This is the transcript for The Great Chaos Caper (Sonic: Adventures in Equestria)
Prologue/Relaxing at the Shores/The Master Emerald is Stolen, Again[]
[Somewhere deep in Knothole Forest, Vanessa is on Midnight with Wormwood on her shoulder, looking over Angel Island]
Wormwood: There's Angel Island, Vanessa. Do we go ahead with the plan?
Vanessa: [showed an evil smile with her glowing cyan slit eyes] Of course. Doing this will be hard, but necessary for the world’s future.
[Vanessa grappled to the island, where Metal Sonic had just arrived]
Dr. Eggman: [over radio] Alright, Metal Sonic! Make sure you bring the Master Emerald back in one piece. Got it!?
Metal Sonic: Yeah yeah, I got it. [sneaks around the island, sneaking past the security systems, before eventually reaching the shrine where the Master Emerald was located] Alright, found it. [unknowingly to the Hedgehog Robot, Vanessa had arrived around the same time] (Okay, you just have to grab the giant Emerald, give it back to Eggman, then we can conquer the world, and I can finally beat Sonic. You can do it, Metal! You're one of the most powerful robots in the world!) [charges to the shrine, only to see the Master Emerald had vanished] Wait, what in the- Where'd it go?! [looks around]
Dr. Eggman: [over radio] What?! You mean it's already been stolen?! But how?!
???: Looking for this?
[Metal Sonic looks up, seeing Vanessa with the shrunken Master Emerald on her forehead]
Metal Sonic: Oh, Vanessa, long time no see.
Vanessa: Did you miss me? Your stupid boss is the blame for driving me and my team apart years ago!
Metal Sonic: Yeah, and that was before we came to Equestria, but what do you want?!
Vanessa: In case you're after the Master Emerald, I got it first. You are so slow like a snail.
Metal Sonic: [offended] You dare insult me?!
Dr. Eggman: [over radio] Don't feel insulted now! Destroy for Daddy!
Metal Sonic: Alright, alright. [charges at Vanessa] Prepare to be terminated!
[Vanessa creates a cyan and spring green dome around her. When Metal Sonic hits it, it doesn't break]
Vanessa: You'll be the one to be terminated, you walking piece of scrap metal.
Metal Sonic: What?! [punches the barrier repeatedly] HOW?! You were not this strong the last time I saw you! [was suddenly launched foward, having not expecting Vanessa to actually slap him. The force having caused his screen to crack a bit]
Vanessa: The combination of the Master Emerald and my moonstone will make me the most unbeatable Overlander in all the land that no one not even you, your pathetic teammates, your boss, or your enemies can defeat me.
Metal Sonic: Uh?
Vanessa: Let me put this in a way you'll understand.
[Vanessa shoot a huge cyan beam at Metal Sonic, piercing him through the chest]
Metal Sonic: [malfunctioning; his screen showing "FATAL ERROR"] Critical error! Erroooooor... [blue screens before falling to the ground; dizzy; in a text-to-speech voice] Father, I wish to be a real boy... [shuts down]
Vanessa: [grins] Rest in pieces, you walking tin can. [takes her leave, though Metal's eyes spring back to life several seconds after she leaves]
Metal Sonic: Backup power: Online.
[Meanwhile, Team Sonic and the Mane Nine are relaxing over at Seaside Hill while their Jewel Pixie Animals fly around and play with each other]
Rainbow Dash: [sighs] Now that there's no Eggman or our enemies around, we can all finally relax!
[Tails was playing volleyball with Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Silver]
Tails: You said it, Rainbow!
Sonic: [wearing his shades] Yeah, rest and relaxation at last.
Twilight Sparkle: It's great that you let Emerl and Gmerl watch over the Castle of Friendship, Spike.
Spike: Yep, it's their suggestion to relax from the work.
Starlight Glimmer: What a glorious day today. The sun is shining and warm, the sky is blue, the water is cool...
Rarity: [is relaxing on a chair, putting on sunscreen] Perfect beach weather.
Trixie Lulamoon: Yeah. Relaxing at the beach is our favorite thing to do during our free time.
Shadow: [takes a sip of his drink] It's nice to have some time off.
Blaze: Which we deserved after those long battles with Eggman and our enemies.
Knuckles: Totally! [fist-bumps with Blaze]
[Cream and Cheese are floating on the water while Amy is swimming underwater]
Amy Rose: [comes back up to the surface] This beach is as beautiful as ever!
Rouge: You've got that right. And hopefully we can do this everyday
Cream: [grabs a seashell] This shell is very pretty. Don’t you think, Cheese?
Cheese: Chao-chao-chao!
Knuckles: [gets up from his seat] So let's get going.
Tails: [joins Knuckles] Yeah, what are we waiting for?
[Sonic and the others join Knuckles and Tails]
Starlight Glimmer: The rest of the Freedom Fighters are enjoying their break
Amy Rose: Plus, we're gonna have a picnic!
Rainbow Dash: Great! Because...
Twilight Sparkle: [laughs] We know, Rainbow. You can eat
Sonic: So, let's hit that perfect beach!
[Team Sonic and the Mane Nine ran into the water. They were splashing at each other and/or swimming. Two hours later, they are floating in the water, nothing else]
Amy Rose: Man, this is so refreshing. Though I wish there was a hot tub whenever any one of us are tired.
[After hours of playing in the water while splashing at each other, Team Sonic and the Mane Nine are now floating on the water (with some lying down on floaties), completely content and relaxed after a fun day]
Sonic: [sighs; relaxed] What a day
Pinkie Pie: You said it!
Rainbow Dash: In other words, this is the best day ever!
Sapphire: Yeah, and the best part of is, Eggman isn't around to ruin it for us!
Sonic: [his thoughts of Eggman came to mind] Hey, speaking of old Egghead, we haven't really seen him much lately. Do you think he's up to something?
Knuckles: I'm not sure, but- [sudden shock; groans]
Applejack: Hey Knuckles, what's wrong?
Knuckles: I-It's the Master Emerald... Something's wrong...
Amy Rose: But it should be on Angel Island. Tikal and the others watch it for you while you hang out with us, it's why you've been helping us out for so long.
Knuckles: I know, but as its current guardian, I've got a special connection to it. It's calling out to me.
Rarity: Why? What's wrong? Can you figure that out?
Shadow: Should we even be concerned? The magic of Equestria has been able to keep the island floating in the air.
Knuckles: I know, but if the magic ever went away.... And if the Master Emerald wasn't there, it could end up falling into the ocean, or worse, somewhere populated...! [shudders at the thought]
Ruby: Please calm yourself, Knuckles, I'm sure that won't happen.
Fluttershy: Still, it wouldn't hurt to find out what happened with it.
[Team Sonic and the Mane Nine walk out of the water, drying themselves off with either towels or shaking the water off. Knuckles is still shaken as Starlight puts a comforting right hoof on his shoulder]
Starlight Glimmer: Take it easy, Knuckles.
Knuckles: I'll try, no promises though.
Sonic: Let's go and check it out!
Twilight Sparkle: Tikal and the others might need our help!
Sonic: Exactly my thought, let's get going! [boosted forward, unknowingly launching sand into Shadow's face]
Shadow: [beyond angry] Oh you son of a... [chased after Sonic] YOU'RE DEAD MEAT, HEDGEHOG!!!
Moonlight: Oh wait wait wait-! [flies after him]
Tails: Guess we better catch up before Shadow kills Sonic. [flies off]
[The others soon followed shortly after]
Heading to Angel Island/Team Sonic and the Mane Nine vs. Vanessa/Vanessa Captures Team Sonic[]
[At sunset, Team Sonic, the Mane Nine, and Spike arrive on Angel Island]
Sonic: [recovering from the faceplant to the ground curtesy of Shadow; sighs] Same old Angel Island I see.
Knuckles: Now's not the time to be relaxed.
Sonic: I know, I get it. Let's just get to the Altair.
[The group ran to the Altair]
Sonic: Okay, y'up. There's no Master Emerald there.
Knuckles: So it was stolen, AGAIN! Oh, I am going to kill Eggman... [calms down for a second] You know, sometimes I wonder how things would be if my people hadn't been given this responsibility. Why were the echidnas chosen for this duty? Perhaps it's karma...
[The scene flashesback to when Tikal's tribe attacked the shrine in their quest for power, despite Tikal's pleas, Perfect Chaos could be heared roaring in the distance]
Knuckles: [voiceover] Thousands of years ago, my ancestors, lead by Tikal's father, attempted to steal a power that wasn't theirs.
[The flashback ends]
Knuckles: Even so, we still know so little about the Master Emerald, or the Chaos Emeralds themselves, sure, they were of alien origin but whose power was it originally? Who built this shrine to the Emeralds, and where did they go?
[Suddenly, the group hear muffled screams]
Rouge: Do you guys hear something?
Blaze: Yeah, it's coming from over there!
[the heroes see Tikal, Chaos, Shade, Imperator Ix, Nestor, Julie-Su, Relic, and Fixit tied up]
Cream: Guys, look!
Cheese: Chao-chao.
Fluttershy: Oh my gosh, are you all okay?!
Relic: If you call getting knocked unconscious and tied up okay, yes. If not, then no.
Fixit: Yeah, so uh, help?
Sunset Shimmer: Already on it!
Fauna: Don't worry, we'll untie you.
[Twilight, Knuckles, and Sunset quickly untied the eight]
Julie-Su: Phew, thanks guys.
Knuckles: No problem. But what happened?! I felt the Master Emerald's presence calling out to me.
Ruby: Who even left you all tied up?
[At that moment, a barely functional Metal Sonic came out of the bushes]
Sonic: Metal Sonic?!
[Metal just ignored his organic counterpart as he flew past him and the others]
Pinkie Pie: Whoa, what happened with-
Metal Sonic: [sparks] Don't ASK! [flies off into the distance]
Amy Rose: What was that all about?
Sonic: No clue, I've never Metal so... broken before...
Fluttershy: I wonder what could’ve happened to him. It doesn't really sound like him at all
Rainbow Dash: Uh, guys. You may want to stop talking because.... [points at something]
[Team Sonic, the Mane Eight, the Jewel Pixie Animals, Spike, Tikal, Chaos, Shade, Imperator Ix, Nestor, Julie-Su, Relic, and Fixit, turn to where Rainbow Dash is pointing at; Vanessa standing on one of the pillars]
Vanessa: [smirking evilly] Don't stop on my account.
Sonic: Vanessa? Tikal, you may wanna get out of here, this could get messy.
Tikal: Okay, got it.
[Tikal, Chaos, Shade, Imperator Ix, Nestor, Julie-Su, Relic, and Fixit left]
Sonic: Well, it's been a while, Vanessa. I see you haven't lost your touch, especially during our last encounter.
Vanessa: Oh, don't worry. I already took care of that metal menace.
[Metal Sonic was seen flying threw the sky, his body struggling to stay online]
Metal Sonic: Come on... You can make it back to base... Though it is weird how I haven't fully recovered yet... [suddenly notices a error he received that said "WARNING: AUTO-REPAIR FUNCTIONS COMPROMISED"]
[Great. Just his luck. Vanessa had damaged him so severely that she had knocked his auto-repair systems offline. If he wasn't fixed soon, he would probably shut down again within the hour]
Sonic: What do you mean by- [realizes; shocked] No...No, you did NOT just use our trust like that!
[The others gasped, their shock worsening when the Overlander turned her head, barely denying the claim]
Pinkie Pie: WHAT?!
Rarity: HOW COULD YOU?! We all trusted you!!!
Applejack: I knew it! I knew there was somethin' fishy with that Vanessa girl!
Vanessa: [blinks] Oh well. Couldn't keep the act up forever. [stetches her fingers] I guess I might as well get this show on the road!
Knuckles: Yeah. Now talk, Vanessa, WHERE'S THE MASTER EMERALD?! I swear if you shattered it, I'LL- Uh, I'll- Yeah, I've got nothing.
Shadow: [looks at Knuckles; deadpanned] Really, man?
Vanessa: Well, then it sounds like I need two things. [brings her sword out]
Applejack: Get the scroll outta here! Sonic, I got this!
[Applejack charged at Vanessa, only to create herself a shield]
Applejack: Her powers are so- [gets kicked by Vanessa]
[Vanessa then chopped down a nearby pillar with her sword as it falls down on the heroes]
Silver: [levitates the pillar with his psychokinesis] I don't think so.
Vanessa: Give me that scroll, Knuckles!
[Vanessa was about to slash Knuckles, until Amy jumped in as her hammer clashes with Vanessa's sword]
Amy Rose: We're not telling you anything!
Knuckles: And you're not getting anything either, now you tell ME where the Master Emerald is before I re-arrange your face!
Vanessa: [chuckles] Really? You mean to tell me that you actually haven't caught on? You know, you continue to astound me with your stupidity every time I see you, Knucklehead. You keep hitting new lows. Like- Seriously!? [laughs]
Knuckles: Wait, what do you mean by-
Vanessa: Look sharp, you meatheaded cretin! Pay attention for once, you might learn a thing or two! [lifts her bangs up, showing Knuckles the shrunken Master Emerald on her forehead]
Knuckles: [his face froze; his eye twitching] W-W-WHAT?!?!?!? [his anger finally hit the boiler] I'M GOING TO BREAK YOU FOR THIS!!! [starts throwing punches in random directions while fuming with rage]
[Vanessa smirked at Knuckles' reaction before kicking him and Amy to the pillars]
Sonic: Hey, not cool!
[Sonic engaged Vanessa in a sword fight for a few seconds before Vanessa knocks him back]
Vanessa: Well, then it sounds like you're going have to do the hard way!
[Vanessa created a dome around Angel Island]
Trixie Lulamoon: Why am I suddenly getting flashbacks to when I put a dome over Ponyville while under the alicorn amulet's influence?
Majesty: Never mind that for now.
Shadow: Yeah, it looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard away. [charges up his attack] Chaos Spear!
[Vanessa deflected the Chaos Spear back with her sword before reflecting them back at Shadow]
Vanessa: No matter how deeper it may be, fiction is fiction. To a true veteran such as I, it is but vacuous nonsense.
[The rest of Team Sonic and the Mane Nine stand at each other's side, preparing to fight Vanessa]
Vanessa: O, pitiful paupers parading as friends... I shall put you in your place.
[Vanessa's sword glowed in a cyan aura before engaging both Sonic and Twilight in battle]
Twilight Sparkle: That's enough! Please, leave them alone!
Vanessa: You should watch your tongue. [sends an energy blast at Twilight, almost knocking her out]
Knuckles: [grabs Vanessa by the neck] GIVE IT BACK!!
Vanessa: Don't you dare touch me! [kicks him into a tree]
Knuckles: [dizzy] I can sleep late, Mom. It's not a school day. [collapses]
Sonic: Your combat skills have improved, I'll give you that. But let's face it, you'll never catch me.
Vanessa: But when I do, it'll ultimately be for the greater good of this world’s future.
Sonic: Doubt it.
Vanessa: Don't make it sound like I'm the villain here... After all, I was just-
Applejack: Shut your lying little trap you call a mouth!
Vanessa: Don't make this any worse for yourself than it already is, foolish country pony!
Shadow: That tears it! [charges right up to Vanessa, only to get punched right in the face and sent flying back, he rolled on the ground and stopped in the center of the area. He tried to get up, but eventually fell to the ground, defeated, Vanessa hitting him with a tranq dart not long after]
[Blaze jumps, prepared to attack until Vanessa's eyes glowed cyan, creating an aqua-green shield. Blaze shoots fire at her until Vanessa throws her shield at Blaze. Once Blaze is dazed, Vanessa fires a tranq dart at her from behind]
Sonic: We can make this work, Vanessa. Trust me!
Vanessa: [scoffs] Trust you? [raises her tranq gun] The only person I can trust is myself. [fires a dart at Sonic]
Sonic: Agh! [suddenly feels dizzy] Was that a tranquilizer dart? Dirty move, you- [falls unconscious with the rest of Team Sonic]
Knuckles: [wakes up for a brief moment] I'm already unconscious! [falls down again as a tranq dart is fired at him]
Twilight Sparkle: Oh no, Sonic!
Sapphire: Oh my gosh!
Rainbow Dash: You better bring them back now!
Vanessa: I don't think you're in the position to make threats or demands, your highnesses. But don't worry, I'll keep a good eye on them. [gets on Midnight and rides away fast with the unconscious Team Sonic mounted on Midnight's back with Wormwood flying after them]
Trixie Lulamoon: Hey, get back here!
[The Mane Nine fly after them, with the Jewel Pixie Animals giving Spike butterfly wings so he can catch up]
Twilight Sparkle: You're not getting away that easily!
[The Mane Nine fired their magic at Vanessa, but she uses a mirror to blast their magic blast back at them, leaving them no time react before they get hit by their own attacks, by the end of it, the Mane Nine had bruises all over them, and their manes and tails were all singed, Pinkie held up a sign with a sad face on it before all nine ponies fell screaming to the ground below with a thud]
Spike: TWILIGHT!!!!
Shine: [shocked] Everyone!
Auto: Oh my...
Moonlight: No one treats a princess like that and gets away with it!
Ruby: What do we do now?! [covers her eyes, worried about Knuckles]
Weather: That Vanessa! Why I'd oughta-
Amour: Let's not overdo it, Weather. We should probably check on the Mane Nine and see if they're okay!
Pearl: Come on!
[Spike, Auto and Pandora and the Jewel Pixie Animals fly down to the Mane Nine, who had hit the ground hard enough to leave a crater, all nine of them completely knocked out from the impact, their wings splayed and legs limp]
Sweetie: Uh, do you think they're okay?
Spike: [lands on the ground and feels each of their pulses] They're still alive, thankfully.
Tart: We're on it!
[Unknowingly to all of them, Hawkeye had seen the entire thing]
Hawkeye: Oh, this is not good at all. [flies off]
Shine: Did you guys hear something?
Spike: Probably, but back on track.
[Meanwhile, Metal Sonic is seen flying back to Eggman's Base, he eventually lands near Lien-Da]
Lien-Da: Oh dear, Metal, what happened with you?!
Metal Sonic: [malfunctioning] Never mind that, just get me to Master Eggman so he can fix me. [glitches] Please, my systems are starting to fail again! At least have him repair the hole in my chest!
Lien-Da: Okay okay. Sleet, Dingo.
[Sleet and Dingo show up]
Dingo: Present, boss lady!
Lien-Da: Make yourselves useful and get Metal Sonic to Dr. Eggman, pronto!
Sleet: Gladly. [picks up Metal Sonic and runs off]
Metal Sonic: [dizzy; giggles, his screen having text saying "I'm literally about to die!"] Just do what you need to do, Doc...
Reaper meets up with the Mane Nine/Tracking Vanessa Down/Vanessa Reveals her Backstory/Vanessa Creates her Stronghold[]
[At his hideout, Reaper was practicing his ninja skills when Hawkeye flies over]
Hawkeye: Master, Master!
Reaper: What is it, Hawkeye? What's wrong?
Hawkeye: It's the Mane Nine, I found them earlier, but they looked hurt pretty bad, you should see if they're alright.
Reaper: [gasps] Alright, I'll go see!
Bullseye: Oh boy, Adventure Time!
Hawkeye: [deadpanned] Why do I feel like that's referencing some other show?
[Reaper jumps on Bullseye's back as he flies into the air, with them and Hawkeye arriving near the Mane Nine as they regain consciousness, thanks to the Jewel Pixie Animals and their pixie dust]
Twilight Sparkle: [groans] What happened? I feel like I just flew into a wall...
Reaper: Your highnesses?
Rarity: Wait a minute, Reaper? Is that you, darling?
Applejack: Hooo-weee! Well howdy, Reaper. Been a while.
Reaper: Applejack, wait! Are all of you here?
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, nice to see you again.
Reaper: You nine look like you just survived a fall from a hundred feet, what happened with you lot?
Applejack: [puts out the flame on her hat] Vanessa happened.
Reaper: Wait, Vanessa? You encountered her again?
Hawkeye: [looks around for Team Sonic] And where's Sonic and his friends? Don't they normally hang out with you nine?
Fluttershy: Sh-She... kidnapped them all...
Reaper: [his pupils shrink in shock] Dear god... What does he want with them anyway? Did she say anything?!
Twilight Sparkle: Vanessa demanded us to give her the power of the Master Emerald. We refused and well, things got out of hoof fast.
Reaper: The Master Emerald? Yeesh, and here I thought Eggman was the only one who wanted that thing based on what Sonic told me, what does she even want the Master Emerald's power for anyway?
Twilight Sparkle: Well Reaper, from what I was able to gather, Vanessa believes that the Master Emerald can make her the most strongest being on the planet, so that no one, not even Eggman or our enemies could beat her. We saw this firsthoof, but after she took Team Sonic, she just upped and left.
Reaper: Okay, but wouldn't she need to find a way to get to Angel Island or something though?
Applejack: Well, before we battled her and how we got defeated by her... She took all our best attacks without any trouble and always gained the upper hoof...
Reaper: Huh, well, whatever she's planning, I'll be more than willing to help you out.
Trixie Lulamoon: Really?
Hawkeye: Yeah, you can't do this alone. You barely survived falling from the distance you fell from.
[The girls stood there, they gave a nod, agreeing with Hawkeye and not wanting anything to happen to Team Sonic]
Twilight Sparkle: Alright? But still, whatever she's planning to do with the Master Emerald, we have to hurry. Abusing its' power could put all of Equestria, if not the whole world in danger.
Reaper: Okay, but the twelve of us aren't gonna be enough.
Bullseye: Uh, don't you mean 15?
Spike: Oh, so now someone counts me, great!
Sapphire: Hey, we're here too!
Bullseye: Oh, sorry.
Starlight Glimmer: Well, he's right.
Reaper: Exactly, it's best that we bring backup just in case things go south.
???: You already have backup!
[Jayden and the other Overlanders appeared in front of Reaper and the others]
Reaper: Wait, wha- Jayden? Kirsty? Everyone? How did you-
Jayden: We knew that Vanessa was up to something, so we figured that maybe if we can tag along with you. For old time's sake.
Marcus: I mean, it's not like I had anything better to do.
Orion: So we're gonna help too. After all, friends have to stick together at all times.
Reaper: [smiles fondly] Alright then, thank you old friend.
Jayden: Anytime.
Reaper: We have to stop Vanessa from abusing the Master Emerald before she destroys us and everything
Twilight Sparkle: And we also have to save Sonic and the others as well.
Reaper: Indeed, we don't know how long we have, but we must find where Vanessa's going now post haste!
All: Yeah!
[Unknowingly to the group, Eggman was spying on them with his minions]
Dr. Eggman: Not if I take care of that brat first!
[Meanwhile, Vanessa is walking in the forest, with the unconscious Team Sonic on Midnight]
Wormwood: So this is your plan? Running away?
Vanessa: No one is running--
Wormwood: One would think that now that you have the power of the black spikes. You wouldn't feel the need to hide.
Midnight: He's got a point, boss.
Vanessa: I don't hide from anything!
Wormwood: I don't need to remind you that defeat is not an option. And when the Mane Nine and Team Overlander come for you, you must be prepared to protect what's rightfully your's.
[Vanessa looks down before nodding]
Wormwood: What you need is...
Vanessa: A stronghold. And I know just where to build one...
???: Vanessa! Or should I call you "Collateral Damage"?
[Eggman lands in the Ultra Hyper Eggrobo, a army of badniks dropping with him]
Dr. Eggman: You're going to pay with what you did to Metal Sonic!
Vanessa: Oh, is that so?
Lien-Da: Yes. [drops down with Thrash] And he means it.
Vanessa: Oh, I see you brought the echidna who's too smart for her own good and the big, tough, stupid Tasmanian devil with you.
Thrash: [offended] You take that back or I'll kill you!
Vanessa: [sarcastically] Alright, alright. You're not tough at all.
Thrash: That's better!
Midnight: Wait, didn't she just...
Wormwood: Give him a minute.
[short pause]
Thrash: [realizes] Hey! You son of a- [lunges forward and tries punching Vanessa but gets knocked back into some of the badniks] Ow...
Vanessa: Look at you, you are nothing but a pathetic, idiotic excuse of a strong fighter. [laughs mockingly]
Thrash: [dizzy] Echidna, get him! [falls down]
Lien-Da: It's Lien-Da! Though, I don't even know why I try with him anymore. [gets into a fighting stance]
Dr. Eggman: Yeah, it doesn't matter, Vanessa, you're surrounded!
Vanessa: [groans in annoyance] All I'm surrounded by is nothing but dead robots and imbeciles like you. [to her dragon] Midnight!
[Midnight swats Lien-Da away with his tail, followed by breathing fire at her]
Lien-Da: [screams as she runs into the nearby lake] Phew, that could've been worse...
Vanessa: [smirking smugly] Is that all you got, Mr. Egg-Guy who's so weak he needs to rely on robots to do everything for him?
Dr. Eggman: [groans in anger] ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! [aims the Ultra Hyper Eggrobo's missiles directly at her before turning to the audience] Kids, don't try this at home, I am a trained professional. I mean, seriously. You could get really messed up. [turns back to Vanessa before firing all the missiles] FIRE!
[Vanessa creates a dome around her]
Wormwood: Lemme at them, lemme at them!
Vanessa: Okay, play nice.
[Wormwood scratches the badniks with his talons before Midnight breathes fire at the scratched badniks]
Dr. Eggman: Seriously?!
[Midnight looks at Eggman before swatting him away with his tail]
Computer: Self-destruct sequence activated.
Dr. Eggman: [in despair] Oh, why me...
[The Ultra Hyper Eggrobo explodes along with all the badniks]
Dr. Eggman: [as he gets launched into the sky with his minions] YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!!!
Vanessa: [smugly] Heh... That was too easy. Only an Overlander can be the strongest.
[Later, on a remote location somewhere in the badlands, Team Sonic finally woke up, only to find themselves in neighboring cells]
Sonic: [had just regained consciousness] Ow, where are we? [notices the shackles on his hands] Figures. Man... I can’t believe we trusted that sadistic liar!
Amy Rose: Speaking of Vanessa, where is she?
[Team Sonic look over and saw Vanessa standing, leaning her back against a tree and feeding Midnight with a steak]
Midnight: Fresh meat! [eats the steak in one bite]
Knuckles: Vanessa!
Vanessa: Oh, you're finally awake.
Vanessa: I need that incantation, Knuckles.
Knuckles: Never!
Vanessa: I knew you'd say that. That's why I went through your little bag of tricks. I have something that might change your minds.
[Vanessa created a screen with the moonstone about her backstory]
Knuckles: [voiceover] How did I know this was Eggman's fault?
Vanessa: [voiceover] I didn't give you permission to speak!
Reaper: [sighs] Well, that was close.
Jayden: Too close! [shudders nervously]
Reaper: Yeah. Is everyone okay?
Marcus: [his eyes shrink with anger] Okay, OKAY?! [points at Vanessa] This idiot's plan almost got us all killed back there!
Vanessa: I did what I had to do!
Vanessa: I had nothing to do with that! Maybe you should've thought of it before you decided to ignore Reaper and my advice and get yourself and Jayden killed! You didn't do that, and NOW look what's happened!
Marcus: And?
Vanessa: It's obvious. You're too stubborn and your coldness and recklessness is what brought us here in the first place!
Damian: I helped too!
[Vanessa turned to Daiman with a dangerous look]
Damian: Not that I agree with some of Marcus' ideas but still... [giggles nervously]
Vanessa: [turns back to Marcus] You and your close-minded flaws!
Marcus: Like you were picking daisies! You planned this stupid thing!
Vanessa: If you had paid attention to what me and Reaper said and not acted so rashly!
Jayden: That's enough!
Marcus/Vanessa: [in unison] Stay out of it, Jayden!
Noah: What do we do now?
Marcus: Oh yeah, well, you seem to be fine with losing your temper at people!
Vanessa: I have a reason for that, to call out self-centered idiots like you!
Orion: [gasps] You think we're... idiots?
Vanessa: Well, to be honest, you all do so many messed up things, and I've tolerated it for, a year... Seriously.
Jayden: I see where that's coming from but you don't call friends idiots.
Lilly: Yeah, I always thought you were nice.
Marcus: Forget it, Vanessa. We're done with you! In fact, let's just forget our friendship with you ever happened!!!
[Upon hearing what Marcus said, Vanessa’s eyes are widened with shock and Team Overlander are in shock as well]
Damian: [shocked yet angry] Dude!
