Team Harmony is a group of heroes of Team Harmony’s Adventures Series made by Starable Hybrid.
- Starable Hybrid (Leader)
- Twilight Sparkle (Co-Leader)
- Destiny Oliver
- Amelia Midnight
- Bendy the Dancing Demon
- Freddy Fazbear
- Toy Freddy/Teddy Toybear
- Walton/The Guardian
- Tinky Winky
- Fluttershy
- Lunar Oliver
- Lightfur the Angel Demon Cat
- Edgar the Spider
- Laa Laa
- Jack-O-Chica/Jacklyn “Jackie”
- Ruby Aira
- Master Fear
- Master Misery
- Rainbow Dash
- Jack-O-Bonnie/Jackson
- Toy Chica/Chickadee the Chicken
- Foxy the Pirate Fox
- Dipsy
- Sergeant Miles
- Unit 437 “Lynn”
- Mollie Hawkins
- Barley
- Hawkodlie
- Master Hazard
- Master Malice
- Master Frown
- Blazer the Wolf
- Nightmarionne/Bloode
- William “Vincent” Afton
- Applejack
- Galactic Gold-Tucker
- Miss Panda
- Doctor Fox
- Boris the Wolf
- Alice Angel
- Chica the Chicken
- Toy Bonnie/Bon Bon the Bunny
- Po
- Anne
- Ronxana “Ron”
- Felicity Baxter
- Master Plague
- Master Control
- Rarity
- Master Pain
- Master Diva
- Score Creeper
- Richard
- Pre-Mangle/Vixen the Fennec Fox
- Charley
- Ying and Yang the Fox Sisters
- Pinkie Pie
- Princess Unikitty
- Prince Puppycorn
- Pegafox
- Master Papercuts
- Brock
- Bonnie the Rabbit
- Jeanne “Gaundy” Salle Roxas
- Zack Roxas
- The team will be first form after Team Harmony’s Adventures Of My Little Pony: The Return of Harmony.
- They sometimes guest-stars in different adventures series (Ones that Starable likes)