(Showing Special Thanks Card)
Special Thanks to Larry Hama, Steve Gerber Ron Friedman, Buzz Dixon and Hasbro for The Creation and Collaboration of This Episode, YO JOE!.
In Memoriam of Morgan Lofting
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Today on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds," An Evil Force from our Heroes past has returned.
- Cobra Commander (TV Screen): We finally meet at last, Rebels.
- Skipper: Cobra Commander!
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): as Bowser and the New United Alliance of Evil reunites with Cobra on an Evil Plot, but for Ash Ketchum his Good Luck goes from Bad…
- Baroness: Hello, nephew.
- Ash: Aunt Baroness?!
- Pikachu: (angry) Pika!
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) You should’ve warned your playmates. I’m the only one who can bite you.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): …to Worse.
- Baroness: For even you are not immune to Eau De Cobra. (sprays Ash as he starts swooning on her) Don’t I look different to you now?
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Meanwhile, the Rebels team up with G.I. Joe to Stop the Baroness, before she turns Ash against his Friends, then Cobra Commander is on the Rampage as he Brings back Cyclopsus the War Zord.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Can our heroes and the Joes stop the Baroness’s plan and Stop Cobra?
- Mewtwo: 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance, G.I. Joe!
- All: Roll Out and YO' JOE!!!!!!
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Find out on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds” Next!.
(Fades to Black)
Prologue: The Baroness’s Plan[]
(the episode begins at a familiar evil headquarters in the Desert as the Subtitle Says "Cobra Desert Palace" Sahara)
- Cobra Commander: At last. Cobra has risen again. Now, the time has come to get revenge on Zordon of Eltar’s Chosen Warriors.
- Destro: Yes, Cobra Commander. It has been awhile since our last battle, but if we’re gonna to stop those heroes, we need a strategy.
- Baroness: (OS) Patience, Destro. (appears) I have a plan.
- Cobra Commander: You, Baroness? What is it?
- Baroness: My plan involves (pushes a button to reveal on the screen…) my nephew.
- Destro: The Pokémon World Champion? Last time I’ve heard, The Evil Queen posed as his Mother and nearly killed him, It was there that Mewtwo's Adopted Daughter and current successor to Merrick Baliton as The Lunar Wolf Ranger, took Justice into her own hands.
- Baroness: Yes. Lord Bowser granted me permission to create a way to make him one of us by recreating the Evil Queen’s special pheromone without the side effect of trying to kill him. After all, he is family.
- Destro: Too true. Too true.
- Cobra Commander: Brilliant! With the boy and his Pokémon at our side, Cobra and the New United Alliance of Evil will rule the world!
- Baroness: So, permission to proceed, Commander?
- Cobra Commander: Permission granted. But do so carefully, understand?, Angel Grove is under the protection of the Power Rangers, and the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance, All thanks to Lusamine and Aether Foundation's Influence, we don't want to alert them and the Eltarian.
- Baroness: Yes, Commander. (to herself) Okay, nephew. Once your mine, we’ll take over Cobra, and us and the New United Alliance of Evil will rule the world together forever. And this time, no one can stop us, Not even the Chosen Ones, or your Friends and neither G.I. Joe.
(Scene: At the docks at Night)
- Baroness: Yes. The final ingredient I need to complete my pheromone formula. Where did you get it?
- Tiger Claw: That is none of your concern. Lord Bowser and the Shredder trusts that you are still on schedule?
- Baroness: Of course. Now that I have the ingredient needed to make sure my nephew is still living and under my control, it won’t be long now.
- Tiger Claw: And it works?
- Baroness: You’re talking to the genius of Cobra. I’m positive it will work.
- Tiger Claw: Better be careful, it's not just the Chosen Ones that you have to worry about, The Rebels and the Power Rangers have more Resources than G.I. Joe, ever since Lusamine and the Aether Foundation became their benefactors.
- Baroness: Don’t worry. Tell the king everything will be ready as soon as my nephew is under my control.
- Tiger Claw: Very well. We’ll be in touch. (Leaves)
- Baroness: (adds last ingredient) Time for phase 2, And there's only one place I can find him (pushes a button to reveal a Map on the screen telling his Location…)...Angel Grove.
(Scene fades to Black cue to intro)
A Day on Angel Grove: Ash in trouble with Team Rocket/Baroness prepares her plan[]
(Scene: after the Intro and Title Card, we see Ash walking with Pikachu on Angel Grove)
- Woman (O.S.): # Angel Grove Radio #
- Radio D.J.: It's another Friday Morning, It's almost the Start of the Weekend here in Angel Grove. And now we move on to a Breaking News in the International Arena. There has been a robbery at the British Museum, where apparently it was the most unusual, Angel Grove TV News correspondent Scarlet Garcia is Located in London, England to give us a detail us on what has happened. Go ahead, Scarlet.
- Scarlet Garcia (Radio): Thanks, Jonathan. A strange robbery occurred at the British History Museum in England. Two nights ago, where an Ancient Egyptian tablet Dating back to the Old Kingdom, who was stolen by a Mysterious Thief disguised as a Mummy while the Museum is Closed, Interpol and Scotland Yard have not been able to find any clues same as to the Thief's current whereabouts ,as mysterious as his motive, why would a thief pass up valuable jewels to steal an artifact of worth only to Scholars.
- Ash: (Turns off the Radio on the Gummiphone): Maybe he was a expelled scholar.
- Ash: (Exit of the Beachhouse near the Power Chamber and stretches while Pikachu jumps in his Shoulder) Ah, a nice morning on Angel Grove. This is just what I need, a nice walk with my best buddy.
- Pikachu: Pika-Pika!
