Kal-El, alias Superman, is one of the main protagonists of the DC Animated Universe.
He was originally voiced by Tim Daly as an adult, Jesse Batten as a baby, Shane Haboucha as a child, and Jason Marsden as a teenager in Superman: The Animated Series, by George Newbern in Justice Leagueand Justice League Unlimited, and by Christopher McDonald in Batman Beyond.
Baby Kal-El
Older Superman in Batman Beyond
Superman in his original Space suit
Clark Kent (Superman's Earth civilian ego)
Superman in his Apokolips armor
Baby Kal-El, the future Superman, in his Kryptonian Rocket
Baby Kal-El, the future Superman, gets blasted off into space via his birth parents upon the near destruction of their home planet, Krypton
Baby Kal-El gets adopted by the Kents
Teenage Kal-El/Clark Kent meets his birth parents, or at least a hologram of them
Teenage Kal-El/Clark Kent learns his true heritage from the holograms of his birth parents
Clark Kent, AKA Superman, first time meeting Lois Lane
Superman first time saving Lois Lane
Superman meets Batman for the first time
Superman meets Darkseid for the first time
Superman getting brainwashed by Granny Goodness into believing he's Darkseid's adoptive son
Superman as Darkseid's brainwashed soldier
A brainwashed Superman bowing before Darkseid after conquering an alien planet for him
A brainwashed Superman leading Darkseid's forces to invade Earth
Superman fighting Darkseid in retaliation for how he brainwashed him into being his "pawn" and turning him loose against Earth