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This is the episode transcript of The Legend (RFAotR).



[The episode starts at a sign that says "Wayne County Family Campground". The camera sees that McQueen has set up the campfire]

Lightning McQueen: Okay, Mater. Campfire's ready. We are all set.




Lightning McQueen: So… What brings you around to these parts?

Clutch Humboldt: What brings you around these parts?

Lightning McQueen: Uh-huh. I'm taking a trip with my friend.

Clutch Humboldt: A perfectly innocent trip with a friend.

Ryan Freestar: Uhh, my team and I are on the trip with McQueen and his friend too.

Clutch Humboldt: You and your team on a perfectly innocent trip Mr. McQueen and his friend.



Margaret Motorray: Are you two and your friend group willing to question everything you think you know about the natural world?

Lightning McQueen: Yeah. I'm not following you.

Ryan Freestar: Who are you three?

Clutch Humboldt: We are researchers, Mr. Freestar. We straddle the thin vail between the known and the unknown.

Margaret Motorray: We hunt cryptids.

Lightning McQueen: Cryptids?

Thomas: What the heck is a cryptid?

Mater: Creatures on the fringes of our perception. Which includes your Chupacabras, your mothmans and most especially, your Bigfoot.

Sunset Shimmer: That elusive ape like creature with the big feet who lives in the woods and is really shy?

Bertram T. Garrison: Yup. That's what it is.

Margaret Motorray: And we demand your oath of loyalty before we accept you to our secret order.

Sci-Ryan: Secret order?

Lightning McQueen: What are you talking about?

Rainbow Dash: (facehoofs with a groan of frustration) Can you please be more specific?

[Clutch nod to Griswold. Two lights turn on as Clutch shows a trailer and the flap on the side open to reveal a screen]

Margaret Motorray: These woods are a hotbed for cryptid activity, specifically, Bigfoot.

[A blurred picture of what looks like a monster truck comes up on the screen]

Mater: Would you look at that?

Knock Out: (wolf whistles)

Lightning McQueen: Really? 'Cause I'm just not seeing it. But what do I know? [turning to go back to the campfire] Listen, you folks have a fantastic Bigfoot hunt. I'll be in dreamland.

Mater: Uh, buddy. I kinda told 'em we're in.

Lightning McQueen: What?!

Ryan Freestar: [facepalms] Sweet Solus Prime.

Meg Griffin: I agree with you, Ryan.

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister: You know, it's not that late. We still have time.

Matau T. Garrison: True. I remember Master Ryan and us travel through time and met a female Train-Prime who have the same powers as a dolphin named Bubbles.

Aylin Livemort: I know. But, I think we got some time for something so, I would have Bertram protect Sunset from Bigfoot if it comes for her.

Bertram T. Garrison: So I'm Sunset's bodyguard? Hooray!

Orla Carolglow: Looks like Bertram is happy he can be Sunset's bodyguard.

Wallflower Blush: Is Bertram like that?

Queen Zoe Freestar: Yes, Wallflower. Bertram has a thing where he could be Sunset's bodyguard.

Bikejack: It's true. If this Bigfoot is real, Bertram would protect Sunset so she won't be a bacon pancake.

Amanda Tyson: I am sure Bertram will keep Sunset safe from Bigfoot.

Dave Tyson: Indeed. So she won't end up like Megatron when Bumblebee sesh kabobed Megatron's chest with the Star Saber.

Sci-Ryan: If there is a Bigfoot in this world, I think there is a song written about it.

Crash Bandicoot: I think you what you are onto, mate. [] Does anyone hear a story?



Bertram T. Garrison: Then listen up and hear the tale of Bigfoot.


Clutch Humboldt: Have you seen the monster truck with the biggest wheels around?

It's tire leave ginormous tracks upon the muddy ground

Bertram T. Garrison: It's name's Bigfoot and you can tell if it is on the prowl

Just listen closely for the sound of it's fearsome mighty howl

Sonant Nightfall: (Awooo-ooo)

Bertram T. Garrison, Clutch Humboldt, Margarete Motorray and Griswold: If you hear a rumbling down the trail

You better heed this warning tale

And stay away from ol' Bigfoot

Cause it'll roll over you…

Until you're squished

Coco Bandicoot: [] Awooo-ooo

Sir Daniel Fortesque: I heard of zombies but this is new.