(Scene: Angel Grove Park)
- Ash: I tell ya Pikachu, now that the Evil Queen is gone for Good, and that I’m cured of her dust, and over that stupid phase thanks to our Friends, what better way to celebrate that with a nice walk with just me, my best friend, and no…Witches.
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Ash: That reminds me, we were supposed to meet with Aisling and the others at the Youth Center after school.
- Ash: They must have finished Basketball Practice by now.
- Pikachu: Pika.
(then gets surprised attacked)
- Ash: (sees familiar shadows) What do you want?
- Jessie: Prepare for trouble, you’re such a Twerp bore.
- James: And then make it double, I couldn’t agree more.
- Jessie: To Protect the World from Devastation.
- James: To unite all Peoples within our Nation.
- Jessie: To denounce the Evils of Truth and Love.
- James: To extend our reach to the Stars above.
- Jessie: Jessie!
- James: James!
- Jessie: Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light.
- James: Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight.
- Meowth: Meowth, that’s right!
- Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
- Ash: You do know how to ruin my day, now I see why Bowser and Giovanni took a liking to you.
(suddenly a fireball appears burning them)
- Ash: What the!?
- Cobra Soldiers (OS): COBRA!!!!
(then the Baroness alongside Several Cobra Troopers appears Pointing their Guns to Ash)
- Baroness: Hello, nephew.
- Ash: Aunt Baroness?!
- Pikachu: (angry) Pika!
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) You should’ve warned your playmates. I’m the only one who can bite you.
- Jessie: Stop!
- James: Interrupting is rude!
- Meowth: Just who you think you are, eh?
(They seen the Baroness alongside Cobra's Troopers pointing their arms to them)
- Meowth: By the Pit! It’s the Baroness!
- Jessie: From Cobra?
- James (to Baroness): What are you doing here with the Twerp? We came here first.
- Meowth: She’s the Twerp’s evil aunt, remember? She must have some plan for him. Right?
- Jessie: I don't care if she's the Queen of Hearts, we get here first!.
- Baroness (to Team Rocket): I wouldn't want to waste my time with a couple of clowns like you, "Send my Regards" to Giovanni on my behalf.
(the Baroness throws a smoke pellet as she, Ash, and Pikachu vanishes)
- Jessie: What? They vanished into thin air.
- James: Like villain magicians.
- Wobbuffet: (agrees)
- Jessie: Aww…after coming all this way….I don't get it. I thought Cobra Commander was still a Snake, and Serpentor still in Charge of Cobra.
- James: Let’s retreat and regroup at Bandora Palace. I think the Big Boss owes us a lot of explanations.
- Jessie: Meowth, aren't you coming along?
- Meowth: No, thanks. I’m gonna deal with this.
- Jessie/James: With what?
- Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
(Meowth moves on, while Scene Changes to G.I. Joe Headquarters on Surveillance Room while the Alarm is Sound)
- Breaker: Flint, Sounds like we Detected Cobra Activity on Angel Grove and you won't Believe this, but that Kid from the Rebel Alliance, Ash Ketchum has been Kidnapped by the Baroness after an Encounter with Team Rocket.
- Flint: Try to make contact with Lusamine of the Aether Foundation, if Cobra and the New United Alliance of Evil are back on track, we'll need the Rebel Alliance's help, i'll alert Duke and General Hawk.
(scene flips to a Cruise boat on the Outskirts of the City, inside the Baroness in a dress prepares a drink while she sprits herself with her new weapon: Eau de Cobra perfume)
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) Would you like a drink?
- Ash: Last time, that didn't go so well.
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) Oh, you're right. If I remember correctly, I put a little something in your beverage.
- Ash: Same way I remember it.
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) It made you romantic.
- Ash: It made me do what you wanted. Like almost betray my friends and G.I. Joe, Not to mention Letting Serpentor and Globulus almost takeover the Planet.
- Baroness: (Son of Batman VO) Was it all bad, beloved? (wraps leg around Ash)
- Ash: No, it wasn't all bad.
(The Gummiphone Rings, while it leaves a Voicemail then Baroness Discovers it and Hears it)
- Aisling (Gummiphone Voicemail): Ash, We'll go meet at the Youth Center after school at Basketball Practice, and it's good to have you back, partner. I just want you to know that you'll need to be cautious next time. (the Baroness turns it off and drops it with his Communicator and Turbo Navigator).
- Baroness: Too bad Hotaru isn't here to see this, what a pity, after all she's already with her Father, in the afterlife.
- Ash (VO): Tease her if you want, but you'll soon be in for an ugly surprise.
(Baroness turns on romantic music)
- Baroness: Shall we dance, nephew?
- Ash: Uh, okay. If you’re leading.
- Baroness: How can I refuse?
(Meanwhile as the two dance, at another boat, Cobra Commander and Destro watch as Bowser and Baroness’s plan comes to fruition)
- Cobra Commander: It seems that Baroness is doing quite well. The boy’s looking enraptured.
- Destro: How would you know?
- Cobra Commander: Oh, Destro. We are touchy tonight.
- Destro: And with good reason. Team Rocket’s Meowth and the boy’s Pikachu are there.
- Cobra Commander: What?!
- Destro: (laughs)
(Cobra Commander spies on the two Pokémon)
- Cobra Commander (OS): Cobra Undercover! Two Stowaway Pokémon on the Promenade Dead Walkway, Dispose of them!
- Meowth: So, you’re saying that the Baroness just wanted to see the twerp alone?
- Pikachu: (nods) Pikachu.
- Meowth: That’s not good. Let’s see what she’s up to.
(Then Two Undercover Cobra Operatives Appear)
- Cobra Operatives: COBRA!
