozen and awakened by Superman
Supergirl's first time in action as she battles Granny Goodness
Supergirl facing Granny Goodness and the Female Furies first time
Supergirl meet Batgirl for the first time
Supergirl vs. Volcana
Supergirl confronting the brainwashed Superman
Supergirl defeated and nearly about to be put down by the brainwashed Superman
Supergirl held in captivity under the corrupt and xenophobic General Hardcastle's "care"