The FT Squad's Adventures with Phineas and Ferb is a spinoff series created by kylgrv. It's one of the few spin off series created by kylgrv that's been revealed. In this series, Kyle and his Future Time Travel Squad go to Danville to spend the summer with Kyle's penpals; Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher. Joining Kyle is Wubbzy, Daizy, Widget and Walden, and Simba, Timon, Pumbaa and Nala. Together, they help Phineas and Ferb create nearly impossible and crazy projects to make their summer the best summer ever, while staying out of the way of Phineas and Ferb's bossy sister Candace.
- Guest starring in this series are Wubbzy, Daizy, Widget, Walden, Simba, Timon, Pumbaa and Nala.
- This series takes place after The FT Squad's Adventures in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.
- One special guest character is Kyle Larman, one of kylgrv's original Phineas and Ferb characters. He works with Isabella and the Fireside Girls as the manager and assistant. He's very shy, but very gentle and friendly.
- Speaking of which, there are a few stories that kylgrv will make that will star Kyle Larman as the main character. They will be available on Deviant Art in the future.
- Wubbzy, Daizy, Widget and Walden are the only FT Squad allies from the original series to appear in this one, though other allies will make occassional appearances.
- Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike the Dragon and Princess Celestia will make occassional guest appearances in some of the episodes, but mostly in season 2.
- Lightning McQueen, Mater, Sally Carrera, Doc Hudson, Sheriff, Guido, Luigi, Ramone, Flo, Sarge, Fillmore, Red and Lizzie have made minor appearances in some episodes.