- Meowth: Yikes!
(While Meowth and Pikachu Jump and Kick, sending them to the Water)
- Cobra Commander: Morons! I have morons on my payroll!
(scene flips)
An Unexpected Reveal/Reuniting with the Joes/Aisling meets Lady Jaye[]
(Scene: G.I. Joe Headquarters as as the Subtitle Says "G.I. Joe Headquarters: Command Center / Boot Camp")
(showing some Recruits and Trainees in Beachhead's Training Boot Camp)
- Beachhead: (Blows Whistle) Hurry up "ladies", come on, keep it up, move forward!
- Beachhead: COBRA is not to be underestimated as much as Bowser Koopa and the New United Alliance of Evil
- Beachhead: Come on!, Move It!
(Scene: Inside Headquarters)
- Mewtwo (OS): I hope there's a reason why Lusamine and Zordon sent us here to meet with you and your Team, Duke.
(Scene: Duke's Office)
- Duke: Consider it a personal favor Old Friend. We owed you, the Rebels and the Avatar League, for helping us stop Serpentor and the Cobra-La Invasion, Bowser made a big mistake of allying himself with that Monster while i was in Coma.
- Moonlight Shimmer: This has to do with Ash?, because he had remembered to meet me My Sister and my Friends at the Youth Center after school basketball Practice while he was in his Morning Walk.
- Duke: We have reasons that Ash Ketchum has been kidnapped and our interests coincide.
- Korra: Interests?, Like what?.
- General Hawk: This recording will explain to you. This came out a couple of minutes ago, It was Taken by one of our Satellites in your City.
(General Hawk Shows a Video Surveillance Tape in the Monitor of Ash's Encounter with the Baroness with Team Rocket in the Monitor as they Gasped)
- Good Fairy: By the Morphin Grid!
- Tigger (OS): Gasp! It's the Baroness!
- Moonlight Shimmer (OS): And Team Rocket?
- Mario: (growls) That woman. The only thing she brought is trouble.
- Korra: Especially the Organization she works with.
- Both: Cobra.
- Mewtwo: I knew that sooner or later this would happen.
(Recording ends)
- General Hawk: Apparently Bowser and Giovanni's three operatives were trying to capture him and Pikachu, until she appeared on Angel Grove, For some reason Zordon and your benefactress of Aether Foundation. Lusamine were aware of the Situation, as we speak.
- Good Fairy: That explains why the Power Chamber's Sensors couldn't release the Alarm nor could my Father detect it's presence, They know how to hide their tracks.
- Good Fairy: Knowing that the Gummiphones are upgraded with the technology of the SPD Delta Morphers that are in sync with the Power Chamber and Cranstontech's Command Center.
- Mewtwo: We didn't know that Bowser and the New United Alliance of Evil still maintain their ties with Cobra, Despite Serpentor's Failure and Defeat.
- Korra: yeah, The last time we heard from him, Bowser executed him for treason, the day on which you were wounded in the line of duty.
- Duke: That's why we summoned you, General. knowing to our surprise that Ash is an unfortunate relative of the Baroness I don't think it was because of a family reunion.
- Mario: (Fakes Cough), Forgive me, but she's a Former relative Sgt. Hauser, she was always the Black Sheep of the Family to our Misfortune.
- Luigi: Indeed. We already saw this once back in New York. Shredder already failed once to turn our Nephew into one of Bowser's Soldiers. Why would she wanted to do it the same?
- General Hawk: That's why you're Here to find out, Gentlemen.
- Mewtwo: If Bowser and Cobra have met again, that would mean trouble. Knowing the Advanced Arsenal and Militia Troops they have, including the Economic Influence of Extensive Enterprises thanks to their Operatives Tomax and Xamot Paoli. There is a possibility of preparing a full-scale Invasion on it's way to Angel Grove.
- Duke: It is possible, the City is still recovering after the Damage caused by Poison Ivy and Dr. Woodrue weeks ago, Compared to the Thanos Disaster and Tony Stark's Passing.
- Mewtwo: We will begin to make the Preparations, to continue among our Collaboration.
- Duke: You can count on us for anything, for the Old Times.
- Moonlight Shimmer: You're welcome. By the way, where is Aisling?
- General Hawk (OS): Surely She and your friends are in the Training Room. I understand that several of our people were happy to see them.
- Korra (OS): I get it, General Hawk, it's good to know when to meet your friends.
(Scene: Training Gym Room Pooh his Friends along All G.I. Joe, Avatar League and Rebel Alliance Members are in Training while Reuniting themselves then Aisling is Practicing her Martial Arts Kata with a Punching Bag while Our Heroes and All G.I. Joe Male Members are Surprised and Stunned)
- Roadblock: (Whistle) (to Misty) Sure She's a very feisty one, for a Little Girl.
- Misty: You have no idea, Roadblock.
- Gung Ho: Who does she think she is, Karate Kid?
- Kowalski: Let's just say she's a fast learner.
- Quick Kick: And a very good one, as far as I can see.
- Tai Kamiya: wait until you see her at the pool table.
(Continues Punching while she vents her frustration and anger after hearing of Ash's Kidnapping by the Baroness. until Lady Jaye Appears to Calm her Down)
- Lady Jaye (OS): Whoa, Easy there, kid. You're among friends.
- Aisling: (sees Lady Jaye and heavy breathes and calms herself down) Sorry. (to Lady Jaye), um...Lady Jaye, Right?
- Lady Jaye: Correct, and you must be Aisling.
- Aisling: Call me Ais for short. My friends do it.
- Lady Jaye: I notice you are a little worried, is it because of the kidnapping of your friend?
