Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

The Taskmaster.

Taskmaster (real name: Anthony "Tony" Masters) is a Marvel supervillain who possesses the power to copy any fighting style or move that he observes. He is an extremely skilled fighter, capable with virtually any weapon known to man. He most often carries a sword, shield, and bow and arrows, but also carries knives, guns, and many other weapons.

After he masters a fighting style, he sells it, teaching it to anyone for the right price. He most often gets his "merchandise" by watching videos of combatants, and copies them photogenically. He cannot, however, perform skills that require superhuman abilities, such as lifting a car or firing energy blasts. If he watches a fighting video in fast-motion, he can copy it at the same speed, granting him semi-superspeed in that instance.



"What is wrong with you?!"

Taskmaster to Deadpool about the chicken swords.