Lilly: [indignant] Marcus, how could you say something like that!
Vanessa: [her eye twitches; to Marcus] I just saved you and this is how you repay me in return?!
Marcus: Just stop trying to prove yourself innocent! You were the one who got us in that mess!
[That statement brought tears to Vanessa's eyes, she began to lose hope at this altercation being ever being solved]
Vanessa: But... [silence] You won’t be my friend anymore? Then fine, just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Marcus: Alright, we'll leave you alone. After all, you were the one who messed up.
[Everyone then looked at her, heavily disappointed and upset at her for pointing out their faults over her own terrible choices]
Troy: You know, I believe Marcus had a point. See you, Vanessa.
[As the group walked past her, they just silently glared at her or gave her the cold shoulder, making her realize just what she said to them]
Vanessa: B-But- I- [sighs; turns around, watching all but Reaper leave, who had looked back with a depressed, disappointed gaze] ...Reaper...? [raised a hand to him]
Reaper: [slowly shook her head, turned around] I'm sorry... [sadly walked away to join the others]
[Vanessa just stood in shock, any remaining hope she had was now lost, and feeling how her beliefs in friendship were now destroyed before falling down on her knees, crying bitterly. She then got up, turned around and walked in the opposite direction with her head hung down in shame and misery. Soon after, once she was all alone, she pulled her mirror out]
Vanessa: [pulls her hair-tie out, freeing her hair from her ponytail] Guess we don’t have a team anymore... All of my friends... are gone...
Wormwood: Vanessa, don’t be so hard on yourself. Reaper and the others just need time, I’m sure they’ll forgive you.
Vanessa: [looks at Team Overlander] I don’t think they will, not even Reaper. Abandoning me is their decision, not our’s... Friendship truly has failed me... Well, if this is how it’s going to be, then so be it!
[Vanessa then replaced her original attire with her current black attire. She grabs a pair of scissors before cutting all of hair off, making her once long hair into a boyish short haircut. Lastly, she applies some dark purple eyeshadow on. She gets on Midnight as she look at Team Overlander one last time before flying off to the unknown with Wormwood flying after her, it would seem, that by leaving her all alone, her friends had unknowingly opened Pandora's Box, planting the seeds of darkness in Vanessa's heart]
Vanessa: Huh, a temple. Looks promising...
[Suddenly, Vanessa notices a glow in the room]
Vanessa: Hmm? [notices the glow coming from some weird moonstone adorned on a strange gong before noticing some lettering on the bottom; reading] "Sine Dolore"... Hey, isn't that Latin for "no pain"? [lets out another heavy sigh. With everything that she had been through, she still felt pain and anguish from her friends leaving her] Well, if fate wants me to wear this, why not? I guess it's better to feel nothing than anything at all...
[Vanessa grabs the moonstone off of the gong and puts it around her neck. As she did, the moonstone began to glow, a mysterious cyan blue aura covered the gemstone and the gong rang, Vanessa gasps]
Vanessa: [gasps] I-I've never felt power like this before... [breathes out slowly, unaware of a cyan color sparkling a bit in her eyes]
Vanessa: [wakes up inside a grey void inside her mind] Huh... Where am I? Hello?
[The overlander suddenly notices a figure walking towards her]
???: Why hello, hello!
Vanessa: Who are you?
???: Oh nothing, just the all powerful being trapped inside that moonstone of yours, but that’s not the point. I understand that you want my help?
Vanessa: Well, to be frank, I didn’t expect any of this- But yes, I'm in need of assistance getting some revenge on some backstabbing traitors who left me behind, and abandoned me in my time of need.
???: Excellent! Except... I crave a boon. You see, Vanessa-
Vanessa: [confused] How did you know-
???: Oh, I know everything, dear! Now, I may be this amazing being of power you see before you, but sadly I’m trapped! I have immense power, capable of ruining cities, overthrowing worlds, and breaking universes! But I was left imprisoned in this moonstone with most of my powers disabled! I need your help to free me, as I will help free you.
Vanessa: That’s dumb, why would I help free you if eventually I’m just going to die by your hands?
???: [smirks] Clever girl.
Vanessa: That won’t do... Now, ruling alongside you? That’s more like it. I’ll help free you IF you give me some of your powers to get my revenge. Then, we can rule the world together and to those who abandoned me will know my pain and anguish.
???: You drive a hard bargain, darling, but sure. You’ve got potential! Shake on it?
Vanessa: [sinisterly] Of course, new friend.
[They shake hands and the screen gradually glitches to black. Meanwhile, back at Team Overlander]
Damian: [to Marcus] What the heck is wrong with you?! That was completely uncalled for!
Orion: What were you thinking? I mean, yelling at Vanessa like that?
Lilly: With all due respect, was leaving Vanessa really wise?
Angela: I think it's for the best like what Marcus said...
Noah: Still, it'll make Vanessa more worse by now.
Reaper: (Who am I kidding? I should've been there for Vanessa. I should've stayed there instead of leaving her alone like that. What kind of a friend am I?)
Reaper: Marcus, that's enough!
Marcus: Are you nuts? Reaper, I can’t believe you’re defending that idiot after she-
Reaper: [finally having enough of Marcus’s behavior; putting his foot down] I. Said. ENOUGH!
[Marcus’s anger quickly turned to shock as he stops and looked at the serious look on Reaper’s face and realized has gone too far]
Reaper: [seriously; firmly] I have had enough of this! [towards the rest of his team] What is your problem guys? [growns in annoyance] I can’t believe this! I already feel awful for abandoning my friend! Vanessa has been my friend for a long time and she has always been a good friend to all of us! I know what she did was wrong, but she was just trying to help us! [to Marcus; angrily] But now, the way you and the others have been acting, you should all be ashamed of yourselves! We never abandon our own! We’re supposed to be a team!
[Marcus and the rest of Team Overlander finally realized their mistake. Marcus looks down in disbelief and guilt as he realizes he took things too far]
Marcus: [didn’t know what else to say] But... I- [sighs sadly] I guess you have a point, I was just upset to think clearly... I'm sorry, Reaper.
Reaper: Thank you. Glad you're finally being reasonable.
Kristy: [sighs] Do you think maybe it's time we all go talk to Vanessa?
[Team Overlander went back to the spot, only to find Vanessa isn't there anymore]
Troy: [notices something on the ground before pointing] Look, Vanessa's footprints!
[Vanessa is in a scheduled area somewhere in the forest. With the moonstone around her neck, she then attempts to try out her new powers by trying to make the black spikes grow. When she failed, she fell down her knees in defeat]
Wormwood: You're doing it all wrong.
Vanessa: [lightly gasps] Wormwood, how did you get away easily? I thought you got hurt.
Wormwood: Eh, Eggman's robots weren't that tough. But that's behind us, right now, you need to master the moonstone's power. From what I see, it responds to your negative feelings like hatred and anger. If you truly want to wield this thing, you mustn't be afraid to tap into the depths of your deepest rage. Remember what life has put you through and use that fury to your advantage, Vanessa.
[Vanessa clenches her fist, causing a nearby black spike to grow. Seeing how she finally got it to grow, Vanessa smiles darkly in satisfication]
Midnight: Hey, boss. We don’t want them dead, you know.
Vanessa: Midnight, how are Eggman and his henchmen?
Midnight: They’re long gone. The cowards ran away a while ago, must be going after that blue hedgehog the Egghead keeps bragging on about.
Vanessa: I see. Thank you, that’s all I needed to know.
???: Vanessa!
[Team Overlander ran up to Vanessa]
Vanessa: [sourly] Oh, it's you.
[Reaper and the others notice that Vanessa wasn't reciprocating Kristy's hug. Instead, she's frozen stiff and is giving Kristy a rather unfeeling expression]
Vanessa: What's wrong...? Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong, alright! What's wrong is that all of you seemed to have forgotten how you all treated me several weeks ago!
Marcus: We... We want to apologize to you. Even me.
Vanessa: [cynically] Why? If I recall, it was your decision to declare that you were done with me, forget your friendship with me, and that our friendship was over. Wasn't it? But the real question is, ‘do you?’ Otherwise, save your fake remorse and crocodile tears, because deep down, none of you are truly sorry.
Damian: But we really mean it, we swear we’re sorry!
Orion: You're being too harsh on us, Vanessa.
Vanessa: [visibly angry and hurt] Oh, I’m being too harsh? If I recall, [points to Marcus] the self-centered knight shunned me like a rain rotter after my plan backfired, and most of you had the indecency to agree with him!
Jayden: Okay, maybe we should've figured out who was more at fault before picking a side. We didn't even know that would happen.
Vanessa: Yes, you didn't know! Considering you're an idiot!
Lilly: [shocked by Vanessa's sudden change in character] Why are you acting like this?
Vanessa: It's called growing up, Lilly, take a hint!
Angela: Remember everything we said? We take it all back.
Vanessa: Too late, you already did and now it came true. I mean, really, first you abandon me, then you dare to insult me by showing guilt and remorse? That’s cowardly hypocrisy in my book.
Lilly: [through tears] But Vaness...
Vanessa: Quit your blubbering!
Angela: Hey, that's my sister your talking to!
Damian: Look, Vanessa, I admit we messed up, we were being stupid, and-
Vanessa: [bitterly] No, I was being stupid... I was stupid to ever trust you all... But you know what, I should honestly thank you all, you freed me.
Vanessa: [coldly cynical] Sorry, but you treasonous hypocrites are no team or friends of mine anymore.
[Team Overlander were in shock of what Vanessa called them. Though she had every right to be furious, this was the first time the woman had shown such aggression and hostility towards anyone]
Damian: Okay, what the heck's gotten into you? Why would you say that?! First you didn't respond to when Kristy hugs you, and now the attitude?!
Vanessa: Why?! Because you all don't truly care about me!
Troy: That's not true, we do care about you!
Vanessa: Then why did you all leave me, huh?! When we formed this stupid team, we all promised that we'd stand together no matter what. I trusted you all to stick to that promise, but you didn't stand by me when you left me to fend for myself with only Wormwood and Midnight for company. After all we've been through together, why would even do that, huh? I thought you were my friends! But, boy was I wrong!
[Vanessa's words cut like rusty ridged-edged blades. They could all tell by the look on her face and in her eyes that she had suffered greatly. She’d probably been suffering ever since they had turned their backs on her]
Vanessa: Tell me, Reaper. When you said we were best friends, you were being honest?
Reaper: Yes... [was seeing that this was going in a bad direction]
Vanessa: Then why did you all turn your backs on me when I needed you the most, after everything we’ve been through together? Or was I never your friend to begin with, just a means to an end?
Reaper: I... I... [struggled to think of an acceptable answer]
Vanessa: Huh, just what I predicted. Pathetic.
[Vanessa then starts walking away when Reaper grabs her wrist]
Reaper: Listen, Vanessa, please hear me out. You saved us all from impending doom that day. It was just executed very poorly, and we were all on edge that day. I am very grateful that you held out in the end, but please. Don't let your anger blind you. Please don't feel resentful to us.
Vanessa: [bitterly] I'm sorry, Reaper... but your stupid speech isn't going to cut it.
Reaper: But... I-
Vanessa: Just stop it! You're just saying that so I'll forgive you! ...But guess what, I'll never forgive any of you! I made you all part of my life, and you promised to be good friends, but in my time of need, you tossed me aside like some stray cat, left me to die, and aside from Reaper, none of you even said... I'm sorry... [she trembled at the last few words, and began to cry, letting the tears drop down her cheeks]
[The rest of Team Overlander looked bad, their friend was currently having a mental breakdown]
Jayden: Vanessa, what we're saying is true. Please, you have to believe us!
Vanessa: No! I don't want to hear any of your pathetic lies! [to Reaper] And you! If you didn't want me out of the team, why didn't you say something, you know honesty is always the best policy!
Reaper: But Vanessa- [put his hand on Vanessa's shoulder]
Vanessa: Get your hands off me, you shinobi-wannabe!
Noah: You can be our friend again! Please, you need to hear us out.
[That officially crossed Vanessa as she suddenly became extremely angry]
Vanessa: [her eyes glowed icy blue] YOU'RE SAYING THAT NOW AFTER YOU ALL LEFT ME?! YOU HYPOCRITES! [calmly] I have considered myself a fair and reasonable woman up to this point. I have been forgiving and willing to turn the other cheek when the situation calls for it. [angrily] But leaving me to fend for myself was the straw that broke the camel's back! Even after you promised to always have my back, you still found a way to backstab me!
Kristy: B-But we didn't backstab you, did we? Jayden, did we?
Jayden: No, I-
Reaper: Vanessa, this abandonment stuff is becoming a obsession, please calm down and stop this at once!
Vanessa: Stop?! I'm just getting started!
Vanessa: [coldly and harshly] You know, I WAS willing to talk this all out, it would've been easy and no one would've gotten hurt, but you guys all had to follow your own selfish instincts and mess everything up again! Well no more!
Vanessa: I'd rather face my consequences, Angela, than wander aimlessly with a so-called friend!
[At that moment, Reaper realized Vanessa wasn't like her usual self anymore. The former self of Vanessa was gone right before him and Team Overlander]
Vanessa: Hmph, I'm done wasting my time!
Marcus: Vanessa, please! We're sorry! Can't we just bury the hatchet?!
Vanessa: Why would you care, Marcus?! You said you didn't want to see me again!
[Marcus was taken aback of how angry Vanessa is]
Marcus: I didn't actually mean that, I was just angry, I don't think straight when I'm mad, remember?
Vanessa: [her eyes glowed icy blue; growing angry] LIES! I've had enough of you all! If you want to see my pain, then I'll show you my pain!
[With enough anger building up, Vanessa fires a cyan beam at Marcus, as he crashes on a painful impact. Team Overlander gasp in shock of what they just saw]
Troy: [angry of what Vanessa did to Marcus] Vanessa!
Marcus: [groans in pain] I've been better...
[Daiman grabs a nearby spear and lunges at Vanessa. Vanessa shields herself with sword as her weapon clashes against the spear Daiman is using]
Daiman: Hey... Vanessa, you have no idea who you're dealing with!
Vanessa: Neither do you!
[Vanessa blasts Daiman, as he lands on a painful impact. Vanessa's sword turns dark gray with black and dark blue jewels]
Jayden: Oh no, you don't!
Kristy: Jayden, no wait!
[Vanessa slashes Jayden away with her sword. Reaper engages Vanessa on a sword fight which ended with Vanessa slashing his katana away and kicking him on the stomach]
Reaper: Vanessa, why did you attack Marcus like tha-
Vanessa: [angrily; points her sword at Reaper] How dare you ask me that! You knew all along how much was taken from me and how far behind I was than the others! You and the others knew my sacrifice was in vain and you turned your back on me!
Reaper: That was not my fault, Vanessa! We only did what we-
Vanessa: [angrily] You only did what was best for yourself! That's how anyone in my life has ever done! Well now, that's what I'm doing! This is mine. THIS is my destiny!
Reaper: As your leader, I command you to surrender and stop at once! Just please don't do this, we're your friends!
Vanessa: [becomes more angrier] No you’re not! [with venom in her voice] Friends care for each other like family, but you never treated me as such! [Reaper looked shocked at that retort] I realize now that friendship is nothing but a lie. Today, I have learned the ultimate lesson: Never count on anyone but yourself!
Reaper: Just calm down and we can talk this ou- [puts his hand on Vanessa's shoulder again in an attempt to calm and comfort her. But this proved useless]
Vanessa: [kicks Reaper away] Don't touch me, you failed excuse of a ninja!
Marcus: C'mon, calm down, we're sorry.
Vanessa: Sorry doesn't cut it! You've had your fun, now pay for it!
[At that moment, Vanessa chops down two stone pillars, trapping Team Overlander in the rubble]
Jayden/Kristy/Marcus/Daiman: [muffed] Vanessa!
William: [muffled] Let us outta here!
[Vanessa jumps up onto a steep hill, her eyes showing a strange cyan color to them. Inside of the rubble, Reaper sees her walking away from the hole]
Reaper: Vanessa!!!
[Vanessa, Wormwood, and Midnight turn at the trapped Reaper]
Vanessa: I tried to warn you, Reaper. [her eyes glowed icy blue] You have to be careful on who you trust.... You all treated me like I was the bad guy, so now I'm gonna act like the bad guy! [gets her sword out, supposedly fully prepared to finish them]
Reaper: Please, don't do this! I'm sorry for what happened, I really am!
Vanessa: Don't bother trying to deceive me... But you know what, fine... [puts her sword away]
Troy: Wait, you aren't gonna finish us off?
Vanessa: Of course not.
Lilly: So what? You’re just going to wait for another day to try and kill us again?
Vanessa: No. Why should I waste my time trying to kill you all when the simple solution is way too easy and merciful, especially since I could just give you all something that you all truly deserve.
Lilly: Wh-What do you mean? What are you going to do to us?
Vanessa: Nothing other than I’m done with you. Because I truly am better off without friends, or in better words a distraction, like you since all friendship has done for me is bring nothing but pain and suffering to me and the truth is that when times got tough nothing falls through in the end. [begins walking away] I'm done with all of you, consider this friendship terminated! And Reaper, I wouldn't bother trying to win me back because I never want to see you ever again.
[Hearing this, Reaper felt like an bullet just struck his heart, breaking it into pieces]
Vanessa: I hope it was worth it... But mark my words. This won’t be the last time you all see me. When I’m stronger, I will return and everything you have ever known will suffer because of your self-driven ignorance and selfishness! [to Wormwood and Midnight] Let's go, you two. We are done here.
[Team Overlander couldn't believe it, their now former friend had lost all trust in them. With that, Vanessa walked away with Wormwood and Midnight giving the trapped Team Overlander icy glares. With a fist of fury, Vanessa cast away her friends, throwing away everything she once believed... At that moment, the group had ultimately lost the fight with their tears as they all began to cry softly, feeling unspeakable remorse for what they did. And Reaper had a pretty good reason for feeling horrible now. Vanessa had turn on him, and the poor Overlander had realized there was no way he could save her friend or their friendship]
[Flashback End]
[Team Sonic were in utter shock as if they have seen a ghost, how Vanessa chose to take her rage and hatred on Team Overlander for their 'betrayal' instead of forgiving them back, even if she was forgiven or welcomed back by them]
Vanessa: [grins] Like I've said before, forgiveness is for the meek... like you. Revenge is for the strong like me.
[Team Sonic were dead silent]
Knuckles: I understood... Nothing.
Silver: Uh, what?
Tails: This is just like Sonic's outburst when we got trapped under the stage back in the human world. But different....
Knuckles: I'll be honest, what Sonic said during his outburst was simply out of line and in his shoes, I probably would've done the same thing. But pushing someone to the point of losing their temper out of frustration, I'm sorry for the Mane 5, but I'll have to say they asked for it. I'm just glad I was there to make him feel better about himself, otherwise, things could've been much worse.
Sonic: I know... [fresh tears flowed out of Sonic's eyes, making his vision blurred] If I had just acted differently, maybe things would have been different. But all that happened because I was stupidly reckless and ignorant.
Vanessa: Oh, about that...
Sonic: Huh? [quickly wiped his tears] W-What do you mean?
Vanessa: Oh, have you not know about this? Here, let me show you!
[The moonstone showcases another flashback which show Vanessa about to leave when Adagio called her]
Adagio Dazzle: Hang on a sec.
[Vanessa turns to the Dazzlings]
Adagio Dazzle: We saw how powerful your necklace does.
Vanessa: You mean the moonstone?
Adagio Dazzle: The moonstone, of course. You are a very talented girl.
Aria Blaze: We could learn a few things from you.
Vanessa: Are you... serious?
Adagio Dazzle: Oh yes, very. And we like to make you an offer.
Sonata Dusk: We'll put the earrings on each of those critters you showed us. We'll teach you all about our powers.
Adagio Dazzle: In exchange for the earrings you gave us, you will show us your powers and what the moonstone does so that we will deliver you the blue hedgehog once he's all alone and abandoned by his friends.
Vanessa: Sounds like a fair deal, I'm in.
Adagio Dazzle: Oh, this is going to be fun.
[The Dazzlings and Vanessa share an evil laugh while Wormwood grins evilly]
[The flashback ends as Team Sonic gasp in shock and horror, realizing the main reason behind what nearly tore their friendship with each other and the Mane Six back in the human world]
Shadow: Wait, you created those earrings?! T-Then that means... [an alarm clock appears in Shadow's head, ringing when the big hand reaches twelve, the look on his face turning to anger] Oh you son of a-
Vanessa: Save the swearing for later, you fool.
Amy Rose: So it was you?! You were the one who made those earring that made us hate the Mane Six?!
Sonic: [to Vanessa; angrily] How could you?! Do you know how much trauma that caused me?! I nearly lost everything!
Tails: Yeah! Our friendship with each other and the Mane Six was almost destroyed because of you!
[The moonstone then showcases Team Sonic and the Mane 6 when they got into fights and arguments in the past]
Vanessa: You have let your flaws and arguing get the best of you, that you don't know that you're forgetting the good times until it's too late. All of you and your friends are nothing... but worthless, pathetic, annoying hypocrites who doesn't know that your fights and arguments will bring damaging, destructive consequences... What's more is that none of you don't know anything about friendship at all.
Knuckles: [angered] You smug jerk! You sure know how to get off of this, huh?!
Cream: How were even able to get to the human world?!
Vanessa: [smirks] What can I say? If Twilight had the decency to get royal guards for her castle like the other princesses, than maybe I would've had a harder time getting to the mirror.
Sonic: Why even do that?!
Vanessa: It was suppose to be simple... My plan was perfect... get everyone to abandon you and recruit you to my cause while no one was looking, and nobody would care if you were gone. Well... I had to change my plans because of that gullible echidna ruining everything!
Knuckles: Up yours, too, sweatheart.
Vanessa: And besides, such a shame of how small your brains are just because you couldn't remember you idiots leaving Sonic and compare it to me being abandoned by Reaper and his friends. So much damage that foolish, selfish, irresponsible, and easily preventable mistakes can cause.
[Sonic just turned his head away, he didn't need a reminder of his greatest mistake, especially not from some friend hating maniac]
Vanessa: [laughs sadistically] It's so amusing that Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were denounced by you and your two pony friends for ruining the Ponyville Days by joining the war several months. But watching them cry ugly really tops it off! [laughs sadistically more]
Amy Rose: How could you be so cruel?!
Sonic: Yeah, we forgave them soon after that!
Vanessa: Forgiveness is for weaklings like you. It'd be much more fun if you torture them and make them suffer out of revenge. Maybe I can recreate that memory for you. [snaps her fingers, alternating the memory after the Ponyville Days brawl]
Sonic: Good catch, you two.
Twilight Sparkle: Look who decided to drop in.
Rainbow Dash: We don't plan on staying. It's a shame that we have to cancel the Ponyville Days.
Amy Rose: [mockingly] Aw. They actually think we can forgive them after everything, how adorable.
Vanessa: Friends and friendship are chaotic. Once you you argue and fight, you forgot all of the good times. Wouldn't you agree?
[as Vanessa laughed at them, Team Sonic didn't look very amused]
Vanessa: Oh, and what about the time you nine almost chose a wedding over the Mane Six, therefore letting some vile creatures know as changelings nearly invade Canterlot? [Team Sonic's eyes widened] Huh, looks like I struck a nerve with that one, didn't I. But hey, I wasn't the one who nearly broke those poor girls' hearts by focusing on materialistic ambitions that day. [giggles] Funny how those foolish and selfish acts in the line of duty could've not only brought the downfall of Canterlot, but all of Equestria... And don't get me started on when you denounced them as your friends for their actions regarding Gabby Gums.
[Team Sonic just cringed, they didn't need a reminder of their greatest mistakes, they already felt bad enough after everything they did in the past, Sonic especially, but this was rubbing salt in the wounds]
Sonic: H-How did you know all that?
Vanessa: Hey, Chrysalis didn’t manipulate any of you into making yourselves look like fools. You chose to believe the lies of that imposter over the ponies who made any real sense during all that stupid nonsense. And in the end, they were right about everything.
Vanessa: [seeing the miserable expressions on the mobians' face] Such sad faces. Are you all feeling guilty for what you did? Good, you should be. You ignored all the signs of danger that day, as a result, you hurt your best friends, put all of Equestria in danger, and almost let the changelings and Egghead win! [turns towards Sonic with a malicious grin] Besides, I do recall that you lashed out at these six brats and called them pathetic?!
Sonic: Hey! I didn’t mean it! I was just angry and frustrated because I let my foolishness over a fake bride get the best of me! None of us were thinking right! Well, except Shadow, but he decided to keep quiet till we were in the mines.
Knuckles: In our defense, the Gabby Gums thing was kinda justified since we were very angry at them for how they acted regarding the CMC's actions, but the wedding, that wasn't right at all...
Amy Rose: We nearly turned our backs on our best friends when they needed us the most...
Tails: Yeah, thank goodness our Jewel Pixie Animals convinced us otherwise.
[The memories of the wedding rehearsal were always something nobody liked to remember, the Mane Six's desperation to tell everyone something was wrong, the completely remorseless rejection of their suspicions and them, Shining kicking them out of the wedding and disowning Twilight, and seeing the Mane Six sad with feelings of heartbreak and loneliness, if Team Sonic had walked out of the Mane Six when they were feeling very upset, their friendship could've been strained for life]
Knuckles: Sometimes I wonder why we chose to ignore all the obvious signs of danger and focus more on what we could’ve gained if the bride had been the real thing... We were all so eager to have the wedding happen, we were willing to dismiss their warnings and nearly turned our backs on them, as a result, we ended up hurting our best friends emotionally, almost destroyed our friendship with them, and nearly put all of Equestria in danger in the process.
[The nine mobians lowered their heads in shame. Vanessa was cruel, but she had a point. They were no better. They had nearly destroyed their own heroic reputations all because they wanted to play dress up for a beast]
Sonic: Hold on, there are still some questions regarding the Battle of the Bands incident that need to be answered. So how did you create those earrings anyway? And why did you do all of this?!
Vanessa: Think carefully. Who would want sweet revenge on their so-called friends for their constant squabbles and later abandonment so much? I guess you and I aren't so different after all... are we?
[The words from Vanessa shook Sonic, making him reflect back on when he lost his temper and snapped at the Mane Six and his friends while they were trapped under the stage, back in the human world]
Knuckles: Wow, tough one. That's kind of a good deal. More better than Eggman's.
Silver: Uh, yeah. Expect for the part of where Sonic would be stuck with Vanessa and become just like her forever!
Knuckles: [frowns; realizing it shortly] Oh yeah, I forgot that. No, I take that back, it's a terrible deal.
[Sonic looks down, imagining what would he'd do if he ended up like Vanessa]
Vanessa: Lucky for me, you all fell for my facade like ignorant idiots since the last time we met at the Crystal Empire. So let me ask you; Where's the incantation for the moonstone and the Master Emerald?
Sonic: Eat dust!
Silver: We'll never tell you!
[Vanessa becomes annoyed before allowing Wormwood violently scratch Sonic and Silver with his talons]
Shadow: Have you checked the flowers? They're quite lovely in spring!
[Wormwood violently scratches Shadow with his talons]
Rouge: Really? That's the best excuse you could come up with?
Shadow: Hey, give me a break, will ya!
Cream: [breathes heavily; stares at Vanessa] Forgive me for saying this, but I hate you.
Vanessa: [not amused] Who doesn't?
[Knuckles sees his friends giving into Vanessa as Wormwood continues torturing them with his talons. Knowing he has no choice, Knuckles has to give the scroll to Vanessa]
Knuckles: [sighs] Alright, if you want the incantation, here! Take it! [throws Vanessa the scroll despite his arms being in shackles]
[The rest of Team Sonic gave horrified looks at Knuckles and Vanessa gave a grin]
Tails: NO!
Shadow: WHAT?!
Sonic: WHY?!?
Knuckles: Look, it's just so we don't get anymore injured than we already are. I mean, haven't you seen the state Cream's in right now?!
Cream: [through tears] It's all just a bad dream, ha-ha, it's all just a bad dream...
Shadow: Actually, it's not a dream, it's-
[Amy covered Shadow's mouth]
Silver: Well, at least Wormwood will finally cut it out with the scratching!
Sonic: Yeah. These scratches really hurt. [looks at the scar-like scratches on his body]
Amy Rose: I agree, let's hope Twilight and the others make it here quickly so we can get out of this mess!
[Vanessa unrolls the scroll to read the incantation]
Vanessa: Moonglow high above...
[The black spikes grew bigger when Vanessa reads the first line of the incantation. Vanessa is surprised when she did that before reading the rest]
Vanessa: Moonglow high above. Evolving above as you go... [black spikes grew much larger] Raise what lies beneath and let the moonstone's powers and darkness grow. Bend it to my will. Consume all hope and the glowing lights. Rise into the sky and let the lightless darkness grow. Let darkness grow endlessly!
Tails: What is that..?!
[The black spikes started forming the stronghold as the ground started shaking wildly like an earthquake. In Ponyville, ponies are panicking]
Apple Bloom: What's going on?
Scootaloo: I'm not sure.
Sweetie Belle: Must be something pretty bad if it's got everyone panicking.
Big: Yeah, I know right.
[At the Castle of Friendship]
Emerl: What the heck?!
Shard the Metal Sonic: I think I picked the wrong day to visit.
Gmerl: Yeah, and why do my sensors indicate that Cream's in danger?
Discord: [on the roof, looking at the stronghold] Why, whatever is going on? What kind of chaos could this bring?
[In Canterlot]
Omega: Danger: Critical power surge, run for your lives.
Princess Luna: Sister, look!
Princess Celestia: [comes outside, witnessing Vanessa's stronghold] Oh dear, I just hope Twilight, Sonic, and their friends are not too late!
[Freedom Fighter HQ]
Nicole: Sally, you better take a look at this...
Sally Acorn: Why? What’s wrong? [notices the stronghold] Oh... That shouldn't be there. Hopefully Sonic and the others can sort this out.
[The Mane 9, Spike, the Jewel Pixie Animals, and Team Overlander see everything shaking like an earthquake]
[Babylon Rouges' Airship]
Jet: Wha- Where'd this come from?!
Storm: We're not sure, boss.
Wave: Whatever it is, I don't like the looks of it.
[At the Crystal Empire]
Princess Cadance: [worriedly] Shining Armor, look!
Shining Armor: [worriedly] Hmm...
Sticks: [hanging from the ceiling] What's going on here? GAH! [drops down]
[Chaotix Detective Agency]
Espio: What do you make of this, Vector?
Vector: I would defy the current situation as not good.
Charmy: Uh, boss, could you be more specific about the "not good" part?
[The Lost Hex]
Zavok: Huh, I never took that Vanessa girl for the stronghold type.
[Finally, Vanessa's dark stronghold tower is complete]
Vanessa: Home... Sweet home. [smirks evilly] This day has been just perfect!
[the screen fades to black]
Dr. Eggman: [voiceover] Cliffhanger, huh? Well, as long as nobody leaves, I'm fine with it.
Nothing Left to Lose/Heading to Vanessa's Stronghold/Eggman Meets up with the Heroes/Attempting to get into the Stronghold[]
[The next morning, Eggman and his troops fall from the sky]
Thrash: Ow...
Metal Sonic: Servers crashing... [systems go back online] Oh wait...
Dr. Eggman: Defeated again! This is not fair! Maybe I should retire to a nice big beach, with a nice refreshing drink, and someone with nice giant bags of ice for my head...
Lien-Da: I wouldn't say it's over yet, if my calculations are correct-
Dimitri: And when haven't they?
Lien-Da: The Mane Nine will probably be trying to rescue Team Sonic as well.
Dr. Eggman: Uh, okay, but how will that help us?
[The Mane Nine, Spike, and Team Overlander arrive in the Badlands, Hawkeye surveys the area]
William: Any luck?
Hawkeye: Not exactly, but remember to stick together. We don't want to get separated.
[At that moment, Tikal, Chaos, Julie-Su, Shade, Relic, and Fixit show up via warp ring]
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Tikal? You here to help as well.
Tikal: It's the least we can do after getting us out of that jam.
Relic: Yeah. Sally also called us when Team Sonic disappeared from the map.
Fixit: Then she noticed you and the Overlanders working together and told us to meet up with you posthaste.
Applejack: How are we suppose to find them? We don't even know where Vanessa took them!
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps when she sees Vanessa's stronghold tower] I think I found where they are....
[The rest of the Mane Nine, Tikal, Chaos, Julie-Su, Shade, Relic, Fixit, Spike, the Jewel Pixie Animals, and Team Overlander saw the stronghold in a far away distance. Meanwhile inside of the stronghold, Vanessa is walking on a spiral staircase with Team Sonic by her side]
Wormwood: You done well, Vanessa. Soon, the Mane Nine will come for their friends.
Vanessa: And then what?
Wormwood: Then, you will face them with the full power of the moonstone.
[Soon, they reached to the throne room]
Vanessa: Look, I know none of this is your fault, but I just didn't want to hurt you. [removes the shackles from Team Sonic's wrists] So when your friends come for you, don’t try to do anything foolish or stupid. [throws Team Sonic into a nearby cage]
Knuckles: Vanessa, you're angry. We get it!
Shadow: Believe us, we know what it's like... But you're making a huge mistake.
Vanessa: [sighs in annoyance] I understand that you disagree with what I’m doing. But what I am doing is something that is best for everyone which is something that others like you and your alicorn friends have failed to consider.
The path of hate is a dangerous track
You take one step and it's hard to turn back
It pulls you along,
and though it seems wrong it feels right
Don't you see this path you're on leaves a permanent mark
It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark
With each passing day
you're further astray from the light
Suddenly, you lose your way and lose the thread
Lose your cool, then lose your head
Every loss is harder to excuse
Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul
'till you lose complete control
And realize there's nothing left to lose
Nothing left to lose
Sonic: [spoken] Vanessa, trust us, becoming the villain isn't the answer!
Vanessa: [spoken] Is that what you think I am?
The path I'm on is a path paved in black
I'm taking that road and I'm not looking back
Each twist and each turn
leads straight where I'm yearning to go
Yes, it's true, my path is dark but I see where it ends
My rivals will fall as my power ascends
Despise me, that's fine
I'm taking what's mine even so
Not like you, you lost your nerve, you lost the game
But you and I, we're not the same
I'm not lost, this fate was mine to choose
So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains
Lose each weakness that remains
Now that I have nothing left to lose
Nothing left to lose
You have so much to hold on to
I only want my rightful dues
[Sonic (and Vanessa)]
Listen please, you’ve lost your grip and lost your mind
(Lose, I’m not gonna lose)
All's not lost don’t be so blind.
(I refuse)
Cut your losses, drop the IOUs.
(I refuse)
[Vanessa (and Sonic)]
I'll lose no tears, and lose no sleep!
What I want I'll take and keep!
(It's time for you to choose)
You can't stop
[Vanessa and Sonic]
Turning of the screws
Vanessa: [spoken] You nine will stay in that cage until this is done. And just in case you think of escaping...
[A robotic hand raises the cage high up the ceiling. Vanessa then destroys the picture of Team Sonic, the Mane Six, and Spike with a snap of her fingers]
Now I have nothing left to lose
[Vanessa is now sitting on her throne, smiling evilly now that she cut herself off from the world. Back with the Mane Nine, Tikal, Chaos, Julie-Su, Shade, Relic, Fixit, Spike, and Team Overlander, they finally reached her dark tower]
Twilight Sparkle/Spike: Whoa!
Applejack: Uh, what the hay is that?!
Tikal: By the stars...
Fluttershy: Oh my...
Shade: I've seen bigger.
Jayden: It's... huge...
Rainbow Dash: It’s taller than Canterlot.
Sunset Shimmer: No kidding, we'll be lucky if we don't get lost...
Damian: Yeah, I think it'd be best to come up with a plan first, assuming we don't already have one.
Spike: [to Twilight] Now, before you decide to nerd out even more.
Twilight Sparkle: What was that?
Spike: I think we need to find a way inside first.
Kristy: Agreed, how are we suppose to get in?
Noah: Hmm...
Troy: I mean, couldn't Twilight and the others could just use their magic or something?
Marcus: Okay, but what if there's security, how do we deal with that?!
Digit: [scans Vanessa's stronghold] Vanessa's stronghold seems to be roughly three times its size.
[Twilight and Reaper examine the stronghold, finding if there's a way inside]
Reaper: No entrances on the bottom, Hawkeye?
Hawkeye: No.
Twilight Sparkle: The entrance is all the way up there.
Jayden: How are we suppose to get all the way up there?
Reaper: No clue. That moonstone of her's is special to her.
Tikal: Hmm?
Trixie Lulamoon: Like, how special exactly?
Reaper: The moonstone responds to her negative emotions like anger and hatred. Anyone who wears it will make them much more powerful.
Applejack: Huh, that explains how she was able to beat us so easily.
Trixie Lulamoon: Huh, so like the Alicorn Amulet in a way.
Reaper: I think so, then again, the Alicorn Amulet corrupted does who dared tried to wear it, something I recall you doing at some point, Lulamoon.
Trixie Lulamoon: Well, Eggman was the one who gave me it, and plus, I was still bitter about my reputation being ruined at the time. But yeah, Trixie did a lot of stupid things back then...
Reaper: I know, but the fact that you're a alicorn princess now just shows how much you've improved.
Trixie Lulamoon: I guess.
Troy: Okay, but how do we deal with Vanessa once we get to her, it's not like she'll just listen to reason, and I don't think getting the moonstone off of her will be easy either.
Reaper: And combining the moonstone and its' powers with the Master Emerald along with its' powers will lead to destruction, death, ruin, and decay to those around it, enough to render an entire place, city, village, or kingdom uninhabitable and devastated.
Relic: I see, though, what if some bigger forces are at work...
Sapphire: [worriedly] We just hope Sonic and the others are okay.
[Reaper pulls out a heart-shaped locket out of his pocket, looking at the picture of Vanessa in the locket]
Reaper: [looking at the locket] Vanessa, I love you so much with all of my heart....
Sunset Shimmer: You've had feelings for her for a while, haven't you?
Reaper: Yeah, ever since I met her really. Back then, she wasn't like she is now.
Rarity: [grows interested] We're listening. Tell us, Reaper.
Reaper: If you insist...
[Reaper quickly explained how Vanessa wasn't always the way she is today, back when Team Overlander first formed, she was more, in a way, friendly and caring, with Reaper even acknowledging she was the only one he formed a proper bond with after the destruction of his clan, but after one backfired Eggman mission in which Vanessa nearly got all of them killed, Marcus berated her and left, with the others following suit as if she deserved it, Reaper however, didn't approve of this, feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation]
[The rest of Team Overlander eventually realized what they did was wrong, and tried to apologize to her, but by then, the damage had been done, as Vanessa angrily shouted at them for how they treated her; telling them that they were in the wrong clearly, and after a brief battle in which she showed her strange new abilities, she cut all ties with Reaper and the others in order to get away from the very people who broke her heart, but what happened after that? Well...]
Damian: What were we thinking?
Kristy: We never should’ve turned our backs on her.
Lilly: What kind of friends are we?!
Marcus: AGH! Forget this! Everybody's on their own, I've had it!
William: W-Wha... But Marcus, we can't just give up on Vanessa?
Marcus: What's the point. We'll probably end up making things even worse.
Jayden: That's it? You're giving up?
Marcus: Yeah, I'm giving up! That's what I'm doing, I'm giving up!
Orion: Marcus, we can't give up now! We can't give up on Vanessa!
Marcus: It doesn't matter, Orion! We can't save Vanessa, we only succeeded in pushing her away! And if we just continue pestering her, then all of Mobius is going to pay the price for our mistake!
Troy: But we can still fix it! We fixed everything before!
Marcus: But not this! We can't fix something that is broken! Our friendship with Vanessa is broken!
Kristy: Whatever is broken can be fixed, Marcus!
Marcus: [facepalms] Don't you guys get it! We failed! We failed, alright!
Angela: Giving up right now is where you fail! You give up, you fail, and if we give up, then we all fail. But we're not giving up already! We didn't fail yet!
Marcus: But we already did! We failed Vanessa... I failed her... [lowered his head, trying so hard to fight back his tears] This is all my fault... I should've been more nicer to her... I should've been there for her..! But no, I had to treat her like a bug and leave her! And now she's turned her back on all of us because of my mistake! If only I hadn't yelled at her to begin with...
Orion: Hey, don’t take all the credit, we helped too.
Troy: Kinda not helping, Orion.
Lilly: It's alright, Marcus. We'll figure something out. Let's go find that Sonic the Hedgehog guy that Egghead mentioned, he might know what to-
Marcus: No... We can't. I told you already. We can't fix this. [began to walk away from the group] It's over...
Noah: But... what about our friendship?
Marcus: Friendship is dead... [grabs Damian by the wrist] C'mon, Damian, you're the only one I trust.
Damian: Uh, okay, bye guys...
[Marcus and Damian leave]
[At that moment, Lilly started to bolt away from the group, much to the surprise of everyone else]
Reaper: Lilly, where are you going?
Lilly: I'm sorry, but I just don't have the will to keep going! [runs off]
Angela: [sighs] I'm gonna have to follow her, she's family. Stay safe, you guys. [follows Lilly] Little Sis, wait!
Noah: Yeah, uh, I just remembered I've got a case to work on, c'mon, Troy! [grabs Troy by the wrist and leaves]
Troy: Wait, where are we going?
William: [sighs] Well, I'm gonna head back to Hedgehog Village, see you later, Jayden. [runs off]
Kristy: [sighs] I'd stay but, I'm bound for the G.U.N. acadamy, I'll see you soon. [walks off]
Reaper: [sighs] So this is it, huh? [looks down, feeling like he just lost all his friends] I knew I wasn't fit to being a leader...
Jayden: Look, what happened isn't your fault, Vanessa doesn't seem in the best of moods right now, so maybe just give her some space. But, in the meantime, I've got some martial art classes to teach, but, if you drop by, feel free to say hello.
Reaper: Alright...
[Jayden walks away, leaving Reaper alone in his thoughts, he couldn't believe it, everything that had happened had proved to be too much for his friends to take. They had just given up, of course we all know after this, Reaper realized he wasn't fit to be a leader and disbanded Team Overlander altogether, though he kept in touch with several of its' members, like Marcus and Damian, after that, Reaper would mainly work in the shadows, and it was only after Mobius became one with Equestria due to the convergence that Reaper and Sonic's paths truly crossed, though they started out as bitter rivals due to their conflicting personalities, Reaper eventually became one of Team Sonic's most trusted allies, especially after Reaper explained his past]
Reaper: And that's what happened.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh my Celestia, that's horrible!
Marcus: Indeed, I still feel guilty about it to this day...
Damian: The worst part was that she didn't even listen to what we had to say before she cut all ties with us completely.
Reaper: After that, we all went our separate ways and just, barely interacted with each other. I knew Vanessa was hurt... But I never thought she'd go down the path of evil...
Marcus: This is all my fault, if I didn't say that we never wanted to see Vanessa again, none of this would've happened...
Damian: In hindsight, you were a bit more cold than you are now back then.
Sunset Shimmer: Don't beat yourself up over it. I mean, we're not all perfect, even Sonic's made mistakes that he's not proud off.
Rainbow Dash: You know, it reminds me of Sonic's outburst when our arguments got in the way of our mission to stop the Dazzlings during the Battle of the Bands.
Rarity: Oh yeah, I remember that.
William: What do you mean?
Pinkie Pie: The Dazzlings were using our arguing to turn our friendship magic into something they could feed on, and they put some earrings on Team Sonic and Sunset to amplify their anger on us.
Kirsty: Goodness, that's terrible.
Applejack: Yeah, our friendship with each other nearly ended up in pieces because of it...
Twilight Sparkle: The Dazzlings didn't put some earrings on me because they thought that I can hate my friends like Team Sonic and Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset Shimmer: And Sonic ended up receiving the worst of it, he literally ended up completely losing his temper, overwhelmed due to all the stress from the arguing.
Twilight Sparkle: Yet, I don't think I had ever seen so angry before till then.
Rainbow Dash: Not to mention Knuckles and Amy being so harsh and negative at us when we unfairly and ungratefully blamed Sunset when she actually helped us from exposing our plan.
Fluttershy: Which may have gotten the Dazzlings' attention...
Twilight Sparkle: I'm just happy we were able to make things right and realize we were being tricked when we did, cause if we didn't, Sonic would've fallen into utter despair.
Sunset Shimmer: And us abandoning him after he yelled at Twilight and renounced us as our friends after Twilight accursed him of not trusting us certainly didn't help, especially since he felt remorseful after he did. Knuckles was the only one who stayed by him, though that may have been out of guilt.
Noah: So... Sonic and Vanessa are the same? Like, Vanessa's a dark vision of what Sonic could've become like if he didn't make amends with the others.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh, you know, I never thought of that. But then again, I've known Sonic longer than Vanessa so I wouldn't think so.
Reaper: No... He's got a point.
Twilight Sparkle: Hm?
Reaper: When Sunset told us abandoning Sonic for his outburst and later making amends, Noah's probably right.
Fluttershy: What do you mean?
Orion: Vanessa herself serves as a dark reflection and example of what Sonic could've ended up if he didn't make amends with you even if he was forgiven or welcomed back. Meaning he'd end up... like her
[The Mane 9, Spike, and the Jewel Pixie Animals turned pale as if they have seen a ghost of what Orion said]
Rarity: My goodness...
Pinkie Pie: Glad he didn't end up in that route.
Twilight Sparkle: And I'm glad he forgave us after how we just left him like that... Because if he ever did turn evil like Vanessa, I don't know if we'd be able to stop him...
Starlight Glimmer: I doubt Sonic would ever turn evil, Twilight. I mean, he's always worked hard to keep the world safe from evil threats, hasn't he?
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic's always saving the day from evil threats like Eggman.
Sunset Shimmer: Although, just thinking about when we abandoned him... [to the Mane Six] Say, Twilight, didn't something similar almost happen to you and the girls during your brother's wedding. Like, Team Sonic nearly put the safety of Canterlot in jeopardy out of a selfish need to have the ‘perfect royal wedding‘ perhaps?
[The Mane Six's eyes widened as they thought back to the royal wedding from a few years back]
[The wedding was supposed to be perfect, but the Changelings set a trap when their queen, Queen Chrysalis, posed herself as Princess Cadance to feed on the love of the Captain of the Royal Guards to weaken the shield keeping Canterlot safe. Funny thing was, Twilight and her friends were the first people to realize something was wrong, and while Twilight didn't know it was the Changeling Queen, she knew Cadance was not acting as she remembered. Because Twilight and Cadance were good friends when the latter used to foalsit for her when they were younger. She and her friends had tried to bring their case to the rehearsal, to expose the princess for the monster she was]
[But with little to no evidence to back up their claims, no one believed them, not even Shining Armor, who practically kicked them out of the wedding and disowned Twilight on the spot, and Team Sonic and Celestia nearly completely abandoned them as though they deserved it, Sonic even lambasted them for their actions, however, the group could see how sad the girls were and opted to stay with them for comfort, and it wasn't until they fell into a trap planned by Eggman that they fell into the mercy of the imposter, who trapped all of them deep below in the crystal caves, where she thought no pony would ever find them]
[That would be a big mistake on Chrysalis' part, as the heroes soon found the real Cadance, and together, they stopped the wedding and proved the girls' suspicions correct when they exposed the Changeling Queen, who defeated Celestia and Luna without trouble, and sent her forces to attack the city, but after a failed attempt for the heroes to get to the Elements of Harmony, and Sonic going Dark Sonic in rage after Chrysalis hurt Amy, after which Eggman disbanded the alliance after it was revealed Chrysalis was planning to doublecross him, Cadance was able to free Shining from Chrysalis' control and defeat Chrysalis and the changelings, saving Equestria from a dreaded catastrophe]
[Thankfully, Team Sonic apologized for their ludicrous behavior, and Shadow even admitted that he was aware that there was a fake Cadance, having received earlier intel from G.U.N. about the planned changeling invasion, and Shining apologized to Twilight and reconciled with her for his wrongful outburst towards her at the wedding rehearsal, with that, the wedding went on as planned, though most of Canterlot sustained heavy damage which took several weeks to fully repair, and the Mane Six were left with some severe mental trauma due to the whole mess]
[Although, if the Mane Six had kept a level head, and perhaps brought some evidence, then it would've all turned out differently, for the Mane Six, this was remembered as one of the saddest and most painful things that ever happened to them in their entire lives. They felt a few tears taking form in their eyes as they remembered everything, everyone could see they were feeling very upset at having to remember those moments]
Twilight Sparkle: You're right, Sunset. Something like that did almost happen to us.
Trixie Lulamoon: Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you about that, and I think Starlight did too, cause from the looks of it, you nearly lost all trust in Team Sonic after that, right?
Twilight Sparkle: Well, yeah... [glanced at the floor, thinking of that horrible thought]
Princess Celestia: [flashback audio] You have a lot to think about, young ladies, I'm very disappointed in all of you.
[Twilight’s heart felt as if it had been stabbed when Celestia uttered those words. She struggled to maintain her composure, but it was difficult; despite the amount of time that had past since then, the shock of that wound had never really gone away, sure the girls may have acted immature when they tried to bring their case, and Twilight especially, had a tendacy of over-reacting, but it was because nopony was listening to her or her friends, but was it really worth the heartache?]
Applejack: To be fair though, we did just barge into the wedding rehearsal with circumstantial evidence and slanderous accusations, and had the gall to just expect everyone to take our word for it without any solid ground to stand on.
Twilight Sparkle: True, no one even knew that changelings were involved at that point. All we knew was that we thought my brother was going to be marrying a rotten pony. To be honest, that’s one of the most normal things I’ve ever gotten that worked up about.
Fluttershy: And even if we were right about everything, we shouldn’t have confronted her the way we did. The way we acted, there was no way anypony could have trusted us, if anything, they would've thought we were trying to mess everything up on purpose, and Celestia wasn't around to see how Cadance was behaving. To her, our accusations came from nothing. We should have discussed it with somepony beforehand. That way we could have prevented making complete fools of ourselves.
Marcus: Discussed with whom? Team Sonic? They didn't even listen. In fact, didn't they think you were just being possessive.
Twilight Sparkle: Yes, but Chrysalis played us all for fools... She had everyone manipulated up to that point. We can’t blame Team Sonic for that. We still could have spoken with someone.
Damian: Like your brother?
Twilight Sparkle: Not really, considering how angry he was with me after the imposter ran off crying, that was never really an option.
Damian: Fair point.
Twilight Sparkle: Honesly, I feel like we could have talked to Celestia about Cadance's behavior before taking matters into our own hooves...
Troy: Then why did you six decide to do that on your own?
Pinkie Pie: Because... We felt that if we couldn't trust Team Sonic... We had to do it on our own... We were sad and... angry and weren't thinking straight. We felt alone... Not to mention when everyone began walking away, we nearly felt tossed away like some old toy we don't even play with anymore.
Rarity: And we were a bit ticked off at Team Sonic for not listening after we got sent to the caves, but we all made up after that, and good thing we did, otherwise an army of hideous monsters would've made Canterlot their new hive right now.
[Spike quietly gave a nod, though he too nearly walked out on them due to childish ignorance and disloyalty, thankfully he was forgiven not long after like the rest]
Reaper: [sighs; guiltily] Nothing had to turn out like this... If we were just different, if we made smarter choices, Vanessa wouldn’t hate us and become a sadistic monster she is today...
Troy: C’mon, let’s not think and talk about the old days.
Kristy: Let bygones be bygones, can we?
Reaper: But how can we not? So many lives torn asunder... The woman I loved consumed by darkness...
Twilight Sparkle: We all make mistakes, including us, you, and even Vanessa. Right? Friendship can't always be perfect and last longer.
[Team Overlander look at each other]
Reaper: Well, nothing's quite that simple. But we appreciate you saying that.
Twilight Sparkle: Hey, I'm the Princess of Friendship, what did you expect?
Reaper: ...I just hope we're able to make things right with Vanessa this time.
Orion: Hopefully we can, I'm not giving up on her, and I'm certain you're not either.
[Reaper smiles before kissing his locket]
Reaper: Vanessa, I'm sorry for everything that we did to you, especially of how we left you...
Rainbow Dash: Alright, time to get back to business!
Lily: Yeah, better find a way in. And fast.
Julie-Su: Right! (Hang in there, Knuckles, we're coming!)
???: [laughs] It'll take more than you punks can handle it.
[The Mane 9 and the Overlanders looked up and saw Eggman and his henchmen]
Twilight Sparkle: Wha- I- Eggman?! [she and her friends stand in defense] What are you doing here?!
[The Jewel Pixie Animals hid behind the Mane 9 and the Overlanders]
Reaper: yeah, we're not dealing with this. Girls, get him out of here before anything else happens!
[The Mane Nine prepared to wipe Eggman off the face of the Earth]
Dr Eggman: Whoa-whoa-whoa... Easy there, chums. I'm not here to fight you like I've done many times. This time, we are here to he... [clears his throat] Help you. That's right, help you.
[Reaper and Rainbow Dash look at each other in disbelief]
Dr Eggman: Look, I don't like this anymore than you do! But, that Vanessa girl is a problem for both of us. Trust-
Applejack: Not so fast, Egghead. Trust is somethin' ya gotta earn.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, I mean, might I remind you that you've helped some of our worst enemies in the past.
Dr. Eggman: Well, er...
Orbot: I mean, you kinda did, boss.
Cubot: Yeah, and you either got betrayed, or left said enemy by choice.
Dr. Eggman: Well, I guess you're right about that, Twilight. But I have unwillingly helped you and that blue pest before in the past, remember that mess with Neo Metal Sonic where you went to the human world and met Sunset Shimmer, yes, good times indeed.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah, but still, isn't Sonic your sworn enemy? Why do want to help us save him and the others?
Dr Eggman: Because Reaper's crush destroyed all of my robots and nearly put Metal Sonic out of commission, proving that she would be able to beat a army with no trouble at all! And all this time I thought that moonstone was just a heirloom she forgot to put on a shelf...
Metal Sonic: That, and Eggman thinks that only HE should destroy Sonic, not to mention he was making me steal the Master Emerald for like, the millionth time earlier before Vanessa took it.
Fluttershy: So that's why you were on Angel Island!
Rainbow Dash: Figures.
Dr. Eggman: [to Metal] Did you really have to say that, Metal?
Metal Sonic: It was already obvious, I was just saving them the trouble before they figured it out themselves.
Dr. Eggman: Well, you still could've-
Metal Sonic: That's not my problem.
Neo Metal Sonic: Indeed, it isn't.
[The Mane Six's eyes turned to Neo Metal, each of them bitter and distrusting, causing Neo to shrink back a bit]
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I was wondering when we'd see you again.
Neo Metal Sonic: Still on your bad side huh?
Dr. Eggman: Relax, I've long since removed Neo Metal's rebellious coding, so they'll be no more uprisings from him.
Applejack: For how long is yet to be desired...
[Clearly, the Mane Six still held a grudge against Neo Metal for his past transgressions, and why wouldn't they, stealing six highly magical artifacts, from six only-just recently ascended Princesses no less, was a very serious crime. Not to mention using said artifacts to lure the heroes in so he could copy their data and use it to take over the universe (which in retrospect, was a pretty stupid plan, Neo had to admit. Using a bunch of mind controlled badniks against Celestia, Luna, a menagerie of armed guards, and the Freedom Fighters? Neo liked to think Team Sonic's data had scrambled his common sense when he transformed)]
Orbot: Well still, the boss' point is, if the Master Emerald and the moonstone are combined, neither of us will be able to defeat her!
Lily: Already figured that out.
Reaper: Yeah yeah, your point exactly, Eggman?
Dr. Eggman: My point is that we should all have an alliance together. What do you say?
[The Mane 9 and the Overlanders looked at each other, not knowing whether they should trust Eggman or not]
Twilght Sparkle: What do we do? Even if they help us, they’re still enemies of Equestria.
Reaper: Well, yeah. I know he's always relied deeply on his advanced technology and superior interlect to try and take over the world. But at this point, I doubt he's even a major threat anymore.
Dr. Eggman: I heard that!
Pinkie Pie: That's the point, Baldy McNosehair.
Dr. Eggman: ...And you're suppose to be the funny pony?
[Pinkie sighed]
Twilight Sparkle: Well, in the event that we do team up with you, how do we know this isn't another scheme of yours and you won't betray us all at the last second?
Dr Eggman: What, you think I'm planning a secret blister attack? I already tried defeating her with the most powerful mechs I can create, but she was too strong to deal with!
Metal Sonic: I'll say, even I couldn't stop her, and I'm one of the more powerful of Eggman's troops.
Reaper: [sighs] Alright, I suppose we have to got work together on this... [to Eggman] But one sign of a doublecross, and you'll be on your own, got it!
Dr. Eggman: Okay okay, no need to yell!
Fluttershy: I-I guess Eggman has a point here.
Trixie Lulamoon: I suppose.
Hawkeye: [sighs] I guess we have no choice.
Julie-Su: Fine.
Lien-Da: Frankly, I'm not happy about this either, Sister, but the survival of every living thing on this planet depends on us to stop Vanessa's plans.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] Fine Eggman, we'll trust you, for now.
Dr. Eggman: Good, but make no mistake, we are not friends! This is merely a favor, nothing more!
William: That, we expected you to say, now, has anyone found a way in yet?
[A large bluish-black rock suddenly fell onto William's head]
William: Ow! W-Where'd that come from?
Jayden: You okay?
William: Yeah, it didn't hurt that much.
[Reaper began examining the rock, seeing some writing on it]
Reaper: Vanessa just sent us a message. She wants us to know that everything that once was our's will soon belong to her.
Metal Sonic: What does it say specifically?
Reaper: Well, uh... [starts reading the letter]
Vanessa: [voiceover] Dear fools, if you must know, my revenge has finally reached it's endgame, with the Master Emerald and the moonstone in my possession, I'm now unstoppable and everything you have will soon be mine! So please, do me a big favor and just give up, Oh, and Princesses of Harmony, don't even think about interfering. Or it will be the last time you'll ever see your mobian friends again... alive. - Vanessa
Starlight Glimmer: And what's that suppose to mean?
Reaper: Most likely she wants revenge. If she succeeds, she'll be able to create an army of clones based on our negative feelings like despair, jealousy, anger, frustration, fear, shame, and doubt.
[Everyone looked completely shocked]
Dr. Eggman: Wow, I'm a evil genius who wants to take over the world, but even I'm not THAT crazy.
Thrash: Says you.
Lien-Da: I mean, why would she want to create clones of everyone anyway?
Reaper: By breaking their spirits by calling them out for their flaws, arguing and forgetting all the good times, and calling them worthless, pathetic, annoying hypocrites who don't know that arguments will bring damaging destructive consequences and don't know anything about friendship at all.
Dingo: Say what?! [the screen zooms in on his mouth, only for the dingo to accidentally swallow the camera. The screen goes black]
Sleet: Dingo, what did you just do? Open it! Open it! [Dingo opens his mouth. The camera is positioned in his garbage filled stomach at such an angle that we can see Sleet, wearing surgical gloves] You should know better than to eat the camera. Just think what something like that would do to your digestive tract!
[Sleet reaches inside and takes the camera out]
Dingo: Boy, I can't wait to see that part, Sleet.
Sleet: Yes, well, let's not and say we did, buddy.
Pinkie Pie: Okay, back on track, that sounds really bad.
Starlight Glimmer: Is there a way we could defeat her?
Kirsty: We could try getting the moonstone off of her, but that's easier said than done.
Troy: Not to mention that raven of hers, Wormwood.
Rarity: I could already see this isn't going to be easy.
Starlight Glimmer: [nods] We haven't we found a way in yet, we've been standing out for minutes and we've hardly even made progress.
Rainbow Dash: We're just wasting time at this point! Best find a way in quickly now!
Twilight Sparkle: [worriedly] Yeah, better hurry too, I can't imagine what Sonic and the others are dealing with...
[Meanwhile inside of Vanessa's stronghold, Team Sonic are still in the cage high up to the ceiling]
Silver: I don't like it in here, it's so... Boring.
Sonic: Yeah. So now you know how I felt when I was trapped in a small cell for six months during the war to take back Mobius...
Tails: Knuckles, how long did you have that scroll with you exactly?
Knuckles: I keep it with me at all times in case if someone needs it.
Shadow: But aren't you suppose to, I don't know, keep something like that AWAY from the forces of evil!
Knuckles: Alright, calm down! I didn’t know that! You're seriously not still mad at me for just giving her it, right?
Shadow: No, I'm- Well yes actually, I'm absolutely livid. But that's not the point!
[Vanessa was looking out the windows, spying on Reaper and the others]
Wormwood: So, the pony princesses, Reaper, the other Overlanders and even the Eggman and his troops are here... Should we do something, Vanessa?
[Vanessa hasn't said anything, looking at Reaper bitterly. At the ground, Marcus and Daiman are climbing up the stronghold]
Daiman: Do you really want to do this.... the whole way?
Marcus: Back in my day... towers... are much... shorter.
[Due to how high the stronghold tower is, Marcus and Daiman slipped back down and fell to the ground]
Marcus: Good grief...
Orbot: Fine efforts on both your parts, but I'm afraid we're still stuck on square one.
Cubot: Yeah! And I don't even know what "square one" means!
Metal Sonic: [looks at his nonexistent watch] Kinda running low on patience here...
Sunset Shimmer: That was fast.
Cubot: I got a better idea. [cuts a tree, causing sap come out of the cut, spreading some on his hands] We can use the tree sap to climb the tower! [puts his sticky hands on the walls] See? No slipping. Move your arms and legs and start walking up the tower.
William: [tries to move, but the tree sap is too sticky] Uh, guys? I think I'm stuck to the wall.
[Everyone cheered]
William: No, I mean, I'm really stuck to the wall! This sap is too sticky, I can barely move my arms or legs.
[Everyone is stuck to the wall due to how sticky the tree sap is]
Spike: [grunts] I can't move.
Metal Sonic: Seriously.
Cubot: Okay, I may have miscalculated how sticky the sap would be.
Dr. Eggman: Typical.
Pinkie Pie: [has her tree sap-coated body on the wall] Look! No hooves!
[Angela laughs. Later, after everyone is off the wall]
Coconuts: Any other plans, Mr. Genius?
Cubot: Hey!
Metal Sonic: I have a much better idea.
[Seconds later]
Daiman: [scared] Not what I was expecting!
[Everyone is on a huge catapult]
Troy: You've been catapulted a few times, this isn't so bad.
Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry, it will all be over soon.
Metal Sonic: Indeed. [cuts the rope before jumping in] Here we go!
[Everyone gets catapulted towards the tower]
Noah: Are there any windows we could break through?
Shade: Not that I can see...
[However they missed the tower and landed on a tree, which catapulted then back to the tower which they missed again as they landed on the branched]
Twilight Sparkle: Anybody else got a plan?
Metal Sonic: We do it again.
[Everyone is on the giant catapult again]
Sleet: This is the exact same thing.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, only this time we'll make sure to check where we're aiming before we fire.
Sleet: Oh.
Dingo: Well, FIRE! [cuts the rope, catapulting them towards the tire]
Snively: Alright, anyone see any windows?
[Right on cue, everyone misses the tower. Vanessa is laughing sadistically in amusement at their failures]
Vanessa: Oh, I can watch them do this all day.
Wormwood: Let them in.
Vanessa: What?
Wormwood: Defacing them isn't enough. You must take away who they were, force them to fight you, break their spirits.
[Vanessa hesitantly and reluctantly looks down at the group]
Wormwood: You held back long enough. Let them in and finish this now.
Vanessa: [sighs] Fine.
[Back on the ground]
Metal Sonic: Well, that didn't work.
Cubot: [holding the tree sap] Eh?
Sleet: I'm telling you the tree sap idea didn't work.
Bokkun: Technically, we already tried that idea.
Dingo: Let me have a try. [goes up to the wall and spits on both hands, preparing to somehow make a opening] Open sesame! [nothing happens, Dingo shrugs as Sleet, Thrash and Lien-Da facepalm] Well, I've done all I can do. [sits down]
Sleet: Why did you think that would work?
Dingo: Let's just say, that I'm a bit more complicated than you think. The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma. [imagines a carton of milk spilling itself]
Orbot: Say, Princesses, if we don't free your friends, can we possibly replace them? [points to Cubot, Coconuts, Scratch, Grounder, Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun, Sleet, and Dingo]
Starlight Glimmer: What? No! What kind of question is that?
Orbot: I didn't mean anything by it. I just thought it might be better to work for you nine than Eggman.
Dr. Eggman: Hello? I'm standing right here, you know.
Twilight Sparkle: Orbot, no matter what happens, we won't fail again. We will save Sonic and the others... If we can ever get in, anyway.
Orbot: It's stuff like that that makes me want to be by your side. Sonic and his friends are lucky.
Dr. Eggman: Seriously! I'm right here. I can still hear you.
Reaper: That's kinda the point. Then again, I wouldn't expect less from a evil scientist who dresses in... Okay, what would you call that thing you wear all the time?
Dr. Eggman: [looks at his lab coat] It's my lab uniform. But it also works as a flight suit. Designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce drag.
Marcus: And yet, you still are one.
Dr. Eggman: Ho ho! Good one! You are catching fire, Marcus.
Marcus: [facepalms] Good grief...
Lien-Da: [to Julie-Su] So, um, how you been, Sis? [gets no response] Look, if you're still upset about the Dark Legion, that's fine... I did try to write, but-
Julie-Su: Oh, I got your letters.
Lien-Da: Wait, really?
Julie-Su: Yeah, they were really flammable.
Lien-Da: [insulted for a second, but then sighed] I see... Well-
Julie-Su: For added context, I burnt those letters.
Lien-Da: I figured that-
Julie-Su: In a fire.
Lien-Da: I worked that out already, you don't have to explain it to me like I'm five.
Twilight Sparkle: Come on, Vanessa. Just let us in... [puts her hoof on the wall]
[Just then. the wall suddenly creates an opening under Twilight's hoof that will allow the group inside]
Metal Sonic: [dumbfounded] Wha... How di-
Twilight Sparkle: Huh, looks like she's finally letting us in.
Hawkeye: About time, now come on!
Reaper: Right, here we go everyone! Go, Go, Go!
Arriving in the Throneroom/"Lady Emerald's Trick"/Fighting Back Against Vanessa/Wormwood Grows Concerned/Vanessa and her body Growing Weak/Lady Emerald reveals herself[]
[Everyone walked in the stronghold, when the door shut behind them, leaving them in pitch black]
William: Yikes! Where's the lightswitch?!
Jayden: I don't know, anyone got any flashlights?
Starlight Glimmer: Actually, let us try something.
Tikal: Huh? What do you mean-
[The Mane Nine's eyes glow as their manes and tails go ethereal, illuminating the room]
Shade: Oh, that's handy!
Rarity: Oh yes, darling. I for one just love have my mane just sparkles!
Lilly: Well, I'll admit you do look beautiful, how do you even do that?
Fluttershy: We're not even sure ourselves...
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, it usually only happens when we're channeling a lot of friendship magic...
Pinkie Pie: Well, it technically first happened when Celestia, Luna, and Cadance gave us their magic, but...
Angela: Okay, I think we get it.
Troy: Well, that is pretty cool.
Sunset Shimmer: I know, me, Trixie, and Starlight only just recently figured it out as well.
Noah: Huh, well who knows? Maybe when you're older, maybe your manes and tails will start being ethereal on their own.
Starlight Glimmer: Like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?
Noah: Obviously.
Trixie Lulamoon: Well, maybe. For now, let's find our way through this place.
[Everyone look around the room. It is incredibly huge along with so many staircases]
Pinkie Pie: This is like a maze!
Decoe: Yeah.
Bocoe: How many are there exactly?
Lilly: I'm not sure, but we better be careful. Places like this are always filled with booby traps. [sees a nearby pebble next to her foot before kicking it to the right staircase as a demonstration, causing it to trigger arrows]
Bokkun: Hit the deck!
[The Mane Nine put up a shield spell while the others duck and cover]
Julie-Su: Is Vanessa crazy, or is the whole stronghold filled with traps?!
Dr. Eggman: Hmm, let's see. [turns to his badniks] Can one of you test some of these staircases?
[A Egg Pawn agrees and turns to the left staircase, only for a ejector platform to send him out the building]
Egg Pawn: [as it's thrown out the stronghold] I SHOULD'VE BEEN A DENTIST!
Dr. Eggman: Uh, I guess third time's the charm.
Reaper: [disturbed before regaining his composure] Proceed.
[Several more badniks pick another staircase, only for a trapdoor to open underneath them, sending them falling into the shark tank that was installed]
Badniks: [as they're falling] WE ALL SHOULD'VE BEEN DENTISTS!
Fluttershy: You didn't have animals powering those, right?
Dr. Eggman: Thankfully, no. I would never put the innocent forest creatures in THAT much danger, and that's coming from me. Anyways, next staircase.
[Thousands of staircases and destroyed badniks later]
Neo Metal Sonic: [holding the “Thousands of staircases and destroyed badniks later” time card] Can we move it along? I'm all out of time cards.
Digit: Let me check with staircase we should take [turns his scanner on]
Thrash: Just make it snappy, it's not like we've got all day.
[Digit scans each staircase which all contain a different trap, expect the the middle one]
Hawkeye: Alright, seems like the middle one's our best bet.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, thank goodness. [she and the other alicorns' eyes stopped glowing, their manes and tails returning to normal] Don't know why we stayed like that for so long, now my eyes are going to be sore for the rest of the week.
Dr. Eggman: Right, onward!
Sapphire: Wait! We'll meet you up to the throne room.
Reaper: Be careful there.
[Sapphire nods as she and Team Sonic's Jewel Pixie Animals flew to the middle staircase while leaving a trail of pixie dust, which turns out to be a very, very long staircase. Meanwhile with Vanessa, she is in a different room that appears to be a bedroom or dressing room, singing as the moonstone was glowing on a vanity before she puts it back on. Vanessa then gets up from the vanity as she starts singing more sinisterly, slashing statues of Reaper and Team Overlander that she created before lying down on a blue velvet couch with a mirror beside her]
Vanessa: [with her eyes glowing cyan, but speaking in a different voice sounding deep but regal; menacingly] So long, Ninja…
[With that, Vanessa then let out an evil laughter, but not long when she turns to the mirror and lifts herself up, her reflection within the mirror is not her but a different woman with pale blonde hair, pale white skin, an hourglass figure, and blue-green eyes. She might’ve been the one who was imprisoned in the moonstone and somehow brainwashed Vanessa. Her wicked laughter echos throughout the stronghold, sending chilly goosebumps on the spines of everyone who’s inside it]
Sonic: [freaked out by the laughter] Something tells me that Vanessa has gotten more wicked than ever.
Tails: I don't think that voice sounds like Vanessa...
Silver: Yeah. It sounded rather too deep, nothing like her.
[Daiman chatters his teeth in fear as Cubot clings onto Eggman’s leg]
Reaper: [disturbed by the laughter] I know, Damian. I know…
Digit: This way, this way!
[The Jewel Pixie Animals continue their way while leaving behind pixie dust. Finally, they reached the throne room but they didn't see Vanessa or Wormwood anywhere]
Sapphire: Whoa...
Tunette: Such a majestic throne room.
Diamond: Now where could our owners be?
Ruby: I just hope we're just in time.
Caramel: Even so, Vanessa and that raven are such annoying mosquitoes!
Salt: [sensing danger] Uh, does anyone else feel that...?
[Vanessa's footsteps were heard from a hallway as they got closer, causing the panicked Jewel Pixie Animals to quickly hide behind the curtains. As Vanessa enters the throne room, walking to her throne, she senses something was off]
Vanessa: My, my, my, it seems I have a pest problem...
[Instantly, fear swept over the nine fairy animals as they realized they had just been caught]
[Reacting instantly, Vanessa lifts the curtain up and catches the Jewel Pixie Animals before instantly snatching them as they screamed, her expression being a satisfied and sadistic one. The Mane Nine, Tikal, Chaos, Julie-Su, Shade, Relic, Fixit, Team Overlander, and Eggman and his henchmen arrived at the throne room]
Lien-Da: [breathes heavily] That stairway was so long...
Rainbow Dash: Wish she created an elevator or an escalator...
Twilight Sparkle: I don't see Vanessa or Wormwood anywhere. I wonder where they are... [to the others] Everypony, get behind me, if anything happens, I don't want anypony to get hurt.
Angela: [sees the cage up close to the ceiling] Look up there, guys!
[Team Sonic hear Angela's voice as they looked down and saw Twilight and the others]
Sonic: Huh, guys? You're here? [sighs in relief] Thank goodness..
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic, are you and the others okay?
Tails: Yeah, aside from the scratches, we're fine. But why are Eggman and your minions with you?
Dr. Eggman: [waves his hand dismissively] Yeah yeah, happy to see you too.
Reaper: A temporary truce was put in play so they could help us. [frees Team Sonic from the cage] Now, where's Vanessa?
Hawkeye: And Wormwood as well.
Amy Rose: [notices that Tunette isn't around] Wait! Where are our Jewel Pixie Animals?
[Team Sonic and the others the noticed that Team Sonic's Jewel Pixie Animals aren't around]
Orion: I don't see them!
Sonic: Sapphire, are you here?!
Vanessa: [walks from behind her throne, holding Team Sonic's Jewel Pixie Animals captive in a small cage] Yeah, they're here. [unlocks the cage, freeing Team Sonic's Jewel Pixie Animals and letting them reunite with their owners]
Sapphire: Oh thank goodness you're all alright!
Sonic: Yeah, thanks for taking care of them for us, girls. We owe you one.
Fluttershy: No problem.
Applejack: [to Vanessa] How did you even capture them so easily?!
Vanessa: That will be none of your concern.
Reaper: Vanessa...
Vanessa: [bitterly] Oh, Reaper... [walks down the steps of her throne] You made a mistake coming here.
Reaper: What happened to you? We were friends!
Vanessa: I grew out of that phase and threw away my weaker self after your betrayal, that's for sure. [fires a cyan beam at the Mane 9 and the others]
Metal Sonic: And cue shield spell in 3, 2,1...
[The Mane Nine put up the shield spell, blocking the attack]
Orion: Okay, now that's perfect timing at its' finest!
Silver: Indeed.
Reaper: I’m not buying it, Vanessa! [brings his katana out]
Metal Sonic: Well, if it's a fight she wants, I'm happy to oblige!
[The Mane Nine ready their magic]
Sonic: [gets his sword out] Payback at long last!
Twilight Sparkle: You're not the only one who wants payback, Vanessa nearly killed us earlier. Right, Vanessa?!
Vanessa: You do realize that I have complete control over the spikes now. And you know what this tower is made of. So any case, defeating you all should be...
Damian: I know what you'll say next.
Vanessa/Damian: [in unison] About as easy as taking candy from a baby.
[Vanessa gasps as he looks at Damian]
Damian: [laughs] I love doing that.
Vanessa: I've had enough of this!
[Black spikes appear around the group]
Wormwood: Show them how powerful you've become.
Reaper: I'm not going to fight you.
Vanessa: Then this will be very easy. [chants the incantation] Moonglow high above, evolving as you go!
Reaper: Vanessa, don't!
[Vanessa uses her powers to use the platform beneath Reaper to pound him up into the ceiling]
Team Sonic/Mane Nine/Team Overlander: [horrified] REAPER!
[The platform lowers back to the ground. However, Reaper reveals himself to be very much alive, much to everyone's relief]
Reaper: Maybe it won't be easy as you think!
Vanessa: Now that's more like it. But there are some things you can't block.
[Vanessa creates black arrows and shoots them at Reaper]
Vanessa: You all already betrayed my trust once, what makes you think I will let you do it again?!
Vanessa: Give up already or I will rip your precious so-called friends apart limb by limb. Slowly and painfully....
Dr. Eggman: Hey! For your information, no one’s allowed to defeat Sonic except ME! That honor is reserved to me alone! You or anyone else can defeat him with me or you don’t defeat him at all!
Vanessa: [to Sonic] You really think you're the hero? Heroes protect others, not chase after villains. You're no hero, nor are you a loyal friend.
Sonic: As if!
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic, what's she talking about?
[Sonic is silent, not saying anything. Team Sonic were silent too, too shocked to even reveal the truth]
Vanessa: How about I answer this for you. [a sadistic grin forms on her face] How do you think you're not the only one feeling your rage feeling any more powerful as Team Sonic and Sunset Shimmer?
[The words from Vanessa struck Twilight; suddenly realizing who put the earrings on Team Sonic and Sunset Shimmer back in their second visit in the human dimension]
Twilight Sparkle: [horrified; gasp] No… it was you? You made those earrings?
Applejack: [gasps] You… you monster! I knew there we was something about you!
Pinkie Pie: You big meanie! You created those earrings that made us and Team Sonic nearly hate each other and destroy our friendship!
Rarity: I’ve never been so disgusted in my life!
Rainbow Dash: How could you?! You made us hurt each other emotionally and verbally! You also even nearly ruined our band, but the worst part is you made Sonic hate us even more and break our spirits entirely!
Fluttershy: You are so glad! We should’ve listen to Applejack in the first place when we first saw you!
[Sunset Shimmer gasps in shock and horror before she covers her mouth with her hoof, as she couldn't believe what she's hearing]
Vanessa: [let out a wicked chuckle] It's true. But I'll admit that making Sonic lose his cool at the lot of you like that is WAY more fun than having to listen to your inconsistently annoying infighting - he's my perfect little puppet for entertainment.
Vanessa: Why do you think I'd have any interest in having your little hedgehog friend as my only teammate.
Sonic: [guiltily] I- I don't even know what to think anymore... [sighs]
Reaper: [visibly shocked and repulsed by his former friend’s actions] No… How could you?!
Vanessa: [smugly] Why would I care? They did it by themselves, all I did say is that they needed a little push. [chuckles cruelly; to Rainbow Dash and the ponies] Such lackluster quality. I should’ve know you five let your own egotism become your very downfall.
Vanessa: [tauntingly] And you call yourselves friends when you fight over the smallest disagreements like spoiled brats? Don't make me laugh, all I see are idiots who waste their time by prioritizing their own needs and wants over saving everyone and letting them down because they let they're too concerned over the littlest things like being in the spotlight, clothing appearances, and song ideas. So tell me, were your needs and wants really that important to you rather than saving the worlds and everyone around you? Hmm??
Vanessa: Look at yourselves - you’re all nothing but the complete opposites of the Elements of Harmony you wielded. I just cannot believe how stupid and ignorant you all are, considering every past flaw and mistake you all made.
Vanessa: [in a smug and somewhat mocking tone with taunting undertones] After all you've done for me, you're nothing but a bunch of sock puppets and childish embarrassments of society who brought shame to your reputations.
[Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Team Overlander, and even the Eggman Empire were all appalled with horror by Vanessa’s cruel and heartless actions as she pinpoints Team Sonic and the Mane Six’s every flaw and tragic mistake - but her gaslighting them about themselves and their friendship was the icing on the cake]
Jayden: How could you be this cruel, Vanessa?!
Marcus: [looks at Eggman, noticing his expression] Eggman? Are you okay....?
Dr. Eggman: [speechless before speaking] ...Breaking their entire friendship by turning both sides against each other and later using Sonic to lash them out? [turns livid and enraged] THIS IS LOW, EVEN FOR YOU!!!!!!
Sonic: [through his teeth] It wasn't even their fault! The Dazzlings put those earrings on us and amplified our anger, thanks to you!
Metal Sonic: [charges towards Vanessa] Prepare to feel the wrath of Metal Son- [gets sent flying away by Vanessa. After one second, he once again charges forward, but gets thrown back again. Not one to admit defeat, he proceeds to charge again, only to get sent flying again. He comes back and charges again and gets knocked back again]
Vanessa: You know, for a robot, he's quite persistent.
Lien-Da: You have no idea.
[Metal charges forward and gets knocked back again]
Lien-Da: He's actually a decent person to talk to after you get to know him.
Vanessa: [incredulously] I doubt that. But let me help you out.
[Vanessa creates black spikes that surround Metal Sonic and Marcus, making them unable to struggle free]
Vanessa: You won't fight me, but will you fight... for them?
Reaper: Vanessa, leave those two alone!
Vanessa: I just realized I forgot to give you my gift, Marcus.
[Vanessa makes the black spike bonds on Marcus stronger, inflicting pain on him]
Marcus: [in pain] Don't give in to her! Don't do anything she says!
[Despite Team Sonic and the Mane Nine's resilience, Vanessa continues to stare down at them icily, refusing to listen or believe them]
Vanessa: If you choose to continue foolishly claim friendship. Well then... I shall teach you the errors of your ways by force and have you repent for such sins!
[Vanessa creates numerous thorny vine bushes with the moonstone around the throne room]
Jayden: What trickery is this?!
Vanessa: I will drown you all with the melody of your despair!
[Vanessa lands in front of the group, dodging their attacks until she comes across Shadow, Rainbow, and Jayden]
Vanessa: You three are first, Jayden, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Rainbow Dash.
[Jayden first battles Vanessa, followed by Shadow using his Chaos Spear and Rainbow Dash shooting her magic at Vanessa]
Vanessa: Your elegance and decorum are above par... But you three can't surpass me!
[Vanessa powerfully kicks Shadow, Rainbow Dash, and Jayden, causing all three to land on the thorny vine bushes. When they came in contact with them, the bushes burn and engulf all three in dark purple/pink/dark magenta fire, causing them to scream in pain]
Sonic: What the?!
Vanessa: One by one your friends are falling. Soon you will be all alone, silly little hedgehog.
[Amy, Pinkie Pie, Marcus, and Daiman charge at Vanessa as each fire their attacks at her. However, Vanessa managed to block and throw them at the thorny vine bushes. When they came in contact with them, the bushes burn and engulf all four in dark purple/pink/dark magenta fire, causing them to scream in pain]
Vanessa: Even such flashy talent but a bit of swift in my wake, Amy Rose, Pinkie Pie, Marcus, and Daiman.
[Blaze, Kristy, and Angela look at each other before nodding. Blaze then faces Vanessa off briefly before Kristy jumps to kick Vanessa in the face, followed by Angela doing the same. The three are about to attack Vanessa together, until she kicks all three in the stomach, sending them to the thorny vine bushes]
Vanessa: That fiery spirit you three are so proud of is mere flames to me.
[Tails and Knuckles jumped down, only to get caught instantly]
Vanessa: Nice attempt of a sneak attack. I'll give you both A's for effort. [throws them into the thorny vine bushes] I will however give you both F's for your failures to live up to your promises of being good friends who always have each others backs when they need them and for treating one's concerns like dust even with the fate of Equestria at stake.
Twilight Sparkle: This isn't working, she's too powerful!
[Team Sonic, the Mane Eight, Team Overlander, and Eggman's henchmen feel all weak with dark purple/dark red fire-like auras surrounding them upon coming in contact with the thorny vine bushes, much to the leaders' horror]
Wormwood: [grins evilly] Break their spirits.
Vanessa: Can you savour the flames of despair? [is walking up towards the teams' leaders] I can see now why you're all un-befitting in such foolish things as I'm certain you're all going to regret meeting each other in the first place. [to Sonic, Twilight, Eggman, and Reaper] You four are no different.
[Sonic, Twilight, Reaper, and Eggman charge at Vanessa until she froze them]
Vanessa: Especially you four. Hicks and hayseeds like you who lacked both faculty and finesse, and always fail to recall the good memories you do have without fail... tarnish the title of "friendship and friends."
Reaper: Please don’t do this, you have got to fight this darkness that is consuming you. I don’t want to fight you.
[Charging up, Vanessa blasts Sonic, Twilight, Reaper, and Eggman to a wall. Once they are hit, they struggle to get up as they're now covered in scratches]
Dr. Eggman: Ow...
Sonic: [pants in exhaustion] (Man, Vanessa's sure one tough, stubborn nut to crack... She must've been completely over her head now... If only I can get that moonstone from her, maybe that'll get her listen to me.)
Vanessa: [surrounds Sonic with vines] Those who seek independence are bestowed with it upon birth and birth alone. I am the only one capable of finding my own perfect friends; me and myself. [turquoise aura surrounds her body] And you are nothing, you can't even compare. It's over, your friendships shall vanish into the ether.
Sonic: [weakly] As if... And before you ask again, no I'm not joining you, I'm Team Freedom Fighters for life!
Vanessa: I was hoping you would finally give in and join me, Sonic. But you've tested my patience one too many times! If you won't join me, then my only option for you is to...
Sonic: Sorry to interrupt, but I'm beginning to think you have something against friendship!
Vanessa: [darkly] Die... [starts squeezing Sonic with the vines, causing him to scream in pain] DIE!!!
Twilight Sparkle: You're killing him!
Dr. Eggman: Yeah, only I get to do that!
[Twilight gave him a look that told him to "Shut up!"]
Vanessa: SILENCE!!! [blasts both of them back] Your squabbles and pettiness can only bring ruin and destructive consequences!
Twilight Sparkle: [groans] Let him go or else!
Vanessa: Don't bother throwing around orders, it makes you look about as much of a drag as Celestia.
Twilight Sparkle: [her mane and tail briefly turn into flames] DON'T TALK ABOUT THE PRINCESS THAT WAY!!!
Spike: Hey, easy Twilight, no need to set your mane ablaze.
Vanessa: Oh shut up! [blast Twilight to a wall as she screams in pain]
Sonic: [groans] Twilight! No! Guys, don't just stand there. Do something, ANYTHING!
[Damian grabed a rock and tried to throw it at Vanessa, but missed and hit Sonic]
Sonic: Do something BETTER!
Damian: I could try calling her names!
Rainbow Dash: Probably not a good idea!
Damian: Well, that’s all I got. Sorry.
Vanessa: Just give up already! I won! [laughs maniacally]
Sonic: No... I won't... Let you win... [groans angrily as he suddenly turns into Dark Sonic]
Vanessa: Hm?
Dark Sonic: [angrily] LET ME GO! [frees himself from the vines and the aftershock destroys the thorny vine bushes as well]
Vanessa: What?!
Sonic: [lands on the ground as he transforms back from his dark form, then clutches his fist angrily and gives Vanessa a death stare as the aura from his super form appears on him] If you do anything to my planet... Or anything to my friends... [his eyes turn red] I will... MAKE YOU PAY!!! [In a fury, Sonic transforms into Super Sonic and charges at Vanessa]
Super Sonic: [angrily] YOU DIRTBAG!!! [punches Vanessa right in the face]
[The rest of Team Sonic transform into their super forms]
Vanessa: Jumping to your super forms, huh? Well, then I'll finish you off and this miserable planet!
Super Sonic: Not likely! [punches Vanessa several times, sending her flying back]
Shade: This is incredible! Sonic's built-up anger over nearly getting killed made him even stronger than Vanessa!
Relic: Well, you know what they say, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Super Shadow: Yeah... [grins] Why am I not surprised?
Vanessa: [gets up, recovering from the punches as she brushes the dust off of her] Well, that felt good. Wormwood, take care of Team Sonic and the princesses. I'll be dealing with the pathetic Overlanders.
Wormwood: It will be a pleasure, Vanessa [flies to Team Sonic]
Vanessa: You're first, Reaper! [clashes her sword against Reaper's katana]
Reaper: [clashes his katana against Vanessa's sword] Vanessa, let's just talk this out!
Vanessa: Oh sure, let's have another chat about how you and Team Overlander were harsh and ungrateful of what I did and decided to leave me and abandon me for good!
Reaper: Vanessa, Marcus doesn't thinking straight when he's angry. It wasn't my decision, you know that!
Vanessa: Well, was it your decision to never see me again and leave me in the cold, cruel world so heartlessly like Marcus said?
[Reaper gasps of what Vanessa said as she tries to push him until he manages to kick her in the stomach]
Reaper: You have no idea!
Vanessa: Then why don't you make me understand?!
???: Ahem.
Vanessa: Hmm? [looks behind her to see Gmerl, his eye optics glowing red with fury]
Gmerl: YOU HURT CREAM! [sucker punches Vanessa]
Emerl: Have no fear, the robo-cavalry's here!
Gmerl: Brother, we agreed you weren't going to say that.
Chocola: Chao-chao.
Emerl: Oh, sorry.
Cream: Emerl, Gmerl, Chocola, what are you doing here?
Gmerl: When that stronghold appeared, my sensors indicated you were in trouble, so me and Emerl rushed over here as soon as we could.
Twilight Sparkle: But what about the castle?
Emerl: Taken care off.
[Meanwhile, Shard the Metal Sonic was seen standing in the Castle of Friendship]
Shard the Metal Sonic: What was I doing here again?
[Back to the stronghold]
Noah: This isn’t you, Vanessa! Stop!
Kristy: Vanessa, please! This is not who you are!
Vanessa: Wrong! I FINALLY know who I am! [creates black spikes to surround Kristy]
Super Sonic: It’s worth the shot, let's give it a try!
[Vanessa creates a dome that surrounds her as the group fire all of their attacks at her]
[Vanessa makes her powers much more stronger with the moonstone as the group continue firing their attacks]
Super Sonic: We're not imposters! Our bonds are-
Vanessa: Friendship and bonds are one of a kind, like me and myself! Struggle to become one all like you... but you will never!
[The dome that is protecting Vanessa explodes into a shockwave, pushing the group back. Spike and the Jewel Pixie Animals run up to the group until Vanessa grabs the picture that Spike was holding]
Spike: Hey, give that back!
[Sonic and Twilight, followed by the rest of Team Sonic and the Mane Nine look up in shock when they see Vanessa looking at their photo performing onstage as the Rainbooms]
Vanessa: Yet I pity you. You'd have never encountered or forgive your futile friends if not for this drivel. [looks at Sonic] Allow me to open your eyes.
[To dishearten the heroes completely, Vanessa created cyan flames with her hand, shocking Sonic and Twilight to deathly horror when they realized that Vanessa was going to burn the picture. Vanessa then slowly moved the picture closer to the flames until the first corner nearly touched it]
Super Sonic/Twilight Sparkle: STOP IT!!!
Metal Sonic: [charges forward suddenly] Son of a glitch, I've got you this time! [punches Vanessa right in the face before she could burn the picture] BOOYAH!
Super Sonic: [surprised] Metal?
Shine: [grabs the photo] Phew, close one...
Metal Sonic: [to Vanessa] Hope you’re ready for some bone shattering vengeance!
Dr. Eggman: Haha, yes! Make your creator proud, Metal Sonic!
Metal Sonic: With pleasure...
Thrash: [gets knocked back] She thinks she's so great, I'ma show her! [runs back into the fight, but gets knocked back] Oh, gosh darn it! [heads back into the fight] Alright! I'll go for the left! She won't see me coming from- [gets knocked back again] Ahh! She saw it coming! Fine! I'll wait till there's a opening and catch her off-guard! [runs back into the fight and appears behind Vanessa] Surprise! [uses his sonic scream on Vanessa, forcing her to cover her ears]
Speedy: It's gut-check time! [jerks his legs back and forth like a bullet before ramming head first into Vanessa] Direct hit!
Twilight Sparkle: Just give up, Vanessa. You can't go on like this, and if you'd let us, we can help you.
Vanessa: Oh, would you just shut up! [groans] Honestly, how do you mobians cope with these pastel colored nuisances, they're so annoying!
[The Mane Nine, taking offense to that, fire that magic at Vanessa, who retaliates by firing a blast at the Mane Nine]
Fluttershy: [scared] Discord, help! [yet another blast from the ground sends the first blast away; surprisied] Holy Faust, that worked!
[the ground crumbled towards Sonic and Vanessa as Discord appears]
Discord: [voiceover] For thousands of years, I lay dormant! Who has disturbed my- [nonchalantly] Oh, hey guys. What's up?
Super Sonic: Fighting a overlander who thinks friendship is worthless.
Discord: Neat.
Super Cream: Also, why were you sounding like some old ancient villain?
Cheese: Chao-chao.
Discord: It's called "making a entrance."
Fluttershy: And how did you get here?
Discord: I came when I heard you call.
Amour: ...How?
Weather: Uh, you realizes we're talking to Discord, right? The Lord of Chaos who can basically, do anything.
Emerl: Looks like we're not the only ones who came to help.
Cubot: [munching popcorn] Amazing...
Orbot: Wait, how are we eating? Aren't we robots?
Cubot: Oh, right...
[Team Sonic, the Mane 9, Team Overlander, Eggman and his henchmen, and the others are panting tiredly, being unable to defeat Vanessa]
Super Sonic: Okay, guys... Be real with me... Is this the worst, or what?
Rainbow Dash: Frankly, at this point... I wish we could open a portal to Tartarus so we could bring Lyric or Tirek.
Twilight Sparkle: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll take some more Changelings, please.
Super Shadow: And I'd rather defeat Black Doom...a THOUSAND more times, than hear that idiot's voice again! [puts his hand on his head as he groans]
Super Silver: I'd even take Nazo. And he was just trying to destroy the world to surpass the Master Emerald.
Dr. Eggman: Wait, that guy born from dark chaos energy? Is he alive?
Super Sonic: Not anymore. Also that Seelkadoom guy, he put up a good fight.
Super Tails: Oh, I remember him, good times...
Super Knuckles: Man, if only Omega was here with us, we could definitely use his strength and weaponry right now.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] Alright, if our magic won't work, I guess we've got to fight her the old fashioned way then. Girls?
Mane Nine: Right!
Dr. Eggman: Oh, my God. This is going to be amazing. [gets his phone out and goes into camera mode] Aaaand, record. [presses the record button]
[The Mane Nine charged at Vanessa, but she started charging up her magic, the Mane Nine quickly froze up with looks of shock before Vanessa blasted them with a powerful spell that petrified all of them. None of them could move a single muscle, Vanessa had to hold the spell to keep it from wearing off]
Twilight Sparkle: (Not again!)
Dr. Eggman: [stops recording] And the award for getting defeated in 5 seconds goes to...
Team Sonic: GIRLS!
Vanessa: Oh relax, this petrification spell isn't even permanant... Don't expect them to be free anytime soon though... Keep annoying me and I'll just keep them as lawn ornaments.
[At that moment, there was also a surprised gasp, which came from Discord]
Discord: [with shock all over his face] Oh my... [rushed forwards towards the girls' petrified states, seeing the ponies that had given him a chance at redemption turned to stone like that had deeply disturbed the draconequus]
Emerl: Uh, you okay?
Discord: I just saw something that wasn't for my tastes. What do you think?
Gmerl: You have PTSD related to being turned to stone again, don't you?
Discord: I think so...
Vanessa: [sees Team Sonic charging up to her, blasts them into a wall] Wow, it's a good thing your alicorn friends are stone, right? So you don't have to see their disappointment in your complete, utter failure. [laughs]
Discord: [threateningly] You turn them back or I'll- [Vanessa splits him into the many animals that comprised his being, a alicorn stallion dropping to the ground; screams] What did you do to me?!? [hid behind Sonic]
[Everyone stood with their mouths hanging wide open]
Vanessa: Since you love being around those ponies so much, why not live among them?!
Metal Sonic: [groans] Okay, so the Princesses of Harmony and Team Sonic are out of the picture. But I'm still standing, so I can still stop her! [suddenly gets his arms sliced off] Unless of course she gives me laser arm removal.
Vanessa: Your luck's ran out, Tin-Man! [fires a blast at Metal, reducing him to parts]
Metal Sonic: [his somehow still-functioning head lands near Lien-Da; not amused] Every now and then I fall apart...
Speedy: [giggles] Looks like he's been "disarmed!"
Lien-Da: Speedy, that's a little insensitive of you!
Metal Sonic: [to Speedy] Not cool, man! Not cool!
Speedy: [deadpanned] Dark humor is the way some people cope with tragedy.
Bokkun: No offence but that was too soon, and the puns work better when Sonic says them anyway.
Super Shadow: Please tell me you didn't just say that...
[As Vanessa was getting the better of the heroes, the moonstone and the Master Emerald glowed brightly. Seconds later, Vanessa put her hands on her head and scream in pain, and with her concentration broken, her petrification spell broke, freeing the Mane Nine, the stone texture on their bodies returning to flesh and blood in a instant, it even reverted Discord back to normal]
Wormwood: HUH?!
Discord: [looked at both of his hands and smiled] Phew, much better.
Trixie Lulamoon: [dizzy] Well that was unpleasent...
Sunset Shimmer: [dizzy] Yeah, now I know how Discord feels... [notices Vanessa] Wait, what in the?!
Super Shadow: Oh, NOW what's happening?!
Hawkeye: Hey, Wormwood, question, when Vanessa made this plan, did she take into account that combined powers of both the Master Emerald and Moonstone would start to kill her if she used them for too long?
Wormwood: No, why?
Hawkeye: Just asking.
[Everyone gasped in shock upon hearing what Wormwood said]
Thrash: Say wha...?
Cream: [looks at the moonstone] How can something so beautiful start killing someone?
Caramel: Uh...
Cream: I was just saying.
Cheese: Chao-chao.
Wormwood: Uh, Vanessa, I think that's enough for now...
Vanessa: What?! Wormwood, I'm FAR from done yet!
Midnight: But Vanessa, don't you think they're injured enough?! And think about it, that moonstone is slowly beginning to kill you, you've gotta take it off!
Dr. Eggman: Calling your own pet a 'stupid bird'? [laughs] I'm not very likable but you're not making a very good example of yourself right now, Vanessa.
Wormwood: If you can get the moonstone off of her, then you might just be able to win. But be caeful, the moonstone grants it's user unlimited power.
Dr. Eggman: [interested] Unlimited...power?
Super Sonic: Hmm. Okay, Shadow, it's time!
Super Shadow: Oh, you mean...
Super Sonic: Yes, we're gonna fuse, to take on Vanessa and whatever's controlling her!
Lien-Da: Wait, hold on, Sonic and Shadow can combine.
Tikal: [to Sonic] Excellent idea, I thought you ruled that out.
Super Shadow: But, we'd have to be in our hyper forms to pull that off.
Super Sonic: No we don't, what gave you that impression?
Super Shadow: No reason...
Super Sonic: Well still, if we still need a boost in energy, fusion's our best bet, plus it only lasts a hour so it'll be over before you know it. So what do you say, it's now or never, Shadow.
Super Shadow: Hmm, very well.
Super Sonic: [grins] Here we go!
Super Sonic/Super Shadow: [in unison] Chaos Fusion!
[Sonic and Shadow fuse into Shadic]
Shadic: Alright! [gets his sword out]
Vanessa: And who might you be?!
Shadic: You're combining two powerful relics so we decided to double up, y'know, just to play fair, we're a merged fighter, the combination between Sonic and Shadow, Shadic!
Metal Sonic: Okay, no one told me Sonic and Shadow could combine! Now, COULD SOMEONE FIX ME?! [Lien-Da quickly gathers Metal Sonic's pieces before she and Eggman put him back together] Alright, thanks. Now... The last time I fought Vanessa I made mistakes and she caught me off guard, to ensure that doesn't happen again, I'm taking on my super form right now! [his entire body turn golden as he activates his super mode]
Shadic: What? Metal Sonic has a super form too?!
Super Silver: H-How could Metal change that much?!
[Everyone stares in shock/amazement]
Super Metal Sonic: I know going super these days is a bit cliche, but I wanted to ensure you grasp my mastery over chaos energy, and to prove once and for all that the super transformation isn't exclusive to heroes or organics. And for the sake of everyone's feeble minds, let's keep the name simple as well. We'll call this Super Metal Sonic.
Super Amy: How did you even-
Super Metal Sonic: Oh, Eggman gave me a couple upgrades after that whole mess with Lyric. Made it so I won't end up brainwashed by him again and everything. Isn't that right, sir?
Dr. Eggman: [not listening] Unlimited power...
Emerl: Hey, wait, why don't we fuse as well?
Gmerl: You know, I was thinking the same thing.
[Emerl and Gmerl fuse into Fused Emerl]
Fused Emerl: Alright, time for a robot style beatdown!
Vanessa: I know you must be thinking that I'm the bad guy here. That I'm just some...villain.
Fused Emerl: Well, you sure are acting like one.
Vanessa: Well, it's not like that. In fact, it's-
Dr. Eggman: [jumps onto Vanessa] SURPRISE!
Vanessa: What- Hey, get off, Fatso!
Shadic: Eggman, what in the world are you doing?!
Dr. Eggman: [trying to grab the moonstone] ME WANT UNLIMITED POWER!
[Vanessa shoves him off]
Vanessa: Touch me again and I'll see to it that you're a stain on my fist!
Rainbow Dash: Okay, I know Vanessa hasn't been the most pleasant, but I wasn't expecting the moonstone to start killing her...
???: Indeed, you'll never know when someone starts manipulating you behind the scenes.
Mane Nine: Huh?
[The girls looked around to see who said that, but then a painful blow to the back of their heads knocked them to the ground dazed before falling unconscious]
Fused Emerl: What the?!
Shade: [confused] Huh, what just happened?
Shine: Twilight, girls, are you alright?!
[The Mane Nine slowly regained consciousness and got up]
Spike: Oh good, for a second there, I thought you were- [gets interrupted when Twilight suddenly fired his magic at him, which he avoided] Twilight, what was that?!
[Spike suddenly noticed that the Mane Nine's eyes had turned cyan/turquoise/cerulean (almost like Nightmare Moon in a way), and they had some diamond mark on their foreheads]
Spike: [worried] Twilight? What's that on your forehead?
Reaper: [silently; in horror] The curse mark...
[The Mane Nine stared at everyone with hostile looks on their face before they started firing their magic at everyone, Silver quickly generated a shield]
Reaper: [serious; to Spike] You saw their foreheads?
Spike: Was that the mark you told us about some time ago?
Reaper: Yes, it's the same spell that was cast on my clan... I never thought I'd see it again...
Super Knuckles: Okay, can someone please explain why the Mane Nine suddenly went berserk and attack us?!
Fused Emerl: Don't know, but if they don't stop firing at us, they're gonna be on the recieving side of my laser cannon!
Spike: It's almost like someone cast a spell on them...
???: You got that correct, little dragon. Now you're catching on....
Super Blaze: Wait, who said that?
[Suddenly, the ground started shaking]
Thrash: What is this?!
Speedy: [confused] What is this supposed to be?
Dr. Eggman: I don't know but-
Super Metal Sonic: [his alarms go off] Alert, unknown force being summoned, proceed with caution.
Dr. Eggman: Oh for- Now what?!
Super Metal Sonic: I just told you, Egg for Brains.
Dr. Eggman: Well WHO is it?!
[Vanessa's eyes suddenly turn cyan and falls down with her eyes still open. The moonstone suddenly glows, slowly revealing a female sorceress and she was standing behind Vanessa, everyone gasped in surprise and confusion. They did not expect this]
Female sorceress: Finally... The clash between Vanessa and her former team has finally set me free. [grins evilly] It's good to be back.
Shadic: Oh, now this just got more interesting... Who... Are you?
Female sorceress: Why, it is I, the one and only...
[Everyone stares in confusion]
Julie-Su: Who in specific?
Shadic: Yeah, you haven't really left an impression. We don't know anything about you! Not even your name.
Female sorceress: My name.... is Lady Emerald.
Shadic: Great! See, Lady Emerald, now we're getting to know you! So, what's your favorite color? Do you like long, romantic walks on the beach? What's the source of your power? You can skip the first two questions if you like.
Lady Emerald: The source of my power is none of your concern.
Shadic: Sorry, but you've just GOT to share the secret of your power with us. I insist!
Lady Emerald: Your insistence is futile!
[The sorceress known as Lady Emerald picks Vanessa's motionless body up as if she was a marionette]
Super Silver: Oh great, another whack job with a 'God Complex'.
Super Knuckles: Okay, I've heard of being held like a puppet on strings before but this is ridiculous!
Marcus: Let me guess, you've been the one pulling the strings the whole time, haven't you?
Lady Emerald: Correct!
Reaper: [shocked] I- I know you...
Lady Emerald: Hmm, what now?
Reaper: My sensei told stories of you, how you were born from the dark magic of some green amulet. [realizes something] Wait, b-but that means...
[Suddenly, Reaper gets a flashback to his past, his clan, which was under a mind control spell, was about to attack]
Young Reaper: [scared] NO! [fights his way through out of fear, eventually...] Huh? [sees the dead bodies everywhere] What have I done? [realizes] Sensei... [runs to his sensei's room] Sensei, our clan, they- [gasps as he sees his sensei on the floor, dying] No... It can't be... Sensei, are you alright?
Grandmaster: [coughs] I'm sorry... I don't think I'm gonna make it, I fear my wounds are, fatal...
Young Reaper: [tears welled up in his eyes; falls to his knees] This is all my fault... If I had been here sooner I-
Grandmaster: You would've shared my fate... [coughs] Before I go, there's something I need to tell you...
Young Reaper: W-What is it...
Grandmaster: [weakly] Your... parents... loved you, Reaper... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner... Now go, and live, for me... [his eyes fluttered for a moment before drooping shut. Reaper felt his arm going limp in his grasp as his head settled to the floor and rolled to the side]
Young Reaper: [tears came out at full force] SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!!
[The scene cuts back to reality, where Reaper finally put it all together]
Reaper: [serious; clutches his fist] You're the one I've been searching for, Lady Emerald. [Lady Emerald looks at him in confusion] It was you who cast that spell on my clan, and drove them, and everything they stood for to it's destruction!
Lady Emerald: Congratulations, Reaper, you finally figured it out! [chuckles maliciously] But, don’t tell me you still harber feelings for everyone in that worthless clan?
Reaper: Of course, but worthless or not, the ninjas in that clan were still my comrades, and I WILL avenge them!
Shadic: Except, you won't be doing it alone! Let's do this! [Shadic and Reaper charge at Lady Emerald, when the Mane Nine got in their way]
[Reaper teleports behind the girls and he immediately lunges at Lady Emerald, who just knocks him back]
Lady Emerald: Did you think me defenseless, fool?
Lady Emerald: Why don't you ask your former associate's loyal pets? You made a mistake coming back for her, you know that?
Damian: Holy guacamole, there was a sorceress imprisoned inside of the moonstone the whole time?!
Cubot: And she can control people’s emotions!
Damian/Cubot: That’s awesome!
[Lady Emerald evilly chuckles as she brought Vanessa back down on her feet]
Damian: [nervously] Okay, not as awesome....
Cubot: [nervously] Yeah, I-I take that back.
Shade: Really?
Marcus: That's all you two can say?
Noah: [sighs] Man, I feel like a complete idiot for not realizing Vanessa was being mind controlled sooner...
Dr. Eggman: Makes sense, you are a idiot, after all.
Noah: Hey!
Neo Metal Sonic: Ha! What are you gonna do, hypnotize us?! [sarcastically] You're so imtimidating!
Lady Emerald: Oh, I'm not imtimidating enough? [charges up her magic] I'll show YOU imtimidating! [fires at Neo Metal; sending him into a wall, the impact from the blast severely damaging him and cracking his eye sensors]
Thrash: Oh my gosh! Neo, are you okay?!
Neo Metal Sonic: [glitching] I can't feel my face.
Lien-Da: [angrily] Hey! Why did you do that?!
Thrash: [growls viciously] I think someone needs a clobbering!
Lady Emerald: She thought all of you were her friends! Now THAT couldn’t had been farther from the truth! [bursts into hysterical laughter]
[The cruel laughter struck Team Overlander in their hearts like daggers. She was right. Because they refused to listen to reason, they destroyed their relationships with Vanessa, and they had given a conniving witch the means to to take control of her]
Reaper: You took her smile and her laugh away... Why?!
Lady Emerald: Vanessa knows only what I want her to know. I'm playing her, Reaper. She has no idea, but she is under my complete control.
Reaper: But, why didn't you go for me?!
Lady Emerald: Because you're as weak as your sensei was, and here's another thing... [to Reaper; quietly] I was the one that killed him...
[Reaper's eyes shrank]
Reaper: What? [the flashback of seeing his sensei's dead body plays again, then Reaper, now fully enraged, roared with fury as he delivered a mighty punch to Lady Emerald's face, sending her flying, and snapping the Mane Nine out of her trance]
Shadic: Whoa!
Tails: Holy mackeral, what just got into Reaper?
[Fused Emerl turns back into Emerl and Gmerl]
Gmerl: I have no idea.
Twilight Sparkle: [groans] My head...
Pinkie Pie: How long we were out for, is everypony okay?!
Lady Emerald: Agh, you pest, why did you-
Reaper: [grabs Lady Emerald and slams her into the ground; furiously] MURDERER!!!
Lady Emerald: [gets back up; surprisingly having taken no damage] My, you’re quite a natural ninja. Your sensei trained you well.
Reaper: I swear on my sensei's life, my katana will be the last thing you will ever feel!!
[Everyone gasped in horror]
Dr. Eggman: She WHAT?!?
Metal Sonic: [excitedly] Plot twist!
Reaper: [to Lady Emerald] Stay down... Now if you excuse me, I've got a friend to save.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, girls, Rainbow Power, now!
[The Mane Nine enter their Rainbow Power forms]
Rainbow Power Trixie Lulamoon: How come we didn't do this sooner?
Vanessa: It's funny though, I had just met Lady Emerald, but she understood me. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the power to do anything until now.
Wormwood: What?!
Lady Emerald: You heard me. Now that I have Vanessa, you and her dragon steed are no longer needed.
Midnight: What?! I call shenanigans!
Wormwood: Yeah!
Lady Emerald: Why you little-
Vanessa: NO!
Lady Emerald: Excuse me?
Vanessa: Don't hurt them! We agreed not to harm Wormwood and Midnight. They're all I have left!
Lady Emerald: Right, sorry, I forgot.
Super Knuckles: I don't care, just give the Master Emerald back right now, and I'll keep the pounderizing to a minimum. [pounds his fists together]
Super Rouge: I was gonna say the same thing, only in spanish.
Vanessa: I'm afraid that's about to change.
Super Knuckles: What?
Vanessa: The Master Emerald will forever remain with me along with the moonstone. And even your attacks cannot overpower me now. Like it or not, Echidna, I'm doing this for your own good! This world's whole good even!
[The heroes and the Eggman Empire were shocked of what Vanessa said]
Vanessa's Crystalline transformation/Lady Emerald taunts the heroes/Dark Sonic goes haywire/Vanessa almost reaches her goal[]
[The moonstone then began to float]
Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle: The moonstone!
[Lilly and Fluttershy hide behind Angela and Rainbow Dash in fear]
Kristy: It's... floating!
[Vanessa smirks as the moonstone glows brightly. The moonstone's magic engulf her entire body and clothes. Once it disappears, Vanessa's clothes have changed into a very horrific form, the Master Emerald has turned into a forehead tiara, and even her hair has become longer, reaching past her shoulders. When she opens her eyes, her eyes are changed into icy blue with her pupils slit]
Crystalline Vanessa: Noble, Precious, and Beauteous. I am now.... the one and only strongest being in the world!
Shadic: [shocked] No way...
[Everyone look in horror upon watching Vanessa's horrific, monstrous transformation, even the Eggman Empire are scared out of their wits]
Reaper: Vanessa! Have you lost your mind?!
Crystalline Vanessa: Lady Emerald gave me everything. And I am proud of everything she has given me!
Marcus: Vanessa...
Crystalline Vanessa: [to Marcus] There was an order to my former world of friendship; everything worked. Until you and Team Overlander broke it!
Marcus: [in shock of what Vanessa said] How can you say that!? Look what Lady Emerald's doing to you!
Crystalline Vanessa: Reaper should've made a deal with me! Compromised! Save the lives of many... by sacrificing a few...
Marcus: [shocked at the last part what Vanessa said] 'Sacrificing a few'? We're not gods. We don't get to decide who lives and who dies.
Crystalline Vanessa: THE DECISION IS MINE! I am the only one capable of making the hardest choices and decisions!
Marcus: [scoffs] Listen, Reaper and us-
Crystalline Vanessa: You and those foolish Overlanders are nothing! As I will be soon enough... All thanks to you.
Marcus: Oh, for the love of- STOP CUTTING ME OFF! Geez.
Jayden: You stabbed your own team in the back, Vanessa!
Crystalline Vanessa: Just like how you all stabbed ME in the back! Not acknowledging how hardworking I was, not understanding me and my feelings, degrading everything I did and thought of it is not enough, and now turning your backs on my after you decided my sacrifice isn’t enough!
Reaper: You were our friend! And now, you’re no better than Lady Emerald herself!
Crystalline Vanessa: How dare you! Lady Emerald is the only friend I could ever have! Clearly all this friendship nonsense has blinded you all.
Super Amy: No! YOU'RE the one who's blind! You're so consumed by your rage and anger that you've forgotten that people DO care for you!
Reaper: I understand now... [to Lady Emerald; angrily] It was you all along. You’re responsible for all of this! You're the one who turned her against us!
Lady Emerald: You have done that yourself, fool!
Reaper: [slowly reaching for his sword] Don't make me kill you...
Shadic: Then it looks like we’re taking you back... by force!
Super Amy: It seems like our words aren't reaching her.
Reaper: I'm sorry, Shadic.
Shadic: No. Anyone would be in shock after such a reunion. In any case, we must stop her. I've felt a power greater that's more fearsome than any evil we've faced before. It was a very dangerous feeling as if she was trying to let herself burn up.
Reaper: The power from that moonstone... is that going to swallow Vanessa?
Jayden: Then means Vanessa will...
Super Tails: Don't worry! We won't let it happen!
Dr. Eggman: I don't know all of the details, but we can't leave her behind.
Orbot: Well, a touching reunion should be more touching.
Grounder: Yeah, and less heartbreaking!
Scratch: That, I can agree on.
Reaper: [smiles] Everyone... [his expression turns into determination] With all of our powers and strength, I'm sure we can defeat Lady Emerald and release Vanessa from that moonstone!
Daiman: [smiles] Power against dark power, I guess? Are you guys all ready?
Everyone: Yeah!
Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle: Now's not the time to hold back.
Shadic: Let's go with everything we've got!
Lady Emerald: Trying to reach out to your soon-to-be lover is pointless, but Team Overlander is welcome to try if helps pass time.
Reaper: Don't toy with her feelings, coward. Don't even try killing her. [through his teeth; threatening] Kill her and I'll break every bone in your body!
Lady Emerald: Kill? Not kill. Vanessa being dead would be no good to me. I need Vanessa alive.
Reaper: So you can drain her life energy once she's all weak?
Lady Emerald: So Vanessa can obey my every command once she's all vulnerable.
Reaper: That'll never happen. I'll make sure that the woman I loved is free from your poisoning influence once and for all!
Lady Emerald: [suddenly intrigued] Tell me, how am I a poisoning influence?
Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle: You turned Vanessa against her own team and you’re killing her!
Lady Emerald: [wonders sneakily] Hmmm, are the Dazzlings evil because they turn everybody against each other in the human world?
Shadic: The Dazzlings fed off people's negative energy to try over take over the human world!
Lady Emerald: Ha! How delightful. But that's... natural.
Reaper: There was nothing natural about what you did to Vanessa!
Lady Emerald: I control her negative emotions! In fact, doing so made me enjoy seeing the sight of her in such, great pain!
Damian: Well if you think you're gonna get away with that, think again!
Lady Emerald: The next words from your mouth are: "We're going to knock that smirk right off your face!" Watch.
Damian: We're going to knock that smirk right off your face! [realizes] Wait a second, you can't do that! That's MY trick!
Lady Emerald: Too bad!
[Lady Emerald uses her spell again, causing Vanessa to scream in pain much more]
Shadic: Stop it, you're hurting her!
Lady Emerald: Oh believe me, she's just happy with the way she is now. [sadistically; to Vanessa] Vanessa, remember of what your teammates did to you. Use your anger and hatred to kill them.
Crystalline Vanessa: Yes, Lady Emerald...
Reaper: Vanessa, Lady Emerald... can't help you! Her evil's too dangerous! And know that deep inside... you know that too! Trust me!
Crystalline Vanessa: [becoming greatly annoyed; charges up her powers] You and Team Overlander are such fools! You just wanted me to follow the rules, you and Marcus never gave me any real power like the others! [blasts Reaper with her powers] But now thanks to the powers of the moonstone and the Master Emerald, I can help Lady Emerald! The only real friend I have!
Shadic: You won't get the chance. ‘Cause we're gonna stop you right now!
Shadic: What's wrong?! Looks like your Crystalline form's not looking so powerful now! [pushes Vanessa back]
Crystalline Vanessa: DARN HEDGEHOG!!
Shadic: [serious] IT ENDS NOW! [charges up the final kamehameha] Final Kamehameha! [fires it at Vanessa, who counters it with her own attack]
Crystalline Vanessa: Not bad, pretty impressive actually, but I'm afraid you're still too late.
Shadic: What makes you say- [starts glowing] Huh? [turns back into Super Sonic and Super Shadow]
Tails/Knuckles: W-WHA...?!
Sapphire: Oh, no!
Moonlight: Too soon!
Super Sonic: Hold on! It's only been 30 minutes! Don't tell me the fusion ended already?!
Super Shadow: Pushing the form too hard makes the time drain faster, remember?
Super Sonic: Oh yeah... [groans] Darn it, I can't believe I forgot about that...
Super Blaze: I guess this is gonna have to call for more serious matters! [switches to her Burning Blaze form]
Pearl: Wait, you can switch forms at will?
Burning Blaze: Well, I do always bring the Sol Emeralds with me at all times.
Reaper: Now, let's finish this!
[However, Vanessa doesn't flinch from the attacks. The moonstone glows again, only this time the Master Emerald glows at the same time. Dark auras surrounded her, forming her outfit to a dark royal regalia form. The Master Emerald has turned into a crown]
Rainbow Power Rainbow Dash: Aw man... Seriously?!
Cubot: She can change her form too?!
Speedy: [gulp] This isn't fun anymore...
Shade: I think that was established pretty early on.
Super Sonic: Alright, time to change things up a bit... [changes to his Dark Sonic form]
Crystalline Vanessa: What?
Dark Sonic: Huh, what do you know? I pulled it off, switching from my super form to my dark form maybe dangerous, but this should at least give me more control than I would turning into it in my base form.
Tikal: I-I thought that form could be achieved by anger or rage...
Super Knuckles: Yeah, but Sonic has actually been trying to keep in control while using his dark form lately.
Tikal: Wait, he has?
Dr. Eggman: Ay Caramba...
Dark Sonic: Why even listen to Lady Emerald? She's just using you to get to me!
Crystalline Vanessa: Liar!
Super Amy: The only one lying around here is you.
Lady Emerald: [groans] I should've killed you years ago... Reaper...!
Reaper: Yeah, big mistake. It's over, Lady Emerald!
Lady Emerald: Over? [grins evilly] I'm just getting started! [gets punched by Knuckles] What?!
Super Knuckles: You wicked witch wannabes should know better by now, mess with Knuckles, you get the fists!
Lady Emerald: You simpleminded echidna, you just don't know your limits, don't you?
Crystalline Vanessa: Sorry, Hedgehog, but you've interfered with my plans for the last time! [knocks him into a wall]
[In spite of their reliance and genuine vows of friendship, Vanessa still refused to believe them as she gives them all a frosty glare]
Crystalline Vanessa: [frostily] Why are you still holding onto these beliefs? It's your duty? Don't make me laugh, you have no such thing.
[Back to present]
Crystalline Vanessa: Your only duty is to pay the price for acting accordingly to your own desires by continuing the bluster as false heroes and setting yourselves as bad examples to the masses by endangering them all with the poorest decisions you've made!!
[Vanessa then casts a torturous spell on Team Sonic, the Mane Nine, Team Overlander, and Eggman and his henchman that inflicts excruciating pain, causing them all to scream in pain]
Crystalline Vanessa: Once I put you in your places by giving you the fitting punishment you all deserved, I shall take pride in myself for the first time in years! [breaks down into evil cackling]
Dark Sonic: [to Vanessa] Keep. Your. Hands. Off. My. Friends! [promptly punches her in the stomach]
Crystalline Vanessa: Is that all you got?
Dark Sonic: Oh, not really... NOW I'LL SHOW YOU THE KAIO-KEN! [gains a power boost] It's all over! [charges up Kamehameha] Kamehame... [unleashes it at Vanessa] HA!!!
Dark Sonic: Still not giving up, how much determination do you have? [suddenly gets surrounded by vines again] Wha?! [gets changed back to normal]
Crystalline Vanessa: Got you now, you annoying little rat!
Sonic: I'm not a rat, I'm a hedgehog! Get it right, please!
Super Silver: Sonic!
Super Amy: Don't worry, we've got you, Sonic!
[Vanessa surrounds the rest of Team Sonic with vines, changing them back to normal as well]
Rouge: Darn it, not again!
Crystalline Vanessa: This... [to the Mane Nine and the others] This is the discord your petty squabbles and disharmony have sown! This is the inevitable end of friendship! People turning on people, we stand on the brink of anarchy! [turns back to Team Sonic] Stay out of this and bow before me, you pests. And together, we will snuff the darkness before it buries us all in a state of nothingness! [pants heavily]
[Team Sonic, though looking exhausted, shoot out defiant glares at Vanessa]
Blaze: [defiantly] ...As you buried your own teammates!
Cream: [defiantly] Yeah! That's cold!
Cheese: Chao-chao-chao-chao-chao!
Crystalline Vanessa: [getting annoyed] Well then... [suddenly gets a idea, smiles evilly] You know what, why just settle on Sonic... When I can just put ALL NINE OF YOU UNDER MY CONTROL AT ONCE!
Tails: [worried] Wha?! What do you mean?
Crystalline Vanessa: Simple. [coldly] You're going to go through the same pain I went through.
[Vanessa used the void spell on Team Sonic, who screamed in pain as they got put under Vanessa's control, their fur darkening and their eyes turning crimson red with their pupils slit. Horror spread across everyone as they realized what had just happened]
Reaper: [saddened] No...
Sapphire: [shocked] No!
Twilight Sparkle: [horrified] NO!!!
Lady Emerald: YES!!!
Dr. Eggman: [screaming internally]
Discord: ...Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy. [grabs some fishing gear and a bindle before warping away]
Gmerl: Wha- Discord, get back here!
Tikal: Well, this can't end well...
Emerl: You've got to be kidding me...
[Vanessa grinned evilly, satisfied that she finally achieved her goal of brainwashing Sonic and his friends and joining her. Lady Emerald grins as well]
Crystalline Vanessa: At last... And here I thought this day was going bad.
Twilight Sparkle: Please, let them go! They didn't do anything to deserve this!
Crystalline Vanessa: Sorry Princesses, but your friends' well being is no longer your concern!
Crystalline Vanessa: I'm surprised you still consider them your friends when they couldn’t even see that something was obviously wrong with the behavior of the fake bride at the wedding, and what did that bring, an invasion by shape-shifting love-sucking insects that nearly brought the end of all Equestria! Can't believe your brother fell for such obvious lies.
Twilight Sparkle: [her heart was pounding three times harder than it had been] Leave Shining Armor out of this! Sure he made a mistake, but we all made up eventually.
Crystalline Vanessa: You're right, at this point, I'm just wasting my breath. Even if I wasn't, I think it wouldn’t really matter.
Twilight Sparkle: I used to be friendless. I was miserable, just like you. Thankfully, Celestia knocked some sense into me, and now I'm happier than I've ever been.
Crystalline Vanessa: I gave it a chance once, and it left me cold, broken, and practically dead!
[Lady Emerald smirked, enjoying how Team Sonic's anger was taking control of them]
Crystalline Vanessa: See? How does it feel of feeling the same hate from your friends? Look at them, Sonic and his friends are much happier when they listen to me about how pointless friendship is. Another good reason why you should only count on yourselves and nobody else instead.
Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle: Liar! They'll be anything but happy! [tries to get past but Sonic knocks her back]
Crystalline Vanessa: To get to me, you're going to have to go through your best friends. [laughs] This turned out MUCH better than I could have hoped, and I only had to use the void spell once to finally make them see that I was right.
Rainbow Power Rainbow Dash: Enjoy it while you can.
Crystalline Vanessa: Oh, I will. In fact, the only way to make this better would be to have you idiots fight.
Mane Nine: [their eyes shrank to the size of pencil tips; horrorstruck] WHAT?!?!?
[The mind-controlled Team Sonic aggressively approach the Mane Nine; who began backing away as tears began forming at the corners of their eyes]
Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle: Guys, please! Snap out of it, we don't wanna have to hurt you...
Rainbow Power Starlight Glimmer: This isn't you! Please... stop!
[The Mane Nine suddenly hit the wall of the throneroom, realizing they had no where left to run, all they could do was lie on the ground and cower like scared little fillies, depowering back to normal in the process]
Orbot: D-Did they just have the Rainbow Power scared out of them?
Tikal: [gulps] I think so... Chaos help us all...! [hides behind Chaos; suddenly realizes something] Wait a minute... Maybe I could-
Cubot: [clinging onto Orbot's arm; frightened of what he's seeing] G-Guys, I'm scared... I'm gonna turn to rust.....
Reaper: Girls, get out of there, run! [gets no response]
Shade: He's right, don't just stand there, use your magic and get out of here!
Damian: [concerned] Should I shout those insults now?
[Dr. Eggman faints in horror as Lien-Da catches him]
Lien-Da: Get off me! [pushes him to the floor]
Dr. Eggman: [recovers quickly] Don't push your superior officer around!
Gmerl: Well, we failed. [activates his laser cannon] Don't look, Emerl.
[Emerl promptly covers his eye optics as Gmerl takes aim]
Orion: Girls, get yourselves out of here right now! I'm serious! Teleportation Spell!
Spike: Girls, snap out of it! They're gonna kill you!
[Team Sonic looked like they were about to harm the Mane Nine, all nine alicorns let out frightened shrieks but then the mobians suddenly returned back to normal and they collapsed]
Crystalline Vanessa: W-WHAT?!
Gmerl: Huh? [deactivates his cannon]
Discord: [warps back] Is it over?
Dr. Eggman: [baffled for a moment, then points at Vanessa triumphantly] HA! In your face, Vanessa! [dances for a few moments before stopping] Oh wait, sorry, bad timing.
Lady Emerald: Hmm...?
Spike: Wha... [sees Tikal panting] How did-
Tikal: Chaos Purification... It removes whatever evil is mind controlling a person and returns them to normal... I realized I could use that to stop Team Sonic before things escalated any further.
Spike: Wow, that's genius!
Tikal: Thanks.
Sonic: [wakes up; groans] Who turned out the lights...
Tails: Wha... What happened? Why is my nose hair tingling?
Shadow: That was not a experience I ever wanted to have...
Amy Rose: Ow, is everyone okay?
Sonic: I think so... [groans; holding his head in pain] Now I know how Metal Sonic feels... Gonna be feeling that for weeks... [turns to see nine scared princesses lying on their sides and shaking like a leaf with fear and paranoia] Uh... Girls, are you okay?
[Terrified, the Mane Nine ran to Team Sonic's side and hugged them before crying their eyes out. The sobs from the Princesses of Harmony left Team Overlander dismayed at what had just transpired]
Silver: Okay, they're definitely NOT okay.
Twilight Sparkle: [through tears] Can you blame us? We thought you nine were gone for good!
Cream: Wait, does that mean- [her eyes widen in shock as she realizes what Vanessa did to her and the others] Oh! Oh... [falls to the ground and puts her hand on her head]
[At that moment, the Chaotix and the Cutie-Mark Crusaders arrived on the scene via ring portal and they too were mortified by the girls' sobbing sounds]
Vector: Your backup has arrived and- [realizes the gravity of the situation] Ooh, we came at the wrong time...
Apple Bloom: What happened?
Sonic: Yeah, what DID happen? All I know is that Vanessa hit us with her spell, we blacked out, and-
Tikal: Long story short, you and your friends got hypnotized, you probably would've ended up killing the Mane Nine had I not undone the spell in time.
Sonic: [in absolute horror] WHAT?!? That’s honestly kind of terrifying to hear, but I’m glad you stepped in, Tikal. Thank you.
[Everyone else was just as horrorstruck]
Espio: That's horrible!
Shade: We... did our best to diffuse the situation.
Thrash: If by that you mean, none of us did jack squat!
Speedy: Actually just shut up for once, Thrash.
Thrash: I was just saying that-
Lien-Da: Zip it!
Thrash: Okay.
Wormwood: [looks at the Mane Nine, then at Vanessa] I hope you're finally proud of yourself... you've officially become worse than all the villains these people have defeated. Whatever happened to that sweet girl who a long time ago had a dream to become to the most powerful Overlander?
[The others gave weird looks, aside from the Mane Nine, who were still sobbing, Team Sonic doing their best to comfort the bawling girls]
Wormwood: Okay, it was a sick and twisted dream and all. But still, we had a lot of good times together. What happened to the girl me and Midnight were proud to call our "Master"?
Midnight: He's right, Vaness. You've changed and not for the better, but it's not too late for you. For some reason, you wanted to get back at your former teammates for their supposed betrayal. I didn't agree with you and Wormwood, but I stuck by your side because I was your dragon partner. And then, after you found that moonstone, your negative emotions got the better of you and made you want to make other people suffer.
Wormwood: And now, you're willing to mind control others to hurt their own friends, including Reaper, the one who knows the true you. The others may know you as who you are now, but never forget that Reaper knows the real you...
[Wormwood and Midnight's words began reaching out to Vanessa]
Reaper: [quietly; smiling] Come back to us Vanessa…
Crystalline Vanessa: [gave a emotionless and uncaring expression] Who cares?! I still managed to get them under my control, and there's nothing you losers could do about it! [laughs maniacally]
Marcus: Good grief... [At this point, he was beginning to think they would never convince Vanessa that what they were trying to tell her was the truth]
[The camera zoomed in on Sonic, who got progressively angrier and angrier, Vanessa’s laughter becoming more muffled as this happened]
???: Let the anger consume you... Make her suffer... Do it... DO IT...! DO IT!
[Eventually, something in the hedgehog snapped]
Sonic: [angrily] I... HAVE HAD... ENOUGH!!! [punches Vanessa right in the face, sending her flying into the wall]
Crystalline Vanessa: [pulls herself out the wall] Dude, what the heck?! I just wanted to have some fun!
Reaper: Be rational, Sonic. [gets pushed out of the way by Sonic violently to the wall; quietly] Ow...?
Sonic: [to Vanessa; angrily] You! You tried to make us hurt Twilight and the others! I'm not about to let you get away with that!
Crystalline Vanessa: Now now, Sonic, I just wanted you and your friends to feel the same pain I did, is all.
Sonic: [darkly] I'm tired of your excuses, Vanessa... I was willing to put up with the the kidnapping, the psychological abuse, the torture, and even trying to kill me.
[Sonic transformed into Dark Sonic]
Crystalline Vanessa: What the heck?! [fires a blast at Sonic, who reflects it back]
Dark Sonic: Enough of your madness! If you must die, SO BE IT!
Reaper: What?!
Twilight Sparkle: [stopped crying and grows terrified] HUH?!
Amy Rose: [concerned; quietly] Wha- Huh?!
Tails: Sonic, stop!
Dark Sonic: [pushes Tails aside] Step aside, Miles!
Tails: Well, that's the first time someone's called me by my actual name in a while, but still, control youself.
[But unbeknownst to anyone, the blue blur had less control over the situation than he realized. The negative emotions from Vanessa's actions had finally made the hedgehog snap and were now influencing his thoughts. It was as if the dark energy of the form was whispering into his ears, swaying his mind and robbing him of his ability to think with logic. To put it simply, Sonic had lost complete control of his dark form]
Cream: Oh, I hate it when Mr. Sonic's all mad and evil-looking!
Cheese: Chao-chao!
Silver: [to the Mane Nine, who had finally stopped crying, but were still emotionally unstable] Uh, girls?
Tails: Don't just stand there, you have to help him, get him to calm down!
[The girls quietly looked down with tear stained eyes, they looked almost emotionless because they were using a great deal of willpower to hold back the tears that were ready to burst in again]
Twilight Sparkle: What's the point, we tried to prevent all of this from happening.
Pinkie Pie: We even tried to find ways to convince Vanessa to let go of her past.
Fluttershy: Everything we did, we did to help her. But she wouldn’t let us.
Sunset Shimmer: I’m sorry, guys. I don’t know what else we can do...
[The rest of Team Sonic looked with looks of pity and disappointment]
Fauna: If you need to take a breather, just say. It wasn't fair of Vanessa to prey on your emotions like that.
Sweetie: [to Team Sonic] We’ll take care of them, just try and stop Sonic before he does something he'll regret for the rest of his life.
Dark Sonic: [to Vanessa] I could never use this form against Eggman, even after everything he's done, but you, you fractured the Mane Nine's mental states, you should be afraid of me! BECAUSE I'M GOING TO MESS YOU UP!
Crystalline Vanessa: [worried] I didn't mean it! I-I was just joking!
Dark Sonic: Joking, huh? Well unfortunately for you, I'm not laughing.
Dark Sonic: LOOK AROUND YOU, VANESSA!!! YOU did this!! We tried to warn you, we tried to understand you! We tried to convince you that you could still experience true friendship, but NOW LOOK WHERE WE ARE!!!! You think you're so special because your friends let you down?! WELL YOU'RE NOT!
Crystalline Vanessa: ... [sighs] Y-Y’know what? I’m done. What happened isn't important. I just gotta finish the job... [her hands charged up with power] It's time to REALLY end this! [giggles] Let the chaos begin- [gets punched in the face]
[Sonic was about to fly over Vanessa when Metal got in his way]
Dark Sonic: Move.
Metal Sonic: Listen, I may be a bad guy, even I can tell you're going a little too far here, so maybe you could-
Dark Sonic: I. SAID. MOOOOVVVVE!!! [punches Metal right in his optic screen, cracking it, making Metal glitch out]
Reaper: [runs up to Sonic] Sonic, please! You're better than this...
Dark Sonic: SHUT UP! [punches Reaper to the ground as he yelps in pain]
Mane Nine: [screams in horror]
Team Sonic: [gasp in horror]
Knuckles: Oooh. Ouch.
Bokkun: Oooh! He's gonna need ice for that!
Dark Sonic: [to Vanessa] Are you proud of yourself...? Was making the Mane Nine cry worth your PATHETIC REVENGE?!? Y'know what?! Maybe your friends left you behind, but YOU LET THE FRIENDSHIP YOU SHARED FAIL!
Reaper: [finally realizing what had happened] By the gods... I think the darkness inside of Sonic's heart overtook him! He’s lost complete control!
Sapphire: Oh no, we gotta help him!
Digit: But how?
[Amy thought of an idea and now knows what to do. Bravery spread across her face as she looks back at Dark Sonic]
Amy Rose: I know how.
Lily: You do?
Amy Rose: I know the answer. The same day at the wedding invasion has taught me something when Sonic tapped into his dark form after I was knocked out at the wedding rehearsal. It’s by talking him down. And that’s what I must do.
Mane Nine, Team Sonic and Team Overlander: WHAT?!
Amy Rose: Don’t worry. I know what I have to do now. I’m gonna go help him. [starts walking towards Dark Sonic with courage]
Shadow: Amy wait, be careful! He’s- [Amy blocks him]
Amy Rose: It’s okay. My boyfriend is my problem. I'll signal if I need help. [walks to Sonic]
Dark Sonic: I'm putting a end to this, RIGHT NOW!!!
Amy Rose: Sonic, STOP!!! [knocks Vanessa away] Snap out of it!
Dark Sonic: Stand aside, Amy.
Amy Rose: I'm sorry, but I can't...
[Seeing this act of defience, Dark Sonic growled in rage as dark chaos energy sparked around him and Amy held her hammer tightly]
Amy Rose: You almost killed her, Sonic! What are you doing?!
Dark Sonic: YOU'RE IN THE WAY, AMY! ALWAYS IN THE WAY! [He was suddenly shoulder charged by Shadow, which sent him back a few meters. He responded by grabbing the Ultimate Life Form by the arms. He then spun him around and threw him directly into Knuckles] I COULD'VE FIXED EVERYTHING!!!
Reaper: How?! By killing her?! That's not what we do! Not what you do!
Reaper: "Revenge"?! All I wanted was to protect my friends! To protect YOU!
Amy Rose: He's not saying that! You're stronger than the dark chaos energy, Sonic! Don't listen to it!
Dark Sonic: [laughed mirthlessly] AND WHAT? LISTEN TO YOU?
Amy Rose: Yes! Listen to me! What are you so afraid of?!
Dark Sonic: I'M NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!! [tackled Amy to the ground, leaning in close to her face] DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP VANESSA?! IN COMPARISON TO YOU GUYS, I'm the solution!
Tails: We just want to save you, Sonic!
Sonic: [to Amy] WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! I MADE you! You owe me!
Amy Rose: Come to your senses, I know you don't mean that!
Sonic: All I wanted was to save everyone!
Shadow: Sonic! Have you lost your mind?!?!
Amy Rose: Just take it easy, please. Let her go!
Dark Sonic: Let her go...?! LOOK AT WHAT SHE'S DONE!!
Amy Rose: It's not worth it, killing her won't help. Your dark form inflames your anger and clouds your judgement. [Vanessa rushes in to attack, but Amy knocks her away with her hammer] I know the past things Vanessa has done to all of us was awful and all you wanted to do was help her, but please, think about what you're doing! If you kill Vanessa, you'll be no different than she is now!
Reaper: You're stronger than this! Don't let your fear control you, let it motivate you to push forward and get the job done!
[Sonic slowly realized what Amy was saying and transformed back to normal, snapping him out of his rage-induced state of mind]
Sonic: You're right...
Amy Rose: [sighs in relief] Thank you, Sonic.
Sonic: You're welcome... I... I'm sorry.... I'm so, so sorry. I was just angry that Vanessa nearly got us to hurt our friends and- Seeing them cry like that, it didn't feel right!
Sonic: What about you, Reaper?
Reaper: [sighs] I will have my revenge, but I won't kill Lady Emerald. As a honorable warrior, I wouldn't go that far.
Crystalline Vanessa: Mistress, I know I let you down by not making that void spell permanent, but in my defense-
Lady Emerald: You don't have a defense, Vanessa? What, you didn't notice the echidna girl use some kind of counter-spell?! That is a pathetic excuse! I expected better of you!
Lady Emerald: [groans] Do I have to do everything here myself?!
Crystalline Vanessa: No, please Mistress, give me another chance! [Lady Emerald uses her spell again, causing Vanessa to scream in more pain than before] PLEASE! IF YOU KILL ME, YOU'LL HAVE LESS POWER! YOU NEED ME!!!
Lady Emerald: [sighs] Fine, you're right...
Crystalline Vanessa: [her sclera turned cyan and her eyes turned red] Wait, you're the one who's making me feel so much pain, or was that just a side effect of the Master Emerald and Moonstone combination?
Lady Emerald: A bit of both, really.
Crystalline Vanessa: Huh... Well, just tell me what it is that needs doing now and I'll do it, you have my word.
Orion: What do we do?
Reaper: I don't know, but we can't kill Vanessa, Lady Emerald may have poisoned her mind, but I know deep down the real her is still in there.
Charmy: Wait, so what's going on exactly?
Sweetie Belle: We kinda came in late.
Espio: Indeed, a explanation would be appriciated.
Cream: Lady Emerald, she's manipulating Vanessa and she won't believe us when we try to tell her.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, we've got to-
[At that moment, Lady Emerald summoned large dark vines from around her. She then grabbed the Mane Nine and dangled them into the air]
Rainbow Dash: Hey, let us go!
Fluttershy: [her eyes were shedding tears] Please don't do what I think you're gonna do.
Lady Emerald: No. Now, prepare to know what pain truly feels like!!! [At the command, the vines went to work, swinging the mares back and forth, crashing Applejack and Twilight into one of the stone structures, while slamming Rainbow Dash and Starlight into the ground. Rarity and Trixie being smashed into the nearby trees, while Fluttershy was being pulled by all fours, making her scream in agony. Pinkie Pie and Sunset were being whacked multiples times on the ground as well. But the tentacles were also giving off painful electric shocks, causing the girls to cry out in pain. Spike was unable to watch this anymore. Team Sonic and the others were witnessing what was happening, and they weren't liking it either]
Spike: Girls! [to Lady Emerald] STOP! Please! Release them please. [tears up] Just let them go... please.
Lady Emerald: If you insist! [throws them right on top of Spike]
[the Mane Nine and Spike cough as they get up, only to see Lady Emerald about to fire their magic at them, the nine alicorns and young dragon gasping]
Sonic: [gasp in horror] No!
Lady Emerald: Any last words?
Fluttershy: P-Please, spare us!
Lady Emerald: Oh no... I won't. And you... You shall die!
Twilight Sparkle: Y-You know murdering a princess is a serious offence, right? You could be locked up for a really long time...
Lady Emerald: Hmph, to the Netherrealm with the consequences! [prepares to fire as the Mane Nine brace themselves]
???: ENOUGH!!!
[A yellow beam of magic fired at Lady Emerald, making her lose her concentration]
Lady Emerald: What?! Who dares?!
[Everyone looked up to see Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadance flying down, Celestia's horn glowing with rage as she glared at Lady Emerald]
Princess Luna: Hello, everypony. Did we miss anything?