Alison Diaz: So, Bigfoot is in the woods with us right now? [hides behind Megatron ()]

Marcus Reynolds: Calm down, Alison. It's just a story. Buckethead would know it.

Megatron ():

Oisin Carolglow: Yeah. Hehe. Bigfoot is totally a myth.

Chris Strider: Probably.


Sci-Ryan: Legend says that Bigfoot's wheels are the strongest that you see

They can knock down 30 Daleks from Doctor Who on TV

At night, it makes its home inside a dark and spooky cave

And if you dare drive up in there, it won't matter if you're brave

Big Tread (as Big Foot): Awoo-ooo!


Sci-Ryan, the Cyberlings, Thomas, Buzz Lightyear, Clutch Humboldt, Margarete Motorray and Griswold: If you hear a rumbling down the trail

You better heed this warning tale

And stay away from ol' Bigfoot

Cause it'll roll on you…

And you'll be sorry

Coco Bandicoot: [] Awoo-ooo

[As the Wayne County Cryptid busters sing the last part, Sci-Ryan and Aylin does a dance like Violet and Axl while Crash does his signature dance]

Wayne County Cryptid Busters: Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Bigfoot

???: Awoo

[Sci-Ryan and Aylin giggle as Sonant laughs]

Anadnte Daze: Looks like Sonant enjoyed that song, Jessie.

Jessie Primefan:

Ernest Penfold: I would be with Chief because if Bigfoot is real, then I would know that Gaia Everfree is a sorceress from another world.

Cody Starshooter: Much like the sirens.

Dave Tyson: Maybe so. Or it might be something Timber would make to scare us. At least I hope it wasn’t. I hope that Mater and McQueen's trip will go well without something happening or some kind of monster.

Butch Turner: Here, here.

Spencer Vallerte: I agree with you, Butch.

Chris Strider: It's like we would handle it then the other things we handle in our previous adventures. Like the Fall Formal, the Rainbooms' musical showcase, our fight against Unicron on Cybertron, the Friendship Ga… [notices Sci-Twi] Oh, I mean. Everything is a-okay. Hehe. Hehe.


Sci-Ryan: I am sure we can handle finding this Bigfoot. Remember I helped the two Doctors win a game of catch against the Toymaker and I won my very own TARDIS?

Ryan Freestar: I think so. And I hope Bigfoot is real and I know that Twilight Sparkle Prime doesn’t exist.

TBA/Meet Ivy[]





TBA/The Researchers' alien scare[]




Margaret Motorray: Forget Bigfoot. It's time to recalibrate for aliens!



Lightening McQueen: [as the grey alien] We come from a planet beyond your perception on a mission that you may find.. unpleasant.

Clutch Humboldt: It's a class one grey alien!

Margaret Motorray: Look at its eyes!

Griswold: Oh no!


Bertram T. Garrison (as Megatron): Starscream, examine this EG specimen for me.

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister (as Starscream): With pleasure, Lord Megatron.


Sunset Shimmer:

[Ruskin use a taser like toy to pretend to shock Sunset but not hurt her]

Sunset Shimmer:

Ruskin "Raice" Landimister (as Starscream): Like I said. Energon and human nerve systems don't mix.

Griswold: Sweet Toyota! He is torturing her!

Clutch Humboldt: Oh, the carmanity!

[The light turns on to see Mater onto some tubes]

Mater: Help me. Help me.


Mater: Oh. Mercy! Mercy! Ahh! [makes sputtering noises]

Griswold: They're emptying him!


Ivy: [] Submit, foolish Earth dwellers.

[The researchers gasps in fright]

Ivy: [] So that we may drain the very essence from your husks.


Ivy: [] Now, which one of you will be first?

Clutch Humboldt: [screams] Save yourselves!

Griswold: [as they drive to a door] Out of my way!


Margaret Motorray: Let's get out of here!

Clutch Humboldt: MAMA!!!





Mater: That’s cold. They didn't even try to save me.

Ryan Freestar: I am sure they be okay, Mater. Let Ruskin and I help ya down.


Bertram T. Garrison: Yeah. I do look cool in this costume. [in his impression of Megatron] I am Megatron, and my nemesis allowed Bertram to be Sunset's bodyguard.





Bertram T. Garrison: And if you need some protection, I'm your guy. Bertram T. Garrison. Bandmate of the Cyberlings and Sunset's bodyguard.

Jessie Primefan: