The Disney Junior Gang is a new adventure team made by Ryantransformer017 and Transformersprimefan as requested by Connor Lacey. Their team leaders are Special Agent Oso, Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffins, etc.
- Manny (Handy Manny)
- Felipe
- Turner
- Dusty
- Squeeze
- Pat
- Stretch
- Flicker
- Rusty
- Beamer
- Lefty, Lily and Junior
- Ticks and Tots
- Zip (Handy Manny)
- Sneeze
- Roland (Handy Manny)
- Jack (Handy Manny)
- Spinner (Handy Manny)
- Pinzas
- Fix-It
- Kelly (Handy Manny)
- Elliot Krenshaw
- Mr. Lopart
- They will meet Ryan, Meg and the TE in