- Aisling: As if we've had enough Trouble Back Home because of Grimhilde, Now another Vamp got away with it for some reason that Baroness Reminds me a Lot to Her.
- Lady Jaye: You have a lot of grudge against Grimhilde, I see.
- Aisling: (Sigh) Just looking at her, it makes my stomach churn. Don't take it the wrong way, for Ash, the Bad Girls are always his Achilles' heel, especially if they're Secret Crushes that's why i'm so overprotective to him, knowing that he made a promise never to fall in love.
- Aisling: I don't know what obsession that Baroness' Character has with Ash, because the last time that we had a Pheromone Dust Case, Grimhilde dared to impersonate his Mother, and that witch instead of making falling him in love, she almost killed him, And i wasn't going to let her get away with it, Unpunished (Continues Punching and Kicking the Bag).
- Lady Jaye: I see. Well, you're lucky, be thankful you didn't run into Serpentor.
- Aisling: Serpentor?
- Roadblock: Destro and Dr. Mindbender's Creation, also the former Leader of Cobra.
- Izzy Izumi: It is said to have been created based on DNA with some of the Conquerors and Tyrants in History, We had the misfortune to meet him in the Himalayas, even he tried to Kill Duke's Little Brother, Lt. Falcon.
- Aisling: the incident of the Broadcast Energy Transmitter, yeah. i Remember.
- Tommy Oliver: It is true, not to mention, that madman was almost going to turn the entire planet into a race of Serpent Men.
- Aisling: Wow, That's definitely the kind of villain that Bowser won't want on his "Friends List", but You're right about one thing, I'm glad I don't know him.
- Roadblock: Better Believe it Kid, He even holds a grudge against Cobra Commander.
- Aisling: Cobra Commander?
(Sora Shows Cobra Commander's Image on her Gummiphone)
- Sora Takenouchi: The Cowardly Leader of Cobra, this guy makes Starscream look like a Rookie and not to mention that he's tried to overthrow Serpentor on more than one occasion, It was at this time that he was affected by Cobra-La spores.
- Roadblock: It's true. I was there Cobra-La was like one a gigantic Death Trap, and I almost went blind, and ran into that coward And the result ended up becoming his a Snake.
- Aisling: The truth is that all this seems very strange to me.
- Aisling: As if it wasn't enough between Catwoman and Mrs. Ketchum became the 2nd She-Bat.
(scene flips back to the Baroness’s boat, Ash and her aunt continue dancing as Destro and Cobra Commander watch far away)
- Destro: This mission is taking a most disastrous turn.
- Cobra Commander: You underestimate the Baroness. Or perhaps you fear the boy’s charms.
- Destro: Don’t be ridiculous. However, I do wish to monitor this mission first hand.
- Cobra Commander: You’ll stay here until the king arrives. You will only hinder our agent.
- Destro: Do not try to stop me.
- Ecliptor: (appears) Jealous, Destro?
- Destro: Ecliptor!
- Ecliptor: What do you think you’re doing?
- Destro: We were just observing the boy and planning an attack.
- Ecliptor: “Planning an attack?” Here’s a plan! (hits Destro)
- Destro: Good move, honorable warrior of evil.
- Ecliptor: Now stay here and watch! Or I’ll dispose of you! Now!
- Cobra Commander: Oh, he’s good.
- Ash: Enjoy the dance, Auntie. Because afterwards, my Friends and the Joes come to my aid, you’ll be a prisoner of all of us unless you turn a new leaf.
- Ash: If only Hotaru or Aunt April were here, they'll be teaching you a lesson.
- Baroness: No, nephew. You have made a mistake. For even you are not immune to Eau De Cobra. (sprays Ash as he starts swooning on her) Don’t I look different to you now? You wouldn’t want me to fail at my mission, would you?
- Ash: (under her spell) I want whatever will make you happiest, my sexy and beautiful aunt.
- Baroness: Good boy. Now, let’s head to my room and play.
- Ash: (growls romantically)
(Inside the bedroom, Baroness gets under the cover and throws her clothing while Ash is in his pajamas)
- Ash: And?
- Baroness: That’s it, nephew.
- Ash: That’s it?
- Baroness: There’s nothing underneath the covers but me.
- Ash: I have been waiting for this moment my entire life! Yay! (LAUGHING)
- Baroness: And only for you.
- Ash: (GASPING) Oh, Auntie, I love you. I love you.
- Baroness: As do I, my favorite nephew.
- Ash: Yeah, right. I’m your only nephew.
(The two kiss and play unaware that Meowth and Pikachu are watching)
- Meowth: Meow! This could mean trouble, Sparky.
- Pikachu: Pika.
- Meowth: I’ll tell the boss. You get your amigos.
- Pikachu: Pikachu!
(both go their separate ways as scene flips to G.I. Joe HQ as Pikachu is Running Faster with Ash's Hat who contains his Gummiphone with a Turbo Navigator and his Communicator)
(Scene: Outside G.I. Joe Headquarters in the Command Ship where Aisling is Playing Pool)
- Aisling (OS): It's hard to get Everyday, Mario.
- Aisling: No matter how many times Ash finds a secret crush whether it's a villain, it's the same never-ending tale, for someone who made a Promise on not falling in Love.
(She Strikes the Balls as they're in their Place)
- Mario: You're just kind of overwhelmed Bambina, I know how hard you try to keep him out of trouble.
- Mario: Sorry for not Telling you about the Baroness as Ash's Evil Aunt but you know how strict Delia, Felicia and April can be.
- Aisling: I Know, it's just I've never been like this since I took out some of my anger on Joker since he threw Harley Quinn out of the warehouse during the Ivy/Woodrue Affair.
- TJ: Yes, we found out, Ash felt bad for not saving her, but instead you wiped the smile off his face, You weren't going to let it get away with it.
- Aisling: More than that, I scratched his face throwing it out of the fire pit of an industrial plant, But knowing him, he deceives Death for Fun.
- Aisling: If the Baroness captured Ash, Pikachu most likely escaped alive.
- Pikachu (OS to Aisling): PIKA!!!
- Aisling: Pikachu?
(Pikachu Appears with Ash's Hat as the Hangar Door Automatically Opens)
- Pikachu (to Aisling): Pika! (Jumps on her Arms and he Nuzzles her Cheek)
- Aisling (Holds him): Pikachu! How did you get here from Angel Grove?
(Pikachu gives Ash's Hat with the Gummiphone, Turbo Navigator and Communicator to Aisling)
- Aisling: Good Thinkin, Alpha.
(Aisling sees in the Turbo Navigator with some Coordinates)
- Aisling (OS): These are coordinates, Africa, Madagascar!
- Aisling (to Lady Jaye): We've gotta show them to my Father.
- Lady Jay: What is it?
- Aisling: Come on. We have a clue.
- Bazooka Joe: if you're Looking for your Father he's with Flint and Breaker.
(Scene: Communications Room)
- Lady Jaye: Which one of Cobra's Snakes or Bowser's Goons Could've been.
- Flint: That's easy, Firefly none of the others would have taken such great pains to conceal his identity, Especially with Domino's Help.
- Lady Jaye: Aren't we clever? Then tell me this why did Cobra want the Jackal's Bane, while kidnapping Ash.
- Flint: That’s not so easy.
- Mewtwo: Even so, we have not found any clue to his whereabouts.
- Tai Kamiya (to Mewtwo): Chief, We've got a fix on a Cobra Submarine and some of Bowser's Tie Fighters from Bandora Palace.
- Breaker: According to Zordon's Intel, They are heading straight to Madagascar.
- Flint: But we think where to find out.
- Lady Jay and Aisling: Madagascar.
(Scene Fades to the Quest World Map)
Quest map. Lat 55.02 Long 2.06. Departure: G.I. Joe Headquarters, Destination: Madagascar.
Ambush in Madagascar / An Explosive Encounter[]
(Scene: Madagascar as the Command Ship, Astro Megaship and G.I. Joe's Skystriker XP-14F Flies over the Island)
- Shipwreck (OS): I'd bet my bottom dollar that they're Hiding in Pirates' Cove.
- Shipwreck: It's been a Smugglers Hideout for Centuries.
- Gladion: How do you know so much about Hideouts?
- Polly: Shipwreck’s a crook! Bwark, a crook! (Whistle)
- Shipwreck: (Growls VO)
(Scene Flips)
(Scene: Egg Fort)
- Computer: Attention.
- Computer: Rebel Presence Detected, Accompanied by a Fleet of Skystriker XP-14F Air Jets. Air Vehicles from....
- Dr. Eggman: G.I. JOE!?
- Dr. Eggman (Activates the Communications Channel: Dr. Eggman to Lord Bowser!
- Bowser (TV Screen): Ah, Robotnik. (hides Piano Keys) What news?
- Dr. Eggman: I've just learned the Rebels and G.I. Joe are Heading to one of Cobra's Secret Bases in Madagascar, they know about the Baroness's Plan with Ash Ketchum.
- Bowser: Impossible! They wouldn't chance that, unless...
- Bowser: Unless, someone besides Zordon, had been informed to Sgt. Hauser and General Hawk of what's going on, regarding the whereabouts of his Ultra Guardian Blue.
- Dr. Eggman: Lusamine, no Doubt.
- Bowser: Of course. Which fits in nicely with our little plan for her and Aether Foundation Tonight.
- Bowser: But what about the Rebels and the Joes?.
- Dr. Eggman: They'll Never Survive the Ambush, Once I, Destro and Dr. Mindbender have made some Modifications to Goldar's Old War Zord, it'll be a Piece of Cake.
- Bowser: Excellent, But just to be on the safe side, I believe we'll give the Rebels and G.I. Joe something else to worry about, yesss!.
- Bowser: Send in the Quantrons and the Stormtroopers!
(Scene Flips Back to Madagascar on the Astro Megaship)
- Mewtwo: DECA, Report!
- DECA (OS): Cobra Activity and several Tie Fighters have been detected in a Grotto not far from here.
- Mewtwo: The time has come, People.
- Aisling: To the Jump tubes.
- Mewtwo: Rebels, Roll Out!
(They Go into the Jump Tubes)
- Cobra Commander: The Rebels!
- Cobra Commander: Clear the Lab Immediately, Prepare for Attack.
(Scene: Cobra's Secret Base)
- Aisling (OS): The Egyptian Tablet? I thought it was in the British Museum.
- Moonlight Shimmer: I remember writing an article in the Chronicle this Morning, two nights ago a Thief Disguised as a Mummy, stole it while avoiding security, do you think Cobra is behind this?
- Rocky DeSantos: It's Possible, You should know how ruthless those guys can be.
- Lady Jaye: The Same Way did happen to the Jackal's Bane, Both thefts were Connected.
- Flint: Let's get out of Here.
- Aisling: Wait, Flint.
- Flint (OS): What are you doing?
(Aisling uses her Gummiphone to Take a Picture of the Tablet and Send it to the Power Chamber)
- Aisling: I Take a Picture of the Tablet and send it with Father, Billy and Uncle Donnie, to Analyze and Translate the Inscription, hopefully we'll find something to create an antidote.
- Cobra Commander (OS): That's when you Think, Lunar Wolf Ranger.
- Aisling: Huh?
- Skipper: I recognized that Raspy Voice Anywhere.
(The TV Screen Appears and it Shows Cobra Commander)
- Cobra Commander (TV Screen): We finally meet at Last Rebels and it seems you brought Company.
(Our Heroes are Gasped)
- Aisling: By the Wings of Animaria!
- Skipper: Cobra Commander!
- Cobra Commander (TV Screen): in the Flesh!, Let me Show you the Quickest Exit, (to Flint and Lady Jaye), and as for you Bowser Koopa sends his "Regards" (Evil Laughs).
(Cobra Commander Activates the Self-Destruct Sequence)
- Aisling: Aw, Slag.
(and the Base Blows while our heroes are Jumped, while Fades to Black cue to Commercial Break)
- Jackson Beck (Announcer): Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds" will Return after These Messages.
Swimming/Baroness's Plan[]
- Jackson Beck (Announcer): and Now back to Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds".
(Fades back where we see our Heroes alongside G.I. Joe Operatives, Flint and Lady Jaye Jump into the Water)
- Lady Jaye: Flint, Where are you?
- Flint: I Can't Swim and Hold This Thing at the Same Time.
- Aisling: That gives me an idea.
- Aisling: I. AM. TRANSFORMED!!!
(Aisling Contains Breath while She Submerges in the Water and Transforms into a Mantine while Flint puts the Tablet on her Back)
- Lady Jaye: "For the Woman, in Need of Love The Potion will Sting at a Man's Heart Like a Cobra Stings"
(Flint Drowns Himself)
- Lana: Flint!
(And Reappears)
- Flint: Sorry!, was it the Tablet or Me.
- Lady Jaye: Must've been a Tough Choice.
- Aisling (Mantine Form): At least I was able to send the Tablet Photograph to the Power Chamber, It's only a matter of time before Father, Billy, Uncle Donnie, and Cosmo to translate the Inscription, come on, We have to get out of here.
(They begin to Swim to the Surface)
- Misty (to Lady Jaye): What inscription was on the tablet, Lady Jaye?.
- Lady Jaye: It was the Formula of a Love Potion, One Whiff and a Man Would Fall in Love With the Woman Who Wore it.
- Lana: Like a Perfume?.
- Lady Jaye: Yeah Something like that.
- Aisling (Mantine Form): I Imagined It, it sounds to me like a bottled version of Grimhilde's Pheromone Dust.
- Flint: You're Kidding.
- Lady Jaye: I'd Like to Have some of that Stuff.
- Aisling (Mantine Form): Trust me, I wouldn't recommend it if I were you.
- Flint: She's Right, you Don't Need it.
(and a Fish Flips his Tail on his Face)
- Aisling (MantineForm): (Giggles), Turn off the Charm, Flint, you're Liable to Charming a Whale or a Sea Lion.
(Aisling Shapeshifts Back into Herself)
- Flint: Very funny. The Question is ¿Who Does Cobra or The New United Alliance of Evil to Attract Whom?.
- Aisling: I think we Already Know the Answer, From our experience with Grimhilde, back in Angel Grove.
- Lady Jaye: Indeed, and since The Baroness is involved, she Chose her own "Nephew" to be her "Guinea Pig".
(Scene: Bandora Palace)
- Destro (OS): We lost that Tablet, due to Firefly's Incompetence
- Cobra Commander (OS): Who Cares about the Tablet!
- Bowser: indeed The Baroness has the Eau de Cobra and With it, Ash Ketchum or Any other Man Alive will be Able to Resist her.
- Kamek: (bursting in) Sire! Look! (shows him the newspaper)
- Bowser: Tonight. We hit Aether Foundation's Cruise Gala tonight. And this time, The Rebels, the Rangers or Hauser's Toy Soldiers won't be able to stop us.
Our Heroes learn of Cobra Commander's Return / Investigating the Tablet / A Shocking Turn in Events[]
(Scene: Power Chamber)
(Computer: Showing Footage of "G.I. Joe: Operation: Dragonfire")
- Mako: We knew that sooner or later Cobra Commander was going to Return.
- Mewtwo (Gummiphone): That's right, and to top it all off they dared to kidnap Ash by Request of Bowser.
- Billy: According to General Hawk, after the Destruction of Cobra-La, A Unit led by Sgt. Slaughter was working as a Peace Corps in a Poor Village somewhere in the Tibet, while Serpentor was Still Alive and Cobra Commander a Snake, Waiting for the moment to Attack, it was then Baroness and one of the Cobra Operatives, Gnawgahyde, they figured out how to transform him back into a Human Being after discovering the Dragonfire.
- Donatello: The Reason, because she was jealous because of a Relationship Destro has with Zarana.
- Mako: Zartan's Sister, i know she is he and his Brother are members of the Dreadnoks.
(Scene: G.I Joe Headquarters)
- Donatello (Computer Screen): It looks like Aisling and Lady Jaye's Theory, is making sense Brother, Baroness has just created her variant of Pheromone Dust, but in the form of Perfume.
- Tai Kamiya: A Perfume?
- Donatello (Computer Screen): I know this will sound Crazy, but there goes the name "Eau de Cobra".
- Donatello (Computer Screen): But given the fact that Ash is her nephew, it seems that the Instant Death Side Effect was omitted.
- Luigi: true, even though she's a villain, she has her Reasons on not going to wanting Ash Dead, and that's against Bowser's Rules, We all saw what happened to Grimhilde, after Aisling's Vendetta for Forcing Her to Take the Potion we Created in his Castle.
- Billy (Computer Screen): So far we have been able to analyze the Tablet Inscription, According to Cosmo and Tikal, Jackal's Bane is an extinct flower, similar to the Red Rose that Poison Ivy used to create Biollante.
- Billy (Computer Screen): It will take time to create the Antidote.
- Mewtwo: Excellent, We'll be Waiting you at the USS Flagg.
- Billy: Affirmative.
- Scarlett Garcia (TV): Reporting live from Angel Grove, where a Cruise Ship Party is Taking Place Tonight, and the Hosts will be Tomax and Xamot Paoli from Extensive Enterprises.
- Bolin: we know those Fools, they're Cobra Operatives too.
- Duke (Computer Screen): I'm not surprised, Extensive Enterprises, is also a front for Cobra Operations, even has TGRI, Oscorp and Genutech on it's payroll.
- Cosmo the Seedrian (to Communicator): Mewtwo, We're patching into the media feed now, there's something you need to see.
(The Gummiphone Rings as Mewtwo activates)
- Mewtwo: Mewtwo Here. Go ahead, Aisling.
- Aisling (Gummiphone): Father, I've sent a Picture of the Tablet the Power Chamber, but that's not all, we've been ambushed and Cobra Commander has Returned.
- Mewtwo: Already your Uncle, and Billy have informed us what happened, and the next Hit of the Koopa and Cobra, will be at an Cruise Party on a Luxury Cruise, hosted by the Paoli Bros of Extensive Enterprises.
- Lillie: Our Parents and our Teachers will be in that Cruise.
- Lana: and that Includes Felicia Hardy.
- Aisling: Just what i need, As long as she doesn't start digging through her pockets like the Black Cat.
- Aisling (to Mewtwo): Where will the Cruise Ship Party be held, Father?
- Mewtwo (Gummiphone): Tonight, near Tokyo Bay meet us with Duke and the Others at the U.S.S. Flagg, for further instructions.
- Aisling: Roger, Aisling Out.
- Lady Jaye: Well, now we can guess what they're up to.
- Flint: Sure, Ash falls in Love with the Baroness and both Cobra and the New United Alliance of Evil will take control of Him their Pokémon to Rampage Angel Grove, Starting with her most current benefactor.
- Kiawe: That will definitely damage his reputation.
- Ashi: Not on our Watch.
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Misty: I think I have an Idea, but to do it I'll need some more Help by a Perfume Expert, luckily we know one.
- Mallow: like Who?
- Aisling: Easy, Erika The Gym Leader from Celadon City.
- Lillie: The one who gave mother the Gastly Mysterio Perfume, during the Maiden's Ghost Case?
- Brock: Yes, that one.
- Aisling (to Gummiphone): Alpha, Try to open the Communications channel to Celadon City.
Operation: Undercover Rebels / Catfight[]
(Scene: Cruise Boat at Night)
- Rabbit: (Covers Pooh's mouth) Shush!
- Winnie the Pooh: I am shush.
- Flint: this is the Last Time i come to a Party Uninvited
- Misty: There are too many people here any Ideas?.
- Aisling: There. in the Engine Room!
(they enter to the Engine Room, they get out the Scuba Diver suits and reveal Gala Disguises)
- Aisling: All Clear.
- Flint (to Lady Jaye): After you, my Dear.
- Lady Jaye: Why thank you, Flint.
- Flint: my Pleasure, Lady Jaye.
- Aisling: (Giggles), Are we on a Date or an Undercover Mission?
- Flint: It's all part of the Charm, Young Aisling.
- Flint (to Communicator): Deep Six, we are on the Yacht, The Rebels are in USS Flagg, Wait Below just in Case.
- Deep Six (OS): You Got it Flint, Better Down Here than Up There.
- Aisling (Waiter Costume): I'm going to place a fake love letter to Ash, and in the meantime, we'll lure Him to his cabin.
(She takes out the Blue Perfume Bottle from her Power Box).
- Aisling: I hope this works, because this Perfume contains one of the Antidote Blue Bottles we used with Ash during my last encounter with Grimhilde.
- Misty: Trust me. Ais, no one knows more about perfumes and essences than Erika.
- Tai (to Aisling): um, Guys, wanna check this out, i think we're not alone.
- Aisling: What?
(They seen Cobra Commander, Destro, Bowser, Tiger Claw, Ecliptor and Shredder at the Kuraiyama in the Binocucom)
- Aisling (OS): Cobra Commander! and that Metal Face Guy must be Destro.
- Justin Stewart (OS): and apparently they brought guests.
- Lillie (OS): Bowser, Shredder, Ecliptor and Tiger Claw, we should've known.
- Aisling (OS): the Kuraiyama, That ship is like the floating version of Shredder's Tower back in New York.
- Flint: your friend will be in for a very ugly surprise, he will never take his eyes off the Baroness.
- Aisling: i see Why (to Gummiphone), you've seen this Father?.
- Mewtwo: Yes, they have it all planned.
- Duke: Even so, we can't attack openly, you will have to come up with some strategy.
- Aisling (Gummiphone): Understood, Duke.
- Lady Jaye: I'll take care of the Baroness to distract her, so you'll have room to get your friend back.
- Aisling: Okay then, Let's Roll out Rebels.
- All: Right!.
(Scene: Ash's Cabin at Baroness' Boat at Dark)
- Ash: Aunt Baroness, Where are you my Love?
- Aisling (OC): I'm afraid your "Juliet" is out of the question, "Romeo."
- Ash: What the!?
- Aisling (OC): Grimhilde wasn't enough for you, but on top of that you ended up in the target of another Mad Villainess, There's another thing you don't want to share with us.
(Across the room, several pairs of eyes gleam in the darkness.)