Discord: Quite a bit, actually.
Shadow: Celestia? Luna? I'll be frank, you were the last people I thought would come to help.
Princess Celestia: We're aware, but we couldn't just sit idly by and let the ponies we care about most get hurt.
Twilight Sparkle: [runs up to Celestia and embraces her in a hug] Thank you for coming... [to Princess Cadance] Hey Cadance.
Princess Cadance: [sighs in relief, knowing her sister in-law was okay] Good to see you, Twilight.
Lady Emerald: The feeling's neutral really, wouldn't expect you to understand since you do have a habit of using your former pupil and her friends to fight your own battles, sending them out to fix your messes like they're your attack dogs.
Princess Celestia: [in her Royal Canterlot voice] Don't you dare say how I feel about the girls! They mean more to me than the sun itself! Presides, you should know that I would never use them for such horrible advantages!
Lady Emerald: [chuckles] C'mon, just having a laugh, I mean, weren't you going to follow that fake bride and told the girls that they had a lot to think about, but instead decided to stay and comfort them.
Princess Cadance: [sighs in embarrassment] Why does that keep getting brought up?
Twilight Sparkle: Tell me about it.
Princess Celestia: I did not know that Queen Chrysalis was manipulating us!
Lady Emerald: Well maybe you and your sister should've kept fighting instead of just laying there on the ground then. If you were a real princess, you should've taken care of threats like that yourself, not depend on others to stop them for you! You could've stopped the changelings yourself! But no, you just let Twilight and your friends fix it so you don't have to! Who knows, maybe you let the Changeling Queen beat you! You're no better than those bucking Changelings! [suddenly had to use a shield spell as a powerful blast came headed her way]
Princess Celestia: [her face was showing lots of stress and anger] How dare you... [her mane were lighting up a bit, while her magenta eyes started showing a firey yellow glow, her pupils turning to demonic slant] How dare you speak of me in such HARSH TONES!
[The sudden change nearly frightened the Mane Nine]
Sonic: Hey, easy, Princess! She's just trying to get into your head, so as much as I'd love to see what a Nightmare version of you would look like, there's kinda other things we need to worry about now.
Princess Celestia: [blinked her eyes, the pupils reverting back to their magenta coloring; sighs] Right, sorry...
Fluttershy: I think I wet myself a bit...
Amour: Yeah, uh... Let's not get into that.
Dr. Eggman: In that case. [gets a button out] Time to bring out the big guns!
[The Nega-Wisp Armor mech flies into the scene, with Eggman summoning the Eggmobile before connecting it to the robot]
Dr. Eggman: Time to give the Nega-Wisp Armor some well needed target practice! [suddenly sees the Egg Dragoon arrive, with Eggman Nega connecting his Eggmobile to it] Hmm?
Eggman Nega: You're not the only one who knows how to pilot these mechs you know!
Sonic: [feeling overwhelmed] Will you stop it?! [punches Lady Emerald away] I have had enough of you!
Crystalline Vanessa: Then go! Before I put you down!
Sonic: [growls as his darkness aura spreads around him] NO! I’M PUTTING YOU DOWN! PERMANENTLY!
Mane Nine: [can’t take this anymore; grabs Sonic who gasp in shock] STOP! PLEASE STOP! NO MORE! PLEASE! [starts crying as tears fall down to the ground]
Sonic: [freezes in horror as he realizes he has gone too far] Girls… I- I… [dark aura fades away as he collapses on his knees in frustration]
Princess Celestia: [hugs and comforts the Mane Nine warmly with Team Sonic and Team Overlander] Shh… it’s okay girls…
Sonic: [starts to feel lose hope] Y-you’re right. Sorry guys.
Reaper: Cheer up Sonic, you were just trying to help Vanessa.
Sonic: No. I wasn’t Reaper. I’m so sorry. I was just trying to get Vanessa to listen to me. But instead, I gave into the darkness in my dark form and tried to hurt her back, just to make her feel the same pain I did when she put on those earrings on us and made me lash out at the girls and my friends back in the human world... Some hero I turned out to be... [sighs; suddenly looks at Amy putting her hand on his shoulder] Huh?
Amy Rose: Listen, Sonic. No matter what happens, we can't give in to Vanessa's control again. They nearly made us hurt the Mane Nine just to prove a point and nearly rendered them emotionally unstable! I know you have your doubts, but you've always been the best of us, and you should know more than anyone that you don't want to harm innocent people. But most of all, I will always love you. We all will. [kisses him on the cheek]
Sonic: [smiles as he finally cheers up] Alright, love you too, Ames.
Rarity: [sniffles] I promised myself I wouldn't cry...
Fluttershy: Do you have a plan, Sonic?
Sonic: Well, I could always use the Spirit Bomb, but you guys would have to distract her while I gather energy.
Reaper: You can count me in then!
Dr. Eggman: Us too, Hedgehog.
Sonic: Alright, thanks guys.
[Team Sonic powered up to their hyper forms while the Mane Nine entered their daydream forms]
Crystalline Vanessa: Do you really still think you can defeat me?!
Hyper Sonic: Maybe not, but I won't let you win! [flies up and starts charging up the Spirit Bomb]
Crystalline Vanessa: Oh no you don't! [was about to jump up when Wormwood and Midnight get in her way] What are you two doing?!
Wormwood: Listen, I'll always think of you for your kindness, Vanessa, no matter what happens. One day, I hope you'll realize that the real Vanessa isn't the most powerful Overlander in the world, but the Vanessa that's my friend. And only a real friend would do this. Midnight?
Midnight: On it! [breathes her fire on Vanessa, who shields from it]
Vanessa: Agh! Stop that you treasonous reptile!
Reaper: Vanessa, please! Don’t do this! You’re not like Lady Emerald! This isn’t you and you know it! This isn't your destiny!
Crystalline Vanessa: More visions, Reaper? Do you still see the future?
Reaper: The visions I had are long gone, but I know what should be.
Crystalline Vanessa: My whole team abandomed me! Something YOU allowed to happen!
Reaper: A misunderstanding, which haunts me to this day! [sighs] I regret that our paths have led here.
Hyper Sonic: And done! [prepares to throw it] Sorry, Vanessa, but your luck has run out!
[It's too late as Sonic throws the Spirit Bomb directed at Vanessa, who gets pushed back as she tries to stop it, the Spirit Bomb then explodes as it reaches the ground, with the explosion being so enormous that it can be seen from the Crystal Empire]
Lady Emerald: [facepalms] Oh my non-existant god...
Vanessa: [pulls herself out of the crater] You fools... I hate all of you... [the icy blue glow in her eyes fade back to pastel green and her pupils turn back to normal as she collapses in defeat]
Sonic: [floats down as he transforms back to normal] Oh yes! Who's the annoying little rat now, huh?! [everyone stares at him] Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system.
[The heroes and the Eggman Empire high-fived each other]
Knuckles: And that's how it's done, guys!
Everybody to the Rescue!/Team Sonic and the Mane Nine’s Newest Group Attack, Friendship Spiral Rainbow!/Lady Emerald's Defeat/The Moonstone's Destruction/Vanessa's Redemption/Epilogue[]
Vanessa: [coughs as she gets up, seeing Team Sonic and the Mane Six power down] How did you... Why'd you have to go and make everything so... difficult?
Sonic: I have conquered the darkness within me, Vanessa. Now, you must do the same.
Vanessa: [groans] You... will have to kill me.
Sonic: I would rather save you.
[Seeing Sonic's courage made Reaper feel much better. The weight was lifted off his shoulders. He knew what he had to do. He had to make things right with Vanessa, not matter what]
Vanessa: Of course you would...
Reaper: [calmly] Let it go, Vanessa. It's time to finally put the past behind us.
Vanessa: Why should I listen to you jerks...?
Twilight Sparkle: But that's not who they are anymore! I know they've all made mistakes, including myself. But it's all in the past now! You have to stop looking back and learn to look at what's ahead!
Vanessa: I'll never let it go! [falls to her knees] But... [coughs] How... could I have lost...?
Sonic: Oh, geez... I don't know. Maybe it's because friendship and teamwork overpowers the dark forces of evil! You think the bad guys would get it by now...
[As Sonic was talking, it kept getting more and more muffled as the screen slowly zoomed into Vanessa who was slowly getting more and more of a mad expression]
Vanessa: That is IT! [her hands glow with power]
Sapphire: What's happening?
Vanessa: You twerps have ruined everything! It should've been so simple! Why did you have to be so stubborn?!
Vanessa: [surprised by Reaper’s words before the glow on her head disappears; sincerely] …Then where were you when I needed you?
[Before Reaper can answer, Lady Emerald separated her and Reaper with her magic]
Lady Emerald: Hmm, I say it was because you were too weak!
Sonic: She's not weak, you're just stupid since you thought she'd beat us.
Tails: Ooh, burn...
Vanessa: [her hands stopped glowing; to Lady Emerald] Oh shut up, and it's not like you did anything either!
Lady Emerald: [calmly] What?
Vanessa: Oh, I'm sorry, is your hearing failing you or something?
Lady Emerald: [annoyed; through your teeth] I suggest that you show a little more respect and cooperation to your mistress!
Vanessa: Why? You've clearly not done much since getting out of the moonstone, and this day's already gone bad enough! Honestly-
[What came next, Vanessa did not see coming. Lady Emerald had smacked her hard across the left cheek. She held the left part of her face while staring at her in shock and on the verge of tears]
Lady Emerald: [glared at Vanessa with eyes full of rage and not a single shred of remorse for what she just did] How dare you defy your mistress?! May I remind you that it was me who erased all your pain of your team's betrayal! I took you in, and made you my apprentice. And this is the thanks I get for all I’ve done for you?! Unless you want to end up dead, you would be wise to remember your place!
[Everyone stared in shock and surprise, clearly hadn't been seeing Lady Emerald slap Vanessa coming either]
Shadow: I did NOT see that coming...
Silver: Me neither...
Rarity: This is making me feel unclean...
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, for Harmony's sake...
Spike: How many more times are my eyes gonna be scarred...?
Rainbow Dash: Are you BUCKING kidding me?!
Sonic: You blew it, you psycho! That's not cool!
Amy Rose: Yeah, now this is going too far!
Lady Emerald: [growls; her anger had finally reached the boiler] Oh that is it, I am going to destroy you fools. And if this is the only way, THEN SO BE IT! [forcefully grabs the Master Emerald and the moonstone from Vanessa, causing Vanessa a great deal of pain in the process]
Tikal: By the gods, no!
Knuckles: [sees his chance] Oh no, you don't! [punches Lady Emerald, loosening her grip on the Master Emerald, which returns to it's original size, though Knuckles grabs the giant gemstone before it falls and shatters] Phew, Master Emerald recovered, at last. [smiles proudly]
Ruby: And it's back to normal as well! Nice!
Lady Emerald: [groans angrily as she looks at the moonstone] If you want something done right around here, you have to do it yourself!
[Lady Emerald reaches to the moonstone]
Vanessa: Wait! [kicks Lady Emerald in the face. Despite the pain, she still holds great strength] That wasn't the deal! [angrily kicks Lady Emerald in the face repeatedly] You said that we were in this together! You promised me everything I desired!
[Vanessa was about to kick her again, until Lady Emerald grabs her foot]
Lady Emerald: [chuckles] Oh, you poor, naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers. Don't you get it? [grabs her by the neck] To me, you're nothing more but a pawn, but now you've just outlived your usefulness! [throws Vanessa to a wall, causing Vanessa a much great deal of pain in the process]
Vanessa: W-Was that all you really needed me for? To be your puppet?!
Lady Emerald: Pretty much. [gives a cruel chuckle]
Vanessa: But why?! I trusted you! You were my friend!
Lady Emerald: [laughs for a bit] I'm sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag. Friends... As the Princesses of Harmony would tell you... Are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means x squared times the hypotenuse of y squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals... Dookie!
Vanessa: But what about what you promised me? What about my old life?
Lady Emerald: Sorry, but I'm done giving people what they want...
Vanessa: B-But... I deserve it! I did what you said! You promised me!
Lady Emerald: Tough. Life ain’t fair. Promises don't mean jack squat.
Vanessa: [froze in place, like her heart had been broken in pieces upon hearing those words] How... How could you do this to someone?! How could you do this to me?! I thought you liked me! You were so kind to me when we first met, you even told me I was good, so why did you lie?! What happened to you?! You’re not the same person I first met!
Lady Emerald: [sporting a sinister smile] Changelings aren't the only ones capable of putting on facades, my dear.
[Then it finally hit Vanessa. She stared at Lady Emerald with a horrified look on her face as she quickly figured out everything]
Vanessa: [horrified] You... You monster! All this time you were using everything that happened to make me help you! You never cared about me or anybody else! You... You used me! [put her hand on her head] I can’t believe I fell for it for so long!
Lady Emerald: [stares at Vanessa proudly and maliciously] Of course I did! It pleases me to see that you were able to figure that out all on your own, your worthless friends couldn’t figure that out the first time, so I had to tell them once I was free, but yes, I used you! Not only did you fall for my lies like an IDIOT, but you singlehandedly gave me a chance to escape my imprisonment like the glorified sock puppet you are! [in a smug and somewhat mocking tone] How much sweeter my victory will be knowing it's ALL. YOUR. FAULT!
[Vanessa froze, a look of horrified comprehension dawning on her face, the woman's cruel words cutting into Vanessa’s heart like a knife. Realization and a frown slowly transpired on her. The memories of what she had attempted to do and the horrible things she had done flooding her mind. Guilt beginning to consume her]
Vanessa: [shocked] What have I done...? [falls to her knees; remorseful] WHAT HAVE I DONE?!? [collapsed to the floor and began to weep heavily]
[Lady Emerald blasted a nearby pillar, trapping Vanessa in the rubble]
Lady Emerald: [tauntingly] Nothing personal. But I can't have you stopping me when my plans are still coming to fruition.
Reaper: Vanessa, no! [tries to find Vanessa from underneath the rubble]
Marcus: Well, at least she finally sees Lady Emerald for who she really is.
Damian: Just wish it was us who got her to perceive the truth.
Wormwood: [to the rest of Team Overlander] Please, help Reaper save Vanessa for me!
Midnight: And me!
Bullseye: [sighs] I guess we can let bygones be bygones.
Hawkeye: Agreed.
Lady Emerald: [tauntingly] All of that effort wasted. I should've known she'd let her own ego become her downfall.
Reaper: [breathes in and out] I couldn't save my sensei, to this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength! But this time is different. Vanessa, I swear! [charges forward] I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE!!!
Lady Emerald: Fools, you may have put my plans in a downward spiral but I've still got enough power to wipe all of you off the face of the planet!
???: That's what you think!
Lady Emerald: Huh?
[Everyone looked to see the Freedom Fighters, the Deadly Six, the Baylon Rogues, Team Hooligan, Team Robot, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Sunburst fall into the stronghold]
Travis: Incoming!
FriendBot: Target confirmed. FriendBot's mission objective, to protect Sonic and friends at all costs.
Omega: Eggman detected, but Witch Lady poses bigger threat, putting vengeance against Eggman mission on hold, for now.
Zavok: I only agreed to come here because this Lady Emerald poses as a threat to the Lost Hex as well!
Sonic: Whoa, how did you all get here so quickly?
Travis: What? You'd really think I'd miss out on a battle as good as this?!
Tails: Am I glad to see you!
Princess Luna: We figured you couldn't do it alone, so we sent a signal to everyone to come and help you.
Reaper: [to Lady Emerald; angrily] So... You are just a soulless monster... This is going to end... NOW!!
Vanessa: WAIT!!!
[Reaper and the others stopped as they saw Vanessa glancing at them. To their surprise, it wasn't anger or hatred. It was fear and sadness]
Wormwood: Vanessa, are you alright? Are you hurt?
Vanessa: I don't know... This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have trusted Lady Emerald... [wept in a puddle of despair and regret] They were right! Why didn't I listen?!
Wormwood: I'm one to admit you should've perceived the truth sooner.
Vanessa: [guitily] It's too late.
Sonic: No, it's not. It's never too late.
Dr. Eggman: Less talk, more firing! [grabs his laser gun]
Lien-Da: [on her communicator] Deploy every available Badnik and Dark Legion unit we have, that is a order!
[Vanessa managed to free herself from the rubble, not long before realizing the folly of Lady Emerald’s plans. She then looked at the injured Team Overlander, the thought that Lady Emerald was willing to hurt them made her gasp, they didn't deserve this. If there was anyone who did deserve this, it was herself. She brought this upon them, and though she wasn't too happy with them, they shouldn't suffer for her wrongdoings, for the first time in quite a while, she still couldn’t help but feel she needed to do something for her former friends and loved ones]
Vanessa: (I must pay for my sins.) [glared furiously back at her traitorous mistress] Lady Emerald! [Lady Emeralds turns to see her] Leave Team Overlander out of this, they don't belong to you. They don't deserve to suffer! I do!
Reaper: Vanessa? What are you doing? Get back, she's too dangerous.
Vanessa: I know. But I can't let anything bad happen to you guys. I'm not gonna let you suffer for what I've done. [to Lady Emerald] Please, just let my friends go, None of this is their fault, I'm the one you want. Release them and I promise I'll do anything for you.
Lady Emerald: Oh, you're still alive? Face it, Vanessa. Friendship has failed you.
Vanessa: No, you're wrong... Friendship didn't fail me, I failed friendship. But I won't fail it again!
[Using the last bit of her strength, she pulls her sword out and aims for the moonstone]
Vanessa: Nothing personal...
[Vanessa then throws her sword, knocking the moonstone off of Lady Emerald’s hand as her sword comes back to her like a boomerang]
Sonic: [holds up a sign with the number 10 on it] 10/10!
Lady Emerald: [growls] You'll pay for your insolence, you brat! [gets up] Although, if you rejoin my side, I MIGHT forget your lapse in judgement! So do me a huge favor and desist! If you do that one thing for me, I will let you live AND I will let your friends go.
Vanessa: [angrily; looks at Lady Emerald with utter disgust] You honestly think I’m willing to continue working as your puppet after everything I’ve learned just now? Especially after I learnt that you're someone who can't keep promises?! I can’t believe I allowed myself to be manipulated by you! Let me make myself very clear: I don’t like the things you’ve done to get to where you are now, I don’t like how you made me betray everyone I held dear to me, and I definitely don’t like you!
Cream: You tell her, Vanessa!
Cream: [eye twitches; giggles slightly] You know, I'm a lot of things. [jumps up and kicks Lady Emerald right in the face; angrily] BUT A PUSHOVER IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!
Cheese: Chao-chao-chao-chao-chao!
Vanessa: Leave her alone, Lady Emerald. I'm the one you want. Not her. [points to Team Overloader] Not them. And not Team Sonic.
Lady Emerald: Hmm, not anymore, but seeing how powerful these fools are is pretty entertaining, had I known of them sooner, I would've ditched you a long time ago.
[We hear glass shattering, symbolising that Vanessa had officially been broken after that comment]
Vanessa: [at her limit; tightens her grip on her sword] YOU SLEAZY WEASEL! YOU JUST WANTED POWER THIS WHOLE TIME! I CAN'T BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU!!!
Wormwood: [to Lady Emerald] Probably should've kept that to yourself. [giggles]
Vanessa: Guys, wanna help out? With you all here, I know we can set things right.
Marcus: Count us all in.
Jayden: [smiles proudly] We thought you'd never asked. I knew you would come to your senses in the end.
Reaper: What do you say, for old time's sake?
[Vanessa was shocked, despite everything, Reaper and Team Overlander was still willing to give her a chance. It now started to make sense. Her friends did care about her. They did go looking for her. And Reaper... He came all this way to save her. A tear escaped from her eyes, and extended her hand out before grabbing Reaper's and shaking it]
Vanessa: [tired] Sorry, I'm out for the count. It's up to you now... [collapses from exhaustion]
Reaper: Vanessa!
Orion: Go! I’ll look after her. Just stop Lady Emerald now.
[Reluctantly, Reaper agreed and with the moonstone in his hand, jumped into battle, glaring at the sorceress that had all but ruined his life]
Lady Emerald: I knew this day would come, I left you live all those years ago for a reason... [puts her hand out] Give me the moonstone back, and I'll allow you to leave this place with your soul intact!
Reaper: Come take it, like you did my clan.
Lady Emerald: [sighs] Very well. [gets into a battle stance; with a sadistic grin] But please, put up more of a fight than your sensei did.
[Not taking that too kindly, Reaper roared out in anger and immediately jumped into battle]
Lady Emerald: [grabs Reaper in a chokehold] I'm going to finish the job Vanessa couldn't! [angrily] DIE, YOU RETCHED VERMIN!!!
[Lady Emerald growls in anger as she gets up]
Reaper: The student has become the master... [to Sonic] Alright, she should be weak enough now...
Sonic: Okay, but what about Vanessa?
[A weak Vanessa struggled to stay up now that the moonstone and the Master Emerald are out of her body]
Reaper: Her body is too weak from using the moonstone. Don't worry, she's going to be okay. You and your friends just stop Lady Emerald before it's too late.
Twilight Sparkle: You've got it!
Reaper: Orion, do you think you can carry Vanessa to safety while Sonic and the others take care of the rest?
Orion: Whatever you say.
[Orion helps carry Vanessa to safety as she started to cough weakly]
Sonic: Alright, Lady Emerald, I hope you enjoyed this plan of yours, because now we're sending it right into the garbage!
Lady Emerald: [groans in anger] You've just made a big mistake, vermin!
Sonic: [giggles] I make a lot of mistakes, shutting you down isn't one of them!
Lady Emerald: We'll see about that! What even are you?!
Sonic: [grins] What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!
Lady Emerald: I see. But you know, I can't let you and your friends live! Your adventuring days are coming to an end!
[Orion gently puts Vanessa on the ground]
Troy: Rest here, Vanessa.
Reaper: Don't worry, as your friend, I won't let any more harm come to you!
[Vanessa was surprised by this. After everything that she did to him, Reaper still thinks of her as his friend? But she would have to reflect on it later]
Sapphire: Sonic, try your dark form again, it should be powerful enough to weaken her some more.
Espio: I agree, your dark form, quickly.
Sonic: But what if I lose control again?! I'm not smart enough on my own to-
Everyone: DO IT!
Sonic: Okay, fine! [channels his dark chaos energy and [black and purple lighting surrounds him as he transforms into his dark form]
Dark Sonic: [saw that his arms and muzzle were still normal color, and his pupils were now purple instead of glowing white] Well, so far, so good. [flies into action]
Dark Sonic: Hmm. That's how it's done...
Amy Rose: Nice work! Although, how do you feel, Sonic?
Dark Sonic: I- [realizes he was still in control] I still feel like me! Maybe I don't have to be scared to use this form anymore.
Lady Emerald: I'm surprised you're still willing to help that monster.
Vanessa: Uh, ouch.
Twilight Sparkle: She's not a monster, you are!
Vanessa: There is no forgiveness, Lady Emerald, I can never forgive myself for believing you were anything but a monster... But now, I’m going to fix my mistake!
[Lady Emerald smirks before stealthy disappearing]
Vanessa: [sighs in relief; then turned her head, to see the others cheering] You know what, Sonic? I guess we weren't so different after all-
[A gasp got caught in Vanessa's throat as she suddenly felt an immense pain in her chest. Her legs started to wobble as she stared down at her torso. Her eyes widened as she saw what caused her pain]
[A very large laser was protruding from her chest]
Lady Emerald: [smirking; evilly] Now look what you've made me do...
[All the heroes looked on with blank expressions, staring in shock and horror]
Tikal: [shocked] Oh my god...!
[Reaper was frozen, tears streaming down his face as he looked at his friend]
Reaper: [horrified] NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Lady Emerald: Enjoy watching your friends die from THE AFTERLIFE!
[The laser faded out of Vanessa's chest as she coughed up blood and she fell to the ground]
Dark Sonic: V-Vanessa?! No! [bangs his fist on the ground] Dang it! Why her?!
Wormwood: Darn it, no! That's impossible, how on Earth could she still have so much power left?!
Lady Emerald: I never wanted it to come to this, I truly didn't. But keep defying me and I'll annihilate every last one of you!
Dark Sonic: [gets his sword out] You killed our friend, we're not going to let you kill anyone else!
Lady Emerald: And yet, she was just another person you could’ve saved...
[Reaper then began to shake. His body full of rage and hatred. He gritted his teeth as tears were streaming down both of his cheeks. All he could see was red]
Reaper: [furiously] Y-You... Worthless... Heartless... MONSTER!!! [the ground beneath him started shaking] I will... make you... SUFFER!!!!! [screams in utter fury as a fiery aura surrounds him and explodes in power]
Lady Emerald: What the heck?!?
Reaper: Lady Emerald! This ends... RIGHT NOW! I'm going to kill you myself!!!
Lady Emerald: Attaboy! [grins evilly] Time to end this for once and for all!
[Reaper was hurting. But he couldn't let that stop him from what had to be done]
Reaper: I'll destroy every part of you so you can never come back! NO ONE DESERVES TO LIVE IF THEY THREATEN ANYONE I LOVE! EVER!!!
Reaper: Any last words...!
Lady Emerald: Even if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Shadow: Reaper, no! [grabs his arm] Even if I agree that she should die, you've earned great trust for Overlanders everywhere. Do not squander it by murdering a evil sorceress!
Reaper: But that evil sorceress is the architect of my suffering.
[Reaper slowly lifted his arm back, readying his aim to dive his sword through]
Dark Sonic: No, Reaper! Don't do it!
Lady Emerald: (No! I had such plans... Must my last sight on Earth be this fool's blade?!)
[Reaper let out a yell and thrust his blade forward, Lady Emerald flinching as he moved...After a moment of silence, the Mane Nine peeked through their hooves, gasping in surprise. Lady Emerald opened her eyes too, but when she looked down, his blade missed, his thrust sticking it in the ground a few inches away from her. She looked up at him, his eyes staring down at her sadly, pitying the witch]
Reaper: ...I can't do it. I want to, after everything you put us through, but I just can't.
Lady Emerald: So that's it?! You're just going to let me go!? Forgive me just because your code of honor keeps you from killing!? You're no do-gooder of a hero if you keep letting the bad guys get away, and it only makes your life more difficult if you forgive your enemies!
Reaper: [punched her to the ground] I am not forgiving you! I was far from ever forgiving you after that stunt you pulled with stabbing Vanessa! I thought you taunting me while she was under your control was bad enough, but to see you murder her in cold blood was my breaking point! Things could have gone differently if Vanessa had never found you! [suddenly gasps in pain, looks down, only to see Lady Emerald's laser protruding from his stomach]
Lady Emerald: Oh, Reaper... [withdraws his laser as Reaper falls to his knees] When I'm done with you, you'll never even NEED Vanessa. You and I could have something GREAT here! You'll have a new sensei! [she briefly shapeshifts into Reaper's sensei] You of all people should know how important having a mentor is... Right?
Reaper: [manages to stand again despite the pain] You... scumbag...! You're nothing like Sensei... His life had a purpose... [picks his sword up] Yours... DOESN'T!!!
Lady Emerald: If Sonic's so great at making friends, he's also great at keeping his enemies alive! Take Eggman, an enemy of Sonic, for example, he's fought him so many times, lost, yet Sonic doesn't kill him! He's no hero; he's a pathetic, immature, highly optimistic little kid trapped in an adult's body, who's only going to ruin everyone else's lives by leaving his enemies alive after defeating them!
Dark Sonic: [swiftly responded by punching Lady Emerald right in the face] Words hurt, you stupid witch! [calmly] I know I've made mistakes, but at least I actually try to make things right.
Lady Emerald: [black mist was evaporating from her body] Alright, that's it! [summoned black shadow tentacles before grabbing the Mane Nine by their necks with it's black tentacles and pulled them away, making them scream]
Dark Sonic: GIRLS! Lady Emerald, what are you doing?!
Lady Emerald: [now surrounded by a black magic circle] This is your last chance, fool. Give me back my moonstone or the Princesses of Harmony end up like Vanessa!
Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry about us, we'll be-
[Suddenly, a glowing muzzle appeared around the mouths of the nine ponies, promptly shutting them up]
Lady Emerald: Well, give it!
Dark Sonic: Yeah, no chance you're getting this again.
Lady Emerald: You'd be leaving 9 of Equestria's princesses to die. [the tentacles started squeezing the Mane Nine tightly, making them shout in pain] One by one they fall...
Dark Sonic: [at a loss of what to do] ...FINE, here! [throws the moonstone to her]
Lady Emerald: Yes! [catches the moonstone] Yes, YES! FINALLY! [throws the Mane Nine to the ground, the muzzles disappearing in the process]
[Disentangling themselves from the pony pile, the Mane Nine got up]
Starlight Glimmer: Sonic, no! Why would you-
Lady Emerald: Relax, your friend was only doing what was needed to save you all, but you could've easily used your magic to teleport away at any time. What, does cowardnace come with those wings and horns of yours? [laughs mockingly]
[Clearly insulted by this, the Mane Nine's eyes glowed green as they made black crystals pop out and shoot Lady Emerald into the air]
Mane Nine: [in unison; in the Royal Canterlot voice] We're more powerful than you think, don't you forget that!
[Suddenly, Vanessa coughed violently]
Troy: Holy crud, she's still breathing!
Noah: Someone get medical attention! Is anybody here a doctor?!
Dark Sonic: [turns to Eggman] Eggman, get Vanessa to safety and help the others fix her up!
Dr. Eggman: I'm not that kind of doctor.
Dark Sonic: I don't care! No one's dying on my watch!
Marcus: [guiltily] It should have been me... It's not fair!
Angela: ...Marcus, no!
Damian: How can you say that, man?
Marcus: You're all right. You guys told me I was making a horrible mistake. But no, I wouldn't listen, not even to Reaper... This was my price to pay, not her's... I'm so sorry... for everything...
[Vanessa weakly smiles at Marcus, which he and the others noticed]
Lilly: Vanessa? Vanessa!
Noah: We’re here, you’re not alone.
Vanessa: [weakly] We were never alone... Even anger and death... cannot break the bonds of Team Overlander...
Daiman: Don’t talk, just rest.
Vanessa: [weakly] I wish... you could see each other... the way I do.... [smiles weakly] You're so.... beautiful........
[Vanessa closes her eyes, falling in a death-like comatose state in Jayden and Kristy's arms]
William: No, hang on! You're going to be okay! You hear me?! You're going to be fine!
Neo Metal Sonic: Define fine, for me. I don't think getting stabbed in the chest qualifies as fine.
Orion: Don't ruin the moment.
Neo Metal Sonic: [sighs] It is always a matter of life or death with you people...
Knuckles: [looks at the Master Emerald] Guys, I've got to get the Master Emerald back to Angel Island, you mind opening a ring portal?
Charmy: You've got it! [quickly throws a ring and a portal opens up]
Knuckles: [enters the portal and arrives at Angel Island before putting the Master Emerald back in it's shrine, a shockwave rocks the entire island and goes across Equestria, destroying all the black spikes that the moonstone had made] Phew, that was close...
[Back at the stronghold]
Rainbow Dash: Huh? What do you know.
Lady Emerald: What?!
Knuckles: [hops back through the ring portal] There, Master Emerald's finally back where it belongs, crisis averted.
Starlight Glimmer: Don't say that yet.
Knuckles: [notices Lady Emerald] Oh right...
Dark Sonic: Yeah, we're gonna have to think of something. Shadic's not a option since me and Shadow already used up all the time in that form, and I'm not even sure if our Friendship Prince/Princess forms will be enough...
Lady Emerald: [growls in anger] All of you ignorant beings must suffer and die for your ignorance... You infidels must reap what you have sown! A pure and perfect universe, MADE CLEAN BY LADY EMERALD'S HAND!!!
[Every filthy, self-absorbed word made the Mane Nine's blood boil, but they knew they needed to keep a level-head. Their expressions being that of hope and determination]
Twilight Sparkle: You underestimate the Magic of Friendship, Lady Emerald, and that is going to be your downfall!
[All the momentum was in their corner, and they were in a perfect position to harness it. Friendship was going to save the day once again, and the Mane Nine were going to be at the head of it]
Lady Emerald: [groans] You may have turned Vanessa against me but-
Dark Sonic: We turned Vanessa against you? You did that by using her as a puppet! But this isn't about her anymore, you don't believe in anything but yourself, and WE WON'T LET YOU WIN! [kicks her stomach, sending her flying; breathes heavily] I'm not making a dent in this creep, and sooner or later, I'm gonna transform back.
Lady Emerald: [growls] Alright, that does it! [forms her powers into wings that appear on her back] I don't care if I have to use up every last bit of magic in my body, I will destroy you, you rodent!
Dark Sonic: I’m not a rodent, how many times do I have to tell people that?
Sonic: [transforms back from his dark form before looking at the Friendship Crystal] What is that?
Lady Emerald: I'll take that! [snatches the moonstone back] There we are, back to it's rightful owner.
Shadow: What is it with you and that moonstone?!
Blaze: Yeah, where did you even get that thing?!
Sapphire: You're uniting with the Friendship Crystal!
Spike: You can beat Lady Emerald and save Vanessa!
[Team Sonic and the Mane Nine look at each other before nodding in determination]
Lady Emerald: Do you think you've won? [summons the last bits of her powers, forming them into wings on her back] Your friendship and bonds shall shatter to dust!
Sonic: That's what you think!
Twilight Sparkle: We'll become our own person to make friends!
[Spike, Cheese, and and the Jewel Pixie Animals gather around the Friendship Crystal]
Spike and Jewel Pixie Animals: May everyone's thoughts become one!
Sonic and Twilight Sparkle: Friendship Crystal!
Spike: May your voices become one!
Jewel Pixie Animals: Shiny!
Team Sonic and the Mane Nine: Friendship!
Jewel Pixie Animals: Forever!
Team Sonic and the Mane Nine: Friendship!
[The Friendship Crystal shoots out pastel coloured auroras]
Team Sonic and the Mane Nine: To the light of friendship! Let me become my ideal self!
[The Jewel Pixie Animals transform into forehead tiaras, causing Team Sonic and the Mane Nine:’s bodies glow in their signature colors, forming their outfits]
Spike: Power of the magic and friendship, shine bright!
Team Sonic and the Mane Nine: With our feelings as one!
Lady Emerald: I-I don't understand, how could this be happening. Whatever you're doing, it feels chaotic, so many different energies, melded together!
Sonic: This is the power of friends fighting for each other. THE POWER OF BELIEVING IN SOMETHING BIGGER THAN JUST YOU!
Lady Emerald: [angrily] INSOLENCE!!! [tries to fire her magic at them but it has no effect, in shock; angrily] You cannot do this!
Sonic: Bad news for you, but we very well can.
[Their incantation creates a large vibrant rainbow-coloured beam]
Team Sonic and the Mane Nine: Friendship Spiral Rainbow!
[The beam is sent flying towards Lady Emerald. When it hits her, it has symbols of all seven Chaos Emeralds and all six Elements of Harmony appear and then fly into the enemy, purifying her]
Lady Emerald: NOOOOO!!!!!!
[The rest of the heroes can be seen watching the whole scene in amazement]
Dingo: Amazing...
Vector: Wild...
Mighty: Yeah, now THAT is more like it!
Ray: Alright!
Cubot: That was awesome!
Lady Emerald: [coughs weakly as he crawls out of the crater] ...How? This...makes no sense. How...did I lose to fools like you? [coughs] You've ruined everything...
Damian: Let me guess, you're gonna say: "Did the Tree of Harmony have something do with that crystal being formed?! Tell me!"
Lady Emerald: (How does he always know?!) [groans as she looks at Team Sonic and the Mane Nine] Did the Tree of Harmony have something do with that crystal being formed?! Tell me!
Sonic: Why are you even asking?! That friendship crystal sensed we needed something to take you out and that's what it did, all of this went down like clockwork! [giggles] (We just got lucky, but thinking we outsmarted her will drive Lady Emerald nuts.)
Twilight Sparkle: Well, what can I say, the power of friendship conquers all!
[Lady Emerald tried to crawl away, only to come face to face with a angry Reaper]
Reaper: Haven't you done enough already? You’re not going ANYWHERE!!!
Lady Emerald: W-Wait, Reaper, you're seriously still gonna throw me in? B-But Vanessa was the one who betrayed you!
Reaper: She never betrayed me! You used her! You manipulated her into doing all those awful things. You burrowed your way into her head and tricked her into betraying her friends and me. You even had the guts to misdirect my vengeance. You used her every step of the way like a coward and may have cost me my one chance to confess my love to her. And I'm not going to stand here and let you get away with it, you ugly hideous freak!
Lady Emerald: Hmm, well, as long as I'm here, this is far from over...
Reaper: Really, you're saying that after you took a friendship laser head on and rendered powerless by it? Yeesh, you really are the lowest scum in history...
Lady Emerald: Now, let's be calm about this...
Reaper: Quiet, witch! Nothing can help you now...
Lady Emerald: Please, let's be civil about this... How about we calm down and you grant me mercy before-
Reaper: M... M-Mercy... Like the mercy you showed to my friends, my allies... [his voice was shaking, tears beginning to fall from his eyes; angrily] LIKE THE MERCY YOU SHOWED VANESSA?!?!?
[Lady Emerald was really beginning to get freaked out by the inconsolable overlander]
Reaper: Before this day is through, I'll make sure you're rotting in a prison cell! But now. [gets his katana out] It's time to end this!
Lady Emerald: [worried] What the? No, NO, NO! [tries to blast at him multiple times, but nothing works; scared] Wha- Why aren't my powers working?! Okay, I've seen enough, let me out of here! [tries to warp away but her magic fails] What's happening to me?!?
Reaper: Hey, look at me. [screaming] TURN AROUND AND LOOK AT ME, YOU RAGING SHE-DEMON! [Lady Emerald looks in fear] You're a real wiseguy, but you made one fatal mistake. YOU MESSED WITH MY FAMILY!!!
Lady Emerald: [scared] You're making a mistake! [desperate] Spare me and I'll give you anything! Money, fame, riches, INFINITE POWER, YOUR OWN GALAXY, PLEASE!!!
Reaper: Sorry, Witch... But what you owe me... [prepares to attack] CAN NEVER BE PAID BACK WITH MONEY!!! [slashes Lady Emerald several times with his katana] I'VE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT!!! [continues slashing at her] THIS IS FOR MY CLAN!!! [uppercuts her, knocking her out and making her lose grip of the moonstone, which Sonic catches; puts his katana away] Justice is served, glitch. I'll leave the rest to the authorities of the land... After everything you have done, Lady Emerald, this is a mercy.
Sonic: [sighs in relief before putting the moonstone on the ground and smashing it to pieces with his foot] And that, as they say, is that.
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] It's finally over....
Julie-Su: Alright, they did it!
[Julie-Su and Lien-Da hugged each other before realizing what they're doing and stopping]
Julie-Su: Right. You want me dead.
Lien-Da: Maybe just... badly hurt?
Julie-Su: It's a start.
[Vanessa was laying on the floor, unconscious from having her life energy almost drained. All the effects had reversed]
Reaper: Vanessa... [picks up Vanessa in his arms; to Celestia and Luna] Get some of your guards here, once Lady Emerald awakens, they'll apprehend her.
Orion: Well, Reaper, you did it. You finally avenged your clan and you were able to save Vanessa in the process.
Wormwood: I wouldn't say so yet.
Jayden: One more thing, you said "family". Did you mean to say that you see us as your-
Reaper: Yes, Team Overlander always counted as a second family to me, my clan being the first one, of course.
[The scene cuts to outside the stronghold with the sky at sunset, Orion was busy working on Vanessa's recovery]
Sonic: Hey Metal, what's wrong? You gonna try and kill me or something?
Metal Sonic: To be honest, I've pretty much given up on killing you. At this point, the task itself is pretty much impossible, though in the end, we're pretty much the same. Except you fight for freedom, I fight for Eggman, and nothing's ever gonna change that. And of course, I do hope you realize that my super form has far more to it than a shimmering new color scheme.
Sonic: I noticed. To be honest, you were a more powerful than I was expecting as well, Metal. Heck, knowing you have a super form now definitely got my heart beating a few ticks faster.
Metal Sonic: [smiles] Then you're welcome to a sparring match anytime, my old nemesis. [walks away]
Orion: [applies aloe on Vanessa] Okay, I think that should do the trick.
[While the aloe does seem to work, healing Vanessa's injuries, but she remained motionless, it was then that Eggman noticed that Vanessa wasn't even blinking. She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing]
Reaper: [in denial; shuddering uncontrollably] No, Vanessa, please... d-d-don’t leave me... [tearing up] Please no, please no... please don’t go... don’t leave me...not like this... please... [finally got a response, just not one he wanted]
[Vanessa's head fell limply to one side, impacting with Reaper's hand. The soft thump that accompanied the impact was deafening, echoing long and loud in Reaper’s ears. It was only made worse by the fact that Vanessa wasn’t breathing]
[The area around them was silent, nothing being heard except the gust of the wind]
Reaper: [horrified] No... No, NO NO! VANESSA! COME ON, VANESSA, WAKE UP!!!
[Eggman went up to Vanessa sadly and felt her pulse]
Dr. Eggman: [his eyes widened in horror] No... Vanessa's... gone.
Sonic: [in disbelief] ...What? Please tell me that was a joke...
Amy Rose: [puts her hands to her mouth in shock, tearing up] Oh no...
Orion: [sadly] He means.... Vanessa is dead...
Pinkie Pie: [her jaw drops; shocked] She died?! And this is supposed to be a touching romance scene!
Cream: Not to mention this is a kids show!
Angela: Yeah...
Shadow: Darn it... [A single tear appeared] This is enough to make a grown man cry... [serious] But not this man, you get back up there, tear. [the tear zips back up before Shadow folded his arms, still quite upset about all this]
Pearl: How could we let this happen... This was supposed to have a happy ending.
Tunette: [sighs sadly] I guess sometimes nightmares do come true...
Starlight Glimmer: [sadly] That moonstone must've sucked up all of her life energy...
[Pinkie's eyes welled dangerously full with tears, unable to hold them back and began sobbing loudly. The others were no longer to hold back their tears, unable to believe Vanessa was really gone. Pinkie held Rarity and Fluttershy as they cried, Rarity's mascara running down her face. Applejack's muzzle quivered as she lowered her hat over her face as her tears flowed, Rainbow's face was scrunched, trying and failing to show her grief as she wiped her face. Twilight choked back a sob, wishing she could have done more to prevent this. Kristy cried as Jayden hugged her to comfort her. Hawkeye, Bullseye, Wormwood, and Midnight looked down sadly]
Damian: We never got the chance to apologize to her... [punches the ground in frustration] DARN IT! [sighs sadly] How did that witch get the drop on us?
Marcus: It's all my fault! If only I had just listened to you, Reaper! If I had not snapped at Vanessa all those years ago, none of this would've taken place! Oh Vanessa, I should never have been mean to you! [starts sobbing]
[The rest of Team Overlander stared at the ground with their heads lowered in shame]
Troy: Reaper, I am... [tears up] I'm so sorry...
Blaze: [puts her hand on Reaper's shoulder] She deserved a better fate.
[Celestia and Luna bowed their heads, paying their respects to the young warrior. While Sonic simply put his face into his palms, not caring if anyone saw him cry at this point]
Reaper: [starts to cry as tears fall down from his cheeks, thinking that Vanessa could be dead] Vanessa... I'm so sorry... That I let you die...
[A single tear fell from Reaper's eye and hit Vanessa's face. When the tears landed, a bright light shined all over Vanessa's body]
[In the darkest of all darkness. Poor Vanessa began to sink into the deep abyss, no doubt it leads to the gates of the Underworld. If anything, it's what she deserved. She nearly plunged the world into darkness, she turned against everyone she loved and everything she believed in]
Vanessa: So... it's over... Reaper... Sonic... Twilight... Guys... I'm sorry... I'm sorry everyone... [began to fall deeper into the dark abyss, waiting for her fate, but then... light shown in the void] Huh? What's going on...? [her question went unanswered, as she was pulled out of the abyss and levitated towards the light]
[Back in the real world, Vanessa's body stopped glowing and she slowly opened her eyes]
Vanessa: [notices the miserable expressions on everyone’s faces] R-Reaper...? Guys?
[Everyone open their eyes, dry their tears and gasp in surprise, shock and joy as they smile with tears of joy in their eyes]
Reaper: V-Vanessa?!
Vanessa: What happened? Did we win?! Where's Lady Emerald?
Shadow: [shows a knocked out Lady Emerald] Don't worry, we already took care of her for you.
Rouge: In other words, she won't be going anywhere other than a prison cell.
[Vanessa turns to Reaper. She glances at him before instantly hugging him in embrace]
Damian: SHE'S ALIVE!!
Vanessa: Uh, hi... [she was a little uneasy about meeting them again, especially after she sided with Lady Emerald against them]
[Team Overlander embraced Vanessa in a big warm group hug, much to her surprise]
Lilly: Oh Vanessa, we missed you so much!
Vanessa: You... you still see me as your friend? But how? I thought you'd all be furious with me after I betrayed you all for that witch.
Troy: All this time, we thought you turning your back on us was our own fault.
Noah: We should’ve known better. True friends are supposed to have each other’s backs no matter what, but we weren't like that when we left you.
Marcus: Yeah, those wrongful accusations I made definitely didn't help...
Lady Emerald: [groans in pain] Wha- [suddenly finds herself surrounded by a group of Freedom Fighters aiming their wispons at her and a squad of angry guards brandishing their spears at her] What is the meaning of this?!
Freedom Fighter: You are surrounded, there's no way out!
Canterlot Guard: Lady Emerald, you are under arrest, and are hereby sentenced to life in prison in Tartarus for all the many crimes you've commited, including high treason, malevolent use of magic, direct assault, attempted second degree voluntary manslaughter, attempted first degree murder, intent to commit destruction on a global scale, and attempted assassination. How do you plead?
Lady Emerald: Uh, not guilty by reason of insanity? [smiles sheepishly]
Canterlot Guard: [unamused] Guilty. [to the other guards and Freedom Fighters] Get her, boys!
[Soon enough, Lady Emerald was in shackles, silent yet furious that her whole plan was ruined but begrudgingly accepts her fate]
Vanessa: [smugly] Guess your little plan ends here... Karma's a beautiful thing, isn't it?
Lady Emerald: But I thought we were in this together!
Vanessa: [angrily] Not to YOU we weren't!
Shade: [escorting Lady Emerald away with several Canterlot guards] Hope you like Tartarus because that’s where you’ll be staying for the rest of your life.
Lady Emerald: [groaning, trying to break out of the shackles] You think you've seen the last of me! I'll get my revenge, just you wait!
Freedom Fighter: You have the right to remain silent, and anything you do or say now can be used against you in a court of law.
Knuckles: Bye! Say hello to Lyric and Tirek for us! [laughs] Booyah!
Twilight Sparkle: Thanks for calling the guards to take her away, Princess Celestia.
Princess Celestia: I am happy to do that, Twilight. In fact, you were able to help someone from their unsuspecting control.
Vanessa: Listen, Sonic. I'm so, so sorry for everything. What happened back there... I didn't...
Sonic: Don't worry about it. You were under mind control, so I can easily forgive you for that much.
[Vanessa was surprised, Sonic had forgiven him? Even after all the horrible things she did and said to him and his friends? Especially after she nearly torn his friendship with his friends and the Mane Six apart back in the human realm?]
Vanessa: [remorsefully; to Team Sonic and the Mane Six] I’m really sorry I almost destroyed your friendships with each other back in the human realm. I never should’ve put those earrings on Team Sonic and Princess Sunset to make them hate the Mane Six and made Sonic lash out at all of you. I ended up hurting all of you more. But mostly Sonic. He didn’t deserved to be pushed away like that… I’m very sorry? Can you forgive me, Team Sonic? Princesses of Harmony?
[Team Sonic and the Mane Six look at each other and smile as they turn back to Vanessa with reassurance on their faces]
Sunset Shimmer: Of course we can.
Knuckles: I’ll admit. Most of it was our faults because I let some little things get the best of us in the first place.
Rainbow Dash: But, I’m glad we all made up.
Amy Rose: Yeah. Not distance or time, or even fights and arguments, can break the bonds that we share. Because nothing can take away the memories and time we all spent together.
[Vanessa's warm smile turned into a cold frown upon seeing the rest of Team Overlander, but didn’t turn away as for the first time in forever. Instead, she was willing to hear them out, she herself wanting to hear them apologize for the way they wronged her and then she could apologize for her overreaction, the horrible things she had said to them, and everything else after that]
Angela: Hey, Vanessa?
Vanessa: What is it?
Lilly: You're not still mad at us, are you?
Vanessa: No. While the rest of you abandoning me did hurt me, I realize now that I may have let my anger get the better of me.
Kristy: Well, about that whole abandonment thing, there's something we want to say to you.
Vanessa: I'm listening.
Marcus: Alright, well, we just want say that... We're really sorry about abandoning you when you nearly got us all killed all those years ago. It was wrong of us to do that, even Reaper didn't feel comfortable with it, and I'll admit, I did feel really bad for just leaving you like that.
[After a long-lasting grudge over them, Vanessa finally perked up and smiled at them for the first time in forever]
Vanessa: I understand. And I'm sorry for not listening to you when you apologized.
Marcus: Thanks. I'll admit, it was stupid of me to suggest that in the first place... When I snapped at you, I wasn't thinking straight, and you nearly payed the price.
Daiman: Maybe if you didn't suggest we abandon Vanessa, our history would've been different.
Vanessa: Yeah, but it's all in the past now. You all are the best friends I’ve ever had.
Kristy: But we hurt you, unintentionally mind you, but we still hurt you none the less. We should've been the ones abandoned, not you.
Vanessa: No, I traded away my own free will and friendship when I became that witch's puppet.
Vanessa: Reaper, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Reaper: Don't worry, it's fine.
Vanessa: But still, I'll admit, when you and the others did abandon me, it hurt. But, if anything, I didn't make a good case when I called off our friendship. And what I did to you all... berating you... attacking you... it hurt even more. Just thinking of what I did, it hurts me a lot. And I shouldn't have done that.
Wormwood: Vanessa...
Vanessa: [now on the brink of tears, still trying to convince them that she was the one at fault] I know you guys are gonna tell me that it wasn't me, it was Lady Emerald, or whoever she was. But most of that was me... I allowed her to manipulate me into betraying all of you, and I let her poison me into hurting so many people, I was so hurt after you all left and she took advantage of that. I should've listened to you when you tried to apologize, but I was in so much pain, that I felt like I needed to hurt someone back. But... it was wrong. It was wrong of me to hurt you all like that. I shouldn't have done all this, but I did. [sniffles] I'm so sorry for turning my back on all of you.
Damian: It wasn’t your fault, buddy. I know it's hard.
[Vanessa looked surprised, they were willing to forgive her for what she's done?]
Reaper: I understand why you did what you did, but just know that you're not alone anymore. [gives Vanessa a embracing hug]
[Vanessa couldn't help but smile, after everything she did, after berating Team Overlander and turning them away, she needed some comfort. Until now, Vanessa had never realized how much she truly mattered to her friends. She couldn't help but tear up, this time with happiness. Despite everything, Reaper had come and saved her, even after all the horrible things she had said and did to him]
Vanessa: Thank you, all of you. Seeing how much you all went through to save me, then... I forgive you.
[Team Overlander was taken back with surprise. She forgave them?]
Marcus: You do?
Vanessa: Well, you only made a small mistake, and I've made a big mistake turning you away. So yes, I forgive you. But... can you all forgive me, and... would you still accept me as your friend?
Orion: We already have, buddy. No matter what happens, you'll always be our friend.
Applejack: We're all here for ya, sugarcube.
[Unable to fight the tears, she leaned in and hugged him. It was a surprise, but Reaper wrapped his arms around her, completing their embrace. She only cried and held him, nuzzling against him. That moment, she began to feel the negative energy within her fading away. She had been alone for quite some time. Just having him here was really comforting, it seemed that the darkness that was in her heart had finally been cleansed]
Vanessa: Oh, and Team Sonic, Princesses of Harmony, I'm grateful to all of you for bringing me back into the light... Thank you so much...
Cream: You're welcome, Miss Vanessa.
Cheese: Chao-chao-chao.
Caramel: Anytime!
Fluttershy: I'm just happy everything's back to normal.
Starlight Glimmer: Me too.
Princess Luna: I think everyone is. [to Vanessa] Although I must commend you on being able to shirk your dark side as you did. Not even I was capable of such a feat.
Vanessa: I think Reaper really helped out with that...
Princess Luna: He was able to reach out to your truest self, yes. But it was you who made the decision to redeem yourself for your actions. It took no small amount of willpower to commit to such a course of action, and for that, you have my respect.
[Vanessa politely nodded]
Pearl: Hey, do you think that'll be the last we'll ever hear of Lady Emerald?
Blaze: I'd like to think that, Pearl, but somehow I doubt that very much.
Silver: You know I gotta admit, you really knew how to fight when you were... evil and all that, Vanessa. You should do that fighting more often... without the evilness of course.
Vanessa: I wouldn't say I'm THAT much of a fighter.
Salt: Well that's not what we saw. You were really good at it.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, yeah! you were like POW! SHOOT! WHACK! KICK! BOOM! [starts using her body to make all kind of sound effects, until she fell flat on her head. Seeing Pinkie Pie being silly made everyone laugh, including Vanessa. For the first time in a while, Vanessa was actually laughing again. This time in joy]
Sonic: Oh, and if it means anything, I'll have Sally and Elias make sure you're pardoned of all the crimes you committed under Lady Emerald's control by the end of the week.
Vanessa: Thanks, Sonic.
Vanessa: You have no idea how thankful I was that you never gave up on me, even after I pushed away.
Reaper: [smiles] Vanessa, the thing is that I wanted to be more than just your leader. You mean the world to me and everything about you is full of life. I can't imagine the rest of my life without you and the truth is... I see you more than just a friend and a teammate - you're the one woman whom I loved to death.
[Vanessa warmly smiles, visibly touched by Reaper's confession before leaning in to kiss him. Team Sonic, the Mane Nine, Team Overlander, and even the Eggman Empire smiled at Reaper and Vanessa]
Shadow: [touched] It's enough to make a grown man cry... And that's okay, you go right ahead, tear. [A single tear fell from his eye]
Cubot: [crying in joy] This is the most sweetest moment I've ever seen...
Daiman: [crying in joy also] It's like I'm watching the best romantic movie ever!
Amy Rose: [touched] I think I'm gonna cry.
Troy: [sniffs] Not me! [bursts out crying]
Amy Rose: Troy, pull it together.
Dr. Eggman: Yes, this has been fun, now if you don't mind, I'll just head to Angel Island, take the Master Emerald, and-
Sonic: Be put in a cell over at Freedom Fighter H.Q. for 25 years if you even THINK about touching the Master Emerald!
Dr. Eggman: Oh... [quickly gets into the Eggmobile with Metal Sonic, Snively, Thrash, Lien-Da, and Eggman Nega, with everyone else jumping on the glass] See ya, chumps! [flies into the distance]
Sonic: Until next time, Doc. And the time after that, and the one after that.
Rarity: Um, Eggman's confusing...
Gem: Agreed.
Sonic: Yeah, though after all the years I've been fighting him, I'm surprised he hasn't completely lost his mind yet.
Shadow: Not like he lost it already.
Sonic: Yeah. [sighs] Maybe he'll eventually come around...
Reaper: [voiceover] Well Sensei, I finally did it. I avenged our clan by having Lady Emerald locked away, and I even finally confessed my love for Vanessa, who was being played like a puppet by her. Gotta thank Sonic, Twilight, and the others for saving her. And with Vanessa back, Team Overlander is back in business. Last time we got together, we were fighting Eggman's robots, now I've got a second shot of being a leader. And I sure as heck don't plan to miss it.
[Suddenly, a bright light appeared behind Reaper]
Reaper: Huh? [sees a astral spirit form of his sensei] S-Sensei?
Sensei: Hmm. [smiles fondly] You have done well, Reaper. I'm proud of you.
Reaper: D-D-Does this mean?
Sensei: Yes... You are now a true warrior of the light.
Reaper: [tears ran down his face] At last... Thank you sensei, I'll see you soon.
[The sensei nodded and faded away, returning to the afterlife]
Sonic: Well, now with this madness over, who wants to go for a midnight swim?
Tails: I'm down.
Knuckles: Count me in.
Rainbow Dash: Aw yeah, we're all in it!
Kristy: Mind if we join you?
Sonic: Sure, why not?