- Aisling: Ketchum? (Aisling hits the lights; they are lit in the same red tone from before.)
- Moonlight Shimmer: You never told us, that you had an Evil aunt, Aren't you?.
- Ashi: Don't get us wrong, but you have a problem with Bad Dates.
- Aisling: What a Way to Receive Your Friends, but this madness has to end here and now, Lucario!, Incineroar!, NOW!. (Snaps her Fingers)
(Lucario and Incineroar Appear and they Grab Ash from his Arms)
- Aisling: Keep him Steady, (and She Sprays the Antidote Perfume on Ash's)
- Ash: What did you do to me?
- Aisling: A special perfume, courtesy of Billy and a friend of yours from Celadon City's, I Call it "Eau de Campione".
(He Calms down as he's Back to Normal thanks to the Antidote's Effect)
- Ash: Aisling?, Ashi?, Moonlight?, Lucario?, Incineroar?
- Aisling: Welcome back, Partner.
- Ash: What happened? ,and Why am I dressed as if I were for the Premiere of a Movie?
- Aisling: Can't say I blame you for your Bad Luck.
- Aisling: You were out of control before we could cure you.
- Ash: Cure Me?, Aunt Baroness!, She attacked and kidnapped me by surprise and Sprayed me with that Perfume.
- Aisling: With a massive overdose of A New Variant of Pheromone Dust, Without the Side Effect of Poison Death.
- Aisling: we figured we'd be needing a new supply of the Pheromone antidote with the two cylinders of the Antidote that we used after my last encounter with Grimhilde. although it was sooner than we had expected.
- Ash: Thanks.
- Aisling: Lusamine and Grandfather sent us to G.I. Joe and explained us the situation.
(Ash sees The Kuraiyama in the Gummiphone)
- Ash (OS): Cobra Commander?, Destro?
- Aisling: Cobra Commander has regained his humanity after overthrowing Serpentor somehow your "Favorite Aunt" knew the risks of Pheromone Dust and she had created this new variant with no side effects.
- Ash: What?
- Justin Stewart: We'll explain you later, For now, we gotta help Flint and Lady Jaye.
- Ash: What?, Lady Jaye and Flint are here?
Rebels and G.I. Joe: Unite!/Rumble[]
- Tai Kamiya: I think it's time to show those Snakes what happens when they dare to enter Angel Grove!
- Duke: I Believe it's your turn, General.
- Mewtwo: Okay People, It's Morphin' Time!.
- Mewtwo / Vader / Ashi / Ahsoka / Boba: (O.S.) ¡GO GALACTIC!
(They begin to Morph into the Lost Galaxy Rangers)
- Aisling: ¡WILD ACCESS!
(Aisling Activates the Lunar Caller and turns herself into the Lunar Wolf Ranger)
- Justin Stewart: Shift into Turbo! (activates the Turbo Morpher), Mountain Blaster, Turbo Power! (Transforms into the Blue Turbo Ranger)
- Andros / T.J. / Carlos / Ashley / Cassie / Zhane: Let's Rocket!
- Astro Morpher: 3-3-5!
- Silverizer: M-E-G-A, MEGA!
(They begin to Morph into the Power Rangers in Space)
- Tomax Oliver: Dragonzord!
- Tommy Oliver: Tigerzord!
- Adam Park: Mastodon!
- Kimberly Hart: Pterodactyl!
- Billy Cranston: Triceratops!
- Aisha Campbell: Sabertooth Tiger!
- Rocky DeSantos: Tyrannosaurus!.
(They Morph into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Mewtwo: 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance,
- Duke: G.I. Joe!
- Rebels: Roll Out!!!
- G.I. Joe: and YO' JOE!!!!!!
(They begin to Fight)
Megazord Battle[]
- Billy: Cyclopsus!
- Baroness: "It could have been wonderful, Nephew!"
- Aisling (to Ash): You're sure the antidote work well, partner?
- Lady Jaye (to Flint): I think I'm thinking the same thing.
- Hotaru Tomoe: You can tell how blushing you are.
- Ash: of course not!
- Aisling: If that's the case, I don't want to imagine the gossip with which we're going to tell your Mom and your Aunt April about the mess you got yourself into.
- Ash: You wouldn't dare!
- Aisling: That will be... if you catch us! (they begin to run)
- Ash: Ais!!!
(Everyone Laughs as Flint and Lady Jay hug each other as the Episode Ends)
Executive Producers
(Fades to Black)
(Showing Special Thanks Card)
Special Thanks to Larry Hama, Steve Gerber Ron Friedman, Buzz Dixon and Hasbro for The Creation and Collaboration of This Episode, YO JOE!.
In Memoriam of Morgan Lofting
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Next time on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds," An ancient evil from our heroes' Past has returned.
- Bowser: (gets up) Revive her.
- Kavaxas: As you command.
(Shy Guys bring a familiar wardrobe and staff, Kavaxas works his dark magic as he transfers a red smoke from the rat to the wardrobe as the smoke reveals a familiar female figure while her Pure Heart Crystal was Restored)
- Queen La: (gasps) I live.
- Kavaxas: Queen La of Opar.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): As Bowser and Kavaxas brings back the Evil Queen La, uses her Charm to Lure Ash Ketchum to lend him to a trap.
- Queen La: Tell me, Ash. Do you believe in fate?
- Ash: Depends. What kind of “fate?”
- Queen La: (grabs Ash’s hand on hers) The one when two people are brought together despite all odds.
Queen La: (kisses him)
- Aisling (Mew Form): By the Morphin Grid!
- Ash: (blushes) Oh, man. (faints)
- Queen La: (stands, smiling triumphantly)